Saturday 24 March 2018



A paedophile told an undercover police officer that they could make millions of pounds raping children on camera for ‘top political people,’ a court heard.

Gihan Muthukumarana, 28, claimed they could sell the film for £10m if they ‘got rid’ of the young girls afterwards by dissolving them in barrels of acid, it is claimed.

He was reported to the police after he told escort about his plans while regularly meeting her for sex at the Master Robert Hotel, in Hownslow, near Heathrow.

Plot to abuse children for 'top political people' - Court News UK.

Gihan Muthukumarana was acquitted.

VIP Plot Case Has Been Heard. .

Gihan Muthukumarana, it is claimed, had stated his intention to kidnap ten girls from care homes before abusing them on camera, killing them and then disposing of their bodies in vats of acid for the viewing ‘pleasure’ of top businessmen and politicians.


The trial was heard in court 11 at Southwark Crown Court, and ended on 13th February 2018.

Court News UK: 12 February 2018 - HOUNSLOW

Gihan Muthukumarana was reported to the police after he told an escort about his plans while regularly meeting her for sex at the Master Robert Hotel in Hounslow, West London, between April and November 2015.

Prosecutor Catherine Farrelly told Southwark Crown Court: ‘During the course of a number of these meetings the defendant made a number of comments that began to cause increasing concern.

‘One was he had previously slept with a twelve-year old, which he said had happened outside the UK.

‘In September 2015 he told her that he had a business proposition that he wanted to discuss at the end of their session.

‘He tries to persuade the escort to participate in video recorded child abuse.

‘He then told her that he had contacts in arranging for these things to happen.

‘Whilst intercourse was taking place the defendant made comments encouraging her to think about “f*cking young girls.”‘

The escort eventually stopped answering his calls and reported him to the Crimestoppers charity on 29 November 2015.

Jason Smith, aged 14, who was killed by a child abuse gang in 1985. Jason is believed to have lived in Islington council's Conewood Street children's home. (Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London)(CHILD ABUSE LINKS TO LAW CHIEF, ISLINGTON, SUFFOLK...)

Muthukumarana was passed on to an undercover officer using the name ‘Donna’ and made the same ‘business proposition’ during meetings between 28 January 2016 to 4 February 2016.

Ms Farrelly said: ‘He initially introduced himself to Donna as a facilitator who recorded girlsand that he had a proposition for her.

‘He told her he would make her milions of pounds, he also told her that she would be protected because those buying the film were top political people.

‘Young teenage girls would be filmed by a woman called Angelie in a secure room and filming them “being f*cked up” and these would be watched by others.’

Muthukumarana told the undercover officer the money would be ‘ridiculously big’ and suggested she take alcohol or drugs beforehand because ‘it makes you extra heartless’, the court heard.

He also gave her the postcode of a leisure centre in St Albans where the abuse could take place at night.

In a phone call recording played to the court, Muthukumarana said: ‘The people paying us to do what we’re doing are very high up political people. We will be masked up and it will be on webcam.’

Muthukumarana was arrested on 4 February 2016 at his home address in Leicester and child abuse images were found on his computer.

During the search he told police: ‘Be careful with the computer, I am a writer.’

He claimed that the arrangement at the leisure centre was just a fantasy and denied any knowledge of the images on his hard drive.

Muthukumarana, of Queenswood Avenue, Hounslow, Middlesex, denies facilitating sexual activity with a child and three counts of possessing indecent images of children.

THE SCOTSMAN: 13 February 2018: Man ‘plotted to put girls in acid’ by Chris Dyer

Man 'plotted to put girls in acid' .

A writer was snared by undercover police offering to pay £10 million to set up the kidnap and sexual abuse of young girls on camera before dissolving them in acid, a court heard.

Gihan Muthukumarana, 27, was caught discussing his plan to take ten underage girls before raping and beating them, then “finishing them off”.

Muthukumarana, who describes himself as a writer and filmmaker, claimed “high up” businessmen and politicians would pay him millions of pounds to watch and have access to videos of the abuse of girls kidnapped from care homes, a court heard.

He was introduced to an “escort” – actually an undercover policewoman posing as a call girl called “Donna” – who would arrange for the abuse to take place and be paid £10m to take part in killing the victims, Southwark Crown Court was told.

The plot was due to take place at a leisure centre and victims would then be strangled in the back of a van, the court heard. Muthukumarana, of Feltham, Middlesex, denies one count of facilitating sexual activity with children and three counts of downloading indecent images of children between 1 October 2015 and 2 February 2016. The trial continues.

