Monday 17 August 2015





  1. Did you hear who the abusers were, lawyers, powerful businessmen, senior military figures, and senior conservative politicians, in other words, the fucking ruling class? The same people who abuse ordinary hard working British people and people in the third world. The same people who own the newspapers and the control the propaganda machine. And in the historic past, their ancestors destroyed India, and almost China.

  2. Part 2 is off the planet. If I had any doubts about this stuff before I don't now. I put a post on Aangirfan recently saying that I hope Heath was not part of this, and inspector Dave Marshall say's how people not only have trouble believing it, but they don't want to believe it because it is so horrible. That's what happened to me, but I believe it now. Yes, I always believed it went on, but I had trouble believing how bad it was.

  3. I put out in the Guardian recently. The western ruling class have ruined the world and our climate. We could have kept the population growth under control instead of funding illegal wars. I posted here about the ruling class and peodiophilia
