Saturday 15 April 2017


Andrew Neil (left) and Rupert Murdoch.

Andrew Neil has been an influential figure within the BBC, and, within the empire of Rupert Murdoch.

Andrew Neil and Uri Geller. Geller has been associated with Jimmy Savile, Edward Heath, Michael Portillo, Michael Jackson, the CIA, Mossad and others.

According to Robin Ramsay:

"The Sunday Times was a serious, respectable newspaper until Andrew Neil became its editor in the mid-1980s and turned it into a mouth-piece for MI5 and the Ministry of Defence."


Andrew Neil was born in Paisley, in Scotland.

In 1971, Neil joined the 'Conservative Research Department'.

Neil was once nicknamed the 'bachelor of Fleet Street'.

Andrew Neil and a Sex Pistol, Punk veteran John Lydon.

Andrew Neil promotes the view that ISIS is not run by the CIA and its friends.

Andrew Neil and Michael Portillo.

Andrew Neil's father was in the military.

While at The Sunday Times in 1988, Neil met the former Miss India, Pamella Bordes, in a nightclub. [11]

The News of the World suggested that Bordes was a prostitute. 12

Andrew Neil's home in Grasse.

Andrew Neil lives in London, New York and in Grasse, in the South of France.

Kylian Barbey

Kylian Barbey, 16, is alleged to have carried out an attack at the Alexis de Tocqueville school, in the quiet town of Grasse, near Nice, in France.


1 comment:

  1. And don't forget Spycatcher, which Neil literally smuggled into the country to serialise - a stitch-up of MI5 chief Roger Hollis to hide Victor Rothschild's role as the Fifth Man.
