Nancy Cawley, from Chicago.
Mike Pence is very close with his mom, Nancy, née Cawley.
Cawley can be a Jewish name.

Mike Pence's Jewish relatives include Jesse Socher (above) and his son. The son is wearing an IDF uniform.
Mike Pence has lots of Orthodox, Jewish, Israeli cousins.
Mike Pence's Orthodox, Jewish, Israeli cousins.
One of Mike Pence's Orthodox Jewish relatives lives in the Golan Heights.

Mike Pence and Merrill Socher
Tamsen Socher, a Jewish grandmother from Los Angeles, has a relative called Richard Pence, an amateur genealogist.
Richard Pence has said that Mike Pence is Socher's cousin on her father's side.

Pence (above) is said to have Irish origins. Crypto-Jews in Ireland
Socher says: "'Pence' was one of those made-up Ellis Island names, so we are all connected. I haven't met a 'Pence' yet who wasn’t a relative."
Tammy's cousin Merrill Socher-Axelrod has personally told Mike Pence: "You have Orthodox Jewish cousins in Israel... Your cousins are my cousins."
According to Tammy, several of Mike Pence's relatives are religious Jews, and at least one lives in Israel.
Mike Pence's Orthodox, Jewish, Israeli cousins.

Pence and his Israeli friends.
The Kosher Nostra script may be:
1. The crypto-Jew Donald Trump becomes President but is then sacked.
2. The crypto-Jew Mike Pence is thus able to become President.

Brabantian comments -
In the 1940, Franklin Roosevelt - arguably a war criminal who oversaw financing of the Nazis and the baiting of Japan into WW2 - Roosevelt picked pro-Russian socialist Henry Wallace as his vice-president, and lived through the term.
In 1944, Roosevelt bowed to pressure to replace Wallace, and select the taking-bribes-from-Zionists Harry Truman ... whilst Roosevelt sought to carry out his sudden agenda of ending Western colonies, successfully leaving the Philippines to become independent ... shortly after his 1945 inauguration, FDR was dead, and Truman took over to aid Israel's birth

In 1963, the arguably Jewish Lyndon Johnson benefited from JFK's assassination, and perhaps helped it
In the 1970s, guilty war criminal Richard Nixon ended the US war in Vietnam, sought accommodation with China and Russia, and began introducing radical pro-people policies in the USA, putting in environmental protection, even considering a guaranteed minimum income for all US citizens

Before impeaching Nixon, the Deep State sought the removal of Vice-President Spiro Agnew, who often spoke against elites ... Stitched-up charges were brought, and Agnew was threatened with murder to force him to resign ... He talked about this on television, Spiro Agnew - 'Go Quietly, or Else' on YouTube ... Agnew was replaced by Deep State JFK assassination cover-up leader Gerald Ford, and Nixon was forced to resign too

In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan picked Deep Stater George H W Bush as his vice-president, and in Reagan's first year in office he was shot and wounded by a man whose father was working for George Bush's brother ... Reagan then dropped some of his more radical ideas
In the 1990s, Bill Clinton, corrupt up to his eyebrows, yet balked at the war crime of killing thousands of Serbian civilians ... With Jewish agent Monica Lewinsky making a 'scandal', Clinton was impeached, and only acquitted when he agreed to kill thousands in Europe ...
Labels: Cawley, cousins, crypto-Jew, IDF, Israel, Mike pence, Socher