Wednesday 12 November 2014



Witness Account From Eastern Ukraine: National Guard and Right Sector Battalions Killing Civilians.

UK spy Samantha Lewthwaite, allegedly fighting for Ukraine fascists, 'killed by sniper in Ukraine'.

ISIS Fires American-Made Missiles At Syrian Army

50 Civilians Killed in US-led Airstrikes in Syria


  1. Woman terrorist Samantha Lewthwaite (, also known as Sherafiyah Lewthwaite or the White Widow, has been liquidated in Lugansk Republic by volunteer sniper from Russia. (Nov 11, 2014)

  2. Meet Sharon Weinberger: The Intercept’s New “National Security” Editor and Former Dov S. Zakheim Associate

    Posted on November 14, 2014 by willyloman

    by Scott Creighton (H/T tommyknocker1)

    A little while ago I wrote about Matt Taibbi leaving the employ of billionaire Pierre Omidyar. Since then I have reported on Matt’s refusal to address his split with Omidyar’s company, First Look Media, which also owns Glenn Greenwald’s limited hangout / propaganda vehicle, the Intercept.

    “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t talk about [Omidyar] unfortunately,” “I really shouldn’t comment… No matter what my feelings toward First Look Media, I don’t think it’s appropriate to talk about my former employers.” Matt Taibbi

    It’s well known that Omidyar teamed up with the CIA linked USAID and funded a number of regime change NGOs in Ukraine and now he has one of his employees, Svitlana Zalishchuk, a person who headed up many of those color revolution engines, “elected” to office in the country. It should be noted that all that “freedom and democracy” they talked about bringing to Ukraine is ending up with the Ukrainian parliament now instituting legalized slavery on their own people.

    In a follow-up article, I mentioned the fact that Omidyar and Greenwald were headed to Google’s Newsgeist conference where they will learn how to mold the future of alternative “news” sites. I also exposed the Omidyar Network’s long history of globalist activity and partnership with the CIA.

