Police had evidence that Ian Paisley supplied the money for at least one of the first bombs of the Troubles, a former Army colonel has said.
Protestant leader Ian Paisley paid for one of the first bombs of the Northern Ireland Troubles
Paisley and McGuinness - working for MI6?

Ian Paisley (right) a top Protestant pastor and politician.
Top politician Ian Paisley has been linked to the boy brothel called Kincora.
Kincora probe detectives had to ask Ian Paisley if he was gay
The US military used ISIS to weaken Syria.
There were many civilian casualties.
(As Russia Liberates Syria From ISIS, America Saves ISIS ...)
The Baghuz strike.
On 18 March, 2019, in Syria, a U.S. F-15E attack jet dropped bombs on a crowd of women and children.

The 'High Speed Three' line across the Pennines has been dropped
High speed train plan in the North goes off track: 'HS3' is axed from £96bn project... and the eastern branch of HS2 is also ditched

In the UK, patients are dying in ambulances while waiting for transfer to hospital.

Charity that employs Carrie Johnson paid its boss's wife £150,000 for interior design services that were 10 per cent of all its donations, accounts show

Alice Rothschild with her husband Zac Goldsmith
(As Russia Liberates Syria From ISIS, America Saves ISIS ...)
The Baghuz strike.
On 18 March, 2019, in Syria, a U.S. F-15E attack jet dropped bombs on a crowd of women and children.
The life of Jan 'Poncke' Princen - Brabants Erfgoed

The 'High Speed Three' line across the Pennines has been dropped
High speed train plan in the North goes off track: 'HS3' is axed from £96bn project... and the eastern branch of HS2 is also ditched

Charity that employs Carrie Johnson paid its boss's wife £150,000 for interior design services that were 10 per cent of all its donations, accounts show
Alice Rothschild with her husband Zac Goldsmith
Kate Rothschild with her then husband Ben Goldsmith in 2011. The pair are now divorced
Zak and Ben are the sons of Sir James Goldsmith, who is rumoured to be the father of Lady Diana.
Nathaniel "Charles" Rothschild was the son of Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild.
Charles had a sister called Nica.
'Nica was badly behaved growing up and in her teens would terrorise her mother.
'At nineteen she and sister Liberty were sent to France for finishing school, which later in life, she would say was just 'three lesbian sisters' who gave nothing but lessons in wigs and lipsticks.
The peerage passed to Charles's son Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild.'
Forgotten women of the world's most famous dynasty: From the women's rights pioneer who was friends with Queen Victoria to the 'Jazz Baroness' who fought the Nazis, new book reveals the VERY impressive lives of the overlooked Rothschild heiresses
Lord Victor Rothschild is said to have controlled Guy Burgess, Anthony Blunt and Kim Philby of the Cambridge Spy Circle.

