There is a belief that the gangster Kray Twins worked for the security services who in turn work for the top people in the USA and Europe.
There was a cover-up of the involvement of the Kray Twins in supplying boys to the elite for sex.
Author John Pearson writes:
"This cover-up I can reveal went to the very doors of 10 Downing Street; the police were told to back off."
neonnettle - Krays cover-up involving elite paedophile ring
George Raft knew the Kray Twins(nickelinthemachine.)
In 1968 the Kray Twins were in the USA meeting Mafia friends.
Crime Library.
The Kray twins ran a bodyguard and 'protection' business for Hollywood stars, such as Frank Sinatra, and for Arab princes.

Pearson notes that child sex orgies, involving boys as young as 10, were held at Ronnie's flat in Cedra Court.
In 1968 the Kray Twins were in the USA meeting Mafia friends.
Crime Library.
The Kray twins ran a bodyguard and 'protection' business for Hollywood stars, such as Frank Sinatra, and for Arab princes.
Pearson notes that child sex orgies, involving boys as young as 10, were held at Ronnie's flat in Cedra Court.
Attending these sex orgies were a host to top people such as the Liberal Party Leader Jeremy Thorpe and the Labour Party's Tom Driberg.
Driberg worked for the security services; Thorpe is suspected of working for the security services.
The Kray Twins liked to visit the Island of Jersey, which is notorious for child abuse.
Ronnie Kray supplied boys to Lord Boothby, one of Churchill's closest friends.
According to gangster John McVicar, the young boys that were lured into the Kray's sex parties "were mainly hetrosexual and found at the boxing clubs."

Arnold House, where parents have included Rifkinds, Levys, Rothschilds and Chataways (friends of Leon Brittan) In the mid-1980s, Peter Lee suddenly left Arnold House School and boxing immediately ceased to take place at the school. JAMES RHODES / XANDER HARRISON
The singer Jess Conrad, who allegedly visited the Elm Guest House boy brothel, knew the Kray Twins.
Jess Conrad reported to the Daily Mirror:
"You had to keep your wits about you if you were a young man and Ronnie really fancied you. Word used to go out that the Krays were on their way to a certain pub and all the good looking boys used to pi** off. Because otherwise if he asked you to go back to the house you had to go back and that was it."
Lord Boothy, Ronnie Kray and a young man who died young.
The Kray Twins hosted child abuse orgies at Cedra Court and at various flats around London including that of BBC DJ Alan Freeman.
It is believed that the BBC's Jimmy Savile and the Beatles manager Brian Epstein would sometimes visit Alan Freeman's flat.
Reportedly, the police uncovered a large child abuse ring centred on Ronnie Kray's house in Tattingstone in Suffolk.
"Some of the boys were obtained via a close friend of (Benjamin) Britten's in London, who named him as one of the beneficiaries of the 'service': other'customers' included Lord Boothby (who frequently shared boys with Ronnie Kray himself) and the record producer Joe Meek."
Benjamin Britten reportedly worked for the CIA.

Bernard Oliver
In 1967 a 17-year boy Bernard Oliver was found murdered at Tattingstone.
His body had been dismembered and left in two separate suitcases.
The record producer and songwriter Joe Meeks, another rumoured lover of Ronnie Kray, had been arrested in suspicion of the boy's death and committed suicide less than a month later.
"At least two other people died in the aftermath of Bernard's murder as the twins sealed up the leaks."
The Krays had a known interest in East Anglia often being seen giving donkey rides to young boys and having active involvement with youth clubs and supposed unlimited access to various children homes.

Edward Heath, who was a frequent visitor to Jersey.
Reportedly, the police uncovered a large child abuse ring centred on Ronnie Kray's house in Tattingstone in Suffolk.
"Some of the boys were obtained via a close friend of (Benjamin) Britten's in London, who named him as one of the beneficiaries of the 'service': other'customers' included Lord Boothby (who frequently shared boys with Ronnie Kray himself) and the record producer Joe Meek."
Benjamin Britten reportedly worked for the CIA.

