Saturday 9 August 2014


Downing Street silent on Cameron’s secret Shetland visit

On 22 July 2014, UK Prime Minister David Cameron made a secret visit to Scotland's Shetland Islands

Off the the west coast of Shetland there has recently been drilling in an area known as Clair Ridge.

Apparently, an oil find in the Clair Ridge is huge.

BP has refused to speak on the size of the find.

Downing Street silent on Cameron’s secret Shetland visit - Newsnet Scotland / 
Clair Ridge and Scotland's new oil boom.

There is a suspicion that BP has discovered "vast" reserves in Clair Ridge and that BP is "withholding disclosure" until after the independence referendum.

BP chief executive Bob Dudley, in the oil magazine Upstream, said of Clair Ridge: 'positive signals are emerging from an ongoing appraisal drilling campaign.'

Speaking at a recent press briefing, Dudley said: "We remain very enthusiastic about Clair Ridge - appraisal wells are looking good. It is helping us to define the structure out there.

"Clair Ridge will be a project once we get it on in the next few years that has the potential to produce until 2050."

Downing Street silent on Cameron’s secret Shetland visit

In June 2014 it emerged that another Scottish oil field, Lancaster, had also produced results that were greater than initial estimates.

Hurricane Energy, the company behind the find, said production tests using a pump achieved a flow rate of 9,800 barrels of oil per day, well above expectations.

Similar results were discovered in another field to the west of Shetland after Whirwind was found to be holding similar volumes of oil.

A report published in March 2014 by Investors Chronicle, which is part of the FT group, described Lancaster and Whirlwind as "major discoveries" and concluded that "abundant new and under-explored plays could yield significant resources."

1. 'The Clair Ridge' - This is the untapped wealth that Westminster does not want you to know about. Just like McCrone 40 odd years ago.

2. We were talking tonight to an oil field worker (Ex Royal Navy) who has moved from NO to YES. 

He was told (re the Clair Ridge) that there was work in this field not only for him and his children but for their children. 

He also told they were bringing up all sort of other interesting minerals including gold from the rock strata

3. This Lancaster well opens up HUGE potential, with similar features all the way down the west coast.


  1. I read Shetland's not part of the UK legally speaking. So who owns that oil, eh?

  2. Scottish territory!

  3. @The Veritopian

    Even if in some bizarre world Shetland stayed with the UK or became independent in its own right, it would be categorised as an enclave.

    This means that it only has mineral rights 12 miles around her shoreline. There's not much oil in that 12 mile radius leaving the rest for Scotland anyway.

    Shetland is a valued region of Scotland. In fact the islands have a specific importance in the written constitution Scotland will have with independence.

    Scotland will not make the mistakes Westminster has by ignoring everyone else and centralising everything in London and the South East.
