Friday 13 March 2015


In the UK, a Mr X says that as a child he was sexually abused by a Mr Y.

Mr X has now been jailed for 18 months.

Mr X had written to Mr Y:

"For the last 20 years I have had to live with the memory of the thing you made me do for money as a 13-year-old child.

"For many years I have realised that this was wrong and never had anyone to talk about it to.

"So that you can put it to rest as this memory made me do drugs, crime, now with my new family on the way something needs to be done, so I'm writing this to you to say I want £10,000 or this will come out."

The police spoke to Mr Y about the abuse claims, 'but no further action was taken'. - March 11, 2015

Nottingham City Council leader Jon Collins (left) and campaigner Mickey Summers (right)

Mickey Summers, 'a former child abuse victim', will attempt to unseat the Nottingham City Council leader Jon Collins in the May 2015 election. - March 12, 2015

Mickey Summers has been chosen as Ukip's prospective candidate.

Jon Collins is a Labour councillor.

Mickey Summers has previously accused Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County Councils of destroying records 'proving he suffered sexual abuse in local care homes in the 1960s.'

Both councils have said they cannot find them and insist they are co-operating with a police investigation.

child abuse in Nottinghamshire /

Inspector Mick Starkey of the Yorkshire police, with Sir Jimmy Savile, who is suspected of having links to the security services.

South Yorkshire Police "ignoring hundreds of reports of sexual abuse against young girls."

Tony Brookes, a former policeman with 30 years' service, claims the South Yorkshire Police knew that girls as young as 12-years-old were being raped and assaulted but chose to ignore it.

A document from the police's intelligence base "shows that girls aged as young as 12 to 15 were subjected to abuse including rape, trafficking, physical assaults, abduction and threats to kill.

Ann Lucas, who formerly ran the city's sexual exploitation service, has revealed that that senior officers failed to act.

She says that more than 660 children were referred to Sheffield's sexual exploitation service between 2011 and 2013.

She says that none of the reports resulted in prosecutions.


Yuri Geller, Michael Jackson, David Blaine, Paul Boateng, Greville Janner.

Paul Boateng was a UK cabinet minister.

He was in Tony Blair's government.

Paul Boateng has links to Lambeth, a London borough famous for 'child abuse rings operating in its children's care homes'.

Janet Boateng, wife of Paul Boateng [25], was chair of Lambeth Council’s social services committee, which had overall responsibility for the running of children’s homes in Lambeth.

"In November 1997 the South London Press reported the finding of a sex dungeon complete with manacles, chains, bedding and a sleazy red light in Lambeth High-Security Police Head Quarters in South London.

"The civilian staff who leaked the story were suspended...

"From the copious amounts of child pornography found at the Police Station, it was soon realised that Children from Lambeth Care Homes were being taken to the Police Station for sexual abuse, rape and use in child pornography. 

"It is believed several senior Police Officers were renting out Children and using the Police Station as a brothel...

"All 25 of Lambeth’s Childrens’ Homes had been run by a large paedophile network for over 20 years.

"There were around 50 Children who had entered Lambeth Childrens’ Homes and never been seen again by their families.

"The leader of Lambeth Council at the time was Ted Knight (Labour) who was a close friend of Margaret Hodge (Labour) who was leader of nearby Islington Council. It is believed that Children were “traded” between Lambeth and Islington Councils."

Lambeth Police Station Paedophile Sex Ring Dungeon Scandal.

Kiddist Forsythe, at the grave of her father Bulic, is urging police to fully reopen the investigation

"Sky News has obtained details of an internal investigation documenting sexual assaults and abuse carried out by officers within Lambeth Council in the 1990s.

"That abuse involved senior figures in Lambeth who were using council premises for the rape of women and children, according to the report's remarkable findings." 

"In the 1990's, senior staff members in Lambeth council were producing pornographic material of a 'sadistic, bestial and paedophile' nature in the basement of the housing department, where they knew they would not be interrupted. 

"A female member of staff disclosed how she was subjected to a rape on council premises 'of horrendous proportions' which she was still suffering serious injuries from one month later. 

"She described being raped alongside children and animals by senior figures in the council.

"The findings of a report which included rape, assault and posession of indecent images of children, was never formally investigated by the police at the time or made public."

