Anonymous 26 October 2019 at 04:26 - "Ivan Krastev is a founding board member of the European Council on Foreign Relations. Does he conveniently forget that almost all 1989 'revolutions' from the former Communist Bloc were planned before hand?"
Why do so many people migrate from Eastern Europe to Western Europe?
Ivan Krastev and Stephen Holmes have written "The Light that Failed: A Reckoning."
This is a book about what went wrong in Eastern Europe after the fall of communism.

Reviewing this book, the FT’s Tony Barber writes:
"Thirty years on, 1989 appears in less rosy colours... authoritarian features ...autocratic kleptocracies...
"The region abounds in nationalists, nativists and populists who have few values in common with the enlightened liberal revolutionaries of 1989."
Think of Ukraine and you see Jewish oligarchs, allied to Nazis, running the show.

Netanyahu visiting Ukraine's Jewish president, Volodymyr Zelensky.Think of Ukraine and you see Jewish oligarchs, allied to Nazis, running the show.

Ivan Krastev, a Bulgarian-born scholar, writes that, in Eastern Europe, Liberalism 'lost its way.'
Barber writes:
"By the mid-2010s, the states of central and eastern Europe were undoubtedly wealthier and the capitalist future promised in 1989 had arrived - but, according to Krastev and Holmes, 'its benefits and burdens were unevenly, even crassly distributed'.
"By the mid-2010s, the states of central and eastern Europe were undoubtedly wealthier and the capitalist future promised in 1989 had arrived - but, according to Krastev and Holmes, 'its benefits and burdens were unevenly, even crassly distributed'.
"The region’s severe depopulation over the past 30 years exacerbates the problem as the emigration of young, well-educated people makes it harder for liberal parties to win elections.
"Krastev and Holmes are no admirers of Viktor Orban, Hungary's illiberal prime minister.
According to Krastev and Holmes: 'Orban has shielded from public scrutiny both his electoral manipulation and epic levels of insider corruption.'
The Czech Republic now has its problems with Nazis..

Bulgaria, 2019. Inside the dark world of Bulgaria's ...
Bulgaria now has its problems with Nazis.

Le Pen and Wilders.
Who is stirring up the trouble?

NEILS BLOG explains.

Slovakia today has its problems.

Intentional homicides, 2016 (police-recorded offences per 100 000 inhabitants.
Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary and Romania have higher homicide rates than England.
East Germany, under communism.

