Saturday 4 April 2015


Nicholas Heiney.

The BBC's Libby Purves, a diplomat's daughter partly educated in Israel, is married to the BBC's Paul Heiney (Paul Wisniewski), formerly of Esther Rantzen's That's Life.

On 26 June 2006, the Heiney's first child Nicholas Heiney (above) was found hanged in the family home, near Saxmundham, in Suffolk.

The coroner decided that he had taken his life 'when the balance of his mind was disturbed'.

Paul, daughter Rose, Libby, son Nicholas. dailymail.


The late Benjamin Britten (centre) and boys from Westminster Choir School. Website for this image.

Britten lived in Suffolk.


"One of Michael's abusers was the influential social worker Peter Righton, who is associated with Suffolk."

As a child, 'Michael', from Suffolk, "was trafficked to Wrexham, Cornwall, Plymouth and London." and forced to perform sex acts on men there."

As a child, Michael lived for a time on a country estate in Suffolk where he was sexually abused by Peter Righton, who was well connected to the UK government.

Michael says that Suffolk council "conspired" to have him "declared mentally ill, and consistently ignored his complaints of sexual abuse."

Council documents refer to Michael having a "dissociative personality disorder". This is contradicted by a consultant psychiatrist who assessed Michael.

This psychiatrist, who works for the Norfolk and Suffolk Mental Health Trust, said "no history of mental illness has been found" and that Michael "showed no features of mental illness".

The boy 'trafficked for paedophiles' .


Lord Boothby. 

"The police uncovered a large-scale juvenile pimping operation centred on a house in a Suffolk village owned by Ronnie Kray

"Some of the boys were obtained via a close friend of (Benjamin) Britten's in London, who named him as one of the beneficiaries of the 'service': other'customers' included Lord Boothby (who frequently shared boys with Ronnie Kray himself) and the record producer Joe Meek. 

"At least two other people died in the aftermath of Bernard's murder as the twins sealed up the leaks." 



In 2011, Edward Morgan-Gooch, the 12-year-old son of a judge called Christopher Morgan, was found hanged at his home, in Wickhambrook, Suffolk, in England. 

Anonymous writes: "Mother couldn't get belt off neck which was allegedly being used to improve breath holding technique for singing while sitting on floor. accident, inquest rules

"Not mentioned was that the wife of Dr Peter Powell, the consultant paediatrician who provided the fanciful suggestion for the death, is none other than Rev Canon Dr Frances Ward, Dean of St Edmundsbury Cathedral!"


St George's is the military boarding school in Suffolk where Derek Slade was headmaster.




  3. Paedophilia in Suffolk




  7. Speaking of hanging.

    Another man found hanged on Hampstead Heath, the second this year.

  8. There are a lot of interesting things with the ownership of Ham N High.I also found it littered with bizarre positive references to the Mossad. Wacky spam.

  9. Interesting to learn that Paul Heiney, who lost his son, worked on Esther Rantzen's That's Life.

    Another individual who worked on Esther Rantzen's That's life was Scott Hardie.

    In 1994 Hardie told colleagues that he was aware of a gay sex scandal involving Tory ministers (thought to be Peter Lilley and Michael Portillo) and the footballer, Justin Fashanu.

    Coincidentally, Fashanu also "took his own life".

  10. Bury St Edmonds, Suffolk and M'lud Tebbit must know a lot of secrets too...
    Perhaps that Brighton bomb was intended as payback...
    Just wondering...

  11. good to see Suffolk flagged up (would include Norfolk too - Norwich/Thetford areas). Swaffham - home to Stella Rimmington, and the Krays had property there i believe.
