Monday 18 September 2023

Russell Brand & Savile

Brand and friend.


“… [Damning] videos have been posted which allegedly expose Russell Brand ... protected by the Establishment in much the same way as Jimmy Savile was …

“In [one] video … Russell Brand is seen surreptitiously touching up a ... [allegedly] …

“In [a second] video … we see Russell Brand bite a young boy’s ear before giving him a passionate kiss, hidden from the camera by his long hair …

“The most damaging of all [the links] which tie Russell Brand with paedophilia [allegedly] is the sickening sycophantic radio interview with … Jimmy Savile

“… [The] conversation sounded heavily coded, implying both Russell and Jimmy were indulging in a private joke. A coded conversation which only they knew the true meaning of …

“‘Are you going to be doing any more fixes for anyone?’ Russell excitedly asks …

“Jimmy’s rely sends a shiver down the spine, ‘Of course, I’ll be doing fixes long after you’re dead.’

“‘I believe that to be true,’ Russell agrees …

“‘I’d love to meet you someday Mr Jimmy Savile,’ Russell [says] ..

“‘I’ve got a personal assistant called Marcia and part of her job description is that whatever I demand she greets, meets, massages, she has to do it. She’s very attractive Jimmy.’

“‘That’s a good start, you can send her along to do some research.’

“‘Anything in particular Jimmy?’

“‘I’d prefer her to wear .....’

“‘Nothing wrong with that.’

“Rounding the radio interview up Russell [says:] ‘Would you pass on my best wishes onto your dinner companion?’

“… [Any] ‘young lady’ Jimmy Savile referred to most probably was  …

“Russell Brand finishes the short interview off with the cryptic clue: ‘As long as you are passing down information, you should be passing down other things, people could argue’ …”


At 18 September 2023 at 11:15 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


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