Above, we see Jared Tucker, with a convex nose, and Jared's wife Heidi Nunes.
Jared Tucker, from California, was one of the people reportedly killed in the Barcelona attack.
Jared went off to find a toilet, leaving behind his wife, Heidi Nunes.
Jared did not return, and was assumed to have died in the Barcelona attack.
Heidi was aware of a photograph circulating online that appears to show her husband being 'helped' by someone in a black t-shirt.

Above, we see Jom Cadman, Julian Cadman, Andrew Cadman, Jus Tynn and one other.
"As the terror attack unfolded in Barcelona, Benjamin Netanyahu was briefed by staff from the local Israeli embassy on live video conference."
Julian Alessandro Cadman is supposed to have been born in Kent, and is supposed to have lived in Sevenoaks, and is supposed to have attended Chiddingstone Nursery school in Kent.
But it is difficult to find any traces of the Cadman family in England.
But it is difficult to find any traces of the Cadman family in England.
Drills were carried out before, or at the same time as, the attacks of 9/11, the London Bombings, the Madrid Bombings, the Oklahoma City Bombings, the Norway Oslo Attacks, Sandy Hook, the Batman Shooting and the Boston Bombing.

Jordi Pujol, Catalan leader for 23 years.
Barcelona is in Catalonia, which is dominated by Israel and Mossad.
The Catalan Government supports the 'Guardian Homeland Security' company, which trains military and police bodies in questions of security in training camps in occupied Palestine and which uses the logo of the Mossos d’Esquadra, the Catalan police force, to publicise its services.
Police and military collaboration with Israel.

Barcelona football team visiting Israel. No Israelis were listed among the Barcelona attack's victims. Barcelona attack
The Catalan Government authorises companies to import and export military material to Israel (torpedoes, ammunition and diverse armaments), for example Tyco electronics or Indra, with central offices in Barcelona.
Catalonia's universities, the UAB, the UPC and the UPF, and institutions such as ACC10 collaborate in research projects with Israel in questions of security and defence.
Police and military collaboration with Israel.

At the start of Summer 2017, almost a thousand Jewish students began a visit to Catalonia to tour the areas of Jewish history in Barcelona. A THOUSAND MAINLY RUSSIAN JEWISH STUDENTS
The Catalan Government buys anti-riot and security materials from Israeli companies.
The Catalan Government employs the Israeli security company 'Hancal System Engineering' for assessment in questions of security and control in prisons.
Police and military collaboration with Israel.

Carles Puigdemont, left, president of the autonomous region of Catalonia and former mayor of Girona, thanks Jewish Russian Billionaire Shimon Aminov. CATALONIA THE NEWEST JEWISH STATE.
Police and military collaboration with Israel.

Carles Puigdemont, left, president of the autonomous region of Catalonia and former mayor of Girona, thanks Jewish Russian Billionaire Shimon Aminov. CATALONIA THE NEWEST JEWISH STATE.
The Catalan Government supports the 'Guardian Homeland Security' company, which trains military and police bodies in questions of security in training camps in occupied Palestine and which uses the logo of the Mossos d’Esquadra, the Catalan police force, to publicise its services.
Police and military collaboration with Israel.

Barcelona football team visiting Israel. No Israelis were listed among the Barcelona attack's victims. Barcelona attack
The Catalan Government authorises companies to import and export military material to Israel (torpedoes, ammunition and diverse armaments), for example Tyco electronics or Indra, with central offices in Barcelona.
The Catalan Government allows private Israeli companies of the ICTS security mega-group to interrogate travellers in the El Prat airport in Barcelona.
Police and military collaboration with Israel.

Former Catalan leader Artur Mas.
Police and military collaboration with Israel.

Former Catalan leader Artur Mas.
Catalonia's universities, the UAB, the UPC and the UPF, and institutions such as ACC10 collaborate in research projects with Israel in questions of security and defence.
Police and military collaboration with Israel.

