A major voting machine maker, Election Systems & Software, has revealed in a letter to a US senator, that it installed remote-access software on its machines over a period of six years.

Some examples:
In the 1948 election in Italy, US agencies "threw everything, including the kitchen sink" into helping the Christian Democrats.
In the 1950s, the CIA helped the West German Christian Democrats, led by Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, to come to power.
In the 1964 Chilean presidential election, the CIA helped the Christian Democrat Eduardo Frei Montalva to defeat Salvador Allende.
Meddling in Elections: A CIA Tradition Since 1948 / The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections / Did Dubbya rig the election? / John Kerry Thinks Bush Rigged The 2004 Election

Vladimir Putin has suggested that Jews could be to blame for meddling in the US presidential election.
Putin suggests 'Jews with Russian citizenship' behind rigging of US election.
Vladimir Putin suggests Jews and other minorities in Russia could be behind US election meddling

Trump's spokesman Michael Cohen received an email from Trump business associate Felix Sater saying 'Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it.'
Our boy can become president
Sater has been linked to the Jewish Mafia.
Mafia-linked figure association with Trump .

Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov
The top Israeli 'mobster' Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov has been connected to a criminal operation that was run out of Trump Tower.
Seven months after the FBI raided this criminal organisation at Trump Tower, in 2013, Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov was a VIP attendee at Donald Trump's Miss Universe 2013 contest held in Moscow.
The Russian crime organization that operated in Trump Tower

The Ukrainian-born Jew named Semion Mogilevich is involved in money laundering, according to a classified FBI report.
One of his companies is YBM, whose CEO is Jacob Bogatin, whose brother, David Bogatin, a top Russian crime figure, had five expensive Trump Tower apartments.
The top Israeli 'mobster' Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov has been connected to a criminal operation that was run out of Trump Tower.
Seven months after the FBI raided this criminal organisation at Trump Tower, in 2013, Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov was a VIP attendee at Donald Trump's Miss Universe 2013 contest held in Moscow.
The Russian crime organization that operated in Trump Tower

The Ukrainian-born Jew named Semion Mogilevich is involved in money laundering, according to a classified FBI report.
One of his companies is YBM, whose CEO is Jacob Bogatin, whose brother, David Bogatin, a top Russian crime figure, had five expensive Trump Tower apartments.
The Most Dangerous Mobster in the World
In November 2017, Roman Abramovich's yacht arrived at the Port of Palm Beach, approximately eight miles away from Mar-a-Lago.
'Roman Abramovich is a gangster'.
Jared Kushner has met Abramovich one-on-one and with their wives on a number of occasions.
Starting in 1999, Putin got the oligarchs Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich to create the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia under the leadership of Chabad rabbi Berel Lazar.

Trump is planning to spend Thanksgiving (November 2017) at his Mar-a-Lago Club.

Microsoft joins Google in sticking with Trump.
In Florida, 70% of the voters voted early.
In other words, Trump's people 'rigged the poll in Florida'.
(numbers equal percentage points)
Exit Polls: Clinton 47.7, Trump 46.4 - Clinton wins by 1.3
Actual: Clinton 47.8, Trump 49.0 - Trump wins by 1.2
Clinton Campaign To Participate In Recount.
Trump won Wisconsin by vote rigging, it would appear.
PoliticusUSA reports that, ahead of the probable recount, Trump's majority in Wisconsin has already shrunk by thousands of votes.
According to the Palmer Report, a number of precincts in Wisconsin have already discovered that the numbers were padded to benefit Trump and had to revise their numbers.
As a result, thousands of votes have been "wiped out of Trump's column in an instant."
Clinton's vote total "was essentially correct."
Wisconsin is now acknowledging that "thousands of the supposed votes for Trump simply never existed."
Request for Wisconsin vote recount sent.

Jill Stein is preparing to file for election recounts in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and Michigan.
With the final vote count still to come in, Hillary Clinton is on track to win the nationwide ballot by around 2 million votes.
Clinton has 64,223,958 votes. Trump has 62,206,395.

Ivanka Trump, and brother, and pizza.

Obama remarked the day after Election Day, "We're actually all on one team."
Obama refused to prosecute officials in George W. Bush’s administration for torture.
Complicity Of Obama

Not My President Gains Steam As Clinton Popular Vote Lead Surpasses 1.7 Million Over Trump.
In the November 2016 US election, there were enormous discrepancies between the exit polls and final vote counts.
The US Government uses exit poll data to verify and validate elections in the developing world.
Attorney and professor of political science, Bob Fitrakis, said in an interview with CounterPunch Radio:
"If this (November 2016) election occurred outside the United States, our government would not recognize it as legitimate."

Trump rigged the election? A new movement seeks a vote audit.
A petition started by the Verified Voting Foundation seeks 75,000 signatures which will be forwarded to Secretaries of State, election officials, and state governors.
Demand An Audit Of The 2016 Presidential Election.

United States Senator, South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham, has called for a congressional investigation into possible election tampering.
The FBI and the NSA detected attempts to tip the United States election.
Hackers are known to have broken into voter registration systems in Illinois and elsewhere.

Alexandra Chalupa, a consultant, told the Gothamist news site that in Pennsylvania, especially, the voting results appeared strange, with between 50 and 75 percent of provisional ballots rejected.
Even more alarming, "a large number of voters voted for a Republican president and senator, but voted for Democrats down the rest of the ballot."
"That's not usually the pattern," Chalupa said.
A new Twitter hashtag, #AuditTheVote, has appeared.
Still time for an election audit.

2016 election results
Clinton: 65,127,332 votes
Trump 62,621,132 votes
Total all candidates: 135,623,465 votes.
Exit Polls: Clinton 48.6, Trump 46.5 - Clinton wins by 2.1
Actual: Clinton 46.1, Trump 49.9 - Trump wins by 3.8
Trump gain: 5.9 through fraud.

There is a growing belief that the 2016 US presidential election was rigged.

In the last three national elections in Germany, the differential between the exit polls and the vote tallies was, on average, 0.27 percent.
Election Fraud in America

How to Hack an Election.
The discrepancy between the exit poll results and the raw vote total count shows that the 2016 election was rigged in favour of Trump.
2016 Exit Polls vs. Actual Results: Trump vs. Clinton -
FLORIDA - 29 Electoral Votes
(numbers equal percentage points)
Exit Polls: Clinton 47.7, Trump 46.4 - Clinton wins by 1.3
Actual: Clinton 47.8, Trump 49.0 - Trump wins by 1.2
Trump gain between exit polls and actual results: 2.5
NORTH CAROLINA - 15 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 48.6, Trump 46.5 - Clinton wins by 2.1
Actual: Clinton 46.1, Trump 49.9 - Trump wins by 3.8
Trump gain: 5.9
Boris Epshteyn is typical of the people who surround Trump. Boris is a Russian Jew who emigrated to the USA. He is a graduate of the CIA-linked Georgetown University . In 2014, he was charged with misdemeanor assault in Scottsdale, Arizona. [5] He is an investment banker and a senior advisor to Donald Trump's 2016 campaign.
PENNSYLVANIA - 20 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 50.5, Trump 46.1 - Clinton wins by 4.4
Actual: Clinton 47.6, Trump 48.8 - Trump wins by 1.2
Trump gain: 5.6
WISCONSIN - 10 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 48.2, Trump 44.3 - Clinton wins by 3.9
Actual: Clinton 47.6, Trump 48.8 - Trump wins by 1.2
Trump gain: 5.1

Fred Leidel was an engineering professor at the University of Wisconsin.
But, on 11 9 2016, for the first time in his life, Leidel was turned away from the polls.
"Voter suppression was all too real, and 14 states - including important swing states - had new voting restrictions in place."
Republicans Rig the Election - The Nation.
Margie Mueller, a cancer survivor aged 85, went to vote in Plymouth. But Margie wasn't able to vote because her driver's license had expired.
14 states had new voting restrictions in effect for the first time in 2016 - including important swing states like Wisconsin and Ohio.
Partly due to voter supression, Donald Trump won Wisconsin by 27,000 votes.
In Wisconsin, 300,000 registered voters, according to a federal court, lacked the required forms of voter ID.

On Election Day, there were 868 fewer polling places in states with a long history of voting discrimination, like Arizona, Texas, and North Carolina.
In North Carolina, 'in 40 heavily black counties, there were 158 fewer early polling places.'
Trump's supporters explicitly called for 'racial profiling' at the polls.
Trump's campaign openly boasted that 'we have three major voter-suppression operations under way' to reduce turnout among African Americans, young women, and liberals.
Republicans Rig the Election - The Nation. / North Carolina Republicans Sued For Rigging the Election For Trump / Republican election-rigging - Richard Stallman

WIKILEAKS; DEEP STATE DUMPED CLINTON.In Florida, 70% of the voters voted early.
Clinton had a large lead among these early voters.
The most prominent exit poll of Florida early voters showed that 28% of registered Republicans voted for Hillary Clinton, with just 6% of registered Democrats having voted for Trump.
Rigged election: Hillary Clinton's early-voting lead in Florida was mathematically insurmountable
The most prominent exit poll of Florida early voters showed that 28% of registered Republicans voted for Hillary Clinton, with just 6% of registered Democrats having voted for Trump.
Rigged election: Hillary Clinton's early-voting lead in Florida was mathematically insurmountable
(numbers equal percentage points)
Exit Polls: Clinton 47.7, Trump 46.4 - Clinton wins by 1.3
Actual: Clinton 47.8, Trump 49.0 - Trump wins by 1.2
Clinton Campaign To Participate In Recount.

