Thursday 30 March 2023


Anonymous -

Donald Trump political indictment in New York

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declares he WILL NOT ASSIST extradition request

USA break-up / civil war has officially begun?

« Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, meanwhile, has issued a statement condemning the "weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda," adding that Florida "will not assist in an extradition request given the questionable circumstances at issue with this Soros-backed Manhattan prosecutor and his political agenda." »

'What has been said to be a likely map of possible USA break-up into 3 countries, two 'left wing' ones anchored on the coasts, and the 'right wing' heartland'


At 30 March 2023 at 23:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What has been said to be a likely map of possible USA break-up into 3 countries, two 'left wing' ones anchored on the coasts, and the 'right wing' heartland

At 31 March 2023 at 01:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

100% Bread and circuses rubbish. The silly orange man will get a landslide victory in the presidential race (as planned), thus further polarising an already polarised country.

I believe (only an opinion), after his re-election that Trump will have a fake attempt on his life by some deranged Antifa type.

The whole thing is just a pile of festering tripe. How anyone with even a single functional brain cell is buying this is truly astonishing.

There are many much more serious things this orange 🤡 could be indicted on, however like his bed wetting nemesis in the Whitehouse, it ain't going to happen anytime soon.

The American public are just too thick to realise that their hero (when in the White House) authorised Operation Warp speed and rolled out a biological weapon on the unsuspecting public.

It would be too easy to literally go on forever about the Orange 🤡.

Grab some popcorn and watch the latest installment of this silly little Dallas styled soap opera.


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