At the start of Summer 2017, almost a thousand Jewish students began a visit to Catalonia to tour the areas of Jewish history in Barcelona. A THOUSAND MAINLY RUSSIAN JEWISH STUDENTS
The Mossos are the police force in Barcelona and the surrounding area of Catalonia.
The Mossos has been linked to Mossad.
The Mossos has been linked to Mossad.
Julian Cadman, reportedly killed in Barcelona on 17 August 2017. Note the skulls.

Mohamed Houli Chemlal, who was hurt in the blast in Alcanar.
On 22 August 2017, Mohamed Houli Chemlal appeared in court.
"The court official said Mohamed Houli Chemlal answered questions, but the official gave no details of what the suspect said in court."
"Mohamed Houli Chemlal admitted in court that a bigger attack was planned, say judicial sources."
Barcelona attack: Suspect says bigger attack was planned .
The official is not authorized to speak about ongoing cases under court rules.

Brit DJ claims he was beaten and tortured by Spanish police
Can we trust the Spanish police?
Mohamed Houli Chemlal arrived at court with a bandaged hand and cuts to his face and bare ankles.
The Spanish police are linked to torture.
A Decade Of Brutality: Spain Police Raped, Tortured 6,600 People. / Spanish police sanctioned for torture 'were promoted' /

Madrid 2004
The Spanish police are said to have helped to carry out the Madrid Bombings.
Police linked to Madrid bombs / The police and the Madrid Bombs

Julian Cadman
Trump needs acts of terrorism, to justify his military actions.
Prior to being elected, Trump promised to withdraw the troops from Afghanistan.
On 21 August 2017, Donald Trump said that he is to send more troops to Afghanistan.
Trump wants to hold on to the Afghan trade in heroin?
Trump wants to continue to train terrorists in Afghanistan?

Julian Cadman
Trump will have less money to help the people of the USA.

16 August 2017 explosion at Alcanar 'drugs factory' - linked to Moroccans.
On 16 August 2017, an explosion destroyed a house in Alcanar, near Barcelona.
Initially, the police linked the explosion to the trade in narcotics.
Abdelbaki Es Satty is alleged to have known the people of Moroccan origin who allegedly carried out the attacks in Barcelona on 17 August 2017.
Es Satty was once jailed for smuggling hashish.
Es Satty, accused of master-minding the Barcelona terrorist attacks should have been deported at the end of his prison sentence for drug smuggling, but he was not deported.

Andrew Cadman and family know a large number of Filipinos.
Barcelona has a very large community of Filipinos and many of them head to the Raval district near Las Ramblas to get their Methamphetamine, better known as crystal meth or ice.
Robert, a Filipino cook in Barcelona, believes that 60% of Filipinos he knows have taken crystal meth.
Barcelona has become crystal meth's gateway to Europe, says Catalonia's police force.
Methamphetamine and the Filipino community
Barcelona is also a centre for the trade in cocaine, which comes in from Colombia, Mexico and the the Americas.
Sydney has its drugs problem - drug boss Dung Thi Ngo charged with murders of ice cook.

Younes, who died twice, on 17 August and on 21 August 2017. He escaped into a restaurant surrounded by police, and then he didn't. He has a convex nose and he has a concave nose?
The Spanish authorites said that Younes Abouyaaqoub died on 17 August 2017, but then they changed the script.
Younes Abouyaaqoub
Then on 21 August 2017, the police said that Younes had been shot dead on 21 August 2017.
Younes Abouyaaqoub's brother El Houssaine and first cousins Mohamed and Omar Hychami
were killed by police in Cambrils.

Above is the man claimed to be the van driver.

Above is the man claimed to be the van driver.

The western security services recruit assets in North African countries. They look for young lads who can be tempted by alcohol, money and sex.
Younes Abouyaaqoub, and his brother and two cousins, are originally from the small Moroccan town of Mrirt.
Relatives in Mrirt last saw Younes and Mohamed in March 2017.
"I saw Younes and Mohamed on motorcycles," said a female cousin.
"I saw Younes and Mohamed on motorcycles," said a female cousin.
She said Mohamed frequented nightclubs and drank alcohol.