Bernard Oliver
In 1967 a 17-year boy Bernard Oliver was found murdered at Tattingstone.
His body had been dismembered and left in two separate suitcases.
The record producer and songwriter Joe Meeks, another rumoured lover of Ronnie Kray, had been arrested in suspicion of the boy's death and committed suicide less than a month later.
"At least two other people died in the aftermath of Bernard's murder as the twins sealed up the leaks."
The Krays had a known interest in East Anglia often being seen giving donkey rides to young boys and having active involvement with youth clubs and supposed unlimited access to various children homes.

Edward Heath, who was a frequent visitor to Jersey.
Postcards and letters between Boothby and Kray suggest visits to the paedophile ring operation running out of the Haut de la Garenne childrens home in Jersey.
Boothby wrote to Kray on June 6, 1963:
"Thank you for your postcard. I very nearly went to Jersey myself, as I have never been there and hear from so many people that it is quite delightful."

Jimmy Savile
"At a big London railway station in the spring of 1970, a plastic carrier bag was found in the regular search for bombs before the station closed for the night.
"The contents were an odd assortment of letters and photos, which seemed to have been taken at a kinky party attended by some well-known figures in entertainment.
"One in particular showed a pop singer who masquerades under a Christian persona; dressed in women’s underwear he was pictured with young boys.
"The bag was duly taken to the station office and, as a senior rail worker wrote out a report for the lost property office, two MI5 men and a special branch officer arrived and demanded the photos."
T Stokes

One of the letters in the bag allegedly referred to Lew Grade, Leslie Grade and Bernard Delfont, three Jews who 'had a monopoly' over the UK's entertainment industry.
Reportedly, the Kray Twins, who were Jewish gangsters with links to the American Mafia, laundered money for the three brothers.
The Krays themselves "had high-level protection from inside the police."
T Stokes

In 1921, in London, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up to study the 'breaking point' of humans.
(Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
In 1932, Kurt Lewin, a German-Jewish psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute. He studied the use of terror to achieve mind control.
(Cached )
Were the Kray Twins brainwashed, and used, by the security services?
London's Tavistock Institute has been connected to brainwashing.
In 1937, Tavistock "expanded in size and ambition."
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations - Educate-Yourself Org
In 1937, the three year old Kray Twins were in hospital, separated from their mother.
A boxing coach.
Judy Garland knew the Kray Twins (Another Nickel In The Machine - 2). Judy Garland was said to be a victim of brain washing by the spooks.
In 1952, the Kray Twins were doing National service in the army. They spent much of their time locked up.
The man who seemed to exercise some kind of control over the Kray Twins was 'an aristocratic adjutant, a languid ex-public schoolboy".
('Villains' edited by Esme Hawes, 1994)
Brainwashing can give the victim more than one personality.
The Kray Twins were described by their local school teacher and by their local vicar as being polite, helpful, punctilious and respectful to their elders.
('Villains' edited by Esme Hawes, 1994)
The Kray Twins could have sudden changes of mood and become murderous.
Ronnie Kray claimed that while he was locked up, there were people who wanted to torture him.
('Villains' edited by Esme Hawes, 1994)
John Le Carre
John Le Carre's father had links to The Kray Twins.
In 1999, the Daily Mail pointed out that the gangster Kray twins, Ronnie and Reggie, were "of Jewish... stock."
John le Carré was a British spy.
(John le Carré interview - Telegraph)
Le Carre says: "When my sister, Charlotte, was researching her role in the film about the Krays she visited their mother.
"Mrs Kray showed her the family album and there was a photograph of our father with his arms around the Kray twins.
Le Carre joined the secret service at the age of 17.
Christine Keeler and the Kray Twins (nickelinthemachine) The Christine Keeler-Profumo scandal helped Harold Wilson, friend of Israel, to become UK prime minister?
Esmeralda's Barn, owned by the Krays, was a haunt of Royalty.
There is a view that the Kray Twins were good lads who got used by evil people.
"Ronnie bragged that he forced Christine Keeler and Mandy-Rice Davies's ponce, the Jewish multimillion slum landlord Peter Rachman, to hand over the Esmeralda’s Barn shortly before his death.
"Rachman saw Ronnie Kray coming a mile away.
"The Esmeralda’s Barn was owned by his friend Stefan de Faye, and he wanted some mug to front the club and sink his money into it."
(The Krays Twins: Nonces, Ponces & Mugs « Stefi's blog)
Esmeralda's Barn was a haunt of royalty.

