Wednesday 6 June 2018


The 66th Bilderberg Meeting takes place from 7 - 10 June 2018, in Turin, Italy.

The key topics for discussion this year include:

1. Populism in Europe. 

Henry Kissinger and friends want to promote the populists who are pro-Israel.

These populists include Tommy Robinson, Geert Wilders, Matteo Salvini and Donald Trump.

Bologna Bombing 1980 - Strategy of Tension.

2. The inequality challenge.

Henry Kissinger and friends want to continue to promote the Strategy of Tension.

The Strategy of Tension involves promoting Anger, Fear and Chaos, so that electorates will continue to support those 'tough' politicians who are secretly transferring wealth from the ordinary people to the rich elite.

Various actors will increasingly spread 'scary disinformation' on the internet.

These actors are alleged to include such people as Robert Steele, Benjamin Fulford and Alex Jones.


Eustace Mullins, above, has described the Kosher Nostra.

Matteo Salvini in Israel.

Matteo Salvini is the boss of Italy's Northern League (Lega Nord).

Salvini once summed up his political links by tweeting: "Viva Trump"

Like the other far-right populists in Europe, Salvini loves Israel.

Salvini has declared himself a 'friend and brother of Israel' and visited Israel in 2016, meeting Knesset members.

'Mossad agent' Roger Auque and his daughter Marion Maréchal Le Pen

There is a belief that politicians such as Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen are pawns of Israel, and their job is to divert attention away from the fact that Israel is the bad guy.



  2. Henry Kissenger is 95 years old now. Isn't it about time he was winding things down a bit?

    1. Evil has no retirement age it seems

    2. After British scandal where young kids describe Adrenochrome extraction at their school, for the first time it is really likely that these folks drink their blood to extend age. Adren Drug yes, but also to imbibe mitochondrial DNA and telemeres. Their push to normalize cannibalism makes so much sense now

    3. And when their expiry date is up there's always another to replace them!

    4. A lifetime of childrens' telemeres, mitochondria DNA in young blood with adrenochrome supplements will keep you youthful beyond measure it seems.

  3. Hey Aang, I remember the summer fete at school. There was a gypsy fortune teller tent on the playground. Some kids had got hold of a crystal ball, dressed up and decked the inside with Indian silks and cushions like the Manson bus. I got a large posse of kids together and told them to all go in at the same time. I was a bit of a Pied Piper in those days. Anyway they all charged in and in ensuing crush the frame of the tent collapsed. All you could see were canvas covered shapes struggling to stand up or get out. How we laughed. Tears streaming. Occurred to me the other day that’s what they’ve done to the NHS. Only they did’nt bank on those little Philippino nurses. Good Catholic girls that they are. They must regret inviting them over. It’s like The Alamo but those little girls keep holding Branson and his goons off. Anyone reading this…those ladies are in need assistance. It’s your NHS.

  4. I understand you perfectly... same situation here...
    Only truth emitted 24 hours could probably help, but will not happen...

  5. Geert Wilders is THE politician in the Netherlands that gets by far the most attention.
    There are confirmed links from Wilders to Zionist Israel.

    The most interesting I’ve found on Wilders, is the testimony by M.B. Kwint-de Roos from 2010.
    She claims that Geert Wilders at the 1991 VVD Christmas party told her that he was recruited by an Israeli Intelligence agency.


  7. Aang, you're killing it, thank you for all of your hard work.

  8. The lengthy comment above is great and true.

    thank you for posting it.

    I am sad to hear that you lost your position and everything bcause of the JEw takeover.

    It is just a matter of time for all of us to suffer the same fate.

    there are only a few who are truly, completely awake, and many who might join them are frightened and distracted by the prevailing "religion" of materialism.

    Be encouraged. There is One Who sees all and knows all. The outcome is already decided. this life is short; the next is the eternal one.

  9. Sigrid Kaag, Dutch minister of International aid is one of the attendees. She called Netanyahu aka Meilikovsky racist and demagogic & jew settlers Illegal colonists. Her husband is a senior member of the PLO.

    Sigrid; Take good care it´s vipers nest over there as u know. All The Best.

    Check out:

    1. Kaag is fake do you think she could attend these meering with all these jews/crypto-jews/black nobility if she was the real thing? Wake up.

    2. How do you know she is fake? It is just your left hemisphere brains deduction, guessing.

      The very fact that she said that in october about this Bilderberg related present jew terrorist pm says enough.

      I did not know she said these things, a few monts retreat, Kaag shows she has balls. It will haved caused commotion.

      That she is married to a PLO higher up is fact, too.

      She would be a very good minister of Forein Affairs the second post after PM. But that will be very highly impropabable,. That she would make it to PM is fantasy island.

      Btw if you glimpse through the vids of these yearly reporters
      the new Jim Tuckers it is amazing how they talk about Bilderberg: it is not such a high level nwo threatis the story they air.

      It is these reporters who have to wake up (and u too, since you don´t see Kaag for what she is: a dissonant in the Bloody Red Symphony in Torino.

      Learn to use both hemispheres of your God given brain and in sync.

      CIA O

  10. Interesting link:

    Soros plan for us all.

  11. Miles W Mathis is an artist who is in the same league fo you. He says arts have been compromised by an elite group to dumb down and corrupt people.

    Although not directly pointing at the tribes, Mathis has many useful pdf for you to read.

    Really great researches.

  12. Check out:

    Horse 237 is (was ?) hacked in getting to the actual Kaag okt. 2017 report of Haaretz.

    CIA O

  13. Kaag is not fake PART II

    The Haaretz article is real. And her husband was a higher up in the PLO.

    In response to funding cuts of the US, Kaag made 13 million euro aid immediately available for basic health care and food for Palestinian children. One of her first actions as International Trade and Development minister.

    check out:

    I don´t say you are fake, but U wake up!

    She dares to name the beast by its name and manages, how dontknow, even to go to their feast.

    More of such politicians.

    CIA O
