Stores, Ukraine, Charles

More than 1,400 stores are closing across the US in 2023

Ukraine war, already with up to 354,000 casualties, likely to last past 2023 - U.S. documents

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'UK Column News - 14th April 2023':
Man who protested King Charles’ friendship with Jimmy Savile and the UK’s complicity in genocides is found guilty of threatening behaviour
“A man who threw eggs at the king before shouting ‘friends with Jimmy Savile’ has been found guilty of threatening behaviour.
“Patrick Thelwell shouted: ‘The king is a paedophile,’ after throwing several eggs towards King Charles … in York last year.
“The 23-year-old had pleaded not guilty to a section 4 public order offence, arguing his use of ‘low-level violence’ was lawful because it was self-defence against ‘the violence carried out by the British state’.
“On Friday, the chief magistrate, senior district judge Paul Goldspring, found the defendant guilty of the charge ... He sentenced Thelwell to a 12-month community order with 100 hours of unpaid work [and court costs] …
“During the trial [Thelwell] was stopped by the judge from asking a police witness whether he ‘was aware the king was photographed numerous times with Jimmy Savile’ …
“… [At] the time of his arrest, Thelwell said: ‘Who doesn’t want to egg the king? It’s a protest against the descent into fascism of this country.
“‘The way that the crowd reacted, people just lost their minds. They were, like, ripping my hair out … and kicking at me and calling for my head on a spike’ … Thelwell also revealed he faced death threats …
“He added: ‘I hope more people feel inspired … to use whatever platform they have to speak out against this country, against what it’s doing to refugees and against its complicity in the genocides that are occurring around the world.’”

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'UK Column News - 14th April 2023':
Man who protested King Charles’ friendship with Jimmy Savile and the UK’s complicity in genocides is found guilty of threatening behaviour
“A man who threw eggs at the king before shouting ‘friends with Jimmy Savile’ has been found guilty of threatening behaviour.
“Patrick Thelwell shouted: ‘The king is a paedophile,’ after throwing several eggs towards King Charles … in York last year.
“The 23-year-old had pleaded not guilty to a section 4 public order offence, arguing his use of ‘low-level violence’ was lawful because it was self-defence against ‘the violence carried out by the British state’.
“On Friday, the chief magistrate, senior district judge Paul Goldspring, found the defendant guilty of the charge ... He sentenced Thelwell to a 12-month community order with 100 hours of unpaid work [and court costs] …
“During the trial [Thelwell] was stopped by the judge from asking a police witness whether he ‘was aware the king was photographed numerous times with Jimmy Savile’ …
“… [At] the time of his arrest, Thelwell said: ‘Who doesn’t want to egg the king? It’s a protest against the descent into fascism of this country.
“‘The way that the crowd reacted, people just lost their minds. They were, like, ripping my hair out … and kicking at me and calling for my head on a spike’ … Thelwell also revealed he faced death threats …
“He added: ‘I hope more people feel inspired … to use whatever platform they have to speak out against this country, against what it’s doing to refugees and against its complicity in the genocides that are occurring around the world.’”

Unknown commented on "UK Column News - 14th April 2023"
Russia-Ukraine conflict cost world economy $1.6t in 2022: study
“Without the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the global economy would have generated an additional $1.6 trillion in 2022, according to a study published by the German Economic Institute (IW) …
“The conflict has a ‘high global economic significance,’ IW expert Michael Groemling said … Above all, energy and raw material supply problems were putting pressure on companies worldwide.
“Western economies were particularly affected as they lost two-thirds of their global production, according to the study …
“‘High energy prices caused cost shocks at the production level, which became a burden difficult to calculate for many companies,’the IW said.
“The resulting rise in consumer prices ‘eroded the purchasing power of households, which cut back their consumption,’ the institute noted. Finally, companies were reluctant to invest due to the global uncertainty and higher prices.
“For 2023, the IW projects an additional global value-added loss of $1 trillion …”

Unknown commented on "UK Column News - 14th April 2023"
Russia-Ukraine conflict cost world economy $1.6t in 2022: study
“Without the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the global economy would have generated an additional $1.6 trillion in 2022, according to a study published by the German Economic Institute (IW) …
“The conflict has a ‘high global economic significance,’ IW expert Michael Groemling said … Above all, energy and raw material supply problems were putting pressure on companies worldwide.
“Western economies were particularly affected as they lost two-thirds of their global production, according to the study …
“‘High energy prices caused cost shocks at the production level, which became a burden difficult to calculate for many companies,’the IW said.
“The resulting rise in consumer prices ‘eroded the purchasing power of households, which cut back their consumption,’ the institute noted. Finally, companies were reluctant to invest due to the global uncertainty and higher prices.
“For 2023, the IW projects an additional global value-added loss of $1 trillion …”

