Saturday 24 June 2017


The man at the window looks like Adrian Elmsaka Khalid Masood, who allegedly carried out the Westminster Bridge attack on 22 March 2017.

Adrian Elms on the left, man at the window on the right.


Adrian Elms on the left, man at the window on the right.


Who might Adrian Elms be working for?

Nicholas Young

Nicholas Young, of Fairfax Virginia, was raised a Catholic.

He has been described as being quiet and kind.

He is the son of a teacher.

He became a Washington DC transit police officer.

He is alleged to have become a Nazi sympathiser.

In 2011, Young had several meetings with an undercover law enforcement officer.

It has been claimed that Young traveled to Libya to fight against Muammar Gaddafi.

In 2016, the FBI accused Young of supporting and aiding ISIS.

Prosecutors Allege Dubious ISIS-Nazi Connection in Terror Sting / Nicholas Young

Adrian Elms.

Adrian Elms, the alleged London Attacker, has been described by neighbours and friends as being a friendly, normal guy.

In his school football kit: 'London terror attacker' Adrian

One of the people in the London Attack vehicle was described as being a bald white man.


The above video sees victims of the 22 March 2017 London Attack being taken to a Marriott hotel.

Marriott hotels have been involved in lots of terrorist incidents.

The bearded man on a stretcher looks like the 'terrorist'?


The day before the London Attack, Andreea Cristea was at Westminster Bridge, at the exact spot 'where she jumped' on the day of the attack.



Why did Andreea Cristea appear to jump after the car passed her?


Above, we see "Andreea Cristea being rescued from the Thames."

Why was there a practice terror drill on the Thames in London a few days before the 22 March 2017 attack?

Armed police stage anti-terrorist drill on Thames on 19 March 2017


Andreea, from Romania, does a spookily large amount of travelling.

Smiling snaps of Romanian woman 



How fishy is the Thames?

Adrian Elms, aka Khalid Choudry, aka Khalid Masood.

The alleged London Attacker Adrian Elms made three trips to Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi embassy said he taught English in Saudi Arabia from November 2005 to November 2006 and again from April 2008 to April 2009, with legitimate work visas both times.

London attacker had worked in Saudi Arabia teaching English

Adrian Elms supposedly had a long criminal record, was known to MI5, and was twice in prison prior to 2005.

So, how was he able to get a teaching job in Saudi Arabia?

The suspicion is that Adrian Elms works for MI5 and its friends, and is still alive.


The above video relates that the governments of the UK and its allies have carried out acts of terrorism.

Kurt Cochran and wife Melissa.

Kurt Cochran, 54, from Utah, was one of three pedestrians who reportedly 'died after being hit by a car ... on Westminster Bridge'.

"Kurt Cochran and his wife Melissa ... had been visiting Melissa's parents, who work on a  Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) mission."

Mormons Mason Wells, 19, and Joseph Empey, 20, were at Zaventem airport in Brussels. 

Mason Wells is a Mormon who was involved in 3 terror attacks - the Boston Marathon Attack, the Paris Attack and the Brussels attack.

Mormon who survived three terror attacks.

Four Mormon missionaries were present during the false flag terrorist attack that occurred in Brussels on 22 March 2016, and documented their journey on a blog.

Mason Wells was in Paris during the 2015 Paris false flag attacks and he was a block away from the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon during the Boston false flag bombings.


OpEdNews has reported on the Mormon-Mossad-CIA Connection:

"The first public awareness of the nexus between Mossad and Mormon secret agents was published by Norman Mailer in A Harlot High and Low in the 60's.."

According to an article at Scoop (Bush And The Mormons), Mormons have had 'a disproportionate representation in the CIA and FBI through the years, and J. Edgar Hoover started the FBI with Mormon agents'.


The London Attack of 22 March 2017 appears to be an 'Operation Gladio' attack.


Some people wonder why the spooky Tobias Ellwood MP, and not the paramedics, was giving Cardiopulmonary resuscitation to PC Keith Palmer.

Tobias Ellwood's brother Jonathan was in Bali at the time of the Bali Bombing.

The BALI BOMB was an inside job, reportedly carried out by Indonesian generals working for the Pentagon and its friends.

