Thursday 3 August 2017


Stewartry Show, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, August 2017.

Visiting the Stewartry Show, in August 2017, were Sir Malcolm Ross and Lady Ross.

Also visiting the show was Sir Alex Fergusson.

First Prize - Karen Baird

Above we see Belted Galloway cattle at the Stewartry Show.

The Galloway breed comes from the cattle native to the south-west region of Scotland.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.

Stewartry Show, August 2017.


Visitors to the Wigtown Show, in Dumfries and Galloway have included the following -

Diana Dors.

Show History - Wigtown Show.

Ed Stewart

Noel Edmonds

From LA...

Back home in LA, Jessica Fox worked for NASA by day, and for a film-maker by night.


But, when the elite seek out those ideal places to live, they don't choose LA.

They choose places like Wigtown.

Jessica Fox swapped California sunshine for Wigtown.

How I made a dream come true | Life and style | The Guardian

Near Wigtown

Jessica describes the Wigtown area:

"We walked in silence through a soft mist.

"As we turned a corner, a view unfurled of silvery marshland.

"'This is the most beautiful place in the world,' I gasped."






  1. Fascinating, riveting!
    Really powerful stuff, thanks for all you do!

  2. Yeah... and where's the fireworks. Should celebrate. What a lovely place Dumfries and Galloway looks. Will date the wom/B tomorrow. Had a mad too-intoxicated bad one last week with her. All bust up thought, but’ll now try ‘n recover. After a return to the ‘grove (Ladbroke) will suggest a road trip north. Terrific photos. Keep ya posted. Peace.