Fatima Abouyaaqoub, an aunt, believes it is possible Younes and the others were influenced by Abdelbaki Es Satty, an imam in the Spanish town of Ripoll.
Es Satty was once jailed for smuggling hashish.
Rachid Aglif had allegedly been in contact with people allegedly linked to the 204 Madrid Bombs.
"The security services organised the Madrid bombs"
"Es Satty has links with the 2004 Madrid bombers" and recently travelled to (a CIA-recruiting ground in) Belgium.
Imam at centre of Spain terror cell had links with Madrid bombers

The alleged Paris 'terrorist' Salah Abdeslam (above) frequented Brussel's gay bars where staff thought he was a 'rent boy'.
He flirted with men and took drugs.
Sunday Times.
After the Paris attack, Salah Abdeslam was stopped and let go by police, 3 times.
Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam was driven through a police checkpoint into Belgium on the night of the November 2015 massacres, while Berlin attacker Anis Amri managed to reach Italy before being shot dead by police.

Anis Amri
Anis Amri was driven to Berlin by an undercover informant of the German Intelligence Service - the BfV.

On 17 August 2017, Julian Cadman and his mother, Jumarie Cadman (Jom Cadman), were on Las Ramblas in Barcelona when the Barcelona attack took place.
Jom (Jumarie) was brought into a nearby pharmacy by a police officer, News Corp Australia reported.

Fouad Bakkali
"Las Ramblas pharmacist Fouad Bakkali tried to comfort Jom Cadman."
Jom Cadman was later taken to a Barcelona hospital.
'Where is my son?' Mum of British boy .
Why was Julian Cadman not taken to the pharmacy?
'Where is my son?' Mum of British boy .

(Left) Spain's Queen Letizia visited this child victim of the Barcelona attack. (Right) Julian Cadman.

Julian Cadman was reported as missing after the attack in Barcelona, on 17 August 2017.
On 19 August 2017, the media reported that Julian Cadman was not in a mortuary but was alive and well in a hospital.
Then they changed the script.

Harry Athwal (left)
On 17 August 2017, Harry Athwal, from Birmingham, was holidaying in Barcelona.
Ignoring police warnings to clear the area, Harry went to the assistance of the the young boy shown above.
Harry told the Mirror: 'He was unconscious, his leg was bent the wrong way, there was blood coming out of his head, I knew it was more than blood.'
H. Athwal (left); Harry Athwal in Barcelona (right)
There is an H. Athwal linked to a murdered man.
Harry Athwal in Barcelona (above) looks like H Athwal?
On 17 August 2017, Harry Athwal, from Birmingham, was holidaying in Barcelona.
Ignoring police warnings to clear the area, Harry went to the assistance of the the young boy shown above.
Harry told the Mirror: 'He was unconscious, his leg was bent the wrong way, there was blood coming out of his head, I knew it was more than blood.'
Harry Athwal in Barcelona (above) looks like H Athwal?

Julian Cadman
Julian Cadman "was a pupil at St Bernadette's Primary in Lalor Park in Sydney."
A teacher was jailed for child abuse at the school.
A teacher was jailed for child abuse at the school.

Dad of British boy, 7.
Above, we see Julian's father, Andrew Cadman, accompanying a young lady.

Above we see Mark O'Connor on Andrew Cadman's Facebook page.
The Cadmans have police and military connections.

A worried looking Julian Cadman and his mum, Jom.

Nathaniel Paul
Above we see Spain's queen visiting a boy in a Barcelona hospital

Above we see the boy's mother.
The Kosher Nostra terrorists are reputed to be involved in running child abuse rings.

Above we see a photo taken after the attack in Barcelona.
Above, we see Julian's father, Andrew Cadman, accompanying a young lady.

Above we see Mark O'Connor on Andrew Cadman's Facebook page.
The Cadmans have police and military connections.