Jonathan Ellwood was reportedly killed in the Bali Bombing.

Since the time when Obama lived in Jakarta, American trained Indonesian generals having been pulling the strings in Indonesia.

The forerunner of al Qaeda, which was founded around 1988, could be said to be Indonesia's Komando Jihad, which was founded around 1968.

In The Age, (We must not get back in bed with Kopassus -, Dr Damien Kingsbury wrote about the Moslem militants in Indonesia and their links to the American-trained Indonesian military.

According to Kingsbury, Komando Jihad, which became Jemaah Islamiah, was set up by the American-trained generals.

'Bali bomb mastermind' Al-Farouq

'Bali bomb mastermind' Al-Farouq was handed over to the Americans who 'allowed him to escape'.

Former Indonesian spy (BAKIN) chief A.C. Manulang was quoted by Tempo magazine as suggesting that the Bali bomb mastermind Al-Farouq was a CIA agent.

Dr Kingsbury wrote: "Kopassus (Indonesian special forces)... set up the Islamic organisation Komando Jihad that hijacked the plane in 1981 and which has since emerged as Jemaah Islamiah."

Kopassus works closely with Mossad.

London False Flag Hoax

Some people wonder if there is any video footage of the bald white man who was seen by witnesses in the attack vehicle.

Waleed Al Shehri 

There is a belief that many of the people allegedly killed in terror attacks are still alive.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Hijack suspects alive and well

In 2001, the BBC reported: "Saudi Arabian pilot Waleed Al Shehri was one of five men that the FBI said had deliberately crashed American Airlines flight 11 into the World Trade Centre on 11 September.

"Now he is protesting his innocence from Casablanca, Morocco.

"He told journalists there that he had nothing to do with the attacks on New York and Washington, and had been in Morocco when they happened."

Abdulaziz Al Omari

Alleged hijacker Abdelaziz Al Omari is still alive.

7 of the alleged hijackers are still alive.


The London Attack looks as fake as 9 11.


The security services like to trick people.

Nicki Minaj made a Westminster Bridge scene just days before the 22 March London attack.

(Butterflies are used in mind control)

Was this filming (above) some kind of preparation for the attack?

Adrian Elms's daughter Teegan.

The London Attacker is said to be Adrian Elms (aka Khalid Masood)

Adrian's daughter Teegan attended a £15,000-a-year private school, Claremont School, in St Leonards-on-Sea.


Trevor Brooks     
 Alleged London Attacker                    'Adrian Elms'

Is the alleged London Attacker Trevor Brooks or Adrian Elms?

Channel 4 News originally announced that Trevor Brooks was the London Attacker.

The police then declared that Adrian Elms was the sole London Attacker.

Trevor Brooks                            Alleged London Attacker        

'Adrian Elms'

The security services like to use 'body doubles'.

Sunil Tripathi                              Tamerlan Tsarnaev

In the Boston Marathon attack, Tamerlan Tsarnaev had a 'double'.

Above we see that the real Dylann Roof (left) appears to have no obvious moles on his face. 

Above (right) we see what appears to be Dylann's body double, a person with obvious moles. 

Reportedly, there was a Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans and at the same time as there was a Lee Harvey Oswald in Japan.

Ajmal Kasab (left) was the patsy blamed for the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

On the right we see Kasab's double. 



  1. 5 major Muslim national leaders are Jewish?

    The (perhaps Jewish) King Abdullah II of Jordan to be soon a key figurehead on the world stage ... 'leading the Muslim world away from terrorism'?

