Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia.
In the UK, leading public figures have urged people not to vote for the Labour Party.
In an open letter, they say that they refuse to vote Labour because of its association with anti-Semitism.
The signatories to the letter are friends of -
Mr Jeffrey Epstein, Sir Cyril Smith, Sir Jimmy Savile,
Sir Leon Brittan, Sir Greville Janner,
Sir Nicholas Fairbairn, Sir Keith Joseph.

Child in Palestine.
A separate letter attacking alleged Labour anti-Semitism is signed by:
John le Carré (David Cornwell), Fay Weldon, Joanna Lumley, William Boyd, Simon Callow, Antony Beevor, Sathnam Sanghera, Janina Ramirez, Trevor Phillips, Jimmy Wales,
Suzannah Lipscomb, Tom Holland, Frederick Forsyth, Peter Frankopan, Ghanem Nuseibeh, Dan Snow, Fiyaz Mughal, Tony Parsons, Dan Jones, Maajid Nawaz, Oz Katerji, Nick Hewer, Ed Husain, and Terry Jervis.
Concerns about antisemitism mean we cannot vote Labour ...
Concerns about antisemitism mean we cannot vote Labour ...

Child in Palestine, attacked by Israelis.

Yellow - Palestinian land. Jewish 'terrorists' have driven the Palestinians out of most of their land.
Joanna Lumley has a new WARNING for us -
April 6th, 2000
"The Court of King Rolf, edited by Martin Walker is published. Among the celebrities paying tribute to Rolf Harris are Kate Bush, JOANNA LUMLEY, Matthew Kelly and Sir Cliff Richard..."
Joanna Lumley has a new WARNING for us -
"Detective Chief Inspector Paul Settle, then head of the Met's paedophile unit and of Operation Fairbank, told Fellows in a meeting that JOANNA LUMLEY, the actor, had taken part in pornographic films ..."
Conservative leaders secretly want immigrants?
Top border official admits the Trump administration has built ZERO new sections of border wall
KINCORA survivor Richard Kerr given compensation campaign boost …
Reader- "Home secretary Priti Patel, "after visits to Israel", has agreed to allow the US access to UK phones computers etc even private messages, if they choose to. All of course to fight the terrorism that they carry out in the first place."

So they now convict Roger Stone of lying and want to jail him for many years to come.
Well, what about Roy Cohn, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell?
15 Nov 2019
15 Nov 2019
Labels: anti-semitism, Child Abuse, Guardian letter, ISIS, Jimmy Wales, Joanna Lumley, Kerr, labour, Palestine, Patel, Trump's wall
Certainly Mark Regev, the Ambassador of Israel to the United Kingdom, would not be involved in activities to influence voting in the general election.
Because Mr Regev has already apologised for the actions of his diplomat, Shai Masot, who was caught on camera plotting to 'take down' UK MPs.
Mr Regev wants nothing to do with such attempts to influence British politics or the general election.
Now Mr Regev is merely focused on the youth.
I must Admit Anon , recently I have been confused regarding your narrative , you have gone so pro labour , im left scratching my head , thinking has aanirfan been usurped ,
you have gone so pro labour , its not funny , so the Islington paedophile protector Corbyn , is the guy to vote for , which means staying in Bolshevik Europe , you posted a great list off our politicians , that showed they were all Rothchild's / black venetian controlled , Corbyn included , there is a better chance of changing Britain , than the chance of changing Europe ,
your not even tackling ,labours stance on migrants , have been a reader for years , so very lost with the latest viva labour narrative , ps I don't support the Tories but I want out of Europe
posted previously under steve p
Pic 3 - Palestinian heroine Ahed Tamimi
A saying that I love so much: I cant be anti-semitic, I have nothing against Arab ppl.
US bishop who investigated sex abuse accused of sex abuse himself
If you read our post on the 2019 election you will see that we criticise Labour as well as the Conservatives and Lib Dems.
- Aangirfan.
The editor of a prominent Jewish-led 'conservative' website, Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire, has been tweeting that, "Jew-hatred is inherent in the European DNA", the editor Josh Hammer repeating this theme across the months
Also supporting the idea that European-heritage white people are intrinsically bad for Jews - given how often historically Europeans had expelled Jews etc - was Harvard-educated Jewish professor Noel Ignatiev, who died a few days ago.
In Harvard University's magazine, Ignatiev spoke prominently of how he and other Jews had a "goal of abolishing the white race ... We intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as 'the white race' is destroyed."
A lot to sort out at the same time
Corbyn a tainted figure ... but Britain and the world do need more working-class-supportive policies ... yet on the other hand, the extremist 'unlimited immigration - no border controls' policies of UK Labour & USA Democrats, would crash everything and reduce much of both nations to Brazil-like general poverty
This original never-shown episode of Secret Society was banned by the BBC and the tapes seized.
In 1985, BBC Scotland commissioned Duncan Campbell to produce a six-part investigative series, 'Secret Society'. The programmes were old fashioned journalism - assaulting the traditions of secrecy perpetuated by the powerful - traditions heavily prevalent in British society.