A worried looking Julian Cadman and his mum, Jom.

Nathaniel Paul
Above we see Spain's queen visiting a boy in a Barcelona hospital

Above we see the boy's mother.
The Kosher Nostra terrorists are reputed to be involved in running child abuse rings.

Above we see a photo taken after the attack in Barcelona.
Sky News reported that the attackers, including the driver of the white van, were entrenched in a restaurant.
Why did the police not apprehend the attackers in the restaurant?

Cambrils would appear to be a base for the CIA and its friends.
Mohammed Atta visited Cambrils, in July 2001.
9/11 pilot met al Qaeda plotter in Cambrils
Mohamed Atta - Welcome to Terrorland. / Atta was working for the US military /

Pupils from London's Jewish JFS school were in Barcelona on 17 August 2017 when the van attack took place.
17-year-old JFS pupil Rebecca Herman says that 'a chance meeting' meant she was not walking on Las Ramblas at the time of the terror attack.
Rebecca Herman and seven friends were due to dine at the Maccabi kosher restaurant near which the attack began.
She said: "We meant to go but we were delayed. We met an Israeli event promoter on the beach. He kept talking to us so we were running late."
JFS pupils avoided Barcelona attack

Secret history of western false flags.
Rabbi Meir Bar-Hen, Barcelona’s chief rabbi, told Channel 2 news in a telephone interview that he was informed by police that the terror attack was not directed at Jews.
13 killed, dozens wounded in car-ramming terror attack in Barcelona
A Chabad representative told The Jerusalem Post that the Chabad institute is located close to the scene of the attack.
Spain hunts van driver.

On 19 August 2017, it was reported that the Spanish police suspect that Moroccan born Younes Abouyaaqoub, 22, was the driver of the white van that carried out the attack in Barcelona.
However, there is a belief that the Barcelona attack was an Operation Gladio type of attack, carried out by the security services.
There is a belief that the real attackers were allowed to escape into the Barcelona restaurant, the Luna d'Istanbul.
There is a belief that Younes is a 'patsy'.

The leader of the Welsh nationalists believes that 'right-wing' forces may be behind the Barcelona attack.
However, there is a belief that the Barcelona attack was an Operation Gladio type of attack, carried out by the security services.
There is a belief that the real attackers were allowed to escape into the Barcelona restaurant, the Luna d'Istanbul.
There is a belief that Younes is a 'patsy'.

The leader of the Welsh nationalists believes that 'right-wing' forces may be behind the Barcelona attack.

Barcelona police, after the attack of 17 August 2017.
The police have now dismissed earlier reports of the Barcelona attackers taking hostages in a Turkish restaurant.
It is possible that the police are protecting the attackers?
Police linked to Madrid bombs
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the Barcelona attack.
ISIS is reported to be run by the CIA and Mossad?
America created ISIS - Global Research .

It is possible that the police are protecting the attackers?
Police linked to Madrid bombs
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the Barcelona attack.
ISIS is reported to be run by the CIA and Mossad?
America created ISIS - Global Research .

'Driss Oukabir Soprano'
Driss Oukabir, whose passport was allegedly found in the white van, handed himself in to the police.
It has emerged that, like most well-known 'patsies', 'he had been under police surveillance'.
A report in the Guardian says that Driss Oukabir was arrested after he went to the police to report that his passport had been stolen.
The Guardian says that Driss Oukabir was not the driver of the van.
Driss Oukabir, whose passport was allegedly found in the white van, handed himself in to the police.
It has emerged that, like most well-known 'patsies', 'he had been under police surveillance'.
A report in the Guardian says that Driss Oukabir was arrested after he went to the police to report that his passport had been stolen.
The Guardian says that Driss Oukabir was not the driver of the van.
Mossad has a history of stealing passports.
Mossad's long history of clandestine operations.

