Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'ELM GUEST HOUSE - SONNING - UK SCANDAL':
“In the world in which I grew up, the role of the political and especially leftist politics was to point at that which unites us.
“In the world in which I grew up, the role of the political and especially leftist politics was to point at that which unites us.
Our leftist icons insisted that it didn't matter whether one is a Muslim, black, Jew or woman.
We were all united against the mammonites, those capitalist plunderers in the city.
But this has changed. At a certain stage the left decided to embrace new tactics.
We were taught how to speak ‘as a,’ as a woman, as a Jew, as a black, and so on. Instead of being united we were set up to fight each other.
In this New Leftist/progressive universe, we the people are divided by our biology yet the global market is united in its war against us the people, against humanity and humanism.” music/2018/01/24/gilad-atzmon- ex-israeli-jazz-musician-on- middle-east-and-identity

Anonymous -
“… Nicola Sturgeon has always been much more interested in IDENTITY POLITICS than in Scottish Independence …
“We have the SNP National Executive dominated by representatives of identity groups …
“There have been many other defining ‘identity politics’ features of Sturgeon’s rule, particularly ‘cutting edge’ early age teaching on sexuality and gender in schools …
“But the identity politics initiative which caused most publicity was of course the conspiracy of lies and liars, orchestrated from Nicola Sturgeon’s office, to harness the #Metoo movement to jail her heterosexual male predecessor, an inexorable proponent of Independence …
“Sturgeon held off parliamentary action on Gender Recognition Reform for years, while she used it as a WEDGE ISSUE inside the party.
“Now the legislation has finally passed, I very much doubt the committed activists into whose hands she placed her political future, will be prespared to wait for another couple of years while a doomed court case plays out …”

Anonymous -
Understanding Nicola Sturgeon and the ‘Blairites’:
Gramsci, the Frankfurt School, cultural Marxism and identity politics
“[Per the] identity-based Marxism of the 21st century [the] struggle would no longer be based on economic class but on identity - based on ascribed characteristics, such as race, sex, or national origin, that are inherited at birth and over which the individual has no control …
“This new mutation of Marxism was cultural - ‘cultural Marxism’.
“It began to be debated and written about in the 1920s and the 1930s, by Antonio Gramsci in Italy and the so-called Frankfurt School in Germany …
“The strategy to achieve the new cultural Marxism was also no longer predicated on Marx’s original prescription, the violent overthrow of the system by the working class …
“Rather, the strategy now draws on Gramsci’s concept: Ideologues must infiltrate institutions and all of society and ‘raise the consciousness of’ the ‘oppressed’ with a new cultural worldview, or narrative …
“To cultural Marxists, all the rules, norms, behaviors, traditions, and mores of Western civilization constitute white supremacy …
“It is that which needs to be torn down …

“The revolution as originally envisioned by Marx and Engels would not only abolish private property and the right of inheritance; it would also centralize credit and communications; factories and instruments of production would be communally owned; it would abolish the family and create ‘an openly legalized community of women.’
“It would even abolish countries and nationality …
“All this is consonant with today’s cultural Marxists …
“The sexual revolution, of which critical theorist Herbert Marcuse was also a guru, has been clearly part of the strategy, as are today the advances of gender theory …
“One of the intellectual forefathers of gender theory is Michel Foucault [who] philosophized that gender, commonly understood in society, was a social construct imposed by oppressive forces …
“Foucault believed that deconstructing the norms of gender would bring about ‘greater autonomy and creativity in human identity’ …
“In practice, this academic jargon has tragic consequences, such as minors undergoing the routine amputation of perfectly healthy body parts, and hormonal interventions that fill their young bodies with toxins …
“[Wars] over climate are also a part of a Marxist strategy …”
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