The series was ready for broadcast in 1987. Two episodes, however, were very controversial. The first, 'Zircon', revealed the existence of a secret £500m spy satellite programme being implemented behind the backs of MPs and the Public Accounts Committee - the body responsible for overseeing government spending. The second, 'Cabinet', exposed the culture of secret cabinet committees - committees made up of MPs, Lords and civil servants, who were making decisions on government policy, yet operating wholly unaccountably and void of public scrutiny.
The Conservative government became aware of the programmes' contents and ordered Special Branch to raid Duncan's home and BBC Scotland's headquarters. The two episodes were confiscated.
'Zircon' was later returned and the BBC broadcast the investigation along with a discussion in a programme called 'The Zircon Affair'.
The 'Secret Cabinet Committees' episode (one) was held in a vault by the BBC, who have always refused to release or broadcast it.
(It was remade for Channel 4 in 1991 using Duncan's scripts.)
The Herald:
'Anti-semitic - it's the trick we always use'
Former Israeli Minister
Emily Maitlis:
"Saturday 9pm. BBC2. No holds barred interview - no questions vetted- with Prince Andrew."
In the 3000 yrs of being hated and expelled- across vastly different era, cultures, norms and racial hosts, the "originators" of Masonic mind control "psychoanalysis" have never once looked at their own behaviour in the course of these widely consistent revilings of their beliefs and the subsequent actions their 'belief' system spawn. Any self examination- or taking responsibility- of their collective cult is quickly dismissed as antisemitism. The cult is being 'victimized' if it is held accountable for its entrenched criminality. As arrogant self "Chosen Ones"? These Pharisee psychos are 'entitled' to asset strip the goyim cattle who are only here for them to exploit, pillage and plunder. "The cattle are only here to serve us."
The Jeffrey Epsteins, Madoffs, Milkens, Dimons, Soros, Rothschilds are thus "doing god's work" when they steal the goyim blind...
If the goyim resist or protest? the goyim are antisemitic and are persecuting the jews.
This formula only works if the goyim enable and agree with it. STOP being intimidated and manipulated. REFUSE to let the scum get away with anything you wouldnt allow a Brit, Arab, Chinese or Catholic get away with. WAKE UP Mankind!
'Anti-semitism' is just an excuse for rich and powerful people to oppose a left-wing government. I'd vote Labour on the basis of Corbyn's critics alone actually.
As noted on 4chan:
Trump's longstanding political consultant Roger Stone has been criminally convicted
Trump's campaign chair Paul Manafort has been criminally convicted
Trump's deputy campaign chair Rick Gates has been criminally convicted
Trump's national security adviser Michael Flynn has been criminally convicted
Trump's foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos has been criminally convicted
Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen has been criminally convicted
Trump's Republican National Committee deputy finance chair Elliott Broidy has been criminally convicted
There is a pattern here
There is already a White House petition gathering signatures to pardon Roger Stone
US President Richard Nixon pardoned union boss mobster Jimmy Hoffa
US President Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon
US President Ronald Reagan pardoned sports billionaire political donor George Steinbrenner
US President George H W Bush pardoned 6 Iran-Contra participants, including former Defence minister Caspar Weinberger, neocon Elliott Abrams & Robert McFarlane
US President Bill Clinton pardoned Jewish billionaire political donor Marc Rich
US President George W Bush commuted the sentence, freeing from the need to go to prison his convicted chief of staff Scooter Libby
US President Barack Obama commuted the sentences and freed from prison Chelsea Manning formerly Bradley, and Puerto Rican violent liberationist López Rivera
Most such controversial pardons are done during the last year or even the last days the US President is in office
US President Donald Trump has already pardoned right-wing Arizona chain-gang Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Chabad slaughterhouse CEO Sholom Rubashkin
Donald Trump will get his former team members out of jail before he leaves office?
Israel for [you] is...?
"A place of wonderful lemon and orange and olive groves and great family holidays when I was tiny."
"How to Combat Antisemitism. With Deborah Lipstadt and Emily Maitlis."
"In 2005, the BBC held a debate in response to the 7/7 bombings:
"To the Everyman Cinema last night with Tom Brent for a public meeting on current affairs. BBC presenter EMILY MAITLIS chaired a brisk discussion in which Shami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, outshone distinguished panelists SIR LEON BRITTAN, SIMON HUGHES, and DANIEL FINKELSTEIN.
"Brittan and Hughes have both been linked to sordid allegations of abuse against boys."
"... @maitlis knows Lord Mandelson well"
"BBC Newsnight's Emily Maitlis interviews the Prince about Epstein. Epstein was on first name terms with Peter 'Petie' Mandelson....... 'Petie' phoned Jeff while he was in jail."
"@maitlis won't touch this story for sure. After all, we've seen the adoring friends pictures of her & bestie Peter Mandelson ..."
"Could Emily Maitlis look any more in awe than she just has while interviewing Mandelson?"
"She whispers, 'hello darkness my old friend!'"
"Sickening to see Emily Maitlis slithering around disgraced Blairite Mandelson, peas in a pod ..."