Unknown commented on "UK Column News - 14th April 2023"
The Ukraine war has cost the global economy ‘well over $1.6 trillion’
“The war in Ukraine, which began in 2014 … has had a particularly severe impact on the world economy at a time when the world suffers from a crippling post-covid 19 economy …
“According to a study by the German Institute of Economics in February this year, the Ukraine war … cost the global economy ‘well over $1.6 trillion’ last year [alone].
“The global production losses are highly likely to cross another $1 trillion or more in the current year, the study adds.
“With energy prices skyrocketing … the war in Ukraine has resulted in production and supply disruptions across the globe …
“‘The biggest contributor of military aid is by far the US with current commitments of 22.86 billion euros ($24.37bn). The United Kingdom has committed the second-largest amount, 4.13 billion euros ($4.40bn),’ says Andre Frank, an economist at Keil Institute of the World Economy …
“Russia, considered to be the world’s top fertilizer producer, has not been able to trade with other nation-states: resulting in the soaring food prices and disruption of global trade …
“… [European nations that] used to import half of their natural gas and a third of their oil from Russia before the escalation of conflict … [have seen] an overwhelming rise in energy prices ….
“… [The] war, and the ensuing increase in the price of necessities, [is making] it more difficult for policymakers … to [control] inflation …”
The Ukraine war has cost the global economy ‘well over $1.6 trillion’
“The war in Ukraine, which began in 2014 … has had a particularly severe impact on the world economy at a time when the world suffers from a crippling post-covid 19 economy …
“According to a study by the German Institute of Economics in February this year, the Ukraine war … cost the global economy ‘well over $1.6 trillion’ last year [alone].
“The global production losses are highly likely to cross another $1 trillion or more in the current year, the study adds.
“With energy prices skyrocketing … the war in Ukraine has resulted in production and supply disruptions across the globe …
“‘The biggest contributor of military aid is by far the US with current commitments of 22.86 billion euros ($24.37bn). The United Kingdom has committed the second-largest amount, 4.13 billion euros ($4.40bn),’ says Andre Frank, an economist at Keil Institute of the World Economy …
“Russia, considered to be the world’s top fertilizer producer, has not been able to trade with other nation-states: resulting in the soaring food prices and disruption of global trade …
“… [European nations that] used to import half of their natural gas and a third of their oil from Russia before the escalation of conflict … [have seen] an overwhelming rise in energy prices ….
“… [The] war, and the ensuing increase in the price of necessities, [is making] it more difficult for policymakers … to [control] inflation …”

Weapons given by the EU to Ukraine, are already being found amongst crime gangs in the EU, sold via channels by Ukrainians news/2022-10-31-weapons- intended-for-ukraine-were- found-in-the-mafia-in- northern-europe.BJGsGDa4j.html
Refugee flows assist the movements of ethnic mafias to set up in new countries ... reports from Poland and elsewhere say Ukrainian mafias have moved along with millions of Ukrainians
We saw this with the 'Kosovo Albanian' refugees in the 1990s-2000s NATO Balkan wars
Albanian mafias set up all across Europe amidst the refugee movements ... with weapons to sell from the Balkan wars arms supplies ... and drugs, perhaps also from US military channels
Of course many Albanians are very nice - very moderate Muslims in general - just as with many Ukrainians, many Italians etc ... but mafias move amidst their fellow ethnics, and small numbers can do a lot of crime
And security services and governments have a vested interest in increasing crime and tension
Street prices of assault weapons are reportedly not that high, a few thousand each ... and we may soon have more battles of competing mafias fighting for turf
Refugee flows assist the movements of ethnic mafias to set up in new countries ... reports from Poland and elsewhere say Ukrainian mafias have moved along with millions of Ukrainians
We saw this with the 'Kosovo Albanian' refugees in the 1990s-2000s NATO Balkan wars
Albanian mafias set up all across Europe amidst the refugee movements ... with weapons to sell from the Balkan wars arms supplies ... and drugs, perhaps also from US military channels
Of course many Albanians are very nice - very moderate Muslims in general - just as with many Ukrainians, many Italians etc ... but mafias move amidst their fellow ethnics, and small numbers can do a lot of crime
And security services and governments have a vested interest in increasing crime and tension
Street prices of assault weapons are reportedly not that high, a few thousand each ... and we may soon have more battles of competing mafias fighting for turf
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