Moussa Oukabir (right) and a friend. The authorities were trying to make out that 17-year-old Moussa Oukabir was driving the white van. It is claimed that Moussa Oukabir, 17, was one of five men killed by police after the attack in Cambrils. The Moroccan-born Younes Abouyaaqoub is now named by Spanish media as the suspected driver.
Fake Facebook accounts were set up to discredit Driss Oukabir and his brother Moussa.
The URL of a fake Facebook page contained the name 'Ayman.Arifi' instead of Driss Oukabir Soprano.
The real Driss' Facebook page was shut down.
Driss El Oukabir Soprano Facebook Photos

The police say that in Cambrils, a town south of Barcelona, they killed five alleged attackers at around 1.30am on 18 August 2017.

One of those who witnessed the chaos in Barcelona was Chris Pawley who had also been at Manchester Arena during the recent terror attack there.
Morocco, where the CIA apparently recruits its 'patsies'.
The CIA warned local police that La Rambla, in Barcelona, could be the scene of a terrorist attack.
On 17 August 2017, a white van, reportedly rented, rammed into pedestrians outside a kosher restaurant on a busy street in Barcelona.
Everything we know about the Barcelona terror attack -
Kosher restaurants suggest Mossad?
At least 13 people were killed in what police described as a terrorist attack.
At least 13 people were killed in what police described as a terrorist attack.

After the attack in Barcelona.
"The driver went on the run, and two other men ran into a nearby Turkish restaurant, the Luna d'Istanbul, armed with guns, according to local media.
"The two armed men entrenched themselves in the Turkish restaurant in Barcelona's city centre, and took hostages."
After the attack several armed people enter restaurant .

Barcelona white van.
The spooky lawyer and University of Glasgow rector Aamer Anwar was walking La Ramblas when he heard screaming.
Spain is a base for the families of Mossad spies who operate in North Africa and beyond.

One Mossad-CIA trademark is leaving a fake passport at the scene of their crime.
The police are said to have found a passport in the white van.
The passport belongs to a Spanish national with an Arabic name (Driss Oukabir).

Theresa may refused to back Netanyahu on Iran, and she sacked the top Jews from her cabinet.
When the Kosher Nostra fell out with Theresa May, there were false flag attacks in Manchester and London.

Barcelona football team visiting Israel.

At the start of Summer 2017, almost a thousand Jewish students began a visit to Catalonia to tour the areas of Jewish history in Barcelona.

The King of Spain and a rabbi.
Spain has a history of false flag terrorism.
The 1977 Atocha massacre, which was a part of neofascist terrorism in Spain, killed five people.
This massacre, linked to the CIA's Operation Gladio, was committed in Atocha Street near the Atocha railway station in Madrid.