"Edmond de Rothschild was involved in the Propaganda Due lodge along with Henry Kissinger and Michael Ledeen as part of the NATO Strategy of Tension, mostly likely coordinating the Italian operation (Gladio) with the insiders of Italian finance, business, military and government. Small fry like Gelli, Berlusconi and others."
Lord Victor Rothschild's son Amschel Mayor James Rothschild, who died in mysterious circumstances. (MOGUL DISTORTS ROTHSCHILD DEATH; POLICE SAY AMSCHEL WAS MURDERED) Four years after the death of Amschel, Raphael de Rothschild died of a heroin overdose in New York. ( That Rothschild clan in full: eccentricity, money, influence and ...)
English-language biography of Netherlands-born Dutch military deserter, and Indonesian independence war hero Poncke Princen, without needing to look at the intel-tied Wiki:
Princen was quite the bold human rights activist in Indonesia as well, protesting injustice against both Sukarno and later Suharto, and supporting the East Timorese in their campaign for independence.
Tragically, the Dutch murdered Princen's first Indonesian wife Odah in 1949. And then Princen's second Indonesian wife Heda left him, as he was jailed in the 1950s and 1960s for being critical of the Sukarno government, even tho he had become a member of the Indonesian Parliament.
Princen was allowed to visit Netherlands in 1994, with other Dutch-Indonesian war veterans threatening to murder him. He died at age 76 in Jakarta in 2002.
Same old, same old, vaxxed
Food as a Weapon: Starving Us into Submission
Tesco Christmas ad: 1,500 complain over Santa with Covid vaccine passport
Watchdog is reviewing claims that scene is coercive and encourages medical discrimination
Shirley Porter, Lady Porter (née Cohen; born 29 November 1930) is a British politician who led Westminster City Council in London, representing the Conservative Party. She is the daughter and heiress of Sir Jack Cohen, the founder of Tesco supermarkets.
Why Shirley’s boy is the Porter who carries bags of money
“An exclusive Punch investigation can reveal that John Porter’s immense wealth is based on connections with the secretive world of the US defence industry.”
Shirley Porter was allegedly involved in money laundering with NSPCC vice-president and friend of Lord Janner, Gerald Ronson (incidentally, Gerald Ronson’s name is also listed in the so-called Black Book of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein).
Westminster Council, which she led, was then the ultimate landlord of Dolphin Square, and many of Porter’s Tory councillors and Tory allies allegedly took part in ‘paedophile parties’ in the complex.
“Tesco is the latest company to show its support for medical apartheid with Santa showing his proof of vaccination.
What are you selling? Food, or agenda?”
OK, same bs
Kamala Harris nods as student talks of 'ethnic genocide' in Israel
Democrats: Not just a party, a Trojan horse for the New World Order
Republicans: Not just a party, a full-scale Class War
UK Labour: Not just a party, a war on self-ownership
No 10 plans booster jab requirement for people to obtain Covid pass
Evolving contours of the dystopian hellscspe
Prince Harry now working for the Aspen Institute
Norway Study Finds ZERO Vaccine Effectiveness Against Death for Covid Hospital Patients https://dailysceptic.org/2021/11/14/norway-study-finds-zero-vaccine-effectiveness-against-death-for-covid-hospital-patients/
Dr. Fauci Admits Vaccines Did Not Work as Advertised and that Vaccinated Are in Great Danger Today https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/dr-fauci-admits-vaccines-not-work-advertised-vaccinated-great-danger-today/
"[When] news of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait -- where the Bush family's oil business had some vested interests -- reached America, George Bush was at the one-world Aspen Institute of Colorado visiting with Margaret Thatcher.
"Bush's decision to rally the nations together by sending our young men and women to fight and die for the New World Order was based on 'advice' he received from officials at the one-world Aspen Institute."
- David Icke 1995
Apple is sticking taxpayers with part of the bill for rollout of tech giant’s digital ID card https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/14/apple-sticking-taxpayers-with-part-of-the-bill-for-digital-id-rollout.html
Revealed: Documents Show Bill Gates Has Given $319 Million to Media Outlets https://www.mintpressnews.com/documents-show-bill-gates-has-given-319-million-to-media-outlets/278943/