"I'm not sure whether it's creepy or funny watching BBC News presenter Emily Maitlis flirting with Peter Mandelson ..."
... [continued]
"Last year I decided I was doing too little for too many groups. So I cut it down to just three organisations: Action for Children, WellChild for seriously ill children, and the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Paediatric Unit. They’re all kiddie related ..."
"Maitlis's concerns appear to be that her sons aren't instilled with enough Yiddishkeit ... The whole family will be celebrating Seder night with Emily's older sister and her family, they belong to a shul (the London S&P, as Emily's sister is married to a Sephardi Jew) .... The family attend shul on Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah and 'do' Chanukah ...
"Emily was born in Canada ... and raised Jewish (her husband is Catholic and her children are non-practising). She is appalled by the domestic resurgence of anti-Semitism."
"Tony Blair’s interview condemning Labour antisemitism may, it turns out, have been a favour for a friend.
"Newsnight presenter Emily Maitlis relates in her new memoir Airhead how she grew suspicious as to why the ex-PM approached her to do it as his words lacked passion.
"Suspecting he was leaned on, she rings 'Labour donors, well-known Jewish figures' and confirms it is true.
"'The interview was done as a favour. It was the interview he was always going to give: no less, no more,' she writes."
Jewish Voice for Labour: "BBC's Emily Maitlis simply assumes that accusations of antisemitism are true"
A vice-president of Action for Children was Floella Benjamin - pictured below with Ghislaine Maxwell.
'Emily Maitlis supports Action for Children'.
[nb Action for Children was previously called 'National Children's Home']
Emily Maitlis is an Ambassador of CENTREPOINT
"The Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund raises money for organisations including CENTREPOINT.
"Centrepoint was founded by an associate of the Kray twins who knew about the Westminster-VIP paedophile network."
"Saying 'I don't remember meeting her' and 'I never met her' are two different things.
"In other words, he met her, he doesn't remember when or where.
"Stop Prince Andrew while you're ahead. Epstein had a safe filled with tapes and ledgers in that 72nd Street apartment."
"I have 27 years of experience in body language and facial expression analysis. I investigate the nature and cognitive behaviours around truth and lies. He is lying. Notice the headshaking and blinking. Text book. Sociopathic tendancies too."
The first clip released by the BBC "raises the possibility that Andrew, who it was recently reported has slept with over 1,000 women, may be intending to pursue a claim, apparently made by close friends on his behalf, that the picture of him and Roberts is fake ...
"The claim has been much derided, and the FBI has reportedly accepted that the photograph is genuine ...
"The fact that Andrew, not exactly known for being the smartest cookie in the royal biscuit tin, has agreed to do this interview was the subject of disbelief among royal commentators today ...
"Friends of Maxwell have told The Daily Beast that she was tasked with introducing young women to Andrew whom he might have a sexual interest in ..."
"Something else is about to hit the tabloids is my guess here as to why he's done this interview"
"Instead of saying that definitely never happened (as I have never met girls in Tramp nightclub and took them back to a flat in Belgravia for sex) he opts to says he can not recollect her, that is very telling imho."
"Have no recollection". That well known form of words used by the innocent.
Just a thought. Picture 1 Jimmy Wales. Looks like he's got a dessert bowl on his head. It looks weird - it's not a kippa.
Something appears wrong with the photo. Has the kippa been added for a laugh.
Again, just a thought.
Bah, Wikipedia.
Useful but judiciously censored and manipulated.
You may want to compare with Wikispooks. Think you'll find this on Wikipedia?
Thanks, Jiminy Wales, for giving us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Oh, and speaking of Internet technocrats and their works, something else interesting happened just recently.
Microsoft has just had a massive outage with Office 365.
Not the first time Microsoft cloud-based services have been taken out. It happened about a year ago too. According to The Register, by thunderbolts and lightning. Very very frightening.
She came out of the water
Into my horizon
Like a cumulonimbus
Comin in from the distance
This is a glimpse into the future:
People blindly giving their independence and thinking over to centralized megacorporations, letting shortsighted billionaires and their AIs rifle through their most valuable information --- which the billionaires would never dream of abusing for their own selfish benefit, of course; a signed piece of paper says so --- not to mention everyone's most personal private, financial and medical information.
And of course the expensive experts who put this nonsense together will inevitably be downsized, rightsized or whatever the euphemism-sized du jour is.
If we don't change this insanity...
The future promises to be worst of 1984, Brave New World and Idiocracy. And so far Idiocracy seems the most prescient.
Then eventually helpless, credulous, clueless people --- people with no notion of the natural world --- will be hopelessly dependent on a Machine that will be a house of cards waiting for a zephyr.
In a generation or two, your children will worship machines and, when it all stops, they will weep, praying to their smartphones and eBooks for salvation.
“Have you complained to the authorities?”
“Yes, and they say it wants mending, and referred me to the Committee of the Mending Apparatus. I complained of those curious gasping sighs that disfigure the symphonies of the Brisbane school. They sound like some one in pain. The Committee of the Mending Apparatus say that it shall be remedied shortly.”
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