Trump won Wisconsin by vote rigging, it would appear.
PoliticusUSA reports that, ahead of the probable recount, Trump's majority in Wisconsin has already shrunk by thousands of votes.
According to the Palmer Report, a number of precincts in Wisconsin have already discovered that the numbers were padded to benefit Trump and had to revise their numbers.
As a result, thousands of votes have been "wiped out of Trump's column in an instant."
Clinton's vote total "was essentially correct."
Wisconsin is now acknowledging that "thousands of the supposed votes for Trump simply never existed."
Request for Wisconsin vote recount sent.

Ivanka Trump
With the final vote count still to come in, Hillary Clinton is on track to win the nationwide ballot by around 2 million votes.
Clinton has 64,223,958 votes. Trump has 62,206,395.

Ivanka Trump, and brother, and pizza.
Clinton received 7% fewer votes in those counties of Wisconsin in which votes were counted electronically, compared to those with paper ballots and optical scanners.
The Democrats won the swing state of Colorado, which reportedly uses mainly paper ballots.

According to New York magazine, Obama does not want the Clinton team to push for a recount
The Democrats won the swing state of Colorado, which reportedly uses mainly paper ballots.

According to New York magazine, Obama does not want the Clinton team to push for a recount

9 11 could not have happened without the top Republicans and top Democrats working secretly together.
Obama remarked the day after Election Day, "We're actually all on one team."
Obama refused to prosecute officials in George W. Bush’s administration for torture.
Complicity Of Obama

A "growing number of academics and activists" are calling for an audit of the results in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the UK's Guardian newspaper reports.
According to a CNN report, a group of scientists including J Alex Halderman, director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, has privately told the Clinton campaign that Clinton received 7% fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic voting machines, suggesting they may have been hacked.
According to a CNN report, a group of scientists including J Alex Halderman, director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, has privately told the Clinton campaign that Clinton received 7% fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic voting machines, suggesting they may have been hacked.
Trump election: Activists call for recount in battleground states
BBC News |

Not My President Gains Steam As Clinton Popular Vote Lead Surpasses 1.7 Million Over Trump.
In the November 2016 US election, there were enormous discrepancies between the exit polls and final vote counts.
The US Government uses exit poll data to verify and validate elections in the developing world.
Attorney and professor of political science, Bob Fitrakis, said in an interview with CounterPunch Radio:
"If this (November 2016) election occurred outside the United States, our government would not recognize it as legitimate."
"Had this election been in Latin America or the Middle East, the State Department would not accept the results..."
US Election Stolen | Global Research
US Election Stolen | Global Research

Trump rigged the election? A new movement seeks a vote audit.
A petition started by the Verified Voting Foundation seeks 75,000 signatures which will be forwarded to Secretaries of State, election officials, and state governors.
Demand An Audit Of The 2016 Presidential Election.

United States Senator, South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham, has called for a congressional investigation into possible election tampering.
The FBI and the NSA detected attempts to tip the United States election.
Hackers are known to have broken into voter registration systems in Illinois and elsewhere.

Alexandra Chalupa, a consultant, told the Gothamist news site that in Pennsylvania, especially, the voting results appeared strange, with between 50 and 75 percent of provisional ballots rejected.
Even more alarming, "a large number of voters voted for a Republican president and senator, but voted for Democrats down the rest of the ballot."
"That's not usually the pattern," Chalupa said.
A new Twitter hashtag, #AuditTheVote, has appeared.
Still time for an election audit.

2016 election results
Clinton: 65,127,332 votes
Trump 62,621,132 votes
Total all candidates: 135,623,465 votes.
Exit Polls: Clinton 48.6, Trump 46.5 - Clinton wins by 2.1
Actual: Clinton 46.1, Trump 49.9 - Trump wins by 3.8
Trump gain: 5.9 through fraud.

There is a growing belief that the 2016 US presidential election was rigged.

In the last three national elections in Germany, the differential between the exit polls and the vote tallies was, on average, 0.27 percent.
Election Fraud in America

How to Hack an Election.
The discrepancy between the exit poll results and the raw vote total count shows that the 2016 election was rigged in favour of Trump.
2016 Exit Polls vs. Actual Results: Trump vs. Clinton -
FLORIDA - 29 Electoral Votes
(numbers equal percentage points)
Exit Polls: Clinton 47.7, Trump 46.4 - Clinton wins by 1.3
Actual: Clinton 47.8, Trump 49.0 - Trump wins by 1.2
Trump gain between exit polls and actual results: 2.5
NORTH CAROLINA - 15 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 48.6, Trump 46.5 - Clinton wins by 2.1
Actual: Clinton 46.1, Trump 49.9 - Trump wins by 3.8
Trump gain: 5.9

Boris Epshteyn is typical of the people who surround Trump. Boris is a Russian Jew who emigrated to the USA. He is a graduate of the CIA-linked Georgetown University . In 2014, he was charged with misdemeanor assault in Scottsdale, Arizona. [5] He is an investment banker and a senior advisor to Donald Trump's 2016 campaign.
PENNSYLVANIA - 20 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 50.5, Trump 46.1 - Clinton wins by 4.4
Actual: Clinton 47.6, Trump 48.8 - Trump wins by 1.2
Trump gain: 5.6
WISCONSIN - 10 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 48.2, Trump 44.3 - Clinton wins by 3.9
Actual: Clinton 47.6, Trump 48.8 - Trump wins by 1.2
Trump gain: 5.1
Actual vote totals are compiled as of November 16.
Exit polls available at this link

Fred Leidel was an engineering professor at the University of Wisconsin.
But, on 11 9 2016, for the first time in his life, Leidel was turned away from the polls.
"Voter suppression was all too real, and 14 states - including important swing states - had new voting restrictions in place."
Republicans Rig the Election - The Nation.
Margie Mueller, a cancer survivor aged 85, went to vote in Plymouth. But Margie wasn't able to vote because her driver's license had expired.
14 states had new voting restrictions in effect for the first time in 2016 - including important swing states like Wisconsin and Ohio.
Partly due to voter supression, Donald Trump won Wisconsin by 27,000 votes.
In Wisconsin, 300,000 registered voters, according to a federal court, lacked the required forms of voter ID.

On Election Day, there were 868 fewer polling places in states with a long history of voting discrimination, like Arizona, Texas, and North Carolina.
In North Carolina, 'in 40 heavily black counties, there were 158 fewer early polling places.'
Trump's supporters explicitly called for 'racial profiling' at the polls.
Trump's campaign openly boasted that 'we have three major voter-suppression operations under way' to reduce turnout among African Americans, young women, and liberals.
Republicans Rig the Election - The Nation. / North Carolina Republicans Sued For Rigging the Election For Trump / Republican election-rigging - Richard Stallman

"The deep state needed a new candidate ... one who was smart and colored and had charisma – but no backbone."
Donald Trump is 'The Deep State': Vote Rigging

The Kosher Nostra rigged the voting machines.
In February 2016, election expert Harvey Wasserman explained:
"About 80 percent of the vote nationally will be cast on electronic voting machines.

There is a plot to fool the public.
"Your Google search - 'THE 2016 US ELECTION WAS RIGGED AGAINST THE DEMOCRATS' - did not match any documents."
Donald Trump is 'The Deep State': Vote Rigging

In Ohio, in the November 2016 presidential election, the authorities decided not to activate voting machine audit software, which means the results cannot be verified.
Exit Poll Discrepancies and Voter Suppression.
It is believed that the results in Ohio were rigged.

The Republicans spread a rumour that George Soros owns Smartmatic, which makes voting machines.
Soros has never worked for or had an ownership stake in Smartmatic.
George Soros does not own voting machines in 16 states.
Smartmatic was not in use in the United States during the 2016 elections.
What was fake on the Internet this election.
Electronic Voting.

Soros has never worked for or had an ownership stake in Smartmatic.
George Soros does not own voting machines in 16 states.
Smartmatic was not in use in the United States during the 2016 elections.
The companies which make the voting machines are Republican.
In Ohio, in 2004, electronic voting was used to steal the presidential election for Bush.

Katie Johnson
Donald Trump is said to be the inspiration behind Hollis Doyle, in the TV drama called Scandal.
Scandal Predicted How Trump Would Win The Election
Hollis Doyle organised an election-rigging operation in Ohio.
Scandal Predicted How Trump Would Win The Election
Hollis Doyle organised an election-rigging operation in Ohio.

