Monday 8 January 2018


Above we see Madeleine McCann, a dark skinned man and Robert Murat (dark blue shirt).

There is a belief that a powerful child abuse gang spotted Madeleine and decided to kidnap her.

There is a belief that the gang is protected by the security services.

"During the first few days after Madeleine McCann was reported missing, various members of the UK security services came out to Praia da Luz."

When Kate went to check on Madeleine at around 22:00, on 23 May 2007, she found the children's bedroom door wide open and Madeleine missing.

Kate McCann was screaming: "The f*****g bastards have taken her’.

This suggests that Kate may have known that certain 'f*****g bastards' were in the area.

Kate McCann's diary: "I had lots of hope that there would be progress in Murat's situation. I'm sure that he is involved and I feel like killing him, but I can't".

"Madeleine's mother receives a message from a woman that tells her that Murat tried to photograph the granddaughter of a friend, also three years old and blond, and Kate sends "the whole" information to the PJ. "I'm certain that he is guilty and I just want to scream"

Accusing Robert Murat - The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann.

The Algarve has been "a teeming hive of paedophile activity."

One investigator said he knew of 38 child sex abusers living in the area.

Between 2005 and 2009, the children of seven holidaying families were reportedly subjected to sex attacks.


In 2012, it was reported that THIRTY children have gone missing in Portugal since Madeleine McCann disappeared five years ago, official figures reveal.

30 Children Have Gone Missing In Portugal Since Madeleine McCann .

There is no evidence that the McCanns made Madeleine disappear.

"Independent forensic tests of the McCann's hire car found none of Madeleine's DNA, it emerged on 19 November 2007."


Home Office-approved pathologists carried out the tests.


Robert Murat. 

Two sisters, Annie Wiltshire and Jayne Jensen, told police they saw Robert Murat outside Madeleine McCann's apartment about 10.30 on the night she vanished.


Friends of the McCanns stated 'that they saw Murat outside the holiday complex on the night of the disappearance when he had stated that he was at home with his mother.' 

[41] Disappearance of Madeleine McCann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Eight witnesses saw Murat near the apartment that night."

Robert Murat and Angus Symington, son of the owner of the Ocean Club Complex. ("estate agent Angus Symington, 37, has almost identical hair, complexion, facial features, height and build and wears similar glasses." - Madeleine: Robert Murat has a double -

Murat was an aquaintance of the 'child-abuser' Sir Clement Freud.

Sir Clement Freud victim interviewed by Madeleine McCann detectives. .

"According to sources quoted in the newspaper 24 Horas, DNA samples found in Robert Murat's house were Madeleine's."

Madeleine's DNA was found in Murat's house, police claim | Daily Mail .
"Detectives say they can prove Madeleine McCann was at the home of official suspect Robert Murat.

"They claim traces of hair and body fluids found during one of three searches at his villa came from the missing four-year-old."


It was claimed that Murat "was a sexual predator, seen outside the McCanns' holiday flat, that incriminating DNA had been found, that his nearby home contained a secret chamber ..."

The police later declared that the newspapers had lied about Robert Murat.

Certain newspapers agreed to pay Murat £600,000 in libel damages.

Sergey Malinka, aka"Nick Legaloff," "Nikolai Fedorenko," and "Ivan Nikolayevich Petrov."

Police questioned Sergey Malinka, a 22-year-old man of Russian origin, who had set up a website for Murat.[49]

The Algarve Resident of Portugal reported on March 26, 2008 that a car belonging to Praia da Luz resident Sergey Malinka was destroyed by burning on the night of March 20, 2008.

On the sidewalk next to where the car was parked the word "fala" (talk) was written in large letters.

Sergey Malinka took pictures of Madeleine McCann

Malinka's car

"When the police arrived at Malinka's apartment to question him, he had already wiped clean the hard drive of his personal computer which contained hundreds of files known only to him.

"Sergey Malinka telephoned Robert Murat on or about 10:30 pm on May 3, 2007 - just some 30 minutes after Madeleine McCann went missing.

"Phone records show that both men were in continuous contact during the crucial hours after her disappearance."

Sergey Malinka took pictures of Madeleine McCann

Inconsistencies in Sergey Malinka's account of his relationship with Robert Murat emerged: 'he had said he had not contacted Murat in a year but Murat’s mobile phone records allegedly show he called Mr Malinka at 23:40 on the night Madeleine went missing.' [36][37]

"Robert Murat's mother Jennifer who operates a bed-and-breakfast business in Praia da Luz confirmed that both men had met and talked lengthily before and after the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

"In its edition dated August 7, 2007 the digital magazine Variedad published a report that Sergey Malinka has a criminal background related to paedophilia, and his relationship with Robert Murat is based on common business interests connected to child trafficking...

