Ex-police chief Gordon Anglesea jailed for child sexual abuse | UK
"We find involved in this criminal case many public administrators and politicians."
Child Trafficking in Italy – Connecting some dots.


Pentagon employees misusing computer systems at work to browse child porn.

Christine Lagarde.

Dear Remainiacs our new European Central Bank chief!
Christine Lagarde convicted:
IMF head found guilty of criminal charges over massive government payout.
IMF head found guilty of criminal charges over massive government payout.
Former French finance minister, who faced potentially one year in jail, will not face any punishment.
Ms Lagarde’s predecessor Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned in 2011 over a sex assaultscandal.

Allegations that Greville Janner, a top Jew, had sexually abused children first emerged publicly in 1991
"Greville Janner escaped prosecution for serious sexual abuse of boys on three occasions because of failings by prosecutors and the police, an independent report found."
"Greville Janner escaped prosecution for serious sexual abuse of boys on three occasions because of failings by prosecutors and the police, an independent report found."
Whitehall child sex inquiry: the UK government (Home Office) admits that it destroyed, lost or could not find 'potentially relevant files' between 1979 and 1999 @newsincardiff

Private Island: Why Britain Now Belongs to Someone Else .
"In the nineteen seventies multinational corporations were buying all the Canadian businesses they could...
In the UK, there was "privatisation of the Royal Mail, British railways, water services, electricity and some healthcare...
"Today much of the money the English pay for water goes out of the country - to investers in the United Arab Emirates, Beijing, Canada and Holland...
Private Island: Why Britain Now Belongs to Someone Else .
"The culture at Railtrack was 'a tale of incompetence, greed and delusion, driven by the conviction that profit and share value is the only true measure of success.'
"With privatization, the prices of water, electricity, train fares and chief executive salaries have gone one way; up. And the only thing that went down was wages!
"The Free market delivers jobs offshore, lower wages, less social protection, national cutbacks and higher executive salaries...
"The Canadian Parliamentary Budget Office released a report that says that in 2016 nearly a trillion dollars was moved offshore by Canadian Corporations."

Ever since the Green party in Germany allowed its military to take part in a foreign war (the Serbia/Kosovo Illegal bombing campaign) for the first time since WW2, the proof has been there that they are controlled opposition for the military/corporate complex...
Labels: Anglesea, capitalism, Ganser, GREEN PARTY, Janner, Kaia Kater, LAGARDE, privatisation
Trump Jewish Temple Coin And Nazi Star Of David Coin :
Re Greens:
Jeremy Corbyn's brother Pier's position is that powerful oligarchs and oil companies are behind 'human created climate change' taxation politics, and that his lifetime in academia studying the sun's influence on earth climate makes him a sceptic of the cabal of scientists pushing the 'climate change' agenda. <Corbyn at Speakers corner. His website is
Julien romanovsky
7 July 2019 at 10:49
Check out:
Alex Jones a loose canon on the zio pay roll (unintentionally? most probably) disclosing what is on the menu at Bilderberg 2012, Virginia.
“Last month, police in Thailand arrested a British citizen after six roasted fetal corpses were found in his luggage. The bodies were believed to be between two and seven months old, according to the Guardian. Some were plated in gold leaf, apparently for use in black magic rituals.
Image source: Reuters
Outside the annual Bilderberg meeting in Virginia on Thursday, Alex Jones of Infowars accused attendees of possessing the same thing — to eat.”
check out:
(for more images)
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