Alison Jackson
Cohn estimates that when all votes have been counted, 63.4 million Americans will have voted for Clinton to 61.2 million for Trump, which would make it the highest votes received by a presidential candidate in history after Obama in both 2008 and 2012.
Clinton Leads Trump by 1.8 Million Votes as Counting Continues
Election expert Nate Cohn says: "By the time all the ballots are counted, Hillary Clinton will have won by a wider percentage margin than not only Al Gore in 2000 but also Richard Nixon in 1968 and John F. Kennedy in 1960."
Clinton Leads Trump by 1.8 Million Votes as Counting Continues

The Kosher Nostra rigged the voting machines.
In February 2016, election expert Harvey Wasserman explained:
"About 80 percent of the vote nationally will be cast on electronic voting machines.
"There is no verifiability.
"In six key swing states- Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa and Arizona - you have Republican governors and Republican secretaries of state, and no method of verifying the electronic vote count.
"At midnight or whenever it is on election night, those two guys can go in there with an IT person and flip the outcome of an electronically counted vote within about 60 seconds."
"In six key swing states- Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa and Arizona - you have Republican governors and Republican secretaries of state, and no method of verifying the electronic vote count.
"At midnight or whenever it is on election night, those two guys can go in there with an IT person and flip the outcome of an electronically counted vote within about 60 seconds."

Alison Jackson
There is a plot to fool the public.
"Your Google search - 'THE 2016 US ELECTION WAS RIGGED AGAINST THE DEMOCRATS' - did not match any documents."
That post has over 40,000 page views.

University of Pennyslvania professor Steven F. Freeman and University of New York professor Mark Crispin Miller are among those who are questioning the integrity of Donald Trump's victory .
Jason Walston, who studies business analytics, found that, in New Hanover County in NC, the voting machines may have recorded about 4,500 Democrat votes as votes for Trump.
U.S. election-integrity advocates question legitimacy of Trump's victory -
"Barbara Highsmith says she voted at Cape Fear Community College for Hillary Clinton for president, but twice the machine showed her vote registered for Donald Trump.
"She's one a few people to contact the NAACP with concerns about the integrity of the voting machines in New Hanover County."
Voter files complaint over voting machines

Professor Mark Crispin Miller suggests that 90,000 Michigan residents who filled out ballots may have had their vote for Clinton removed.

Bannon holds a master's degree in National Security Studies from Georgetown University, which has been linked to the CIA.
Bannon is a former a Special Assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations.[9]
Donald Trump is predicted to appoint the Mastermind of the Bush Torture Program as his CIA Chief.
War Continues under President Donald Trump says Kurt Nimmo.
Alison Jackson.
Can you spot a fake?
According to Stephen Lendman, exit polls are very accurate.
They showed Hillary won key battleground states reported as going for Trump.
Kevin Barrett, at Veterans Today, writes that Yes, the 11 9 2016 election WAS stolen.
NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller, a leading expert on election fraud, has a post entitled:
Exit polls suggest that Trump’s big 'victory' was stolen
"The 5% discrepancy between the exit polls and 'results' in the key swing states of North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin are smoking-gun proof.
According to Barrett, the plan to put Trump into power can be traced back several years.
"Some folks think The Simpsons have been in on it for sixteen years!"

"Polls have shown that the average income of Trump's voters is above that of Hillary Clinton's supporters."
Donald Trump's victory - political reckoning
(See below for Trump's close links to Soros, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs.)

The Trump campaign appears to have rigged the election.
The alt-right are the people like Alex Jones and Breitbart who support Trump.
Michael Collins Piper has explained that the alt-right is a tool of the Zionists.
Jared Taylor's “Zionist-Friendly Nationalism”.
The anti-Clinton stories are mainly untrue.
No, a Florida whistleblower did not uncover 'massive voter fraud' (and other election hoaxes you might be seeing online)

Donald Trump's campaign paid at least $1.8 million to Nathan Sproul whose companies include several that have been repeatedly investigated for voter fraud.
In a 2012 Florida case, three employees of Sproul's firm pleaded guilty to forging voter registrations.
"In California, Oregon, Nevada and Florida, Nathan Sproul's workers were investigated on suspicion of forging signatures, destroying Democratic voter registrations or changing the addresses of legitimately registered voters without their consent, according to former employees, state investigations and news reports."
Trump, GOP paying consultant dogged by voter fraud charges
In Pensylvania, the vote was close and easy to rig.
The 2016 election returns in Pennsylvania:
Donald Trump: 2,894,757
Hillary Clinton: 2,822,963
In Pennsylvania, "voters chose Trump while electing three statewide Democrats," said PennLive.
Only 112000 Voters Gave Us President Trump
2016 election results
Clinton: 65,127,332 votes
Donald Trump 62,621,132 votes
Total all candidates: 135,623,465 votes.
2008 election results
Obama: 69,498,516 votes. McCain: 59,948,323 votes.
Trump Victory Sparks Nationwide Protests.
In the USA, nationwide protests have erupted against Trump.
There is a belief that the election was rigged.
The final polls showed Clinton in the lead.
How might the election have been rigged?
When looking for possible rigging, one looks at the states which Trump won by a very small margin.
In Florida, Clinton got 48% (4,485,745 votes) of the vote and Trump 49% (4,605,515 votes).
In Pensylvania, Clinton got 48% (2,844,705 votes) Trump got 49% (2,912,941 votes).
In Colorado, Hillary Clinton got 47% of the vote, and Trump 45%.
You could argue that the Clinton people rigged the vote in Colorado, or, that the Trump people found it too difficult to rig the vote in Colorado.
Colorado voted for Obama in 2008.
However, the voting system in Colorado is not untypical of the voting systems in other states.
On voting day, 11 9 2016, a Denver Elections Officer reported that all the electronic voting systems had crashed across the state of Colorado, a swing state.
All voting systems DOWN in key swing state.
There are 64 separate voting systems - one in each Colorado county.
You only have to hack some systems in quiet rural areas, in order to rig the election.
There have been reports of votes being cast in the names of dead voters.
Colorado makes widespread use of mail ballots - 95 percent of votes cast in 2014 were on mail ballots.
"Tens of millions of Americans who descended on the polls Tuesday faced hours-long lines, sporadic equipment failures and confusion about polling places...
"Problems cropped up in Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and other key battleground states...
Voters in key states endured long lines, equipment failures.
"Karen Hobert Flynn, president of Common Cause, said last-minute polling place changes and other problems in Arizona were 'causing real confusion for many voters.'
"Problems being reported included ...malfunctioning voting machines in Virginia; and confusion with closed or delayed-opening polling places in Georgia and Texas."

Jason Walston, who studies business analytics, found that, in New Hanover County in NC, the voting machines may have recorded about 4,500 Democrat votes as votes for Trump.
U.S. election-integrity advocates question legitimacy of Trump's victory -
"Barbara Highsmith says she voted at Cape Fear Community College for Hillary Clinton for president, but twice the machine showed her vote registered for Donald Trump.
"She's one a few people to contact the NAACP with concerns about the integrity of the voting machines in New Hanover County."
Voter files complaint over voting machines

Crispin Miller noted that something similar happened in Florida in 2000, when Bush won.
Crispin Miller refers to "Millions disenfranchised, coast to coast, through purges of the electronic voter rolls, and voter caging, and voter ID requirements, and partisan interference by election officials, and the deliberate placement of too few machines in certain precincts, and volleys of disinformation on the times and places to go vote - and as the exit polls suggest widespread manipulation of the vote-counts throughout the swing states..."

Investigative journalist Greg Palast has exposed how pre-election moves by Republican state legislators disenfranchised massive numbers of voters.
He recently wrote a post noting how this was more than enough to assure Trump victories in Michigan, North Carolina, and Arizona.
U.S. election-integrity advocates question legitimacy of Trump's victory -

Steve Bannon
Donald Trump's new chief strategist is the former Goldman Sachs banker Steve Bannon.
U.S. election-integrity advocates question legitimacy of Trump's victory -

Steve Bannon
Donald Trump's new chief strategist is the former Goldman Sachs banker Steve Bannon.
Bannon holds a master's degree in National Security Studies from Georgetown University, which has been linked to the CIA.
Bannon is a former a Special Assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations.[9]
Donald Trump is predicted to appoint the Mastermind of the Bush Torture Program as his CIA Chief.
War Continues under President Donald Trump says Kurt Nimmo.

Alison Jackson.
Can you spot a fake?
Trump will continue the nightmares.
According to Stephen Lendman, exit polls are very accurate.
They showed Hillary won key battleground states reported as going for Trump.

Mike Pence told Congress in 2002: 'There is a growing list of facts that suggest Iraqi involvement not just in the events of 9/11, but... even in... the anthrax bacillus finding its way to Capitol Hill'
"In 2000, exit polls gave Al Gore the win in Florida; in 2004, exit polls gave Kerry the win in Ohio, and now, in swing states, exit polls gave the presidency to Hillary Clinton.
The Election was Stolen – Here's How
"Mitt Romney won white college graduates by 14 points over President Obama."
"Now, to a big shift from 2012.
"According to exit polls, about six in 10 voters - 61% - said they had a dim view of Trump while only 37 percent viewed him favorably.
"Exit polls found that Hillary Clinton was ahead in four key states - North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Florida - but lost the computerized vote count.
The Election was Stolen – Here's How
"Mitt Romney won white college graduates by 14 points over President Obama."
"Now, to a big shift from 2012.
"MSNBC reported that the two candidates are tied among white college graduates."
exit polls: A sizable shift in white college-educated vote toward Clinton...