    Five major Muslim national leaders said to be Jewish:

    (1) President Al-Sisi (El-Sissi etc) of Egypt, has a Moroccan Jewish mother connected to the founders of the regime in Israel -

    (2) The Saud monarchs ruling Arabia are said to be Jewish in origin, & their Wahhab religious cult is also said to be founded by a Jewish family

    (3) Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan & his wife, are said to be crypto-Jews, as is also said of the Turkish Republic's founder, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, in Turkey's long tradition of 'Donmeh' Jews associated with 17th century Turkish Jewish 'violate all laws' false messiah Shabtai Tzvi (Sabbatai Zevi etc)

    (4) The head of Islamic State - Daesh - ISIS - IS, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi - Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badri, with his 'PhD in Islamic Theology' is said to be Jewish, & to possibly be Israeli Mossad officer, Shimon Elliot - Sham'oun Ayloot

    (5) King Abdullah II of Jordan, is said to be Jewish, with his mother Princess Muna al-Hussein, born Antoinette 'Toni' Avril Gardiner, said to be an 'aristocratic British Jew', her great-grandmother being 'Ruth Green' & a grand-mother being a 'Tovell', names which can be Jewish

    King Abdullah II via his father is a Hashemite, a clan said to be descendants of Islam's Prophet Mohammed, with his British(-Jewish?) mother said to be giving King Abdullah the heritage of the British & Roman Empires as well

    The (Jewish?) Sauds are Custodians of the top 2 Muslim holy places, Makkah including the Ka'aba, & Medinah, whilst (Jewish?) King Abdullah II is the Custodian of Islam's 3rd holiest site, the Al-Aqsa Mosque - Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem ... So all three of Islam's holiest places are maybe in the custody of Jews?

    King Abdullah's Hashemite ancestors ruled over the Muslim holy areas of Mecca & Medina over many hundreds of years & through the Ottoman period ... King Abdullah II & his Hashemites may soon become rulers of that part of Arabia once again if the West decides to depose & remove the Sauds

    King Abdullah II, with his suave 'moderate' image much-promoted by Western media, & his combining Muslim & British 'royal' heritages, is said thus to be a possible new grand caliph of the Muslim world; a figurehead for the New World Order, that may have a new headquarters declared in Jerusalem ... or also in events involving a possible coming of true or false messiahs, Mahdi, anti-Christ etc

    An estimated 30 percent of ISIS members are of Jordanian nationality ... King Abdullah II oversees semi-secret regular military manoeuvres in Jordon by the Gulf States & the Western powers, exactly in the area where ISIS - Daesh can be covertly supplied thru Jordan

    1. Yeah, I read all of that at the other day. I like Henry, he understands that Putin is an NWO stooge and his fake fight with the west is a total scam. That sort of thinking will get a person censored on a surprising number of sites.

    2. " Putin is an NWO stooge and his fake fight with the west " :
      of course he is :
      if he wouldn't be , he wouldn't be THERE in russian govt, on a first position.
      There's a LOT of watering down and disinfo among konspiracy truthers, purposedly ( For the sheeples who believe to be better more aware sheeples, believing in fairy tales like fulton, white brotherhood scams etc. )

      Deeper through the rabbit hole !
      Myself, feel deeply that is better to practise spiritual life and meditation ( best is Vedic ) than indulge in non ending analysys and speculations on the topic what happened in London, 9/11 etc.

      Read bedlam burning blogger recently, sane view. NO HOAX, REAL people were hurt and died. But , most like body double was used as attacker. MK and this dark stuff.

      Omm tat sat, enough of there dark stories.


      Johny Pollack



  4. problem reaction solution part 2

  5. "As detailed in James Bond is Real, there are three levels ABOVE nation-state governments:

    • Secret societies

    • Banksters

    • Intelligence agencies

    If this reality is not understood it's impossible to make any sense of world events."


  7. You need to look into some of the crisis actors that where used.
    This lad, Owen Lambert is a political student (as where all his friends). His dad is the Masonic editor of the local newspaper, The Visitor (which took an interest but refused to run my child abuse story)
    'causalities taken to a nearby hotel'

    SPECTRE hater!


  9. UNECE statistics

    Monthly average wage

    Romania $828

    Unless perhaps you work for an intelligence agency or the Khazar mafia.

    Notably King Bibi of Zion has been kept off the front pages recently.

  10. Why would they take some of the injured past the ambulances and into the Marriott Hotel
    The one on a stretcher looks like the (terrorist)
    (Marriott hotels are really unlucky being involved in lots of terrorist incidences)
    Also so many people that have lost there shoes.
    Looking at the very poor video of the car passing the busses. The Busses come to a stop quite quickly. It does not look like they travel a busses length before stopping after the car passes in front of each of them.


    bridge warning sign would stop car driving down bridge.
    injured before and after sign. The car would have to swerve into and off buss lane. Also most if not all the busses would have cameras. For insurance and safety

  12. Wow, I'm seriously impressed by this Mason Wells guy.

    He's like one of those guys who chases tornados in the Mid-West of the US.

