Anonymous describes the content of the video -
Epstein victim Maria Farmer speaks with Whitney Webb -

Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein.
Interviewer Whitney Webb:
"I found the scrubbed report from a UK newspaper - it's from 2001 - and Bill Gates has said that ... Or the New York Times [said] that Bill Gates didn't meet Epstein until 2011 ...
"But the scrubbed report in 2001 names Epstein's sources of money - it names three people - it names Wexner, it names Trump, and it names Bill Gates ..."
Maria Farmer:
"I Know that they discussed Bill Gates. I heard his name come up between Epstein and Ghislaine. I will guarantee you they knew him, [but] I don't know why they would be discussing him ... back in '95 - so that's way before 2011.
"I remember it because I went to school in the Silicon Valley ... And I remember thinking: 'Wow, they know the Microsoft guy' ... I thought that was amazing ..
"They talked about him like they knew him well. That was in 1995 ..."

Donald Trump and Lynn de Rothschild.
"... I know who's taking care of [Ghislaine Maxwell].
"I know it is the Rothschilds ... And I'll tell you how I know. Because Lady Rothschild is ready to kill me ... she's going to sue ...
"Lynn Forester ... She's calling me a liar because she's saying that she set Dershowitz - see, I saw [Alan] Dershowitz coming in and out of the house - she's saying it's not possible that I saw him ...
"[Lynn Rothschild's] story is that she introduced [Dershowitz] as a guest from Wexner, because every year Wexner would give a guest to Epstein. And this year it was: 'He's such a wonderful guest - Dershowitz!'
"So she gave him this guest.
"[But] they already knew each other, so whatever.
"I know they already knew each other because they knew each other through Barbara Guggenheim's husband, Bert Fields.
"They were all connected [already]."

"[Ghislaine] said to me, [Jeffrey Epstein] was assigned to me, to protect me, because my dad died ...
"She said, 'Those cunts pushed him ... off of the [Lady Ghislaine]' ...
"So then she said to me, 'My dad was a very powerful man, he was very important. She said, 'Maria, you don't understand' ...

"Then she goes on to tell me .. she said ... and she showed me. She had passports ...
"She had a French passport, an English passport, an Israeli passport, an American passport, and there was one other - I'm trying to think of what the other one was ...
"She said, 'Because of my dad I'm a citizen of all these nations' ...
"So then, later ... she said that the Rothschilds were the greatest protectors of her family.
"And she wasn't talking about Lynn Forester, by the way ... She was talking about the ones that are in her [trails off] ...
"What you find out ... is that they all knew each other all along ..."

"When I called the FBI ... I said: 'I know this is strange but I have a report to make ... on someone that I've been working for that recently kidnapped me ... I have to tell you because I need to know if he's a pedophile ...
"I said: 'OK, well his name is Jeffrey Epstein'. And I said, 'And her name is Ghislaine Maxwell'.
"And I said, 'Here's what's important. It also involves the Clinton family - it involves Bill Clinton for sure. It involves Donald Trump ...
"And I said that the most important one - and I said this, that's he's 'the head of the snake' - is Les Wexner ...
"And they said, 'What do you think he [Wexner] is?'
"And I said, 'He's Jewish mafia' ...
"And then I went on to list everything that I'd seen."

"I know for a fact Epstein had an Israeli passport because he showed me ...
"[And] I thought it was really sketchy ... how Ghislaine had all those passports ...
"He [Epstein] kept everything in there [a safe] because he told that he kept it for Wexner, everything ...
"He said, 'I record everything and I keep it for Wexner in the safe' ...
"The way I found out that they had pinhole cameras in the Victoria Secret's dressing room, in the 66th Street building, which is the flagship store, is that Jeffrey sent me over there ...
"Jeffrey says to me one day: 'Maria, you just don't know how to wear a bra ...
"So Jeffrey sends me over to the flagship [Victoria's Secret] store which he can see from his offices ... The [saleswomen] are like, 'OK, we expected you here so we have some bras picked out for you.'
"So Jeffrey had already talked to the women who work there ...
"So they hand me all these bras and I had to try them on in the dressing room.
"So then I come back upstairs [in Epstein's townhouse], and he had watched me undress. He described my breasts to me ...
"I have certain marks that are unusual, and scars. And he described every single thing ... And he wasn't doing it in a sexual way. He was doing it in a very critical, mean way - making fun of my body ... He wanted me to have no breasts at all ..."