Who were the 9 11 conspirators? Why was the 2000 election rigged in favour of the Republican George Bush?

Who were the 9 11 conspirators? Why was the 2000 election rigged in favour of the Republican George Bush?
"According to exit polls, about six in 10 voters - 61% - said they had a dim view of Trump while only 37 percent viewed him favorably.
"A majority of voters - 54% - said they had an unfavorable view of Hillary Clinton, and another 44 percent viewed her favorably."
2016 Election: Donald Trump Wins the White House in Upset

Some years ago, the Simpsons correctly predicted the November 2016 electoral map.
2016 Election: Donald Trump Wins the White House in Upset

Some years ago, the Simpsons correctly predicted the November 2016 electoral map.
"Exit polls found that Hillary Clinton was ahead in four key states - North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Florida - but lost the computerized vote count.
"That's not the first time a 'red shift' occurred between live exit poll results posted on CNN and the later vote count results.
"Clinton also won the national exit poll by 3.2%

The Klansmen and Mobsters.
"Exit polls were conducted in 28 states.
"Clinton also won the national exit poll by 3.2%

The Klansmen and Mobsters.
"Exit polls were conducted in 28 states.
"In 23 states there were discrepancies between the exit polls and the vote count.
"These exit polls suggested that Clinton was winning, but the vote count mysteriously helped Trump.
"In 13 of these states the discrepancies exceeded the margin of error of the state."
Exit Poll Discrepancies and ...
Exit Poll Discrepancies and ...
Kevin Barrett, at Veterans Today, writes that Yes, the 11 9 2016 election WAS stolen.
NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller, a leading expert on election fraud, has a post entitled:
Exit polls suggest that Trump’s big 'victory' was stolen
"The 5% discrepancy between the exit polls and 'results' in the key swing states of North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin are smoking-gun proof.
According to Barrett, the plan to put Trump into power can be traced back several years.
"Some folks think The Simpsons have been in on it for sixteen years!"

"Polls have shown that the average income of Trump's voters is above that of Hillary Clinton's supporters."
Donald Trump's victory - political reckoning
(See below for Trump's close links to Soros, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs.)

The Trump campaign appears to have rigged the election.
We are NOT fans of Hillary Clinton, but we think that rigged elections should be exposed.

Anti-Trump supporters.
It looks as if the Likud-Netanyahu-Cheney mob decided to get Trump into power, as Trump is the most pro-Zionist candidate.
In 2016, Trump got fewer votes than Hillary got.
In 2016, the turnout was high, but a lot of Clinton votes seem to have disappeared.
(See details below)
(See details below)

Anti-Trump supporters.
It looks as if the Likud-Netanyahu-Cheney mob decided to get Trump into power, as Trump is the most pro-Zionist candidate.
In order for Trump to win, Clinton votes had to disappear in certain key counties in the swing states.
Michael Collins Piper has explained that the alt-right is a tool of the Zionists.
Jared Taylor's “Zionist-Friendly Nationalism”.
Hillary Clinton has become an enemy of Netanyahu.
Dolly Kyle in her 2016 book, Hillary The Other Woman, wrote that Hillary Clinton often used phrases such as 'Stupid Kike', and 'Fucking Jew Bastard.'
Hillary knows that she is powerless against the Deep State Zionists; she knows what happened to John F Kennedy.

In the November 2016 election, voter turnout was up 4.7% around the country - USA Today
Turnout for the US election was expected to smash records as huge queues built up.
Yet, Donald Trump won one million fewer votes than Mitt Romney in 2012.
And many of Clinton's votes seem to disappear.
Professor Mark Crispin Miller, who dislikes Hillary Clinton, says the 2016 election was stolen from the Democrats in a similar fashion to what happened in 2000 and 2004.
BREAKING: Election Experts Explain How The Election Was Stolen!
1.1 million people, mainly minorities, were removed from the voting rolls in swing states using a system called 'Cross Check.'

The Democrats?
Barack Obama's 52% approval rating makes him more popular than Ronald Reagan at the end of his second term.
How it happened - The Economist
On the eve of America's presidential election, national surveys gave Hillary Clinton a lead of around four percentage points, which betting markets and statistical models translated into a probability of victory ranging from 70% to 99%.
The polls suggested that Clinton would have easy wins in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
How it happened - The Economist

Protests against Trump
Donald Trump won one million fewer votes than Mitt Romney in 2012.
Exit polls suggest 61% of voters considered Trump unqualified to be president and only 34% said he had the right personality and temperament.
How did the polls get it wrong? | The Economist

Remember Gore and Florida?
The history of 'rigged' US elections: from Bush v Gore to Trump.

Voters in Arizona, November 2016.
In the November 2016 election, voter turnout was up 4.7% around the country - USA Today
Turnout for the US election was expected to smash records as huge queues built up.
Yet, Donald Trump won one million fewer votes than Mitt Romney in 2012.
And many of Clinton's votes seem to disappear.
Professor Mark Crispin Miller, who dislikes Hillary Clinton, says the 2016 election was stolen from the Democrats in a similar fashion to what happened in 2000 and 2004.

BREAKING: Election Experts Explain How The Election Was Stolen!
1.1 million people, mainly minorities, were removed from the voting rolls in swing states using a system called 'Cross Check.'
Ballot protection software on the new Ohio voting machines was TURNED OFF.

The Democrats?
Barack Obama's 52% approval rating makes him more popular than Ronald Reagan at the end of his second term.
How it happened - The Economist
On the eve of America's presidential election, national surveys gave Hillary Clinton a lead of around four percentage points, which betting markets and statistical models translated into a probability of victory ranging from 70% to 99%.
The polls suggested that Clinton would have easy wins in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
How it happened - The Economist

Protests against Trump
Donald Trump won one million fewer votes than Mitt Romney in 2012.
Exit polls suggest 61% of voters considered Trump unqualified to be president and only 34% said he had the right personality and temperament.
How did the polls get it wrong? | The Economist

Remember Gore and Florida?
The history of 'rigged' US elections: from Bush v Gore to Trump.
No, a Florida whistleblower did not uncover 'massive voter fraud' (and other election hoaxes you might be seeing online)

Donald Trump's campaign paid at least $1.8 million to Nathan Sproul whose companies include several that have been repeatedly investigated for voter fraud.
In a 2012 Florida case, three employees of Sproul's firm pleaded guilty to forging voter registrations.
"In California, Oregon, Nevada and Florida, Nathan Sproul's workers were investigated on suspicion of forging signatures, destroying Democratic voter registrations or changing the addresses of legitimately registered voters without their consent, according to former employees, state investigations and news reports."
Trump, GOP paying consultant dogged by voter fraud charges
Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day. Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on? So naive!
In Pensylvania, the vote was close and easy to rig.
The 2016 election returns in Pennsylvania:
Donald Trump: 2,894,757
Hillary Clinton: 2,822,963
In Pennsylvania, "voters chose Trump while electing three statewide Democrats," said PennLive.
Only 112000 Voters Gave Us President Trump

Clinton: 65,127,332 votes
Donald Trump 62,621,132 votes
Total all candidates: 135,623,465 votes.
2008 election results
Obama: 69,498,516 votes. McCain: 59,948,323 votes.
Other candidates 1,400,000
Voter turnout was 131 million Americans.

In the USA, nationwide protests have erupted against Trump.
There is a belief that the election was rigged.
The final polls showed Clinton in the lead.
How might the election have been rigged?
When looking for possible rigging, one looks at the states which Trump won by a very small margin.
In Florida, Clinton got 48% (4,485,745 votes) of the vote and Trump 49% (4,605,515 votes).
In Pensylvania, Clinton got 48% (2,844,705 votes) Trump got 49% (2,912,941 votes).
Michigan | |
| |
In Colorado, Hillary Clinton got 47% of the vote, and Trump 45%.
You could argue that the Clinton people rigged the vote in Colorado, or, that the Trump people found it too difficult to rig the vote in Colorado.
Colorado voted for Obama in 2008.
However, the voting system in Colorado is not untypical of the voting systems in other states.
On voting day, 11 9 2016, a Denver Elections Officer reported that all the electronic voting systems had crashed across the state of Colorado, a swing state.
All voting systems DOWN in key swing state.
You only have to hack some systems in quiet rural areas, in order to rig the election.
There have been reports of votes being cast in the names of dead voters.
Colorado makes widespread use of mail ballots - 95 percent of votes cast in 2014 were on mail ballots.
Mary Eberle, an election-integrity advocate, says the mail ballot system makes it impossible to know how many times voters fill out ballots that never make it to the clerk's office to be counted.
Eberle was among a majority of Boulder County canvass board members who voted not to certify certain election results in 2012 and 2014.
Colorado's election system
Eberle was among a majority of Boulder County canvass board members who voted not to certify certain election results in 2012 and 2014.
Colorado's election system
"Tens of millions of Americans who descended on the polls Tuesday faced hours-long lines, sporadic equipment failures and confusion about polling places...
"Problems cropped up in Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and other key battleground states...
"A coalition of more than 100 civil rights and voting rights groups running a national election protection hotline reported that 40% of its calls came from African American and Hispanic communities, a possible indication that minority voters were being targeted.
"The majority of complaints came from California, New York, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, with Florida seeing particularly high levels of voter misinformation...
"In Durham, North Carolina, electronic poll books that are used to check voter registration were down in the morning, forcing voters to wait longer...
"In Durham, North Carolina, electronic poll books that are used to check voter registration were down in the morning, forcing voters to wait longer...
"In Ohio, the eligibility of some black voters was challenged at the polls, according to voting rights groups.
"Karen Hobert Flynn, president of Common Cause, said last-minute polling place changes and other problems in Arizona were 'causing real confusion for many voters.'
"Problems being reported included ...malfunctioning voting machines in Virginia; and confusion with closed or delayed-opening polling places in Georgia and Texas."