Rose Finesilver, a Polish Jewess living in London, was 'involved' in the security services during World War II.
She had been dropped into Poland to act as an agent.
Smoke whilst you're praying... Summer of Love
Reportedly, she had used her influence with the Kray Twins to stop the blackmail of Sir Cyril Smith.
Reportedly she was closely acquainted with Jimmy Savile and with the wife of the spy Kim Philby.
John Harper grew up in the East End of London, home to the Kray Twins.
Rose Finesilver came into his life at age 13.
Smoke whilst you're praying... Summer of Love
Rose ran a Jewish Youth club, the Contemporary, which included Jews and non-Jews.
The club was in an old house near the railway tracks.
Smoke whilst you're praying... Summer of Love
John Harper was a frequent visitor to Rose's house.
Rose once told John that he was exactly like a young Polish boy she had fallen in love with during the Second World War.
Rose won over some of the young 'thugs' from the East End of London.
"When Israel was attacked during the six day war, the Israeli embassy was amazed to see six burly, blond haired Aryan youth turn up on the doorstep to enlist to fight on their behalf."
The Summer of Love was about to happen!
The Kray Twins liked boxing.
Anonymous sent us this comment:
"Rose Finesilver, was handler to the Krays
"Rose had a liking for children and teenagers to be used as pawns to get politicans and others into the Mossad loop.
"When Lord Boothby wanted C... the Krays told C... you go with him or else, Boothby was brutal and C.... was in tears after...
"Mossad told C.... you will perform in Israel; he had no choice but to go."
John Harper's first job was with Rose's husband, Frank Finesilver, who ran a 'fancy goods' warehouse in Victoria Park Road, Hackney.
Rose treated the boys at her club like her own children.
The tenets of Judaism started to become more relevant to John Harper.
The Summer of Love was about to happen!

John Harper - right.
John Harper started a small boutique, which got robbed.
The police took no action.
John phoned his old youth club leader, Rose, who had mentored him from 13-18 years of age.
Rose had also mentored a boy who had become "a mature villain running most of Soho."
Rose made a phone call to 'Curly'.
The police, who were said to work for various villains, immediately gave John the address of the lads who had broken into his boutique.
Passport to Pimlico (Part 2)

Comments include:
1. "I remember how she (Rose) phoned her friend Jimmy Saville and he came to a packed meeting in the hall and he was really good that night; it was a fund raiser for under-privileged Jewish children.
"The Contemporary youth club had many purposes, one of which was Rose watching for any boys who had no close family ties; and these she would 'befriend'.
"But the longer I was there I began to see another side to this woman.
"She was very into black magic and I overheard conversations when I slept in her spare room of boys being farmed out as boy prostitutes for people the Krays knew.
"And I still remember some of these boys' names.
"Most of them came from Warwick School in Wood St.
"I got in with criminals which is why I changed my name.
"Believe me Rose Finesilver had a hidden dark and vicious side, and it is my belief she knew of ritually murdered boys."
2. "Rose ... produced many of the Krays' henchmen drivers and hangers on.
"Several of the motorbike lads went on to work alongside the Krays.
"'Buttons' became a bodyguard for Peter Rachman, Peter Chisnell became a Krays driver, and a lad we called the copper kid because he had his bike copper plated went on to work for the Krays.
"Brian Bumble became a heavy and knocked out British heavyweight contender 'the blond bomber' Billy Walker after an argument by the River Lea.
Those were the days my friend!
-Tony Tyndall

