Mysterious Putin?

What is true?
Unknown commented -
Unknown commented -
Interview with former Moldovan Deputy Prime Minsiter for Security Iurie Roșca, on how Vladimir Putin is not really 'opposition' to the West -
'Unfortunately, most of the alternative media in the West, while rejecting US hegemony and the globalist agenda, zealously promotes the idea that Putin represents an alternative civilizational model.
Putin and his regime are a direct continuation of the Yeltsin period. Big business installed and maintains its servants in key state functions. Putin fits exactly into this. Putin must be regarded as a front man, a spokesman for circles that hold power.
The key moment when it became clear that Putin was totally under the control of globalists came in 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic was triggered.
The Kremlin showed complete obedience to the undeclared World Government that operated under WHO cover, imposing the same tyrannical policies, including compulsory injections.
Fanatical trust in Putin’s virtues and merits, which the alternative press in the West exalts, has several explanations. Putin’s speechwriters have a gift for wooing Western “dissidents” with criticisms of the political class in the West and the LGBT agenda.

You can talk irrefutable facts:
Fanatical trust in Putin’s virtues and merits, which the alternative press in the West exalts, has several explanations. Putin’s speechwriters have a gift for wooing Western “dissidents” with criticisms of the political class in the West and the LGBT agenda.

You can talk irrefutable facts:
- that the Central Bank of Russia is affiliated with globalist policies, that it is controlled by the IMF and the BIS, that it is imposing the digital ruble
- you can show that assassination by vaccine is carried out under Putin
But Western intelligentsia allows itself to be manipulated because it has lost its celestial compass.
Worth mentioning here is the effectiveness of Sputnik and RT, which court and flatter Western “dissidents” with regular invitations to criticize the political class in Western countries. Let one of them try to make any critical comments about power in Moscow, and he will see how he will be forever shunned by those who until yesterday flattered him
The most mundane explanation for the fact that alternative media in the West has aligned itself with the Kremlin is financial. Russian secret services have not lost the ability to seduce with money.
Recent examples of what David Icke calls 'MAM', meaning 'mainstream alternative media', false dissidence affiliated with occult power circles -
Americans Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson. Both are Trump fans, both have become friends with monstrous globalist technocrat Elon Musk, and both love Putin like their father.
But what unites the two, as well as other “opinion leaders”, is their affiliation to the interests of the Zionist lobby in the USA, including the avoidance of univocal claims of genocide in the Gaza Strip.
To simplify, we could say that organizations like Chabad Lubavitch strongly influence politicians like Trump (Jared Kushner) and Putin (Berel Lazar) and their servants in alternative media.'
To simplify, we could say that organizations like Chabad Lubavitch strongly influence politicians like Trump (Jared Kushner) and Putin (Berel Lazar) and their servants in alternative media.'
No wonder Bibi wants the hostages dead - yes he does. The Russian hostages would have a lot to say.
Quote "Putin stressed that Moscow is in contact with the political wing of Hamas, and reported progress in freeing hostages who are of particular interest to Russia. These include Russian citizens as well as foreign Holocaust survivors and their family members, the president explained. The Kremlin did not disclose further details of what was discussed. Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with two leaders of the country’s Jewish community on Wednesday, where they discussed the conflict in Gaza and Moscow’s efforts to secure the release of hostages being held by Palestinian militant group Hamas.
Representing Orthodox Jews at the event were Aleksandr Boroda, president of the Federation of Jewish Communities, and the organization’s chief rabbi, Berel Lazar.
I agree completely. Russia is just another tyrannical criminal state, not really different than the US, China or any other criminal government.
I can understand the desire people have for a "White Knight" on the international stage and around the time Russia entered the Syrian war, I fell for it completely and made a real fool of myself .
One of the few benefits of the Covid farce was that we were shown the truth about governments all over the world.
Not just Russia, Iran also revealed itself to be just another bunch of low tyrannical gangsters.
All those who continue to pretend that any of these governments represent a benevolent force in the world are lying shills and low grifters or simply not very bright.
Russia is implementing every element of the globalist agenda. The digital currency, the surveillance, all of it.
People are imprisoned there today for expressing critical opinions of the government.
Even people who support the Ukraine operation are imprisoned for criticising the conduct of the war.
I have no idea if Putin is worth all that money or not, it doesn't matter.
Anyone whose work is devoted to promoting the merits of any government might as well be working for CNN or the BBC, as people they deserve respect but from a journalistic point of view they are worthless.
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