Madrid 2004
Madrid Bombs - the work of the security services
Madrid Bombs
Rafa Zuher and Jose Emilio Suarez were involved in the Madrid bomb plot, according to the authorities. Spain's El Mundo newspaper said ...
Police linked to Madrid bombs?
The newspaper had published details suggesting the involvement of the security forces in the Madrid bomb blasts. The police are alleged to ...
Madrid Bombs
Police linked to Madrid bombs?
The police and the Madrid Bombs
According to Múgica, at a Madrid police station "the officers wanted to help the ABC reporters, but when the camera crew came, they didn't ...
Security services organised the Madrid bombs?
A headline in the Times, June 21 2004: 'Madrid Bombers Linked to Spanish Security Service.' "The man accused of supplying the dynamite ...
Morocco - recruiting ground for the CIA and MI5. MI5 had a Moroccan-born agent who 'investigated' the 7/7 London bombers and the Madrid ...
A few hours before the Madrid Bombings, NATO carried out a terrorism exercise in Madrid. (Translate this page) Former Secretary General of ...
Labels: Athwal, Atta, Cadman, Cambrils, Chabad, conspiracy, divestment, Driss Oukabir, false flag, Gladio, hostages, Jared Tucker, kosher restaurant, Mossad, passport, Rambla, Rebecca Herman, Spain, white van, Younes
Deja vu...
Barcelona Barcelonette Germanwings crash...
Shooting the GermanWings: Motif & Backgrounds
The moneyholder from the South American country should take possession of an account in Switzerland while the buyer from the Eastern European country should take possession of the cash in South America. That morning in Zurich, some of the people who were involved in this action met and discussed last details.
The moneyholder from South America was booked for lunch, together with his adviser. The four had already met in Madrid the night before; The plane should start next morning from Barcelona (...)
'Passport found' again ... they are laughing at us
Passport / ID documents found at terrorism attack scenes
(1) - 11 Sep 2001 passport found in NYC towers rubble tho aeroplane had 'turned to vapour'
(2) - 7 Jan 2015 Charlie Hebdo, passport in car in front of Paris Jewish deli where Mossad meets
(3) - 13 Nov 2015 Bataclan Paris passport flew from body 'after killer exploded his suicide vest'
(4) - 14 Jul 2016 Nice France lorry attack 'passport found'
(5) - 19 Dec 2016 Berlin Christmas market lorry attack 'ID found', after 24 hours of searching lorry cab
(6) - 22 May 2017 Manchester UK 'suicide bomber leaves ID' at scene amidst another 'terror on 22nd'
(7) - 17 Aug 2017 Barcelona deadly terror attack by white van, 'Spanish passport found in van'
The 'Day the Internet Died' - Aangirfan amongst sites targeted for shut-down?
'Is this the day the Internet dies?' asked an employee of Matthew Prince, Co-founder & CEO of Cloudfare, the utility most sites need to be protected from DDOS cyber-attacks, as Prince decided to start exercising political / moral judgements as to websites that 'deserve' to be left vulnerable to destruction
Profound reporting by Anatoly Karlin, on how all major internet / funding platforms, are well-begun in choking off numerous websites & people from having a voice, via their universal adoption of the 'Social Justice Warrior' censorship agenda, pro-gay-&-LGBT, pro-migrant, 'anti-racist', 'anti-anti-Semitic' etc
Having started with shut-downs of alt-right voices, the controlling internet firms are now moving, as a united goliath, toward shutting down & destroying all websites violating their 'moral standards' ... 'The Cville Cyberpurge', by Anatoly Karlin
Catalonia has the highest Muslim concentrations in Spain & was planning to build one of the largest mosques in the world
About a half million of Catalonia's roughly 7 million residents are Muslim ... they were actually largely invited by Catalonia, on the theory they could be 'taught Catalan' ... Catalonia wished to avoid the typical migrants in Spain from Ecuador & other South American countries, because of their speaking Castilian Spanish, and Catalonia thought it might be better to bring in Muslims from Pakistan etc instead
“Spain is widely seen to be one of most sympathetic countries to Moscow (along with Greece, Italy, Hungary and Bulgaria) and is one of the most openly reluctant to taking a hard line with Russia.
The CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD have already proven that they will do ANYTHING to enforce the dictates of the AAA tyrannical leadership.
Only in this way can Russia be sufficiently softened up before the next phase of the planned World War III.
Barcelona - Dusseldorf flight
Not only were 72 Germans aboard the Germanwings flight, 35 Spaniards were also killed in this state-sponsored ‘terrorist’ operation.
“Was Germanwings jetliner taken down as a message to Germany not to align with Russia?”
Not forgetting all the passports found at the scene of the M17 'crash' some with the kind of 'cut outs' that usually denote an expired passport !