    Except he chases false flags.

    When he's not hanging around NSA Data City near Salt Lake City, I guess.

    The directors behind these theatrics face a difficult balancing act. If they drag more, and more talented, people into their "Wags the Dog" antics, it increases the chances of leaks.

    It seems they prefer to have fewer reusable props.
    Like Mason Wells.

    Maybe Mason Wells can be prebooked for your special false flag event. Weddings, parties, anything.

    The guy's even got a catchy name:

    When you think false flag, think Mason Wells.

    Make your false flag a Mason Wells false flag.

    Mason Wells: Just Do It

    Mason Wells: Because You're Worth It.

    There are some things money can't buy. For everything else there's Mason Wells.

    A Mason Wells is forever.

    Have a break. Have a Mason Wells.

    Vorsprung durch Mason Wells.

    Mason Wells: I'm Lovin It.

    All the Mason Wells that's fit to print.

    Beanz Meanz Mason Wellz

    Man, I should go into Marketing.

    "A grape. Because who can get a watermelon in your mouth?"

    I'm sorry. It's terrible, I know.

    But I mean, seriously, these guys aren't even trying any more.

    1. It's not terrible! Certainly gave me a laugh. I think you are right, they aren't trying very hard. Seems the message could be "we are going to construct your reality and we don't give a stuff if you know it."

    2. Mason Wells Fargo
      Mason HG Wells
      Mason Bath & Wells
      Mason Dug Wells
      Mason Dry Wells
      Mason Borehole-Wells
      Mason "Rubber" Wellies
      Mason "Jelly" Wellies
      Mason "Indian" Wells
      "Free" Mason Wells
      "Stoned " Mason Wells
      "Scottish Rite" Mason Wells
      Mason "Secret Word" Wells
      Master Mason Wells
      33rd Degree Mason Wells
      Jimmy Saville Mason Wellsowsaboutthisboysandgirls...

    3. Not forgetting;
      Perry Mason Wells
      Mason Dixon Line-Wells
      Mason Crew-Doyle Wells
      Mason Orson Wells
      Mason Apron Wells
      Mason Ich Hand-Sheikh Wells
      Mason 'Conspiracy' Wells
      Mason Cheka Wells
      Trotsky Mason Wells
      Mason 'Bonesman' Wells
      Brother Mason Wells
      Mason 'Ripper' Wells
      Mason Ritual Wells-Purgisnacht
      Mason-Hall C. Hyngi Wells

    4. And a big shout to;
      Illuminati Mason Wells
      Mason Jabulon Wells
      Mason Hexagram Wells
      Mason Wells-Q'Balla
      Mason '3-Wars' Pikey-Wells
      Mason Policechief Wells
      Mason Templar Wells
      Mason Foursquare Wells
      Mason Wells-Thelema
      Mason Tyler Wells
      Mason Wells Dat's All Folks!

    5. Mason Smells... very fishy
      Young Master Mason wells with pride as he recounts his globetrotting intelligence career chronicling the great Gladio operations of the early 21st century.
      - Chris B


  14. probably of course

  15. There’s already enough information here to debunk the official story on the Westminster terrorist attack, in the following thread some more:

    1) The ridiculous picture of Aysha Frade under a red bus.
    2) A second picture of the attacker on a stretcher, with a photoshopped face.
    3) A second (better) picture of the face of Khalid Masood.
    4) The crash scene of the Hyundai car leaving no damage to the fence (why would the attacker crash?). And a victim in front below the car.
    5) Doctors on the scene financed with millions from the London Freemasons.

