American Jew Alfred Lilienthal

“Zionists collaborated in the annihilation or their fellow Jews …
American Jew Alfred Lilienthal: The holocaust is the weapon
‘Keeping Adolf and his gang alive’

American Jew Alfred Lilienthal
“The holocaust is the weapon that hovers behind the cover-up and supplies the principal prop to the cover-over.
“When all else fails, the … Jews killed during the Nazi holocaust remain the ultimate silencer …
“… [It] is paradoxical that certain Jews should have exploited and up to this very moment are still very much intent upon exploiting Hitler for Zionist propaganda purposes.
“There has been an almost continuing conspiracy, fostered by an unholy alliance between the media and the Zionists, to keep us all in the era of 1940-1945.
“Since there can only be one side to any issue where the alternative would be Hitler, the aim of the game is to keep Adolf and his gang alive …
“‘Hitler … ,’ ‘the Nazis …,’ ‘the six million …,’ One by one these icons have been and are today continuously invoked at any moment, into any present-day question of Jewish or Israeli affairs …
“The greater the need for Israel to defend itself against pressure to yield the occupied territories, the more the holocaust [is] pushed before the [public] …
“… [The] ultimate weapon [is], ‘You are either for the Jews and Israel or you are for Hitler’ …
“It must not be overlooked … that millions of people other than Jews perished, and for these the bell does not seem to have been tolling …

Alfred M. Lilienthal
“And [have] the cultists … ever given any consideration to the Zionist role in the deaths of these [victims]? …
“Zionists collaborated in the annihilation or their fellow Jews …
“ … [The] Zionist leadership was concerned only in the creation of a state, ‘not the saving of Jewish lives’ …
“The Zionist movement should not be permitted to exploit indefinitely the holocaust, its ultimate and final weapon, so as to obstruct the final hope of assuring true justice and real security for all peoples of the area … and of removing the number-one threat to world peace.”
pp.461, 473, 483, 805
“Alfred M. Lilienthal (December 25, 1915 – October 6, 2008) was an American Jew, who was a prominent critic of Zionism and the state of Israel.”
And, surprise surprise, Alfred Lilienthal's words have not been widely publicised in the MSM, have they?!
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