Saudi commitment to Palestinian statehood unclear

Saudi commitment to Palestinian statehood unclear after crown prince interview
“Bin Salman’s interview with Fox News [was] very disturbing,” ...
“He did not say a word of anything about the peace initiative, ending the occupation, the Palestinian state, the right to self-determination, and the right of return for refugees." ...
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government has rejected any serious concessions, including the freezing of building illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land...
Nothing is off table to get Ukraine into EU, says president of bloc’s parliament
“The European Union must begin a major wave of change to prepare for the arrival of Ukraine as a member state, the leader of its parliament has said, with ‘nothing off the table’, including removing trade tariffs and giving Kyiv access to internal markets before full membership …
“Ukraine is one year into a what many expect will be four or five year journey. But Metsola reflects fresh thinking among some EU leaders that the bloc needs to accelerate access to Ukraine- and the Balkan states that have also applied …
“With Moldova and Albania also hoping to join, the next wave, whenever it comes, could mean that the bloc’s membership jumps from 27 to more than 30 nations …”
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