  16. The shape of the face and skin colour of young Adrian Elms are entirely different from the alleged attacker

  17. The identity of Ms Cristea is in doubt. Look at the photo of her with her alleged boyfriend where she's doing the V sign. She has a very pronounced notch in her chin. Look at the photo of her with red hair and huge red lips and the chin is smooth. Look at the photo where she has her back to the swimming pool looking out on a night time city scape. That girl has a totally different build and arm thickness compared to the super-model-like girl coming out of the sea. Try to find online coverage of the two Romanians in Romanian websites and you will be out of luck. The dearth of stories is a giveaway. There are so many Andreea Cristeas and they all look like super models and are very similar. The main Romanian "Andreea Cristea" visible on Facebook is like a Bond Girl with a lavish lifestyle and she works for and is the owner of Medical PR. She has left clues to the attack - by way of a Tissot watch with the time the "Hero" (indicated by a tiny wristband and a badge saying Hero) did his stuff outside Westminster is timed at 2:52pm - 12 minutes after the attack went down. You cannot find the two Romanians in Facebook that appear in the Sun article. ~ TM

  18. URGENT – Significant Open letter from Chief Constable Mike Veale – Operation Conifer

    Re UK govt child abuse

    A rare and heroic official video of a senior policeman doing the right thing under considerable pressure from the usual suspects and a complicit media campaign against him.

    This copper needs the support of the public far and wide.

    Making this “go viral” would help keep those that prey on our children off the Chief Constables back.

    Repost it and smile we are getting our own back on them 🙂

  19. "Three boys from St Joseph’s school in Brittany, in London on a visit, were seriously injured when the British Muslim convert Khalid Masood ploughed into a crowd last Wednesday. A former pupil from the same school was murdered during the Bataclan attack in Paris."

    Photographs from the event provided by two photographers with top connections.

  21. Took them a while to come up with this ......

    Many people (not least on here) questioned how the police officer was stabbed to death in seconds even though all police wear stab vests, so here's the Daily Mail and their attempt at damage limitation for the sheeple

  22. I’ve been investigating this false flag attack since March 23; my research is finished:

    First I will introduce “independent” star witness Graham Neale:

    Since August 2016 Graham Neale is copywriter and editor for Aflatoun International; an international NGO affiliated with the United Nations that specialises in teaching children and young people about their responsibilities (to become a good slave?) and “limited” resources (the problem of overpopulation...):

    Aflatoun was launched in 2005 by Princess (now Queen) Maxima of the Netherlands.
    Aflatoun is even promoted by the Brookings Institute:

    From 2012 – 2015 Neale was chairman for the Green Liberal Democrats, lobbying for a sustainable policy framework (the problem of overpopulation...):
    Since April 2016 Graham Neale is producer for the Italian state network RAI Uno housed in the Millbank tower
    The Millbank tower is interesting because from here the video of the see-through Hyundai car racing over Westminster Bridge was shot.

    The Reuben brothers (David and Simon), who own the Millbank tower, have financed a campaign of Boris Johnson (who was in the infamous Bullingdon club with Nat Rothschild and David Cameron).
    The Millbank tower is also home to the Henry Jackson Society (a think tank), whose members include MP’s, former heads of British intelligence agencies, CFR, Homeland security, Israel, NATO, and former CIA-director James Woolsey.

    The Henry Jackson Society is one of those organisations that push for a strong military to fight the “War on terror”.
    Dr. Alan Mendoza, founder and executive director of the Henry Jackson Society, quickly proclaimed that the Westminster attack follows “the modus operandi of ISIS-related attacks”.
    The terrorist was part of a “vast network” of British-based Islamists.
    According to “research” by the Henry Jackson Society “anywhere between 2,000 and 3,000 people” are so “dangerous” that they require “active surveillance”:

    There are even connections with the “hero MP” Tobias Ellwood, who was appointed to the Queen’s Privy Council for his heroic efforts to save “hero” cop Keith Palmer.
    In 2010, Ellwood was involved in a discussion with the Henry Jackson Society about terrorism:
    Ellwood is also listed as co-writer for a paper for the Henry Jackson Society in 2013:

    Just 4 weeks before the Westminster “terror attack” (on 21 February 2017), Robert Kagan of the Brookings Institute was invited by the Henry Jackson Society to come over from the USA to discuss urgent matters.
    They claim it was about Donald Trump’s influence on the “international world order”:

    So there you have it, my conclusion is that 29 days before 22 March, the final details for this false flag attack were figured out by the Brookings Institute and the Henry Jackson Society.
    The trail of Aflatoun International leads directly to the Dutch Royal crime family.
    And “independent” star witness Radoslaw Sikorksi was present at the 2016 Bilderberg meeting...