Philby was married to Litzi Friedmann
3. "Rose was an important piece in the W W II Jewish underground... We all know about Litzi Freidman Ruth Etting and Flora Solomons...
"Mad Frankie Fraser has said many times that while the men were away at war the Jewish gangs ruled London...
"Rose Finesilver wasa very big fish in a small sea at that time..."
Markhouse Road Secondary school.
4. "I remember well the Contempory club in the East Ends' Markhouse Rd.
"Rose Finesilver hated mice, something from her youth and when one was seen in her home me and a pal who went to the club, were asked to pull out everything in her home and check it all through.
"Among the grubby old boxes from the spare room was a large hoard of Jewish type silver ware.
"Rose said 'do not check those boxes as they are from bombed synagogues in Germany and Poland'.
"There was obviously a huge amount of money there.
"Rose said the Jews had run the British war effort.
"She still had high level contacts and could pick up the phone and speak to Jewish MPs etc.
"I did not understand a lot of this then as we were just teenagers, but she was always kind to me, and I am only half Jewish which many Jews despise."
5. "How well I remember Rose Finesilver the Contempory club, the Jailhouse cafe and Nicks Cafe by Walthamstow college.
"During W W II the British government had taught its citizens to hate foreigners, and it took some time to reverse this thinking.
"We did not hate foreign youth as such, e g Indians and Jews.
"But if you were out on your own you would get picked on by these other gangs.
"I remember when I was 8 years old and I went with another boy to the pond at Whipps Cross to catch tiddlers.
"On the way some boys said 'why are you walking down our road' and I got badly beaten.
"My father in W W II would with several other men stand outside shops in air raids in East London to protect the shops from looters.
"This was part of a blackshirt's duties."
David Beckham is from Leytonstone, in the East End of London.
6. "When she was old ... she told my pal Filthy Frank, who used to do odd jobs for her, to open her phone book and phone the MP Leo Abse.
"Filthy frank said while he had the phone book in his lap he commented on the number of show biz Jews and famous people that were listed.
"She joked: 'I am the most powerful woman in England and don't you forget that Frankie Boy.'
"He never knew if is she was joking or not."
- Tony the Mole!
Britain's Slumdogs: The ragged and filthy East London children.
7. "Ruth Etting and Litzi Friedman ... were agent runners and part time prositutes for the Jewish wartime underground.
"Ruth Etting told us Rose Finesliver arranged for Kim Philbys wife Aileen to 'kill herself' because she was going to tell the authorities Philby was a spy.
"Rose and the other women were all part of the Rothschild's wartime spy ring to bring Britain into another war with Germany...
"My father used to have a small shop and at the end of the day rather than throw out the unsold cakes, he would take a tray round to Rose's club rather than throw them away.
"One day my father, a frail old man, was walking down to post a letter when he was knocked to the floor by two black men and had the change from his pockets taken.
"The police were not really interested.
"When he took the unsold tray of cakes to Rose that evening she said what happened to your face ?
"She picked up the phone, she almost lived on that phone, and made a phone call.
"Next morning the Kray brothers arrived...
"Next day a black community leader brought round two big and very frightened black men to apologise to my father.
"The black community leader said the Krays had said find who did this or we cause big trouble for you, there was no more mugging problems on the Krays patch."
- TS
Brad Lane was with Reggie Kray at Gartree prison. (Yorkshire Post)
Eventualy, after too many deaths, the Krays were sent to jail.
The Krays were well looked after in prison.
While in jail, Reggie Kray had a relationship with a young boy called Brad Lane.
Reggie Kray signed a legal document declaring Brad to be his adopted son.
Brad Lane died in mysterious circumstances while still quite young..
In 1952, the Kray Twins were doing National service in the army. They spent much of their time locked up.
The man who seemed to exercise some kind of control over the Kray Twins was 'an aristocratic adjutant, a languid ex-public schoolboy".
('Villains' edited by Esme Hawes, 1994)
Brainwashing can give the victim more than one personality.
The Kray Twins were described by their local school teacher and by their local vicar as being polite, helpful, punctilious and respectful to their elders.
('Villains' edited by Esme Hawes, 1994)
The Kray Twins could have sudden changes of mood and become murderous.
Ronnie Kray claimed that while he was locked up, there were people who wanted to torture him.
('Villains' edited by Esme Hawes, 1994)

John Le Carre's father had links to The Kray Twins.
In 1999, the Daily Mail pointed out that the gangster Kray twins, Ronnie and Reggie, were "of Jewish... stock."
John le Carré was a British spy.
(John le Carré interview - Telegraph)
Le Carre says: "When my sister, Charlotte, was researching her role in the film about the Krays she visited their mother.
"Mrs Kray showed her the family album and there was a photograph of our father with his arms around the Kray twins.
Le Carre joined the secret service at the age of 17.

