Thursday 3 May 2018

Syria - Fares Shehabi



  1. Don’t know what to comment except to say, might watch this again -- now you remind in posting and its significance. The intransigent and manifesting everything that's wrong in the UK is the B.. B... C. Having to watch said spouting not-the-news etc. suspect is gaining bullshit ground. Ready to layer on more dumb and destructive in oh smart demeanour hate for honesty and enquiry. Sheer shut-down Politburo with a smile. Was the latest Russia/Syria two headed scam wind in their sails? Will watch this exchange again and be reminded of the sanity and sickness. Is Syria all things bright and beautiful from Govt? - no. Yet, compared to the UK and the nasty evil lying... NO. We the kings and queens. The Royal suckers. Aghhh, there will come a day. Trouble is, we suffer their crimes. OK best watch and see the presstitute vs. a man asking for some sense.

  2. Speaking of Syria, not sure if you saw Rogers Waters speaking about the White Helmets, whose PR organization apparently earlier tried to recruit him for support.

    He has this radical idea of not dropping bombs on people.

    Yes, that's right: not dropping bombs. What can I say? Just imagine.