Abuse in Lambeth, Operation Ore, and the Blair Minister

Reportedly, a local council official in Lambeth, Bulic Forsythe, was murdered to stop him exposing the VIP child abuse ring operating in Lambeth.

"Detectives are investigating claims Bulic Forsythe was silenced by a children's home vice ring said to have included a future minister in Tony Blair's government."

Council official 'murdered days after he vowed to expose VIP child abuse ring'....

Bulic Forsythe - 'murdered 22 years ago'.

A friend of Bulic, traced by the Daily Mirror, says:

"I will never forget one evening in the pub when Bulic told me and my wife: 'There are some people in Lambeth Council who are doing really horrible, disgusting things and I am going to expose them. I won't let them get away with it...

 "Several days later, he was murdered."

Council official 'murdered days after he vowed to expose VIP child abuse ring'....

Bulic's friend contacted the police with the information at the time.

Bulic's friend says: "It was a very short conversation with no interest expressed by the police and no one ever called me back.”

Another of Bulic's former colleagues has said that Bulic had become aware of claims that children were being sexually abused at a Lambeth children's home.

A restricted document newly uncovered by the Daily Mirror shows officials in the Blair government were aware in 1998 of claims the murder of Bulic had been linked to a Lambeth paedophile ring and the children's home child abuser John Carroll.

Bulic Forsythe's wife Dawn.

Bulic died in February 1993.

A BBC Crimewatch broadcast revealed that three official looking men were seen by a neighbour carrying files away from his flat in Clapham, South London.

Two more men were seen in a car behind the property.

His bedroom was torched at 1am and the oven turned on.

Yuri Geller, Michael Jackson, David Blaine, Paul BoatengGreville Janner.

Child abuse rings are used by the powers-that-be to control the world.

A top people's child abuse ring made use of around 20 children's care homes in Lambeth in London.

cathyfox / 'murder linked to a VIP paedophile abuse network'

Allegedly, a 'Godfather' controlled Lambeth council [28], child abuse victims had petrol poured over them, and the Lambeth Police HQ had a basement where children may have been abused.[15][8].

In the case of Lambeth, a large number of people died in mysterious circumstances before any perpetrators could be brought to justice. [1] [2] .

Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll was removed from the original police investigation after superiors learned that politicians, including an MP, were among the suspects? [3]

Benjamin Boateng, pictured left with Amy Winehouse in 2009. Boateng untouchable.

Janet Boateng, wife of former Labour MP and now peer, Paul Boateng [25], was chair of Lambeth Council’s social services committee, which had overall responsibility for the running of children’s homes.

The Daily Mirror asks: was Bulic Forsythe killed to protect a paedophile ring 'linked to a future minister in Tony Blair’s government?'

The police are probing, or pretending to probe, the murder of Lambeth council official Bulic Forsyth  who vowed to expose a paedophile ring allegedly linked to a future minister in Tony Blair’s government.

A former social services manager told Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll in 1998 that she saw the future Blair minister making evening visits to the Angell Road children’s home in Brixton in the early 80s.

She claimed she learnt he had visited South Vale. /
Tony Blair and the paedophiles .


"John would sometimes come down and select one of the boys to go up to the flat." mirror

Reportedly, one of Tony Blair's government ministers sexually abused children at a children's care home in Brixton in London in the 1980's.

Angell Road children's home, in Brixton, in Lambeth

The Angell Road children's home in Brixton in Lambeth was run by the convicted child abuser Michael John Carroll.

Daily Mirror

Convicted paedophile: Michael Carroll ran the Angell Road home .

Two whistleblowers are saying that there was a cover-up

Blair (centre) with Brown and Mandelson.

In 1998, after the government minister became implicated in the child abuse ring investigation, the detective in charge, Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll, was removed from the case and disciplined.

The investigation of the minister was dropped.

Tony Blair, campaigning with Ron Davies

Former Lambeth council child protection chief Dr Nigel Goldie says: 'There were a lot of very senior people trying to put a lid on it. There was ­something very unfortunate about the way the whole thing was dealt with.'

The Mirror says it has seen a Lambeth council memo that shows there was an intention to brief then Health Secretary, Frank Dobson, about the police investigation.