"In Maricopa County, Ariz., Democratic officials asked a judge to keep polls open for two more hours following problems with voting machines ...The request, like that in Colorado, was denied.
"In Philadelphia, would-be voter Chris Calvert tweeted that both voting machines were broken at his polling place. 'No one can vote in our district today.'
"In a Detroit precinct in the battleground state of Michigan, the machine that counts ballots was not working from the very beginning of the morning..."
Voters in key states endured long lines, equipment failures.

"Polls have shown that the average income of Trump's voters is above that of Hillary Clinton's supporters."
Donald Trump's victory - political reckoning
So, Trump is secretly supported by Soros?
The Chicago Tribune reported on October 28, 2004, that George Soros was the primary financier of the Chicago Trump Tower.
Trump and Soros in New York are linked to the GM Building.

"Polls have shown that the average income of Trump's voters is above that of Hillary Clinton's supporters."
Donald Trump's victory - political reckoning
So, Trump is secretly supported by Soros?
The Chicago Tribune reported on October 28, 2004, that George Soros was the primary financier of the Chicago Trump Tower.
Trump and Soros in New York are linked to the GM Building.
Nouriel Roubini hosted a party which was attended by George Soros, Donald Trump, and Oliver Stone.
Donald Trump has taken George Soros's Money.
Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s National Finance Chairman and a major economic adviser, worked for George Soros.
Mnuchin is a former partner at Goldman Sachs.
The Trump team is considering JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon for the post of Treasury Secretary.
Alison Jackson
Donald Trump has taken George Soros's Money.
Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s National Finance Chairman and a major economic adviser, worked for George Soros.
Mnuchin is a former partner at Goldman Sachs.
The Trump team is considering JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon for the post of Treasury Secretary.