Technology patent suggests tech overlords are planning to digitally surveil people, grant “freedoms” based on vaccination status https://pandemic.news/2021-11-12-patent-surveillance-freedoms-social-credit-covid-plandemic.html#
Bill Gates Urges World Governments To PUNISH Anyone Who Oppose Masks And Vaccines Online https://pandemic.news/2021-11-12-bill-gates-governments-punish-people-questioning-vaccine-mandates.html
Great vid. Sadly showing dead athletes or those with heart conditions or attacks.
I wonder what is causing that.
REVEALED: A COMPLETE ARCHIVE OF 5 MONTHS OF KINZEN’S “DISINFORMATION DIGEST” https://gript.ie/revealed-5-months-of-kinzens-disinformation-digests/
Latvian employers can dismiss unvaccinated employees
“Elected politicians without a vaccination certificate will also be barred from their duties - a ban that could include two parliamentarians who are refusing to get inoculated.”
The campaign of terror continues…
Austria locks down unvaccinated, gives jabs to children
“Austria has become the first EU country to impose a lockdown on the unvaccinated …
“… [Authorities] in Vienna have also become the first in the EU to start vaccinating children between the ages of FIVE and 11.
“CARTOONS of ninja turtles and tigers adorned coronavirus vaccination booths to welcome children at a convention complex serving as a vaccine clinic.
“One of the first into the colourful booths was eight-year-old Pia Schwarzl …”
Enzo Almeni, born Emad Jamil Al Swealmeen
"[He] spent eight years living with devout Christians Malcolm and Elizabeth Hitchcott at their home in Aigburth ... Mr Hitchcott, A FORMER BRITISH SOLDIER ...
"He said Almeni had been arrested for possession of a 'large knife' ... in 2014 [and] SECTIONED UNDER THE MENTAL HEALTH ACT and hospitalised for several months ...
"Police said he had been living at a hostel for asylum seekers - RUN BY PRIVATE CONTRACTING GIANT SERCO ...
"Mr Hitchcott exclusively told MailOnline:
"The fact that he's blown himself up in a taxi in a terrorist attack has really shocked me ..." ***
[article continues ...]
*** comment: Who really talks this way? Do they really think we're so stupid?!
[Daily Mail article continues ...]
"The dark-coloured taxi is seen pulling into the hospital car park at speed but it explodes before it comes to a halt outside the reception. All the windows shattered and smoke pours out of the car BEFORE A DAZED MR PERRY OPENS THE DRIVER'S DOOR AND STAGGERS OUT ...
[continues below ...]
*** comment: What a cliffhanger! Barbara Broccoli would be proud!
The tension builds to a crescendo -- the evildoer wants to take over the world with a bomb -- followed by cosmic comeuppance for this impudent swarthy foreigner!! Lol
[Daily Mail article continues ...]
"Police are scrambling to discover the bomber's true target. If it was the hospital, Dr Joseph Downing, a fellow in nationalism at *** LSE *** who studies security and terrorism, told MailOnline:
'It's quite strange and a worrying new pivot towards such a 'soft' target as a hospital that we have not seen before in Europe' ..."
[article continues ...]
*** comment: London School of Economics. Lol
Dr Joseph Downing -- may we call him Debbie Downer? -- advises us that now is the time for us to REALLY PANIC!
These impudent swarthy foreigner-types want to kill YOU, sensible shoe-wearing, middle-class Daily Mail reader!! FEAR IT!!!
[Daily Mail article continues ...]
"A friend of married father-of-two Mr Perry, 45, said that HE BELIEVED THAT THE CATHEDRAL WAS THE TARGET ... ***
"One theory police are probing is that the detonators on a potential bomb exploded but not the main charge. That would be a repeat of the failed 21/7 bombings three weeks after the 7/7 atrocity in 2005 ... ***
[article continues ...]
*** comment: Cathedral Plot! Reminder: this swarthy foreigner is a MUSLIM, people, not a white person!! He hates YOU!!! THEY ALL HATE YOU!!!! FEAR THEM!!!!! Lol
*** Comment: Thanks for the explanation, Daily Mail.
It's jolly lucky for us good, white, Anglican Daily Mail readers with sensible Christian names that impudent swarthy foreigner terrorist-types are all (somehow) so monumentally stupid AT THE SAME TIME as being 'evil geniuses', right?!
[Daily Mail article continues...]
"Father-of-two Matt Kerr, 52, said: '... It's SCARY to think someone might have wanted to HURT WOMEN AND CHILDREN ...'
"Mother-of-one Emily Makefield, 32, said: '... It's TERRIFYING this could happen AT A WOMEN'S HOSPITAL.'
"Shop worker Sandra Hughes, 35, said: '... It's TERRIFYING to think someone might have wanted to ATTACK A HOSPITAL.'"
[article continues...]