"As soon as you cross into Ohio, from Kentucky (or wherever) ... the first building you see is the Abigail Wexner Center for Women ... and their buildings dot the whole state. So no matter where you are, you see Wexner this, Wexner that.
"But then, when you go to the bathroom - especially as you get close to Columbus - there's human trafficking signs everywhere ... Everywhere.
"So when you go to the bathroom in Columbus, on the door it says [the signs]: 'Do not speak to anyone, do not walk with anyone' ... There's instructions on how to *not* be trafficked ...
"I don't believe in coincidences, at all.
"And years ago, when I was in hiding, I was listening to this show. It said, 'Did you know that all human trafficking begins and ends in Columbus, Ohio? ...
"So human trafficking from the United States - even if they get the kid from Phoenix before they taken 'em to Mexico - they go to Columbus. What are the chances? I mean, he [Wexner] owns Columbus, and it's the hub ...
"It's the place where they all go [the kids]. They all go there before they leave the country or wherever they're going."

"Jeffrey and Ghislaine, they were at the [Wexner] estate. They came like three times to visit Wexner while I was there ...
"And Ghislaine said they were working on all these Israeli charities for students and for - you know - Jewish people ...
"She was like, 'You don't understand our loyalty to Israel, Maria. You don't understand our loyalty.'
"She was like, 'Unless you're a dual citizen, you just don't get it.'
"She was like, 'Your people can never understand.'
"She would say, 'my people', 'your people', 'the chosen ones' - all that bullshit ..."
"She [Ghislaine] told me, 'He [Robert Maxwell] was such an important person for Israel that they gave him a State funeral ...
"And she said ... that Israel murdered him ... She's saying Israel murdered their asset ... That's what she believed ...
"I was like the only non-Jewish employee, that was the other thing ... They wouldn't have people around that weren't Jewish. It was really weird ...
"Now, of course all the people they raped were never Jewish. That was like another rule, I think ... The children were never Jewish, you know. Just the employees and ... the people they had around ..."