Esmeralda's Barn, owned by the Krays, was a haunt of Royalty.
There is a view that the Kray Twins were good lads who got used by evil people.
"Ronnie bragged that he forced Christine Keeler and Mandy-Rice Davies's ponce, the Jewish multimillion slum landlord Peter Rachman, to hand over the Esmeralda’s Barn shortly before his death.
"Rachman saw Ronnie Kray coming a mile away.
"The Esmeralda’s Barn was owned by his friend Stefan de Faye, and he wanted some mug to front the club and sink his money into it."
(The Krays Twins: Nonces, Ponces & Mugs « Stefi's blog)
Esmeralda's Barn was a haunt of royalty.

Rose Finesilver, a Polish Jewess living in London, was 'involved' in the security services during World War II.
She had been dropped into Poland to act as an agent.
Smoke whilst you're praying... Summer of Love
Reportedly, she had used her influence with the Kray Twins to stop the blackmail of Sir Cyril Smith.
Reportedly she was closely acquainted with Jimmy Savile and with the wife of the spy Kim Philby.
John Harper grew up in the East End of London, home to the Kray Twins.
Rose Finesilver came into his life at age 13.
Smoke whilst you're praying... Summer of Love
Rose ran a Jewish Youth club, the Contemporary, which included Jews and non-Jews.
The club was in an old house near the railway tracks.
Smoke whilst you're praying... Summer of Love
John Harper was a frequent visitor to Rose's house.
Rose once told John that he was exactly like a young Polish boy she had fallen in love with during the Second World War.
Rose won over some of the young 'thugs' from the East End of London.
"When Israel was attacked during the six day war, the Israeli embassy was amazed to see six burly, blond haired Aryan youth turn up on the doorstep to enlist to fight on their behalf."
The Summer of Love was about to happen!
The Kray Twins liked boxing.
Anonymous sent us this comment:
"Rose Finesilver, was handler to the Krays
"Rose had a liking for children and teenagers to be used as pawns to get politicans and others into the Mossad loop.
"When Lord Boothby wanted C... the Krays told C... you go with him or else, Boothby was brutal and C.... was in tears after...
"Mossad told C.... you will perform in Israel; he had no choice but to go."
John Harper's first job was with Rose's husband, Frank Finesilver, who ran a 'fancy goods' warehouse in Victoria Park Road, Hackney.
Rose treated the boys at her club like her own children.
The tenets of Judaism started to become more relevant to John Harper.
The Summer of Love was about to happen!
John Harper - right.
John Harper started a small boutique, which got robbed.
The police took no action.
John phoned his old youth club leader, Rose, who had mentored him from 13-18 years of age.
Rose had also mentored a boy who had become "a mature villain running most of Soho."
Rose made a phone call to 'Curly'.
The police, who were said to work for various villains, immediately gave John the address of the lads who had broken into his boutique.
Passport to Pimlico (Part 2)

Comments include:
1. "I remember how she (Rose) phoned her friend Jimmy Saville and he came to a packed meeting in the hall and he was really good that night; it was a fund raiser for under-privileged Jewish children.
"The Contemporary youth club had many purposes, one of which was Rose watching for any boys who had no close family ties; and these she would 'befriend'.
"But the longer I was there I began to see another side to this woman.
"She was very into black magic and I overheard conversations when I slept in her spare room of boys being farmed out as boy prostitutes for people the Krays knew.
"And I still remember some of these boys' names.
"Most of them came from Warwick School in Wood St.
"I got in with criminals which is why I changed my name.
"Believe me Rose Finesilver had a hidden dark and vicious side, and it is my belief she knew of ritually murdered boys."
2. "Rose ... produced many of the Krays' henchmen drivers and hangers on.
"Several of the motorbike lads went on to work alongside the Krays.
"'Buttons' became a bodyguard for Peter Rachman, Peter Chisnell became a Krays driver, and a lad we called the copper kid because he had his bike copper plated went on to work for the Krays.
"Brian Bumble became a heavy and knocked out British heavyweight contender 'the blond bomber' Billy Walker after an argument by the River Lea.
Those were the days my friend!
-Tony Tyndall