Alison Jackson

Alison Jackson
Labels: 2016, 9 11, election, exit polls, Florida, Mark Miller, missing votes, Palast, Pennsylvania, protests, rigged, Romney, Soros, Sproul, stolen election, Trump, turnout, voting machines, Wisonsin
It's alaways interesting when grassroots, spontaneous, protesters have their identical, professional banners immediately ready at hand. There's usually a Soros around when that happens.
Does having basically all domestic and foreign media against a candidate, as well as falsifying polls, count as rigging?
I don't think it has to do with Democrats and Republicans attempting to rig elections, these two parties are owned by the Money Power, it's the Money Power that decides who will be president, I imagine they decided long before the elections, so the elections are rigged accordingly in favor of the chosen candidate--in this case, Trump, who TPTB offered to the people as a false anti-establishment hero, the people fell for it, and many support the new Oligarch puppet, which is just how the Oligarchs like it.
No, actually, because Trump won--he wasn't chosen by accident, or by popular vote--the people don't select a president, the Oligarchs do. Trump was given the illusion by the mainstream media as "bad" making him the appealing anti-establishment hero of the people--this is pure propaganda, reverse psychology. Trump is in the White House because the Money Power wanted him there, and they brilliantly offered the people a false maverick, tricking them into thinking there will be real change. You aren't allowed on television or allowed to be part of a controlled political party unless you are known to be a good puppet and not a threat to the power structure. Trump is president--he answers to those above the presidency, he will do what they say.
Both the polls & the election were subject to rigging
But my thought is that voting results were altered to *lower* the Trump vote totals, which may have been 4 or 5 million greater than Clinton's
Tens of thousands came out to see Trump wherever he went ... Hillary Clinton met people in small rooms with empty chairs
US people personally feel the corruption, especially in their absurd 'health insurance' costing a family, e.g., US $1000-plus monthly - monthly! - but having a 'deductible' of US $6000 in medical expenses which are not covered ... and most USAnians do not have such cash
The mass passion of tens of millions hoping for relief via Trump, was genuine
Tho Trump has the kosher mafia deluxe pedigree as described by Aangirfan
And no doubt Trump was 'selected before he was elected'
It is nonetheless likely that Trump will introduce some significant reforms bringing relief to US common people, with full oligarch permission
That is part of why the oligarchs allowed Trump to win, along with it not being credible that Hillary would have 'won'
If Trump does not reform the USA, it is likely to break into pieces, with sectors of the police & military assisting the break-up
US oligarchs fear the future, they fear the society totally losing legitimacy
If the US oligarchs become totally dependent on military & security services against the people ... then they are subjected to being decapitated by those same services
The old Bush-Clinton mafia arrangements were too extreme, the corruption burden too excessive
Maybe it is the same fascist end game for the end ... but for now Trump has a mission to at least appear to lighten the common worker's burdens, & I believe he may well do so
What difference does it make? We came, we saw, she lost.
Please consider doing an exposé sometime on retired boxer Frank Bruno MBE.
Bruno has links to:
- convicted paedophile Fr Anthony McSweeney;
- the disreputable Keith Vaz MP;
- the late Jimmy Savile OBE;
- mutual friend of Vaz and Jimmy Savile, Stephen Purdew;
- Savile's mate, the Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe;
- John Bercow (husband to Sally Bercow of the 'McAlpine libel' scam
...and God knows who else.
Frank Bruno can't seem to help knowing anyone who's anyone in the sleaze, fraud, abuse and murder set?
Not much will change with Trump. Israel will still get whatever it wants and those TBTF Wall Street casinos will keep getting bailouts.
But at least the Clinton Dynasty is gone and good deal. What a pair of thieving, conniving, greedy, back-stabbing murderers and rapists.
And WW III with Russia is on hold, until the same SOBs who set off 9/11 'gift' us again.
Trump is smart enough to know that if he veers to far off the chosen path, he'll join JFK in Arlington.
Until the Jew owned FED has a stake driven thru its blackened heart and the government starts issuing debt-free currency, not much will change.
and exactly the same trick was perpetrated on the UK before Brexit .... in fact it's uncanny how the same power plays manifested ! Don't forget Soros made a fortune on the 23rd/24th June. One might almost say that the British vote was the 'test' before they rolled it out in the U.S.A. On to France and Germany next year ... and watch the same game being rolled out again !
Would he really dare go after the Fed ? after all wasn't that what JFK wanted to do ? ? ?
I think you're trying to hard on this. There is no doubt Trump is a con man with powerful Jewish allies, but name a President of the United States that didn't.
Good comment.
It is not left or right, D or R. The true divide is rich and poor.
Trump and Clinton are the rich and we are the poor, and if we fight each other along the left right divide, we do exactly what they want us to do. They must be very pleased with things.
The implication is 6 million votes weren't counted. In which case how do you know if you really won? Do you expect us to believe they were all spoilt ballots? That's not possible with voting machines.
I knew there must be smth rotten about him. Now Im more certain he faked his death. One helluva hero....
Former Victim Claims Scalia Was A Pedophile
This, perhaps, is more about driving division and antipathy between generations and between races, preparatory to a Soros engineered social cataclysm in the USA. So much prophetic fulfilment going on it can only be scripted. Will Trump get "shot" and "miraculously" recover?
Maybe, just maybe Trumps POLICIES swayed the vote. The West is sick to the teeth with global economics that enrich the few and impoverish the many . Nation economics is the way forward if bloody revolution is to be avoided. Let's face it these huge conglomerates were laughing all the way to the bank . They didn't even have to move their businesses lock stock and barrel overseas for cost cutting when they could import ( under free trade and labour movement ) their own cheap labour. To top it all many don't even pay their fair share of tax.
Trump intends to put Americans first and good for him!
Was totally shocked to see the Israeli flag flying alongside the American ones on Wall Street last night. Why?
I guess u are just being ironic, arent u?
Or as I saw another commentator say, "if Trump is assassinated, by say, a Soros funded BLM member/affiliate then the whole of the US will erupt into anarchy.... ". Events are unfolding so fast and getting more and more bizarre, that it is all we can do to attempt to second guess what happens next, let alone the end game. Very, very surreal...
Ed has an interesting take on the election....
hay can someone show me the tweet in which Adelson said that only Trump can save israel?? thanks.
Hi there, I respectfully disagree. Trump is Hillary, Hillary is Trump. It seems unreasonable to think that TPTB will allow Trump into the WH so he can undo their carefully constructed power structures--will they allow their destructive treaties to be removed? Will they allow Obamacare to be removed? If they do--what I mean to say is, that any "aid" that Trump effects will be for the worse, not the better--the Oligarchs don't care to relieve burdens, they aim to effect progressive and increasing control. Beware--Trump has been chosen for a reason, and it isn't a good one. Democrats work the social agenda for the Oligarchs--what Oligarchical agendas do the Republicans work?
Trump won because the DNC rigged the primary and cheated Bernie out of the nomination. Polls consistently showed that Bernie would have easily beat Trump, and that Hillary would lose against Trump but she was the choice of the powers regardless.
Now I'm not happy Trump won at all, but in all honesty I would be even less happy if that warmonger Hillary won. She was prepared to escalate the wars as soon as she was inaugurated, and the democrats were blaming Russia for every stupid mistake they made. Trump at least says he's willing to talk to Putin instead of starting off antagonizing him. Its something.
And it's not over, not by a long shot. Soros is paying his minions to start riots, hoping for an American color revolution that would install the Killer Queen.
Funny though, when the Wikileaks Podesta emails came out that Clinton and the DNC had sabotaged Sanders campaign in favor of the Witch, they didn't riot then, wonder why, no money from 'Big Daddy Soros.'
I found it. Is it so hard to give it a search?
Both Trump and Hillary are evil.
The game was and is to create chaos in the USA.
Rothschild was in the act of giving Hillary the presidency and she up and died. Trump was the fall back president. Le President malgre lui.
It is curious, isn't it? These "protests" seem to have come on too quickly & are too well organized.
I think Clinton was just a poor candidate. Never believed the polls or thought she would win. Zero charm; zero charisma; decades of baggage.
I'm with you. It's abundantly clear both parties are entirely corrupted and serve the same master.
Hillary defrauded Sanders in Iowa. Defrauded Sanders in Nevada. Defrauded Sanders in New York State... prolly others I can't recall at the moment.
An aside - Oregon has had vote by mail for 20+ years. The primaries made it clear to me that Oregon is one of the few states without systemic voter fraud. This conclusion was reached when Sanders won 35 of the 36 counties in Oregon (and if memory serves the one Hillary won was by a single vote).
I was actually hoping for a Sanders/Trump general election. Clinton is the 21st century's idea of a back room, stagnant cigar smoke hanging over the enterprise, wheeler dealer pol.
Sanders would have at least been his own brand of 'outsider' to counter Trump's.
But then again we all witnessed Sanders roll over at the convention; ignoring ALL evidence the will of the democrats who voted in the primaries had been usurped by the Clinton machine... so at the end of the day who's to say Sanders would have had the backbone to stand up to Trump since he was cowed to heel behind Hillary's machine party politics.
Finally: 'Can anyone explain the odd results of 2016' Maybe a number of people were, like me, repulsed by the presidential choices and refused to lend credence to the bullshit by voting for anyone. I voted in my state and county and local 'choices' (many of which were no better than the presidential choices), but there was no way I was going to give my stamp of approval to any fool running for prez. I wish I had this mentality when I was 18 and voting for the first time. Looking back over the decades I've always, without fail, voted for whom I hoped was the lesser of two evils. Never once did I enthusiastically vote for a candidate.
Well never again. And I hope more Americans simply refuse to be played by believing it's their 'civic duty' to vote and they have 'no right to complain' if they refuse to support either party's pol.
Those arguments are delusional. Back either of these party's candidates and now you've no right to complain, because you've played the game according to their rules. And civic duty? Civic duty would be an uprising forcing America's draconian RICO statutes to take aim at both parties at the same time, put all party leadership behind the federal max security prisons they all love and support for the rest of their natural lives and not stop until these two parties are thoroughly and forever crushed under the demands of the people.
I'd love to see an American election where 90+% of voters refuse to endorse any of the whores listed on their ballots.
Or they went to Kwik Kopy.
Facebook, in Cross Hairs After Election, Is Said to Question Its Influence
'Some employees are worried about the spread of racist and so-called alt-right memes across the network, according to interviews with 10 current and former Facebook employees. Others are asking whether they contributed to a “filter bubble” among users who largely interact with people who share the same beliefs.
Even more are reassessing Facebook’s role as a media company and wondering how to stop the distribution of false information.