    I call this case closed!

    1. Fantastic research!

      Are you suggesting it was particular actors within the "Brookings Institute and the Henry Jackson Society" or the organisations's leadership and members en masse?

    2. Many thanks for the info.

      - Aangirfan

  23. The first card on the Economist 2017 cover, is The Tower, wreathed in black smoke. But what does it symbolise and portend?

    1. The old name for the Tower card was "Le maison Dieu" or the House of God. The image is of a tower being hit by lightning and two figures are shown falling.

      Tarot cards can be interpreted positively or hegatively depending on the cards around them or if they are the right way up or inverted.

      Some say the tower is the Tower of Bavel (Babylon) which is traditionally considered to have been destroyed by God for daring to aspire to the heights of heaven.

      So the lesson is that going against the will of God/Goddess/Nature/Tao brings destruction whether due to hubris or stupidity. That's the positive meaning.

      The negative reading would suggest the person is ignoring this message and continuing to believe themself as superhuman.

      Some say the figures are male and female and the male falls while the female glides. This represents the contrasting natures of ego/will and subconscious/acceptance for male and female respectively, and suggests it is better to go with the Tao/flow rather than try to resist or fight the inevitable.

      In the Golden Dawn deck there is an illustration of the Qliphoth to the left of the tower and the Tree of Life on the right.

      In the Book of Thoth the All-Seeing Eye features at the top of the card and a fire-breathing serpent appears at the bottom. The card is ruled by Scorpio with loys of reds, oranges and flame yellows.

      The Tower is Atu or Trump no. 16.

      For synchronicity with topic of this article ( and as I've just finished reading the book and am tarot reader) see book below. WARNING - not for the easily upset, there are some really gruesome passages.

      There are free versions online - try

    2. The more common (not necessarily more correct) association of Key 16 is with Mars. Scorpio being associated with Death, Key 13.

  24. There seems to be a lot of creepy occult imagery concealed in much of Anglo-zionist media and entertainment industry.I Used to think this was all so much tin-foil hat stuff in my less enlightened days but now i keep an open mind. The burning tower or tower struck by lightning is an important card of the Tarot deck a form of divination replete with Kabbalistic symbolism. Amongst other things it foretells Physical disaster, upheaval, revolutionary change. On some decks it is surmounted by a falling crown symbolising among other things the fall of kings, materialistic thought etc. On the Rider-Waite deck small flames representing the Hebrew letter Yod are depicted. Yod represents the divine spark or potential God within man which the Kabbalists hope to liberate ( Ye Shall be as Gods ). Interesting to see the numerous references to Crowns, Reigns, triangles, eyes, Red bracelets in the current r&b, Rap, Hip-Hop " culture" Could they be trying to tell us that the work is near completion? NWO, New Age, Fabian Utopia, Open Conspiracy Jewish Messianic Age. Whatever the moniker it smells evil and you can be sure there is Money behind it and its been a long time in the making. On the other hand perhaps its all just one big CIA PsyOp.

    1. Agreed. I think it's good to be skeptical about stuff until you can check it out and do your own research. However, if the evidence piles up one has to accept something is actually behind it...

    2. Just a thought regarding the Magician card depicted on The Economist cover. In this depiction there is a factory and conveyer belt on the magician's table. This is churning out housing units. Could there be a connection with the Grenfell Fire and the very rapid condemnation of a large number of High rises in London?( normally reports would have been commissioned over months) Could it be " foretelling " a strategy of mass construction to boost a flagging economy whilst simultaneously re- structuring the social composition of Electoral Wards? Any Thoughts?

    3. Hmmmmm. Yes, and with great publicity and fanfare the 'residents' get re-homed in tiny, tiny, Agenda 21/(30) approved units nowhere near Central London.