These corny, clunky, repetitive lines! Looool NEW SCRIPTWRITER NEEDED!!! Hahaha
[Daily Mail article continues...]
"In a statement, the hospital, which was featured on THE HIT CHANNEL 4 SERIES One Born Every Minute ..."
Loool. Reality TV!! Enjoy the show, suckers.
Ghislaine Maxwell’s bud Nat Rothschild has parked his $100 million yacht at Brooklyn Bridge Park ahead of her trial. Is this how rich people tailgate? Is he yacht-gating?
Unknown commented -
THE ASPEN INSTITUTE We associate the Aspen Institute with David Mayer de Rothschild, who provided a public endorsement of Ghislaine Maxwell's charity TerraMar on its website; and whose mother-in-law, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, gave her flying companion, Jeffrey Epstein, a big discount on the Manhattan townhouse in which he then installed Ghislaine Maxwell. David Mayer de Rothschild was a participant in the Aspen Institute's 2013 Oceans Symposium. Other participants in the Aspen Institute's 2013 Oceans Symposium are listed here: https://forums.richieallen.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=1985&page=2 We further associate the Aspen Institute with Jeffrey Epstein's close friend and business partner, Peter Mandelson. Mandelson has been a regular Aspen USA attendee. This includes taking part in US meetings in 1993-1994 ("the global transatlantic young leaders' program"); and, in August 1999, the "summer workshop". Further, Mandelson has served, from 2012 onward, on the International Advisory Board of the 'Aspen Institute Central Europe', sometimes referred to as 'Aspen Institute Prague'. The same board has boasted the services of Lord George Robertson ('linked to the Dunblane massacre'), and the late Leon Brittan's cousin, Sir Malcolm Rifkind. Mandelson has additionally served on the Aspen Institute Central Europe's 'New Nuclear Challenge Forum'. What company has Prince Harry found himself enmeshed in? https://forums.richieallen.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=2504 https://forums.richieallen.co.uk/showthread.php?tid=1967&pid=12165#pid12165
Thanks for the link about Jan "Poncke' Princen, He wasn't the only Westerner joining the Indonesian struggle for freedom, check out Muriel Stuart Walker aka K'tut Tantri aka Surabaya Sue, an amazing and fascinating life she had....
Re the Polish border -
Jewish George Soros sends boats to Libya to transport migrants to the EU, and he is hailed as a great humanitarian
Muslim Recep Erdogan sent hundreds of thousands of migrants from Turkey into the EU, and the EU rewarded him with payments of billions of euros
Christian Alexander Lukashenko sends migrants from Belarus into the EU, and the EU says he is doing something wrong?
'Alexander Lukashenko: state ideology should rely on Christian values'
Thank you that's quite interesting about the Scottish schoolgirl Muriel Stewart Walker, who did wind up playing a significant role in Indonesian events.
Looking into it, it seems there is a general feeling, that tho she really did have some notable part in those times, her book rather 'mythologised' a number of things and is not really fully credible, her story inconsistent with a number of facts ... people speak of 'the tenuous relationship between Walker’s life and the truth'
Tho people say rather charitably that 'At the end, she even came to believe many of the myths herself' ... Her stirring 1960 book seems to have rather capitalised on that era's idolisation of tropical locales.
I used to work for a billionaire that was a good friend of George Soros. They used to participate of the Aspen Institute activities. This billionaire died a few years back.
That's right, and this (excellent) book goes deep into that, her fabrications etc. https://www.amazon.com/Romance-Ktut-Tantri-Indonesia/dp/9793780630
I haven't read her own book yet, just downloaded it and will be reading it soon.... There's so many really interesting Westerners who lived amazing lives here! The Philippines born Spanish painter Antonio Blanco and his amazing museum in Ubud, Bali, Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn who lived an incredible life, planted all these quinine gardens and is buried very close to my house and so many more... My grandfather did one tour in Indonesia, from 1938 till 1940 as a marinier (Dutch marine) and he was one of the Black Devils from Rotterdam, the handful of mariniers who held off the invading Nazi's on the Maas Bridges in a very bloody, often hand to hand with knives and small guns, quite an amazing story really :)
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