“A fake story claiming Pope Francis — actually a refugee advocate — endorsed Mr. Trump was shared almost a million times, likely visible to tens of millions,” Zeynep Tufekci, an associate professor at the University of North Carolina who studies the social impact of technology, said of a recent post on Facebook. “Its correction was barely heard. Of course Facebook had significant influence in this last election’s outcome.”
"99% of what people see is authentic. Only a very small amount is fake news and hoaxes,” Mr. Zuckerberg wrote.'
'Fake news is not a problem unique to Facebook, but Facebook’s enormous audience, and the mechanisms of distribution on which the site relies — i.e., the emotionally charged activity of sharing, and the show-me-more-like-this feedback loop of the news feed algorithm — makes it the only site to support a genuinely lucrative market in which shady publishers arbitrage traffic by enticing people off of Facebook and onto ad-festooned websites, using stories that are alternately made up, incorrect, exaggerated beyond all relationship to truth, or all three.
"Hillary Clinton bought $137 million in illegal arms." "The Clintons bought a $200 million house in the Maldives." Many got hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of shares, likes, and comments; enough people clicked through to the posts to generate significant profits for their creators. The valiant efforts of Snopes and other debunking organizations were insufficient; Facebook’s labyrinthine sharing and privacy settings mean that fact-checks get lost in the shuffle. Often, no one would even need to click on and read the story for the headline itself to become a widely distributed talking point, repeated elsewhere online, or, sometimes, in real life.'
dang !
meet the new dude
Pizzagate is going to blow up.
Point of interest; Besta Pizza owned by Clinton Appointee Andrew Kline - recently removed 'Boy Love' icon from logo
There was certainly something odd about Trump's unexpected victory - surely in this computer age, the pollsters' models can't have been that wrong. But it is part of a pattern, as I also thought the Brexit vote and the UK general election in 2015 were suspect and didn't match the mood of the country. I think there are two possibilities. Either a) The opinion pollsters are now deliberately fabricating their findings, presumably to encourage/discourage people from voting a certain way or b) The elections themselves are being rigged
Either way, it is becoming fairly clear that international forces and individuals are pulling the strings.
Found your tip useful, thank you.
PizzaGate Is About to Blow Up!
Excellent post.
But, I have difficulty understanding the complete argument u have in this sentence [ slightly redacted by me for deconstruction purposes ].
Specifically, the part I isolate at end of my post.
Pending ur clarification, it is somewhat non-sequitur for me.
But, I re-iterate, this post is excellent.
Excellent in its argument, & validity, & moral standing, & elegance.
Ref. Ur post above
"US people personally feel the corruption ;
Especially in their absurd 'health insurance' costing a family e.g. US $1000-plus monthly ;
Monthly ! ;
But, having a 'deductible' of US $6000 in medical expenses which are not covered.
And most USAnians do not have such cash."
Non-sequitur part of the whole ;
"But, having a 'deductible' of US $6000 in medical expenses which are not covered."
Dear Aanirfan,
I do not agree with ur preference of Hillary Clinton & Bernie Sanders over Trump.
Rather, I concur with Michael Hoffman's summary ;
"Trump is Bad.
But, Hillary Clinton is Evil."
Thus, not that "Trump is the lessor of 2 Evils".
Ditto, Sanders is Evil ;
Because for instance :
his stance on Abortion
his long immoral stance as "elected politician" on Iraq, & Palestine Gaza, & Palestine West Bank, inter alia.
It is clear even early in an impartial examination that Sanders is not the paragon of virtue that he is being portrayed to be.
However, Aanirfan, I as a Catholic -- & one who is sincerely against the taking of human life [ both born & pre-born ] am very admiring of :
ur concern for the welfare of children
ur magnanimity in publishing what is in the main a bulk of excellent posts in ad-variance to ur partiality to Hillary Clinton & Democrat Party.
By the way, Aanirfan, I patiently look forward to ur in-depth thoughts on the allegations of photos of pedophilia being committed by Hillary Clinton + Huma.
Trump favours abortion. We are opposed to both Clinton and Trump.
- Aangirfan
Besta Pizza is owned by 2 men from Oregon. Andrew Kline is merely their lawyer who happens to specialise in retail lease law.
Ron Paul should be the President.
In fact, any virtue that Trump has in his manifesto is taken from Ron Paul's manifesto.
But, Trump's total manifesto includes policy that Ron Paul would not agree to.
And, Ron Paul is very clear & consistent about moral matters, & the extent that USA should engage in military conduct.
Ron Paul is on the correct track Re ; so-called "Federal" "Reserve" Bank of USA.
But, his handle on this subject is not complete.
And, he is hampered by the reality of the limits what he can say & not say in the public forum.
Trump has "flip-flopped" on matters of contention according as whom was his audience.
That took enormous "Chutzpah" ;
With no sexism in the following statement, I echo what many a strong matriarchal woman would boldly state ;
The best of leaders are men.
Women are not to be trusted as rulers.
In fact, I wager that all frank discussions with each of all true & fair & intelligent & wise & experienced women would produce the unsolicited comment ;
"Women are B..tches !"
Man is a philosophical beast.
Woman is not a philosophical beast.
Woman is practical ;
And, there is no inferiority in the overall picture of the human species that man & woman are as so outlined.
Anyway, it is the experience in every lifetime, & the observation into history.
However, there are exceptions ;
Joan of Arc comes to mind immediately.
A fantastic leader.
But, difficult to reckon if she would be exception as a ruler [ as distinct from being a leader solely ].
Another support of the man being more reasonable to rational -- not practical -- persuading is the agreed observation that woman makes the most extreme terrorist.
And, another observation, woman often has more moral courage than man ;
Think of the woman who retorted to Christ ;
"Even the dogs eat the crumbs from the master's table."
There is reason to have some hope in Trump ;
He is a very intelligent man.
He has gained incredible wealth & prestige ahead of winning the presidency.
So, he surely will confess that this has not completely satisfying ;
Otherwise, why stroke his ego with winning the presidency ?
And, he stands accused of certain crimes sexual & non-sexual :
very possibly true.
If true, guilt will haunt him the more such that he may try to be honorable.
But, then again, it may not.
And, if the sexual accusations are unfounded, the accused experience may spur him to feel at one with virtue, & actually strive to do acts of virtue.
But, then again, it may not be the case that these accusations are unfounded & / or Trump will strive to be noble ruler.
Trump is in the senior years of his life ;
That gives hope for philosophical outlook to reign.
Although, it can on the flip-side offer the dread of selfishness common with many of the elderly to grasp selfishly for life.
Trump should be challenged in a philosophically moral, & practical, approaches throughout his rule.
Let's have a different type of dialogue with a President.
Behold them to step up a gear.
Challenge them to stop to think ;
Especially, to ponder that they could be wrong.
Trump is capable of this I posit ;
But, it needs a very sincere AND brave advocate on the ground to fulfill that role.
Br. Nathanael Kapner of is certainly capable of it.
Pizzagate & the failure of Alt Media to investigate lurid claims:
Jimmy Comet (aka Alafantis) is the boyfriend of David Brock of American Bridges 21st Century PAC. Brock was running an operation to gather info on GOP candidates, which was hugely detrimental to the GOP in 2012 elections.
Soros dontated $11,600 to Comet Pizza, presumably as a way to hide money going to Brock. Pizzagate is the GOP striking back at Brock, Soros, Podesta, HRC, DNC.
I can't say for sure who started the NYPD investigating Podesta et al for sex crimes, but it grew from Eric Prince's claims that NYPD were investigating the Wiener laptop.
Podesta & 14 fish
Podesta said: 'GlobalGoals? No. 14— we must protect our oceans and life below water' in
#wikileaks (click attachment for photo). Email sent to Milia Fisher on 25.9.15 during Podesta was likely attending
Anyone forwarding the Podesta 'fishing for teens' memes/stories/vids failed to inform people of the connection to Global initiative 14.
Podesta & Madeleine McCann
Propagandists peddled the lie that Podesta kidnapped Madeleine.
This was based on the fact that Podesta's Wikileaks emails started from 4.5.07. They used photofits created in the McCann case (which were merely men sighted on the resort that day) to build their lie ignoring the lack of evidence of the Podestas' whereabouts on 3.5.07.
They also used a photo of a girl in Podesta emails, said she was tied up and resembled Madeleine. The Wikileaks email sending said pic came from Megan Rouse, Podesta's daughter. It is easy then to id the girl in the photo as Podesta's grandaughter, Megan Champagne Rouse.
You're welcome. I worry as you suspect that the whole thing is a limited hangout, but with Revelation of the Method in tandem with it.
Aang's been all over proving Assange to be a shill, surely anything after the fact should be treated with the same scrutiny?
Spirit cooking? Seriously??
I believe what they have here with these emails is a convenient conduit to leak information they can no longer hide. They've left numerous breadcrumbs to lead us to their premeditated conclusions. Now that does sound familiar..
Ure so naive to put it elegantly. BTW Joan of Arc existed for real?
We the minnows must start to set the agenda ;
Put "them f..kers" under pressure.
Yes, Joan of Arc did exist for real.
Greg Palast also found rigging.
Ron Paul agrees with Trump on the big 911 lie....and the Clintons, Bushs and Obama agree too.
The idea that these servants of the NWO have any independence or character is preposterous.
Anyone trying to find some positivity in the nuances of Trump's BS is a pinheaded cretin.
I think the most ominous aspect of the election being stolen from the Clinton camp is the utter apathy and lack of protest from her and her people, or anyone for that matter EXCEPT AANG. Crickets. You would think a woman with that kind of ambition would still be hitting the bricks with protest. Nothing. I think this acceptance equals scripted collusion.
Are you trying to tell us something?
It seems as though you say 'spirit-cooking' in gest, I say so in this way because it seems your ambiguous about it all as well. Well let me tell you the spirit-cooking aspect of this incident happens to be the strongest and most relevant aspect of this case. Abramovic's elite Serbian ancestry suggests she certainly is among the occult nobility and has honed the arcane and profane ancient occult practice into an easily digestible avant-garde contemporary art performance, enabling the dark arts into public consciousness. Her celebrity contacts and status speak volumes about her influence. Although I am very aware of the psyop afoot this case does have some merit. Unfortunately it seems though it is more of a conspiracy that will go the same way as the Hampstead Children's case, only serving as a means for the perpetrators to clean up their act and as an example for public awareness and that's it.
"Spirit Cooking" was an art project created by Marina Abramovic in 1996.
Marina sent an email inviting someone to a dinner to celebrate the art project.
Hillary Clinton did not send or receive either of the emails about 'Sprit Cooking'.
- Aangirfan
Thank you for your very kind words
With the USA 'health insurance', the 'deductible' is not a 'tax deduction' or similar, it is the amount the 'insured person' must spend first in a calendar year, before the insurance pays out or 'covers' any medical expense ... the insurance only pays on part of the excess above that 'deductible'
For example, a family is paying 1000 per month for 'health insurance' with this '6000 deductible', often with a 10% 'co-pay' on amount over that
So if the family incurs 6000 in medical bills ... the 'insurance' pays absolutely nothing, zero, & the family without ability to quickly pay this in full, is in debt to bill collectors who can seize any cash in bank accounts, part of the parents' wages etc
If the family incurs 7000 in medical bills ... the insurance covers only 900 of this, & the family still owes & must pay 6100 ... the first 6000 is not covered, and then 10% of the amount above 6000 is not covered
That is a very profound remark above, where Truthist suggests of Trump that perhaps
« guilt will haunt him the more such that he may try to be honourable »