    4. The Magician manipulates all four tarot suit symbols and adopts a Baphomet pose with one hand pointing up and the other pointing down - as above so below - signifying connecting the spiritual with the material. Or this could be understood as the process of making ideas manifest, so your explanation makes a lot of sense.

      This whole scam would constitute a typical magician's trick - everyone watches the fire while the real action is elsewhere.

      Now you see me...

    5. Listening to the " Ministry Of Truth " on the radio today they were saying samples from 75 high rises have been sent to the Building Standards laboratory for analysis. This suggests pre-planning to me akin to the " Je Suis Charlie " placards i.e too quickly on the heels of the actual event. Perhaps this housing will be used to house the new commonwealth Gastarbeiter needed post Brexit. Poor souls they aren't to blame they just want a living wage. It seems to me our Government however are intent on destroying what is left of British culture outside of obesity, illiteracy, tattoos and the conspicuous consumption of crap in pursuit of some vision of Britain a la Rhodes-Milner. Wish I had emigrated in my Youth.

    6. Anonymous @ 04:47, interesting point regarding Baphomet. During Trump's Inaugoral swearing-in ceremony, I noticed for the first time how the left hand on the Bible and right hand raised is precisely the Baphomet gesture (as above ,so below). And of course it is the same gesture used to swear an oath in court.I never saw it before even though it was in plain sight!

    7. Great insight - I'd never thought about that before.

    8. For those interested in Baphomet symbolism I would suggest taking a look at the highly engaging and entertaining "In Search of Black Assassins" blog.

      While I don't always agree with everything on this site, I've spent many hours lost in the rich mix of occult exposes of celebrities and people of power. This site is funny and scary in equal measure and well worth visiting.

  25. Strange how so many Mormons crop up as victims in the "attacks". Mormons are of course Zionists who apparently used to believe Black skin was the " Mark Of Cain ", but no longer do. Absolutely remarkable coincidence that a terror drill involving a body being thrown into the Thames is replicated in real life several days later (Ms Cristea). Also remarkable that two unarmed Tory MPs Tobias Elwood and Ben Wallace, both with high level military connections emerge to grapple with crazed " Muslim covert". Probably just coincidence.

    1. I used to live adjacent to the regional office of the Church of Latter Day Saints and their young missionaries would often call at our house. They were mostly intelligent well-spoken young people but a few seemed pretty vacant and (looking back with more knowledge) possible mind kontrol candidates.

      So in response to the interesting comment above, I agree, it probably was more than a coincidence, which of course is what you ironically suggest.

  26. This article is about false flags. Can I ask the community what ppl think about the Internet show, False Flag Weekly News?

    The show goes out weekly on No LIes Radio and is hosted by Prof Anthony Hall of Lethbridge Uni, Canada and editor of the International Herald Tribune, and Dr Kevin Barrett, senior editor at Veterans Today and author of various books and articles about 9/11, Charlie Hebdo and other "truther" works.

    I've been watching for a while now and several things are making me feel uneasy.

    I'll give three example;

    Their admiration for the Islamic Republic of Iran for a start. The men are regualrly on PressTV and attend lots of conferences in Iran This site and others have provided plenty of evidence that the Iranian leadership have very suspicious connections to western powers and Israel. Yet the guys never mention that. As far as I know from talking to Iranians, the religious goons killed all the real student revolutionaries and subverted the revolution against the Shah.

    On Friday they claimed that Qatar supports "democratic Islamic government". Yet according to wikipedia, "Qatar is a hereditary monarchy and its head of state is Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani."

    They claim they are being attacked by B'nai B'rith, and seem to expose ZioNazi bad deeds, yet something doesn't feel right to me.

    Comments please?

    1. I'll write a post on Kevin Barrett.

      - Aangirfan

    2. Thanks - I look forward to reading it.

  27. Has al-Muhajiroun been underestimated?
    By Richard Watson BBC Newsnight

    Ridiculous article asks if we were too easy on those evil Jihadis.

    No mention of historical links to SAS, MI5/6, Special Branch or police. Yet includes this claim, "... al-Muhajiroun was allowed to recruit in towns across the UK for years, largely unfettered by the state ..."

    The word "allowed" is key to understanding this supposed inaction.
