Wednesday 15 July 2015

Fuhrer Merkel loses it over Greece; Bank Bailout


The Secret Bank Bailout.


  1. It is true, Afghanistan was a peaceful place until the US got involved in 1979 and flooded it with weapons creating the Mujahideen.

    How the US helped create ISIS & the Taliban • Anand Gopal • Henry A. Wallace National Security Forum

    Published on 15 Jul 2015

    When the US invades a country, we often only hear about it through the stories of our soldiers, but what do the people we invade and occupy think? If we talk to Afghans, for example, how do they feel about the war we brought to their country? Have we really improved their lives, or simply brought more violence and carnage to the situation.

    1. Well, they certainly improved the Poppy growth 100% which the Taliban had all but irradicated.

    2. 1,000%

  2. Merkel loses it.... Excellent find Aangirfan, I laughed my head off. I'm going to have some fun with it putting on my favourite blogs.

    1. Oh you did?

      Merkel is Hitler? That’s nonsense (Sry)
      But she and Schäuble certainly are the ugly faces of an occupying Zionist regime. Merkel is not Germany. They are Zionist operatives, and their policies serve Zionist goals.

      Germany is not Merkel. I’m convinced she was never properly elected by the German people (it doesn’t work that way) She was designated and installed by the secretive Bilderberger Group (for the first time electronic ballot machines were used to make sure she got “elected”)

      Angela Merkel (“Queen Angie”) and Wolfgang Schäuble are Zionists installed to fulfill their tasks to the detriment of the German people, just as former “chancellor” Helmut Kohl aka Henoch Kohn was. The EU (Euro etc) is a Zionist project just like WWI, the Versailles Treaty after WW I, WW II and the endeavours to instigate (an atomic) WW III against Russia with German soldiers again on the forefront (an absolute NO GO!!!). The Euro, ESM, bank bailouts, “saving Greece” (i.e.enriching banksters) and others to come are another Versailles imposed upon Germany – bleeding to death slowly… (‘Schächten’ comes to mind – some ‘kosher’ way of butchering)

      Who are the owners of the benefitting banks - the ones that will be "refinanced"? Who are the people taking over the assets of Greece, eventually devouring all the rest of the EU? – if the predators are not stopped in their tracks.

      Who are they?

      Actually – Angela Merkel (with Jewish mother and Israeli passport) is rumoured to be the illegitimate daughter of crypto Jew Henoch Kohn (more German sounding alias name “Helmut Kohl”, “chancellor” for 16 years in a row! a sellout of Germany to the “European idea” for which the German people are not to be blamed but get the blame – why?
      Well, the real perpetrators ought to be blamed - and I'm dead serious about that.

      The video is a malicious piece of anti-German vitriol. Zionist Propaganda at its best.

      Greetings from Germany!
      We are not the barbarians…

    2. Deutsche Bank is Rothschild owned (nothing "German" any more except the name to hide behind)
      Central bankers (from the "Federal Reserve" private banking cartel) pile on more debt made from fiat currency they make out of thin air so they can plunder the victims' real assets called "privatisation", which means the bankers take over the countries public infrastructure. They are right now carving up the Greek people's country and taking ownership of water, electricity, gas, port authorities etc etc So long as they control the politicians and media they can safely ignore any democratic demands from the people.

      It's an old story. The less than 1% owning everything whilst the 99% are forced to endure mass low IQ African and Muslim immigration so their descendents will be a lower IQ mixed race peasantry under the iron rule of a Jewish-Zionist banking aristocracy (as envisioned by Count von Coudenhove-Calergi, 1922 “Practical Idealism“)

  3. And excellent find, Olive Farmer. Superb!





  7. The best analysis and presentation of the Troika/Tsipras dealings ever. Brilliant.
    She's So like her Daddy.

    1. She does bloody look like him, doesn't she? Almost as much as Barbara Bush looks like Aleister Crowley, if you ask me.

  8. Just re-posted this at the Tap,
    Thank you.

  9. Please Watch

  10. Please Read Nano Blenders Thesis at Reactor Breach Or Prevent Disease

  11. Aang and Irfan and everyone may have seen this too, but I'm posting it anyway for those who may have not seen it. Spoof Korean anti US capitalism propaganda documentary. Was actually shot in Australia.

    Propaganda" Anti-American North Korean Film - Full & English
