Friday 5 January 2024

OZ FLOODS - Robert Deutsch


Robert Deutsch on FB posts predictions of the outcomes of engineered weather. 

He accurately predicted 4 days before the once in 1,000 year flood that occurred in Australia's east coast. 

The explanation he showed -'I of course checked on the BoM radar link - & I could SEE the radar beams so quick that I had to be on my metal to screen shot a couple as proof.' 

Robert claimed the Scott Morrison govt. was doing this to flood the transport roads to stop antivax & anti face mask & lockdown protestors. 

2 weeks before 100,000s had camped on Aust. Parliament foreground. Including a couple of my friends. He said animals would be washed down the rivers & they were. And the roads became impassable. 

So far Robert has been correct. Our recent tornado Gold Coast, has required 750,000 trucks to remove 90 football fields 2 M high of green debris. Killing birds, koalas etc. We needed those trees. 

This is his FB


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