As Chögyal Namkhai Norbu puts it: "In a real sense, all the visions that we see in our lifetime are like a big dream . . . ."[3]
Objective Reality Doesn't Exist, Quantum Experiment Shows
Senior Army flight surgeon warns pilots ... - Washington Times
The Secret History of Fort Detrick
Florida second grader faces disciplinary action, 36-day suspension for noncompliance with face mask mandate
'John Whittingdale has been brought in by Boris Johnson to devise a new MPs' standards system - even though he has fallen foul of the process himself.'
The man to raise standards? With a soft porn star ex-lover, John Whittingdale is MPs' favourite to set up new conduct watchdog
'A “super healthy” equestrian star who was hospitalised with blood clots has blamed it on the Pfizer vaccine. Officials haven’t confirmed her claims.'
Teen Insta star hospitalised after Pfizer

Alex Azar
'Alex Azar is the former U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (2018-2021).

'Alex Azar is the former U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (2018-2021).
'Before he was nominated by Trump to his position, he was a president and top lobbyist of Eli Lilly and Company, a large pharmaceutical company.
'Under his leadership, the price for insulin made by Eli Lilly and Company tripled, and his company was accused of exploitation.
'Senator Amy Klobuchar said of Azar’s nomination: “I have often said that the pharmaceutical industry owns Washington. Now with this action today they are actually running it.”15
'Elizabeth Warren referred to Scott Gottlieb, FDA commissioner under Trump, resigning and being put on the Pfizer board several months after. She said this about it:
'“This kind of revolving door influence-peddling smacks of corruption, and makes the American people rightfully cynical and distrustful about whether high-level Trump Administration officials are working for them, or for their future corporate employers.”8
'“This kind of revolving door influence-peddling smacks of corruption, and makes the American people rightfully cynical and distrustful about whether high-level Trump Administration officials are working for them, or for their future corporate employers.”8
Quaalude: sedative and hypnotic; on the market for 23 years (1962-1985); recalled due to mania, seizures, convulsions, and death.
'While FDA commissioner, Gottlieb enacted several policies which directly benefited Big Pharma corporations.
'For instance, he sped up drug approval which, according to the LA Times, meant “drug companies can begin profiting more quickly from their discoveries.”9
'The case of Gottlieb is not an isolated one; nine of the last ten FDA commissioners have worked for pharmaceutical companies after resigning from the FDA.'10
Part 3 of Series: Reasons Not to Trust Big Pharmaculturalhusbandry.substack.com
Part 3 of Series: Reasons Not to Trust Big Pharmaculturalhusbandry.substack.com
To Protect Fauci
'They are often purposely starved or put into a state of severe thirst to induce behavior they would otherwise not engage in.
'They are frequently bred deliberately to have crippling, excruciating diseases, or sometimes are brought into life just to have their organs, eyes, and other body parts removed and studied as puppies, and then quickly killed.
'They are force-fed laundry detergents, pesticides, and industrial chemicals to the point of continuous vomiting and death.
'They are force-fed laundry detergents, pesticides, and industrial chemicals to the point of continuous vomiting and death.
'They are injected with lethal pathogens such as salmonella or rabies.
'They have artificial sweetener injected into their veins that causes the dogs’ testicles to shrink before they are killed and exsanguinated.
'Holes are drilled into their skulls so that viruses can be injected into their brains. And all of that is perfectly legal.'
Avi Barot (29) Cricketer - Cardiac Arrest, died. Wessam Abou Ali (22) Vendyssel FF Footballer - collapses on pitch - emergency treatment. Fabrice Nsakala (31) Besiktas Defender - collapses on pitch. Jens De Smet (27) FCC Filossof Footballer - collapses on pitch and dies. Jente Van Genethen (25) Lanaken Footballer - collapse on pitch, heart attack. Frédéric Lartillot Nurieux-Volognat Footballer - dies of heart attack after game. Benjamin Taft (31) German Footballer - dies of heart attack after game. Rune Coghe (18), Hooglede Footballer - cardiac arrest on pitch. Helen Edwards World Cup Referee - heart problems on pitch. Dimitri Lienard (33) Strasbourg Footballer - collapse during game. Sergio Aguero (33) Barcelona Footballer - cardiac exam post match. Emil Palsson (28) Songdaal and Iceland Footballer - Cardiac Arrest during game. Antoine Mitchin (31) Triathlete - Pulmonary Embolism. Luis Ojeda (20), Las Palma Football - unexplained death. Greg Luyssen (22) Belgian Cyclist - career ending heart issues. Pedro Obiang (29) Footballer ex West Ham - Myocarditis. Cienna Knowles (19) Equestrian - Blood clots. Brandon Godwin (26) NBA - Blood Clots. Jeremy Chardy (34) Tennis - movement and severe pain. Walter Smith (73) ex football, sudden death - not ill. Christian Erikson Denmark International Football, collapsed on pitch Euros. Samuel Kalu (23) Bordeaux Footballer - collapsed on pitch.
Any thoughts??