Dobson says he does not remember being briefed.

A numer of children's care homes throughout the UK are believed to have been run as child brothels for the elite and are believed to have been protected by the security services.

Clive Driscoll

Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll was on the trail of certain politicians involved in child sexual abuse.

He was removed from the case.

Paedo MP cover-up claim: policeman removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects

BRIXTON is in Lambeth

Clive Driscoll began his investigation of child sex abuse in the London borough of Lambeth in 1998.

Clive Driscoll "suddenly found himself booted off the case and put on 'a disciplinary' after revealing ­politicians were among the suspects."

Paedo MP cover-up claim: policeman removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects


Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll said: "I was unhappy with the interference of some senior officers who did not appear to have a logical connection to my investigation into child sex abuse in Lambeth.

"There were allegations made by several people that named politicians had been involved but I never had a chance to investigate them because I was moved before I could do so."

Lambeth Palace.

Clive Driscoll was asked if a file naming politicians as suspects was lost.

Clive Driscoll says: "I handed the file to an officer and I have no ­knowledge where it went after that."

Anna Tapsell 

Former Labour councillor Anna Tapsell says she was visited by a police chief to 'warn her off'' after she raised concerns that police would not ­properly investigate pedophile rings in children's care homes.

Anna Tapsell, a chairwoman of Lambeth’s social services committee, has ­highlighted sexual abuse of children in Lambeth's care for more than twenty years.

Lambeth - home to the MI6 HQ and various gay clubs.

Anna Tapsell says: "When I learned that Clive (Driscoll) was being removed, not only from the case but also from Lambeth, I realised that the Met (London Police) were caving in to political pressure that was far more powerful than Lambeth Council.

"I was aware of allegations about an MP and the Met's failure to act on those allegations and its apparent desire to silence those who called for them to be investigated fully was deeply shocking to me.

"Council employees who tried to expose staff they suspected of sexual abuse were sidelined and ignored."

Paedo MP cover-up claim: policeman removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects

Former kids' home

Clive Driscoll had been investigating child sex abuse at Brixton’s Angell Road children’s home and South Vale youth assessment centre in West Norwood

Sir Jimmy Savile, 'pedophile ring organiser', in West Norwood.

After Clive Driscoll's removal, Anna Tapsell told how she raised fears about the depth of the investigation during a meeting of the Community Police Consultative Group.

She says that a high-ranking officer later arrived at her home.

AnnaTapsell says: "I doubt whether I was the only person to be visited by a senior police officer in an attempt to warn me off.

"I had cast doubt on the Met’s ­inclination to get to the bottom of the paedophile activity within Lambeth’s care system...

"I have found the minutes of that meeting in the archives ofLambeth’s Community Police Consultative Group but no mention is made of the high-ranking officer’s contribution and the tape recording is also missing."

The police did trace 200 victims between 1998 to 2003.

There were only three convictions.

A total of 19 suspects were never identified.

Convicted paedophile: Michael Carroll ran the Angell Road home .

Michael John Carroll, the former boss of the Angell Road home, was arrested in 1998.

Anna Tapsell had spent more than 10 years highlighting his case.

Lambeth bosses had let him run children's homes until 1991 despite knowing in 1986 that he was a convicted ­paedophile.

In 1994, Tapsell told a judge that Carroll was 'protected' by Lambeth social ­services bosses along with paedophile Les Paul who worked in South Vale.

According to Anna Tapsell: "I have no doubt Angell Road may have been used for organised child abuse which involved adults other than staff.

"This view is reinforced by the strong investment that officers and politicians have in blocking any effective investigation.”

Clare Whelan, a Lambeth Tory councillor since 1990, claims she was repeatedly ignored by police when she tried to highlight the Carroll case.

Paedo MP cover-up claim: policeman removed from sex abuse probe after naming politicians as suspects


One MP wore only underpants and a dog's collar around his neck

Kate Middleton's friend: How I sneaked a Labour MP in a ....






  4. Aanirfan,

    Just to share this...

    " their people in the major positions of power in all the areas they need to control to prevent proper investigation or to ensure that any high-profile case that does get to court always fails (see Figure 36). You don't need to control all the policemen to stop an investigation. You just need to control the person who controls the policemen.

