Wednesday 15 April 2015



The Proclaimers have written a song about Jimmy Savile and the BBC child abuse scandal.

The track, entitled Then Again, refers to the 1970s child ring at Westminster and features on the Proclaimer's new album Let’s Hear It For The Dogs.

Savile was a presenter on the BBC's Top of the Pops when The Proclaimers, Craig and Charlie, became famous in the 1980s.

Craig and Charlie reportedly sing: 

"I can't believe that I couldn't see

"How many dodgy men were running TV.

"While I was growing into a man

"They took advantage of their fans.

"When I was a boy 

"They were stars of prime time television.

"But circumstances change 

"And some of them ended up in prison.

"Now maybe we were on Top of the Pops.

"Some of the hosts have got the chop.

"I'm sleeping soundly in my bed

"Cos Jimmy Savile is still dead."

A source close to the band said:

"The crux of the song is that those victims and their families are being told that abuse took place in the distant past and that it was then and not now.

"But the full truth has still to come out and though the music is upbeat the lyrics have a particular bite."

'I'm sleeping soundly in my bed cos Jimmy Savile's still dead'


Notorious orphanage subject of police investigation after claims children ‘disappeared overnight’.

Ballarat , Australia

The orphanage was once home to thousands of children.

A forensic team is digging up the grounds of a former orphanage in regional Victoria after allegations children were buried at the site before its closure in the 1960s.


  1. And... I couldn't go away without commenting on the Hampstead Child Abuse Case. BTDub's Happy Birthday Alisa and don't worry Mom you will see your babies again.

    I happen to have liked these connecting dots:

    Anna Pauffley: Paedophile burger man

    Posted by alanwrightson on 3 de April de 2015

    There are so many unexplainable decisions in Anna Pauffley´s misteatment of Ella Draper and her two children that the time has come to openly state what many people must surely suspect already: that Anna Pauffley is one of those people in high places who the VIP paedophile network in the UK depend on to continue doing what they do. The following is a list of inexplicable facts which corroborate the idea that Pauffley is working for paedophiles:

    -Quite astonishingly, she never interviewed the children, or asked them who they wanted to live with.

    -She took them away from the only person who wasn´t implicated in the abuse, and chose to increase the contact they had with the only person implicated in the allegations.

    -The police closed the case as “no crime confirmed” whilst still waiting for the results of the medical examination of the children!

    -When these results were in, the case was not re-opened in line with those results.

    -Those results said there had definitely been long-term child abuse. This supported the children´s claims, yet Anna Pauffley in her judgement attacked the expert doctor who made those reports, as if she herself was medically qualified! This is outrageous and shows a clear prior-decision to discredit the children and mother, ignore all presented, even expert evidence, and keep the children in contact with their abusive father.

    -Without any investigation whatsoever, and without interviewing Ella or Abraham Christie, her boyfriend, the judge declared that they had been abusing the children. All this, with no police investigation to back her decision up, and with all the evidence to the contrary!

    -She accused the mother and her partner of coaching the children, again with no evidence. In fact, the story was so complicated that nobody could have coached them to that degree.


  2. -She said the children were in a custody battle, as if to explain why Ella and Abraham would want to be coaching them. Yet Ella already had custody of the children, so this is blatantly a deliberate misdirection by Pauffley to support her own assertions.

    -None of the accused abusers have been medically examined to see if the children´s claims of distinguishing marks on their genitals are true. Why did Pauffley or the police not arrange for this? It would have proved abuse claims once and for all, categorically.

    -She called the mother evil, when it is clear from the interviews she has done that she is no such thing. In other words, Anna Pauffley has resorted to sensationalist, inflammatory remarks to try and cover-up the paucity of reason behind her outrageous decision-making.

    -The mother´s stories of domestic abuse at the hands of Ricky Dearman, head of the paedophile cult according to the children, and the past court-orders she had taken out to protect herself from him were completely ignored by the judge Rather, she took the children from the mother into care and increased the amount of time they were to spend with this abusive man, despite the proven, prior domestic violence he undertook on her.

    -This man, Ricky Dearman, the children´s father, told the children to try and kill their mother. One of the things they did was to put excrement on their food to try and poison her and her partner. Is this something which the mother herself would ask them to do? Who, then? Ricky Dearman, the person the judge wants them to spend more time with!

    -Pauffley put the hours and hours of coherent abuse video-evidence down to the children watching an adventure movie. This is utterly incredible from an evidenciary point of view, because whoever showed them a movie with such evil themes would have to be involved in paedophile-related activities, anyway.


  3. No political comment from me today but what a really great song 500 miles is? I hear it on the radio all the time but this live version sounded really fresh to Great stuff!

  4. The boys - they're older than me, but - the boys have always sung gritty truth. The full truth has still to come out. No nonsense, spitting in your face, heartbreaking truth.