East Germany, under communism.
Brabantian 26 October 2019 at 04:23 comments:
Mixed aspects in all of this
Eastern Europe certainly had a clannish phase of post-communist corruption, where those able to connect with the government on 'privatisation' programmes, became oligarchs and billionaires
But Eastern Europeans often now much prefer living at home in Eastern Europe, tho some are still working in Britain and Western Europe, temporarily, but solely for more money
Raising the ethical question of whether France, Germany & Britain in fact conducted a campaign of 'asset stripping brain drain' via the EU - impoverishing, e.g., Romania, as a third of its medical doctors etc moved West just for money
But Eastern Europeans often wish now to go back home ... the romance of the 'West' has now lost its lustre
In their home countries, East Europeans consider themselves as still 'having the freedom to be normal', whereas 'traditional' views are being sanctioned in the West as 'hate speech', with the arrests over Facebook postings etc
East Europeans overall do not like Western Europe's increasing 'multi-culturalism', 'diversity', and African and Islamic presences, the waves of non-European migrants, skyrocketing Western urban crime and no-go zones, the pushing of the LGBT agenda, the rapes in Sweden (about one every hour now), the increasing stabbings in London, now having a higher murder rate than New York City
The Czech Republic is particularly booming ... Europe's lowest unemployment rate, essentially zero, Prague a new favoured 'beautiful European city', with people quietly speaking of being pleased to be in a historic European capital, safe and with few beggars and little crime, much less 'diverse' ... versus places like Paris being seen as quite 'rough' now
'Illiberal' is now a badge people are wearing with pride, as 'liberalism' becomes identified with leftist, cultural Marxist, social change agendas, the Soros-sponsored migrant waves, the LGBT agenda, things such as trans-genders or cross-dressers going into Western schools and caressing children, the Western arrests for people saying things which in Eastern Europe are considered 'normal'
In a way the 'populist' vs 'leftist' divide, is now seen in the East vs West Europe divide ... and there are many in the West increasingly coming to prefer the East, retiring there, or moving there if they have the money ... In certain media there are regular stories of, e.g., Swedes departing for Eastern Europe to escape escalating Swedish crime
The Czech Republic is particularly booming ... Europe's lowest unemployment rate, essentially zero, Prague a new favoured 'beautiful European city', with people quietly speaking of being pleased to be in a historic European capital, safe and with few beggars and little crime, much less 'diverse' ... versus places like Paris being seen as quite 'rough' now
'Illiberal' is now a badge people are wearing with pride, as 'liberalism' becomes identified with leftist, cultural Marxist, social change agendas, the Soros-sponsored migrant waves, the LGBT agenda, things such as trans-genders or cross-dressers going into Western schools and caressing children, the Western arrests for people saying things which in Eastern Europe are considered 'normal'
In a way the 'populist' vs 'leftist' divide, is now seen in the East vs West Europe divide ... and there are many in the West increasingly coming to prefer the East, retiring there, or moving there if they have the money ... In certain media there are regular stories of, e.g., Swedes departing for Eastern Europe to escape escalating Swedish crime
Trump, Le Pen etc voters often see East Europe as a 'model' ... sometimes even more so after visiting Eastern Europe
In the USA, the coastal urban vs heartland divide is less clear geographically ... leading to that recent poll saying that over 2/3 of USA citizens feel they are ramping up toward civil war
Whether 'populist nationalist' or 'liberal leftist', both have their kosher links, e.g., Netanyahu or Soros (who has just endorsed the USA's Elizabeth Warren for President)
Politics in Europe or Anglo countries, some say, is usually a 'kosher sandwich', your two main choices on the menu both kosher ones
Labels: Barber, Bulgaria, Jewish, Krastev, Light That Failed, migrants, Nazis, oligarchs, Orban, Roma, Ukraine, Wilders
Mixed aspects in all of this
Eastern Europe certainly had a clannish phase of post-communist corruption, where those able to connect with the government on 'privatisation' programmes, became oligarchs and billionaires
But Eastern Europeans often now much prefer living at home in Eastern Europe, tho some are still working in Britain and Western Europe, temporarily, but solely for more money
Raising the ethical question of whether France, Germany & Britain in fact conducted a campaign of 'asset stripping brain drain' via the EU - impoverishing, e.g., Romania, as a third of its medical doctors etc moved West just for money
But Eastern Europeans often wish now to go back home ... the romance of the 'West' has now lost its lustre
In their home countries, East Europeans consider themselves as still 'having the freedom to be normal', whereas 'traditional' views are being sanctioned in the West as 'hate speech', with the arrests over Facebook postings etc
East Europeans overall do not like Western Europe's increasing 'multi-culturalism', 'diversity', and African and Islamic presences, the waves of non-European migrants, skyrocketing Western urban crime and no-go zones, the pushing of the LGBT agenda, the rapes in Sweden (about one every hour now), the increasing stabbings in London, now having a higher murder rate than New York City
The Czech Republic is particularly booming ... Europe's lowest unemployment rate, essentially zero, Prague a new favoured 'beautiful European city', with people quietly speaking of being pleased to be in a historic European capital, safe and with few beggars and little crime, much less 'diverse' ... versus places like Paris being seen as quite 'rough' now
'Illiberal' is now a badge people are wearing with pride, as 'liberalism' becomes identified with leftist, cultural Marxist, social change agendas, the Soros-sponsored migrant waves, the LGBT agenda, things such as trans-genders or cross-dressers going into Western schools and caressing children, the Western arrests for people saying things which in Eastern Europe are considered 'normal'
In a way the 'populist' vs 'leftist' divide, is now seen in the East vs West Europe divide ... and there are many in the West increasingly coming to prefer the East, retiring there, or moving there if they have the money ... In certain media there are regular stories of, e.g., Swedes departing for Eastern Europe to escape escalating Swedish crime
Trump, Le Pen etc voters often see East Europe as a 'model' ... sometimes even more so after visiting Eastern Europe
In the USA, the coastal urban vs heartland divide is less clear geographically ... leading to that recent poll saying that over 2/3 of USA citizens feel they are ramping up toward civil war
Whether 'populist nationalist' or 'liberal leftist', both have their kosher links, e.g., Netanyahu or Soros (who has just endorsed the USA's Elizabeth Warren for President)
Politics in Europe or Anglo countries, some say, is usually a 'kosher sandwich', your two main choices on the menu both kosher ones
”He is a founding board member of the European Council on Foreign Relations”. Enuff said about Krastev. Does he conveniently forget that almost all 1989 ”revolutions” from the former Communist Bloc were planned before hand?
look how Viktor Orban links in with the Cambridge Analytical shinanegans:
Check out:
Wonder what Juri Lina´s opinion on Golitsyn´s work is:
Apart from Tito in ex Yugoslavia, all Country Leaders of the Eastern Block were Jews!
Every single country in the Communist East, was run & managed by Jews! From Poland, Hungary to Russia...every President ever since was Jewish! The kosher Nostra @ work
Regarding your channel 4 news report on gypsies in the Czech Rep....The reporter from Channel 4....is.....surprise surprise,a crypto jew (like Bono of U2 and his mate "The Edge" and the notorious Bob Geldof)
Needless to say this "crusading protector of human rights" from Ireland will be in no hurry to travel to Israel to highlight Jewish racism against a minority....where the local people are ALREADY behaving like racist Nazis.
Irelands most famous brand Guiness is owned by Jews.....surprise surprise.No wonder Ireland has it's current prime minister.....no wonder.....and the third world immigrants keep arriving on Irelands doorstep.....heavily promoted by the Irish media......and in a remarkable turn of events is run by crypto Jews....phew what a surprise.
Ditto Britain today.Boris Johnstein has surrounded himself with crypto Jews....so in Thatchlers case it was more "more Old Estonian than Old Etonian"....Johnstein the former Kibbutznik is surrounded with crypto Jews including some under thirties hailing from Australasia.His girlfriend "Symonds" rather than Simonds is a tribe member of course.
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