"That is one evil woman ...
"I was reading something ... This says: 'Abigail Wexner likes to breed her own breed of horses'.
"And I'm [thinking to myself]: 'No she doesn't. Abigail Wexner likes to keep artists captive and starve them so they can be raped. That's what Abigail Wexner does for Mossad'" ...
Labels: Epstein, Maria Farmer, Rothschilds
The known and suspected sex partners of 'bisexual' Ghislaine Maxwell, who may nor may not have been sexually abused during her childhood or adolescence by her late father, Robert Maxwell
* N.B. This list doesn't include any of the underage and/or unwilling individuals whom Ghislaine allegedly raped or sexually assaulted, such as Victoria Roberts Giuffre:
1. Harvey Proctor's employer, the current Duke of Rutland
2. Count Gianfranco Cicogna, who died in a mysterious plane accident
3. George Clooney
4. Former US President Bill Clinton
5. Prince Andrew, Duke of York
6. Jeffrey Epstein
7. a 'lifeguard at the kibbutz pool' in Israel
8. Scott Borgerson, CEO of CargoMetrics
9. Ted Waitt, co-founder of Gateway, Inc, which was a computer hardware company
10. Certain 'elite' University of Oxford contemporaries with whom Ghislaine has been photographed, and whose contact details appear in her 'black book'??
Ghislaine Maxwell's University of Oxford contemporaries
Also at Oxford with Ghislaine: James Sainsbury, the son of former Conservative FRIENDS OF ISRAEL President Tim Sainsbury.
Former spy details Israel's main motive behind Epstein's sexual blackmail operation
"Israel requested that Epstein target Clinton"
The Mossad have their people inside of every country's embassy like they do in Brazil. They can get passports from any country, multiple passports. In the book Laguna about Paul Lir Alexander, the Cocaine Baron, they mention how they operate.
1. Lady Lynn de Rothschild's close friends are said to have included Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, the Clintons and Alan Dershowitz.
2. She reportedly made the connection between Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein.
3. She and her husband Sir Evelyn reportedly had Lord Peter Mandelson and Prince Andrew as their synagogue wedding witnesses.
4. She reportedly sold Jeffrey Epstein the Manhattan townhouse where Ghislaine Maxwell lived, at a huge discount.
5. She reportedly made threats against Ghislaine/Epstein sexual abuse survivor, Maria Farmer - including the threat of a lawsuit.
6. Lynn Forester's stepson, David, was a notable supporter of Ghislaine's TerraMar organisation; indeed, his endorsement appeared on the TerraMar website.
7. Lynn Forester and her husband Sir Evelyn have been associated with 'The Economist' (Lynn Forester and Evelyn de Rothschild; Lady Virginia Bottomley; Sir Dominic Cadbury, brother of the late Jocelyn Cadbury [Elm Guest House])
8. Lady Lynn Forester has been associated with Outward Bound Global/Outward Bound Trust, including the Ullswater Camp (Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Sir Jimmy Savile, Prince Andrew, Prince Philip, Lady Ffion Hague)
9. Lady Lynn Forester has been associated with 'The Old Vic Trust' (Lynn Forester de Rothschild; Kevin Spacey; Lord Peter Mandelson; Matthew Freud; Sir Elton John)
10. It was reported [see link below] that Lord Mandelson and his partner, Reinaldo Avila da Silva, were renting "a four-bedroom cottage on the estate of the billionaire Rothschilds". It is not specified in the article whether this refers to the estate of Lynn Forester and her husband Evelyn, or another, related, branch of the Rothschilds.
Bill and Hillary Clinton stayed at Jeffrey Epstein's ranch 'almost every year' after they left the White House
New Jeffrey Epstein doc should finally lead to a reckoning with Bill Clinton
"Of all the scandals Bill has survived, his longtime association with a known pedophile - and an alleged affair with that pedophile's right-hand woman - should not be one of them.
"On Wednesday, Netflix began streaming 'Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich,' a scathing documentary about the late millionaire pedophile, one with whom Bill Clinton had undeniable links.
"Simultaneously, a bombshell excerpt from the new book 'A Convenient Death: The Mysterious Demise of Jeffrey Epstein,' by Alana Goodman and Daniel Halper ... alleges that Clinton and Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's alleged longtime pimp, carried on an affair ...
"Remember the height of Clinton’s impeachment crisis, in 1998, when he suddenly decided to bomb Sudan and Afghanistan as Monica Lewinsky was testifying before a grand jury? The timing so suspicious, the attacks so unexpected, that even the left-leaning press corps asked about it? ...
"It's saying something, in our #MeToo era, that Bill Clinton - credibly accused of rape by Juanita Broaddrick, credibly accused of multiple instances of sexual harassment, who took advantage of the presidency to use and discard a White House intern, herself nearly driven to suicide over the way his henchmen defamed and discredited her - is still Teflon.
"Even when it comes to this most disgusting association. Truly: Who could ever, ever, justify hanging around with Epstein and Maxwell? ...
"In the documentary, we see a photo of a cigar-smoking Bill Clinton on Epstein's plane. We see Clinton side-by-side with Ghislaine Maxwell in the doorway of that plane ...
"Bill Clinton has denied charges that he ever visited Epstein's island, though Epstein's former IT guy, Steve Scully, claims in the doc that he saw Clinton there - at Epstein's favorite spot, his porch. (Scully also says he quit when he could no longer deny why all these young girls were on the island.)
"Clinton also denies ever having an affair with Maxwell ...
"If there is one true thing about Bill Clinton, it is this: He is a liar. He lies about lying.
"Now, whether you believe the affair story, or even half of what's in the Netflix documentary, one thing is clear. Bill Clinton knew."
Is the new Netflix documentary about Jeffrey Epstein's crimes all it seems?
Or has the documentary omitted certain crucial facts, allegations and details NOT for 'legitimate' reasons (e.g. to avoid costly lawsuits; to protect the identities of survivors; or for journalistic style reasons) -- but in order to protect certain VIPs from scrutiny?
"You realise the exclusive producer of Filthy Rich is good friends with Clinton, in fact they have another book coming out! James Patterson. "
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