Bloomberg uses public transport. I saw him use the NY subway when he was mayor. He is reported to have used public transport daily. I noted he was closely followed by 2 bodyguards.
Check it!
Goldsmith family funded Boris Johnson’s Marbella holiday
Chinelle Henry and Chedean Nation, West Indies Cricketers - collapsed on pitch. Laeg Chishti (37), Cricketer - Covid. Chris Cairns (37), Cricketer - sudden collapse. Mohammad Rafiq Parray (30), Cricketer Kashmir - Cardiac Arrest. Quandarius Wilburn (19), American Football - collapses in training and dies. Parys Haralson (37), 49ers ex player - sudden death cause unknown. Alex Evans (31) Cwmllynfell RFC, Cardiac Arrest - died. David Hyde (29) Rugby, collapsed and died after match. Hamish Bell (20) Blairgowrie Rugby Club, Cardiac Arrest. Marvin Hagler (66) Boxer, sudden death. Boris Sadecky (24), Ice Hockey, collapsed during game - died in hospital.
Yes, and many working people on low incomes fly in planes, stay in hotels, and visit restaurants. Shock, horror. But I don’t think they qualify as billionaire jet-setters. Any more than the celebrated forays onto the NY subway of an obscenely avaricious oligarch qualify Michael Bloomberg as “middle class”.
Sir Ranulp Fiennes was seconded to Oman during this period. Musandam had a very strategic role to play in Arabian Gulf politics too. It is on the tip of the Straights of Hormuz.
From the very North of Oman to the very South, the SAS were known to have been involved in the region near Salalah. A town called Mirbat is often mentioned around this time. An SAS gig that involved Fiennes again (made famous by a book called The Feather men). Equally important because Sultan Qaboos was from this governate in Salalah. Mr Fiennes is a little sketchy on the details around here.
UK involvement has been fairly steady in Oman - going back to the 1950s, RAF somehow managed to get involved in the Jebel Akhdar war 1954-59. A peasant uprising no less.
The town of Tanuf near Nizwa and Bahla (an Ibadi stronghold) got razed to the ground by the RAF. He who pays the piper plays the tune apparently.
I've personally seen what was left of Tanuf (not much). The town still has under ground tunnels for irrigation that you can enter at certain points.
It would be interesting to see where else the UK has been (but hasn't been). Not a secret as such - just not widely known of our presence in Oman.
Sultan Qaboos was also present at Sandhurst in the 1960s. He must have made a few friends along the way.
The Iranians had a saying ......... If something happens..... Its the British.
Finally, the official, expert, and definitive report of the analysis of the mRNA vaccines performed by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid (Univ Almeria) has been published
prof Campra
Australia needs help.
3 x as many carbon footprints as a mere mortal then.
Kids aged 5 and up in San Francisco will have to show PROOF of vaccination status https://www.rt.com/usa/539372-kids-proof-covid-vaccination-san-francisco/
Junge stirbt nach Impfung - war Vorerkrankung Ursache? https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/niedersachsen/oldenburg_ostfriesland/Junge-stirbt-nach-Impfung-war-Vorerkrankung-Ursache,impfung854.html
Ab 13 Jahren! Lange Liste “plötzlich” verstorbener oder schwerkranker Sportler https://report24.news/ab-13-jahren-lange-liste-ploetzlich-verstorbener-oder-schwerkranker-sportler/
‘Absolutely forbidden’ to give COVID shots to kids, young men and women, Jewish court rules https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/absolutely-forbidden-to-give-covid-shots-to-children-and-youth-jewish-court-rules/
CREEPY PFIZER AD TELLS KIDS THEY ARE “SUPERHEROES” FOR TAKING JAB, IGNORES INJURIES OF OTHERS https://www.wakingtimes.com/creepy-pfizer-ad-tells-kids-they-are-superheroes-for-taking-jab-ignores-injuries-of-others/
Abrechnungsdaten der Krankenkassen: Nur jeder zweite „Corona-Patient“ wegen Corona-Verdacht im Krankenhaus https://multipolar-magazin.de/artikel/abrechnungsdaten-krankenkassen
New Patent Proposes Digital Surveillance to Vaccinate People Based on Social Credit Style Scores https://www.activistpost.com/2021/11/new-patent-proposes-digital-surveillance-to-vaccinate-people-based-on-social-credit-style-scores.html
Italian Institute of Health Drastically Reduces Its Official COVID Death Toll Number https://summit.news/2021/11/04/italian-institute-of-health-drastically-reduces-its-official-covid-death-toll-number/
Elon Musk Challenges UN Over Child Abuse Sex Scandal https://summit.news/2021/11/01/elon-musk-challenges-un-over-child-abuse-sex-scandal/
Pfizer Vax Trial Being Probed After Whistleblower Exposes 'Falsified Data', According To Contractor https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/whistleblower-reports-falsified-data-and-other-flaws-pfizer-vax-trial-being-investigated
Modifying an individual's RNA in order to combat cancer
is somewhat plausible, modifying the RNA of whole
populations is INSANE (aka pharmakia).
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