Tampon Tim - Will he build the Walz?

Anonymous :
Worst 'crime' they can find on Kamala's Vice President choice Tim Walz, is his being arrested for drunk and reckless driving at age 31, doing 96 mph on a 55mph highway; here is his 1995 arrest mugshot
Walz comes out of that rather socialistic, community-minded German-Scandinavian culture, which one finds in Minnesota and also in central Canada
So Governor Tim Walz has been implementing things like free school lunches for kids, free school feminine products ... joke name 'Tampon Tim' from that, doubt that it hurts him.
Walz drifts along with all his party's agenda, so the right is attacking him with the 'transgender and kids' theme etc
Walz apparently launched the popular meme that Trump, Vance and the right wing are all 'kinda weird' ... tho that meme applies well to many Democrats too
Trump and Vance will rage about 'far left'
Kamala and Walz will talk about school lunches for poor kids and medical care
Walz at international conferences will seem quite the 'American' one expects to meet
Web joke - will he build the Walz?
With the important caveat of knowing VERY little, so far, about Walz’s past failures, misjudgments & misdemeanours; his family & marital history; his organisational memberships, business interests & investments; his associations with unsavoury characters; his character flaws; ***his links to Zionism and the Israel-first Lobby*** etc etc etc —
— *On the face of it*, Walz presents as a relatively sane, normal, and personable individual.
Choosing him as running mate represents a political-tactical masterstroke by the Harris machine?
Walz, a Command Sergeant Major but not THE top E-9 ANG when it came to leading his men, women and children into battle. I guess he wasn't just a decent enlisted ombudsman for the unit.
And driving drunk at 96 mph, what Goody Two Shoes doesn't do that minor shit at least once a year?
Eric Berne called it right in Alcoholic Games. Enablers making it easier to obtain alcohol or Narcissistic supply.
Normal, ordinary ppl
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