"The report by Variedad included information on a large number of child-porn videos and pictures that were found at Robert Murat's house."

Sergey Malinka took pictures of Madeleine McCann

Michaela Walczuch

Murat's girlfriend is Michaela Walczuch.

Photo from: / :: View topic - Michaela Walczuch

Michaela Walczuch reportedly claims she was at a Jehovah's Witness meeting four miles away when Madeleine McCann was snatched.

Church elder Brother Teofilo Castela has said: "She was thrown out of the church more than a year ago and doesn't attend."

Madeleine: Now Murat's girlfriend's alibi falls apart / NOW MURAT LOVER'S ALIBI IS TRASHED BY CHURCH / Murat Lover's Alibi Doubts / Maddie woman's alibi is 'false'

The Daily mirror, 20 November 2007, (MADDY: THREE ACCUSED ) refers to:

"Murat's girlfriend Michaela Walczuch is named by the Mirror as the woman spotted bundling a child into a car two days after Maddy vanished.

(Witness 'saw Murat's girlfriend with Madeleine')

A witness has told detectives from the Spanish Metodo 3 agency that Michaela Walczuch, 34, handed over a girl looking like Madeleine to a man in a car just two days after Madeleine vanished.

Murat's girlfriend: I didn't take Madeleine | London Evening Standard .

Philip Edmonds.

Philip Martin Edmonds was at Praia da Luz in Portugal when Madeleine McCann disappeared.

Philip Martin Edmonds is the nephew of Margaret Hodge.

Margaret Hodge is the UK politician who has been accused of covering-up the child abuse scandal in the London borough of Islington.

"We also know from the Portuguese Police files that he mysteriously jetted off to Switzerland, where he lives, early on Friday morning (4 May 2011), apparently cutting short his holiday just as news was surfacing that a child had been abducted from Praia da Luz."

Edmonds wrote: "I can confirm that whatever information I had (including some photos of my sons taken on the day Madeleine disappeared, which showed her in the background) was passed both to the police and to the McCanns at the time."

Sir Clement Freud.

Sir Clement Freud, grandson of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, had a holiday home in Praia da Luz, in Portugal.

In July 2007, Clement Freud helped the parents of missing child Madeleine McCann by cooking them dinners in Praia da Luz and offering them drinks.

Initially when he wrote to them offering assistance they thought it was a hoax.

(Clement Freud - Wikipedia)

Cliff Richard with Uri Geller.

Sir Clement Freud's son Matthew Freud is married to Elisabeth Murdoch, daughter of Rupert Murdoch.

Sir Clement Freud is related to Uri Geller.

Sir Clement Freud's brother was friend of the Kray Twins, who supplied children to the elite.

Robert Murat was a friend of Sir Clement Freud.

Barroso (right)

"Behind the snatching of four-year-old Madeleine McCann from the Ocean Club Resort, Praia da Luz, Portugal, on Thursday 3rd May 2007, was the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD) and the Portuguese politician José Manuel Durão Barroso, the 12th President of the European Commission. More background here."

Christopher Story believed that Germany's DVD snatched Madeleine.

In 2010, Christopher Story, known to many as Edward Harle, died mysteriously. 

Some 'intelligence insiders' believe Story was murdered by the DVD.

2007 e-fits based on sightings by British holidaymaker Derek Flack and British expat Lance Purser.

The Portuguese police were reluctant to issue the above e-fit. 

This could suggest that the man in the e-fit works for the security services.

Revealed: Suspect images the cops never released

Michel Lelievre. I am no murderer - Telegraph

Michel Lelievre was involved in the Dutroux child kidnapping ring with links to the police.

Above, we see some of the Dutroux gang, who kidnapped children, and who have links to Portugal.


Above we see a suspect in the Madeleine Mccann case.


Jane tanner

Jane Tanner, left the restaurant to check on her own daughter, and at around 21:15 noticed a man walking quickly along Rua Dr Agostinho da Silva, the road the McCann's apartment was on, heading out of the resort. [24] 

She said he was carrying a child.

The Algarve has been popular with:

Sir Cliff Richard 

Sir Clement Freud, who is related to Uri Geller, and whose brother was friend of the Kray Twins.

Robert Murat, friend of Sir Clement Freud.

Philip Edmonds the nephew of Margaret Hodge.

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