Home Secretary Suella Braverman's Jewish husband HAD to speak out

Rael Braverman with wife Suella)
Rael Braverman is a 47-year-old finance manager for Mercedes.
Lineker thanked his supporters on March 8
after his tweet slamming the Government's plan
to crackdown on migrant crossings


The UK has had a number of Jewish Home Secretaries (the cabinet ministers responsible for the police) -
Leon Brittan
Michael Howard
Grant Shapps
Frank Soskice

'Thousands' of corrupt police on our streets: Bombshell report after murder of Sarah Everard reveals even criminals or those with gang links are being allowed to sign up for duty
The doctor who questioned Ireland’s Covid policy and lost his job
- ‘What they said was untrue. It was part of a terrorising campaign’
- ‘The deliberate, unforgivable terrorising of the population’
- ‘We destroyed young people’s lives for what?’
“The only Health Service Executive (HSE) doctor to criticise the restrictions imposed at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic says he has no regrets about his actions, which cost him his job.
“‘The only stupid thing I did was to say what I thought, which was daft. I should have kept my mouth shut,’ says Dr Martin Feeley of his decision to speak publicly against lockdowns from inside the HSE.
“Within days of The Irish Times in September 2020 reporting his criticism of ‘draconian’ restrictions, and his belief that low-risk people should be exposed to the virus, Feeley was gone from the health service after a 45-year career …
“Feeley also criticised the emphasis during the pandemic on daily case numbers – ‘the deliberate, unforgivable terrorising of the population’ is how he puts it today.
“This point was echoed recently by the HSE’s former infection control chief, Prof Martin Cormican, who said Ireland’s Covid response ‘depended on fear’.
“In 2020, Feeley said any assessment of Ireland’s strategy to combat the virus should take into account the cost to people’s quality of life …
“‘On the day the Government decided they were going to cancel everything, we were preparing for the Gannon Cup [the annual boat race between UCD and TCD]. I had a crew ready to race when they cancelled the event … I remember explaining to them how ridiculous it was … I remember saying to them: You guys are more at risk of being killed on your bike this evening than from ever dying of Covid.’
“In mid-2020, when he says HSE officials were warning that hospitals in Dublin were in danger of being overwhelmed, he did his own check and found there were only eight Covid patients in ICU. ‘What they said was untrue. It was part of a terrorising campaign,’ he claims.
“‘I knew absolutely what the risk was to everybody, including myself. I decided I wasn’t going to take any precautions whatsoever. I was going to get it and I would survive.’
“As for all those Covid cases, he claims ‘the goalposts were moved’ on their definition. ‘They weren’t cases at all. Before April 2020, a case was someone who had symptoms and was sick; after that, it was someone with a positive test, even if they felt perfectly happy and well’ …
“He finally got Covid in December 2021. ‘I spent a half a day in bed and then I went out and swept up the leaves. I’ve had swine flu. It was worse’ …
“‘We destroyed young people’s lives for what? It looks like nothing was gained from it.’
“To the riposte that many people are alive today thanks to actions taken during the pandemic, he points to a subsequent rise in excess deaths …”
Mercedes-Benz though. You couldn’t make it up.
Here’s Der Führer enjoying his:
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