Back To At Shirley Oaks, "doctors, teachers, priests, police officers, sports coaches and council workers were part of a 60-strong paedophile ring." - dailymail.

14 February 2018: UK Court Hears of Plot to Rape, Dissolve in Acid Children for Pleasure of Unnamed ‘Top Politicians’ by Virginia Hale

Gihan Muthukumarana told undercover police they could make £10 million raping children on video for “top political people”, a court has heard.


According to the prosecution, Muthukumarana tried to persuade the escort to take part in child abuse on camera, claiming that he had “contacts in arranging for these things to happen”.

“Whilst intercourse was taking place the defendant made comments encouraging her to think about “f**king young girls,” added Ms. Farrelly.

The court heard that the escort stopped answering the defendant’s calls and reported him to Crimestoppers at the end of November 2015, after which undercover police got involved.

Then, during meetings which took place between 28 January 2016 and 4 February 2016, Muthukumarana allegedly proceeded to make the same “business proposition” to an undercover police officer using the name ‘Donna’.

“He told her he would make her millions of pounds, he also told her that she would be protected because those buying the film were top political people,” Ms. Farrelly told the court.

“Young teenage girls would be filmed by a woman called Angelie in a secure room and filming them ‘being f***ed up’ and these would be watched by others.”

Muthukumarana, who the court heard handed ‘Donna’ the details of a leisure centre in St. Albans where the child abuse could take place during the night, is also accused of urging the undercover officer take drugs or alcohol before carrying out an attack because “it makes you extra heartless”.

In a recording of a phone call that was played to the court, the accused said: “The people paying us to do what we’re doing are very high up political people. We will be masked up and it will be on webcam.”

The Hounslow resident, who at the time of his arrest earlier this month claimed to be a writer by profession, denies facilitating sexual activity with a child and three counts of possessing indecent images of children.




 A child abuse ring operated at Shirley Oaks. At least 700 children were sexually abused at Shirley Oaks. The child abuse ring had at least 60 members. At Shirley Oaks, "doctors, teachers, priests, police officers ...


  1. Not first time I've heard of this sort of thing being connected to the top... livestreaming child porn and snuff... we know it is... it's virtually impossible to infiltrate and expose.

  2. Happening globally, USA included, as we speak.

  3. Behind the Facebook data scandal: The drive to censor the Internet



    March 24, 2018

    Dear friends,

    I have learned that several anti-Empire websites have been hit by strong and sustained DDoS attacks including Craig Murray ( and, apparently, the the Russian journal New Eastern Outlook which was knocked off line by a big hacking attack and is still down Saturday. They have been attacked multiple times the past 2 months and then a final attack succeeded in shutting them down. They are trying to get it back up.

    We might be next.

    Should that happen, I ask you to write down the URL to the old, blogspot, domain name I used originally:

    Second, please write down these email addresses to contact me if needed: (please use them in the following order)

    (if and when needed, I will provide other contact information)

    These are truly crazy and extremely dangerous times and the Empire is already engaged in all sorts of dirty but (semi)-legal tricks (search engine tampering, YouTube channel defunding, placing silly labels like “RT is funded in whole or in part by the Russian government“, etc.). They are going berserk because they are losing the war for hearts and minds and they know that, hence all the crazy nonsense à la “Skripal” false flag. The fact that they are losing makes them not less, but much more, dangerous.

    These are, objectively, frightening times. But don’t let that discourage you. Remember these words of Christ: (Matt 10:28)

    “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell“.

    or these words of Saint Paul: (Eph. 6:12)

    “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

    or these beautiful words from the Qu’ran (Surah Al-Anfal 8:30):

    “Those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you. But they plan, and God plans. And God is the best of planners“.

    and if you are not religious, then remember these words from the Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs spoken on the 22 June 1941, the last time a “united Europe” attacked Russia:

    “Ours is a righteous cause. The enemy shall be defeated. Victory will be ours”

    But yes, it is going to get worse, much worse, before it gets better.

    So be ready for the fight.

    Hugs and cheers,

    The Saker

    1. Times are bad! How bad? Bad enough to bring Jesus back into it!

  4. Found this yesterday on Henry Makow´s site.

  5. This is probably a stupid comment/question but here goes. I presume that the "jury" was infiltrated with illuminati members, or people involved in it. The whole thing was rigged from within. Otherwise, how could anyone with two brain cells to rub together find him not guilty?
