Friday, 4 December 2015


More guns, more crime.

"Last February, a report by the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in the Golan Heights, submitted to the UN Security Council and buried by the Western media, showed that the IDF had been in regular contact with Syrian rebels, including Islamic State militants, since May 2013."

Israel's covert involvement in Syria conflict


The Puppet Politician.

OffGuardian | because facts really should be sacred.


  1. Absolutely fascinating but disturbing interview with that really nice guy, Shawn Attwood, on the Rickie Allen show. Thanks for posting, Aangirfan.

  2. Max Keiser gets a bit irritating going on and on about bitcoin, but now I find out that he has shares in bitcoin be hasn't told anyone about. Snake! But I agree, though, on the whole he does lots of good stuff on RT Today.

  3. It's hard to imagine prisons as harsh as that in an advanced country. Bush once described Europe as ' Old Europe', but Jean Mitchel Jarre once said in an interview that the US was a medieval country. I thought that was spot on. To think that the Red Necks like their prisons like that, where the guards and prisoners routinely murder people, where no one comes out rehabilitated and so just end up going back in again. At $50,000 per inmate, and guaranteed to be 98% full by the state, these private prisons are big business.