Both John F Kennedy & Richard Nixon committed murderous war crimes as USA Presidents, quite genocidal in Nixon's case ... but both yet in part 'found religion' & began to implement major significant policies against the Deep State ... which led to JFK being shot dead, whilst Nixon was forced to resign under the 'Watergate' impeachment farce run by the military Joint Chiefs in their 'Silent Coup' ('journalist' Bob Woodward was a US Navy intel officer under Admiral Maurer, head of US military at the time, etc)
Bill Clinton was also hit with Israeli agent Monica Lewinsky & another 'impeachment' farce, when Bill - already a murderer of mentally impaired black man Ricky Rector & doubtless others - yet balked in nausea, at the thought of ordering the bombing of Serbia that would kill thousands ... When Clinton consented to approve the war as his way to stay alive, he was 'acquitted' - the bombings began some days afterwards
Using the phrase of Truthist above, Clinton 'grasped selfishly for life' rather than look death in the eye, with courage that could have earned forgiveness for many sins
Ronald Reagan was shot non-fatally in the first few months of office, & afterwards become more 'amenable' to the Deep State ... so 4 of the last 10 USA Presidents were either shot or impeached
True. The Electoral College would the first thing to try. But I think she would need the army to step in for her protest to make a difference. Alternatively, the Republicans/Trump may have something on her from the Wiener laptop/NSA surveillance, some video/photo, that they have threatened to release to ruin her.
Unsure why you don't think they could BOTH be fixed ?
Democrats against Trump are highlighting business relationships between Trump team and Russia, eg. Page/Gazprom. They are also drawing attention to this dinner in 2014 with Flynn & Stein with Putin.
This entente with Russia must have some factions spewing.
This is about as relevant/interesting as discovering the X Factor vote was rigged. If it amounted to anything, Americans wouldn't have been allowed to vote in the first place. Anyway, how is manipulating the preferences of a brainwashed population any different to manipulating electronic voting machines? The result was always going to be rigged.
- Chris B
Election-rigging 'deal', two dead US national judges, & nearly 6 million US dollars
It's over, there is a grand deal, with big money for all ... except for hard-working Aangirfan
Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama both announced that Donald Trump has clearly 'won' & that no recount etc would make any difference
Donald Trump announced there will be no criminal prosecution of Hillary for all her crimes with her bribery-corrupt 'Foundation' etc & she can keep her nearly US $ 2 billion in play-money there ... Obama is 'clear' as well, it can be assumed
And Jill Stein has collected nearly US $ 6 million from anti-Trump & pro-Hillary hopefuls, for her 'vote recount' & 'honest election' initiative ... 'Anti-semitic' wags had predicted Jill Stein's money haul would be 'around 6 million' as a 'favoured Jewish number'
Some of that 6 million will provide a nice retirement for Jill Stein & her lawyer friends ... lawyers who are in fact useless to win a contrarian decision before USA national federal judges, because those judges are quickly killed if they do not co-operate with the USA Deep State
Plata o plomo, silver or lead, the bribe or the bullet
USA Federal Judge John Roll, shot dead on an Arizona street in 2011, after ruling against Obama
USA Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, found dead with a pillow over his face in 2016, after ruling against Obama, no autopsy ordered of course
'Bush won, the Supreme Court made that clear' - Al Gore, 2000
'Every vote will be counted, but no recount will make any difference, Bush won' - John 'Kohn' Kerry, 2004
'Donald Trump won, no doubt about it' - Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama, 2016
'This is fracking great, I collected nearly 6 million dollars out of this!' - Jill Stein, 2016
It appears to me, there is a hidden agenda behind the present election process.
From California, we heard convincing evidence, that the election between Hillary and Bernie Sanders were rigged in favor of Hillary. Next thing, MSM in the Western Hemisphere strongly and totally biased supported Hillary (against the Donald), at the same time predicting an easy victory for Hillary. Now, more and more evidence is surfacing, that the elections on November 8th, were rigged in favor of the Donald. The rigging seems to have been done mostly with digital voting machines. As shown in one of the above links, NSA’s Rogers is accusing Russia of having rigged the vote!! At the same time, the Donald seems to have a too easy and unconcerned approach for the upcoming presidential chores, which are obviously not only pure pleasure. He stated, that he would delegate many dossiers to his Vice-President, in between he met the attractive Tulsi Gabbard for political? discussions…. Now Jill Stein received large sums of money in a very short time span, for the purpose to have the votes in 3 crucial states verified, with the possibility that Hillary could win the election at the last moment...
When this would happen, “AIPAC n frenz” could use the general uncertainty to stage kind of a financial or/and military coup with the help of chaos organized by agents-provocateurs in order to bring NWO “one large step” forward..
(here in Switzerland, the authorities seem to have all the plans ready to disarm the population as a first step..)
Q:...We talked about not prosecuting Hillary...?
Trump: Well, there was a report that somebody said that Im not enthused about it. I do not want to move back. And I don't want to hurt the Clinton's, I really don't.
Q: So you're definitely taking that off the table?
Trump: No, but the question was asked.
Trump is a president of the people.
Good ole Vlad! Same smoke and mirrors, deception....
I read this blog a lot. This article points out some interesting info to chew on. I’m not a Trump fan and I wouldn’t wish Hillary on the American people either. But the satire-esque photos accompanying this article by Alison Jackson aren’t required if the facts are indeed facts. The article becomes just as much a propaganda piece with its own predictive programming in it.
Not the one who votes, but the one who counts* the votes counts.
The already nearly twenty years barking dog of the j-bankers in the Kremlin turns out to be a teethless count Vlad.
Sleepy sheep still count him to be the bringer of Mir.
His expiring date is already years past.
(* to be exact, the voice who announces: ' the winner is ' counts)
check out:
The putin dossier:
they're rounding up 63 million election collusionists as we speak.
Honestly, who the hell cares that it was just another fraud? Its all gone and we are in deepest shit ever.
John Kerry who ran in the 2004 presidential election “against” George Bush Jr. is also an interesting fellow...
Like Bush, Kerry is a member of Skull & Bones.
Kerry was a schoolfriend of none other than Robert Mueller, who became FBIdirector a mere week before 9/11 was staged.
Mueller these days is of course famous for leading the “special” investigation of “Russiagate”.
The indictment of Paul Manafort doesn’t even mention Rothschild agent Oleg Deripaska, who starting in 2009 collaborated with the FBI (when Mueller was still FBI director).
Through attorney Adam Waldman, there are connections from Deripaska to Julian Assange and former MI5 agent Christopher Steele (of “the dossier”).
It's not the first time an election has been rigged in the US, we all know that. Frankly though, would the world be a better place if Hillary had won? I doubt that it would look any different except maybe a higher chance of more innocents dying in a retarded wars. The ideal win would of been if nobody had even voted to start with. It amazed me that people and sites that I used to respect for information sided with one or the other party/candidate when they are both just different sides of the same coin, civil war and plunge of the dollar would of been the better outcome for 90% of the rest of the world. Man up and stop giving credence to the shitty left/right ideals, you're just milking it like everyone else. It's bollocks and you know it.
I remember ���� ���������� �������� ���������� when people used paper ballots and locked boxes, while representatives of all parties kept an eagle eye out for fraud.
And that actually worked. And was cheap. Even a child could tell it was fair and open.
But now with electronic voting, you can rig a US election just like any other banana republic. So much for being all newfangled and techanojical.
Yes, quite possibly the election was rigged by a foreign nation. But not Russia. (Hello, Bibi!)
However exit polls can also be rigged. You did notice those pollsters were neoliberal-globalist aligned, right? (Huffpost, CNN, NYT, etc.)
But even without rigging, voters face an onslaught of weaponized sophisticated propaganda, even individually targeted.
And yes, the Democrats and Republicans are more or less controlled by the same bunch of billionaires. But only more or less. There are differences between billionaire cliques, sometimes important ones, reflecting their financial and ideological interests.
Trump's support is Israel-first Zionist and favours peace with Russia and asserting US national sovereignty and economic interests, especially against primary geoeconomic competitor China. The Israelis, even crazy Bibi, know a major global war could be very bad for them, as well as for other small states.
Hillary's support is neoliberal-globalist, pursuing the subsumption of US sovereignty to "global governance". And appears hellbent on suicidal war with Russia to remove the last obstacle. Also, I strongly suspect the globalists wish to integrate China and America within a global governance economic framework. "Chimerica" as Niall Ferguson dubbed it. One world under their iron fist: cashless, controlled, tagged, surveilled technocracy, and dominated by AI that will increasingly sideline us "superfluous" and powerless humans. It ain't all peaches and cream.
The problem ultimately is this: Trump was merely the lesser of two evils, the Zionist puppet.
If Hillary had won, you'd still have a slave of plutocracy lying through her teeth, but this time the Deep State globalist puppet. And you'd have war with Russia. Probably World War Three. What will your Northrop dividends buy you when you're radioactive ash?
American politics, and American media, have become an utter circus. A tragedy, a travesty and a comedy. The public are as responsible as the politicians and plutocrats. Even Idiocracy fails to describe it.
Anyway, maybe I'm living in Rainbow Land, but just for once it would be a nice to have a candidate who speaks the truth and isn't owned by the billionaires.
Maybe it's doable: I once saw a documentary about the only honest politician in America, a certain congressman.
"Hello. I'm Marty Huggins. I'm running to be your congressman. I spent my last penny on this ad to tell everyone in the district one thing: I have not been honest with you."
Yep, that's the one.
Oh, one other thing: as Assange's Wikileaks is a Zionist psyop, you can bet the globalist Deep State didn't "dump" Hillary. No, instead the Zionists got the Donald in, much to the globalists' chagrin.
Doh! Speaking of chagrin, I'm disappointed the fraktur characters didn't render. That was supposed to say:
I remember ye goode olde dayes when people used paper ballots and locked boxes...
Pity. It looked really awesome, like a wooden sign on an English pub:
𝖞𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖊 𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖞𝖊𝖘
Still didn't work? Oh well.
Anyway, my main point there was:
Even if Trump is very far from an exponent of angelic virtue, at least the guy's not starting a global nuclear war, which certain Deep State crazies seem intent on doing.
Maybe the empire of the West will recede like others before it --- and without blotting out the sun and ending the world.
Beware the blackness of day.
Beware the man who brings the jaguar.
Behold him reborn from mud and earth...
For the one he takes you to will cancel the sky...
...and scratch out the earth.
Scratch you out.
And end your world.
Hmm... I'm still unsure how much "lesser" evil Trump is. His Zionist puppeteers really seem intent on attacking Iran --- for everyone's favorite Middle Eastern nation. Either that or they're playing "mad dog" for advantage. Playing diplomatic poker with people's lives.
Would be so much easier to interpret politicians actions if they told the truth.
If only there were some way to select only honest people for politics.
"The Mouth of Truth. Legend is if you're given to lying, you put your hand in there, it'll be bitten off."
"Oo, what a horrid idea!"
"Let's see you do it."
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