Anonymous writes -
The Missus spent 39 mins on hold with the GP Thursday and 1 hr 46 mins today before finally getting an appointment in the new year.Much of the money going into the NHS is clearly being wasted on ideological management schemes and overblown executive salaries of the so called Trusts.
“Besides Luxembourg, the annual gross starting salary [of nurses] was above €50,000 in seven [European] countries
“Germany (€46,829) and the UK (€42,588) are not among them, according to OECD data …
“… [Annual] gross salaries of hospital nurses in the UK … FELL BY 6 PER CENT IN RRAL TERMS between 2010 and 2019.”
Is a Director for Lived Experience worth as much as 3 life-saving nurses?
With the U.K. news media furiously peddling the Cult of the Demure, Virginal, White Princess Kate — whose nemesis is the Aggressive, Sexually-Voracious Black Duchess Meghan — it’s somewhat unclear whether the interests of justice require fewer Chief Brainwashing Executives, or more.
Meanwhile the Missus spent 39 mins on hold with the GP Thursday and 1 hr 46 mins today before finally getting an appointment in the new year.
Much of the money going into the NHS is clearly being wasted on ideological management schemes and overblown executive salaries of the so called Trusts.
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