Philby was married to Litzi Friedmann
3. "Rose was an important piece in the W W II Jewish underground... We all know about Litzi Freidman Ruth Etting and Flora Solomons...
"Mad Frankie Fraser has said many times that while the men were away at war the Jewish gangs ruled London...
"Rose Finesilver wasa very big fish in a small sea at that time..."
Markhouse Road Secondary school.
4. "I remember well the Contempory club in the East Ends' Markhouse Rd.
"Rose Finesilver hated mice, something from her youth and when one was seen in her home me and a pal who went to the club, were asked to pull out everything in her home and check it all through.
"Among the grubby old boxes from the spare room was a large hoard of Jewish type silver ware.
"Rose said 'do not check those boxes as they are from bombed synagogues in Germany and Poland'.
"There was obviously a huge amount of money there.
"Rose said the Jews had run the British war effort.
"She still had high level contacts and could pick up the phone and speak to Jewish MPs etc.
"I did not understand a lot of this then as we were just teenagers, but she was always kind to me, and I am only half Jewish which many Jews despise."
5. "How well I remember Rose Finesilver the Contempory club, the Jailhouse cafe and Nicks Cafe by Walthamstow college.
"During W W II the British government had taught its citizens to hate foreigners, and it took some time to reverse this thinking.
"We did not hate foreign youth as such, e g Indians and Jews.
"But if you were out on your own you would get picked on by these other gangs.
"I remember when I was 8 years old and I went with another boy to the pond at Whipps Cross to catch tiddlers.
"On the way some boys said 'why are you walking down our road' and I got badly beaten.
"My father in W W II would with several other men stand outside shops in air raids in East London to protect the shops from looters.
"This was part of a blackshirt's duties."
David Beckham is from Leytonstone, in the East End of London.
6. "When she was old ... she told my pal Filthy Frank, who used to do odd jobs for her, to open her phone book and phone the MP Leo Abse.
"Filthy frank said while he had the phone book in his lap he commented on the number of show biz Jews and famous people that were listed.
"She joked: 'I am the most powerful woman in England and don't you forget that Frankie Boy.'
"He never knew if is she was joking or not."
- Tony the Mole!
Britain's Slumdogs: The ragged and filthy East London children.
7. "Ruth Etting and Litzi Friedman ... were agent runners and part time prositutes for the Jewish wartime underground.
"Ruth Etting told us Rose Finesliver arranged for Kim Philbys wife Aileen to 'kill herself' because she was going to tell the authorities Philby was a spy.
"Rose and the other women were all part of the Rothschild's wartime spy ring to bring Britain into another war with Germany...
"My father used to have a small shop and at the end of the day rather than throw out the unsold cakes, he would take a tray round to Rose's club rather than throw them away.
"One day my father, a frail old man, was walking down to post a letter when he was knocked to the floor by two black men and had the change from his pockets taken.
"The police were not really interested.
"When he took the unsold tray of cakes to Rose that evening she said what happened to your face ?
"She picked up the phone, she almost lived on that phone, and made a phone call.
"Next morning the Kray brothers arrived...
"Next day a black community leader brought round two big and very frightened black men to apologise to my father.
"The black community leader said the Krays had said find who did this or we cause big trouble for you, there was no more mugging problems on the Krays patch."
- TS
Brad Lane was with Reggie Kray at Gartree prison. (Yorkshire Post)
Eventualy, after too many deaths, the Krays were sent to jail.
The Krays were well looked after in prison.
While in jail, Reggie Kray had a relationship with a young boy called Brad Lane.
Reggie Kray signed a legal document declaring Brad to be his adopted son.
Brad Lane died in mysterious circumstances while still quite young..
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