    You don't need to control every social worker, just the people who control the social workers. In other words, you only need to control the very few people who have the power to call off an investigation when necessary. These placemen and women are controlled by the same force and so the cover-up can be carefully coordinated through people who appear, to the outsider, to be unconnected -teachers, social workers, policemen, lawyers, judges, and media. .."

    You be the judge.

  5. Don't miss this new detail. Unless the Daily Beast is dispensing hot air, there may be a witness in the US who can blow Britain's VIP pedo case wide open.


  6. A useful term in all of the weirdness of psychologies involved is

    Stockholm Syndrome.

    Do not forget the psychologists involved in any case, who are well aware of such things, which extend to abusive relationships at their more "ordinary" (if there is such a thing.)

    It may not involve such complex programming to obtain "retractions." Merely the reliance upon Stockholm Syndrome, which interesting shares it's acronym with Social Services.

  7. Hi again.

    Is the unknown not David Blaine?

  8. You might find it interesting that David Blaine dated Bijoux Phillips daughter of John Phillips (Mamas Papas), who had a relationship with his own daughter Mackenzie.


  10. David Blaine keeps some very suspicious company...

    Off topic, I often wonder why someone adds links to every post here and most of them have nothing to do with the subject.

    1. Point taken... in my defence I see the posting of useful info (Short text and link) as a way to contribute. Aang. posted some of the comments.

      Also, I read all the articles and sometimes there's a simple citation of someone, so I look around for more info and post if I find interesting.


    2. Fair enough. I can see a link above with a description but others with none, so maybe they were posted by another. It's helpful when there's a comment explaining how the link is connected to the post, as it's often not clear.

  11. Islington's Children's Services and Safeguarding Children Board is presently situated on the former site of 1 Elwood Street children's home, infiltrated by a nationwide paedophile ring when Margaret Hodge/Oppenheimer led Islington Council, between 1982 to 1992. She went onto become Minister of State for Children.

    Islington's Child Sex Abuse Scandals

    Eileen Fairweather talks to the survivors too scared to go public

    Mr Gove trustingly asked the north-London council, exposed in the 1990s for employing paedophiles, pimps and child pornographers at all 12 of its children’s homes, to identify it.

    But how can Islington be trusted to uncover its own cover-up?

    The supposed mystery stems from a much larger cover-up by the then-Labour authority to protect the liberty of the evil and the reputations of the ambitious. Children – including dying little girls – are still in danger because few of the scores of perverts who infiltrated Islington’s care system between the Seventies and the Nineties have been brought to justice.

    Instead, Islington shredded every incriminating file, sacked whistleblowers and smeared victims as mentally ill.

    Staff accused of everything from rape to child prostitution had been allowed to resign, often with good references. He described Islington as a “classic study” in how paedophiles target children, aided by the council’s naive interpretation of gay rights.

    Islington was deeply influenced by and had many connection to the Paedophile Information Exchange. In the fatally naïve 1970s to mid 80s, PIE openly campaigned for sex to be legalised with children from age four, and for incest and child pornography to be legalised.

    PIE supplied children from homes to wealthy establishment figures. It was the ultimate cross-party crime, which many wanted buried.


  12. John Michael Carroll left lambeth to go to wrexham north Wales where he bought the hand hotel for 750,000 pounds
    Whilst there he became part of two companies
    North East Wales Network ( mostly food and hotels and Chester chamber of commerce contacts
    Also he was on board of OZANAM CENTRE in North Wales which was Roman Catholic and children related to St Vincent de Paul soceity which has a terrible past of child rape and cruelty
    It was this involvement that lead him back to Liverpool Where he was arrested for offences there in 1998

  13. Also on board of OZANAM CENTRE in North Wales along with Michael John Carroll was Michael Joseph Kennedy who was awarded MBE "for services to children and families."
    Now you get Queens award for being connected to very serious child sex offender it seems

  14. 've been able to identify another lambeth suspect ( from Islington he was) Seems there was confusion because offences happened earlier under different operation however whilst reading further it seems he came under operation Middleton too
    Leslie Paul and he was praised by a judge for being aware of his offending and took treatment and as result received a minimum sentence