Yes another false flag but the realy frightening aspect of all this is that the vast majority of the public dont care and as these things have become almost everyday events and commonplace I expect a certain boredom has set in. The truth is that most will just skim through stories like this then settle down for the evening to watch mindnumbing talent shows on tv. 'Dumbing down' has become a gross understatement
The date of the attack 17-8-2017 can be numerologically read as 8-8-8. So its a Gladio/NATO attack or Mossad.
Iraqi sources place real death toll in Mosul at 40,000.
The media is desperately trying to divert attention from the massacres happening in Iraq and Syria.
strange they had so called guns but used a van instead....another bullshit ZIONIST EXTREMIST FALSE FLAG
Both are connected anyway
An actress and a Manchester hoax survivor caught in the Barcelona hoax, lol, gimme a break
In April, Barcelona voted against Israeli apartheid. That's why it was targeted.
Well said...
Hello Aang
Relative to the Barcalona "assassinations" yesterday please also consider this:
I think - and I believe I have formerly propounded this view rather unsuccessfully? - that you occasionally have to consider, in addition to all the other missions: What is this or that act of terror supposed to remove focus from?
I this particular case i ask you to please skim this post, that was posted the day before Barna.
To understand the gravity of the picture traced it would also be necessary to skim
By the way I still think the Charlie Hebdo assassinations (Jan.7, 2015?) was probably wholly or in part planned to remove focus from this
or rather: The TPTB had become suspicious that I would go to the (Danish) papers the day before 01.7. with details of my knowledge about the (probable) psychic attack on our then Foreign Ministers wife (which however would almost certainly have been of no awail - naive journalists!).
The particulars are delienated here (sorry, until further notice only in Danish)
More wonderful pictures from Scotland! Perhaps you might enjoy to skim some pretty pictures from the south seas, recently posted on
They seem to have shot dead all the main suspects again - that was convenient. Has an Isis bomber ever survived to go on trial?
Just like the AWB record "Lets go round again" this latest European false flag is just more of the same Modus Operandi as they play out another fake event with all the usual tells that this is an obvious staged event.
Angirfaan website is mentioned here:
English language from 10'
Barcelona “attacks”, false flag • Στημμένο το «χτύπημα» στη Βαρκελώνη - Part 1
Very odd how Russian media are in complete agreement with corrupt scummy western media on their reporting of the violence in Spain.
"A senior Russian legislator said on Thursday that the terrorist attack in Barcelona has once again confirmed that no one in the present-day world can feel safe and that joint efforts are needed to fight international terrorism.
"The main, fundamental condition is to destroy IS (the terrorist group outlawed in Russia) as the breeding ground for international terrorism,"
Spain is a fully committed member of the New World Order, it does not need to be intimidated or brought into line. These attacks are against people, all of us. There are no conflicts between these world powers, only the illusion of conflict, just like in the novel 1984. There is power, and there is people, those are the only two sides.
Fake conflict between nations helps the criminal leaders of those nations control their people. Who those criminal leaders serve is the real question, the real issue.
From Jim Stones site, Mexicans have more balls than we do:
"Mexican Media openly stated that it was a frame up, because it is documented that the Morroccan man DID NOT HAVE HIS PASSPORT AT THE TIME OF THE ATTACK."
Stark need for haze and giant murky clouds? Steve Bannon removed from WhiteHouse. Nuke War to move in soon? - perhaps Aug.30?
Se also:
8/17/17 Barcelona False Flag? Here are five reasons to suspect a possible false flag.
Yes, and all this claims on main media of " coming back to life" afet attacks. Trying to keeep us in optimistic mood, huh ?
BTW : i watch no tv, mate.
"Fake conflict between nations helps the criminal leaders of those nations control their people. Who those criminal leaders serve is the real question, the real issue."
Great comment !
Of course, this way it goes.
But horrible anyway for my beloved Barna.
Been in Barna so many times, planned to settle there or in the countryside.
Last time in June.
Apart of turists crowds and scoundrels, such a great place. Peaceful, shiny, parrots over heads and Hare Krishna chanting and dancing on ramblas...
Now the ugly side, "cannot believe the news today" Thursday bloody thursday :
who benefits :
madrid govt and royal family :
normally the king will rarely turn up there.
But after this massacre he came with president to speak about "united" nation : farce it is.
And lobby above spanish "elites" :
Moshe and Co did Barna Ramblas attack ?
And, look higher, or rather deeper :
beasts from abyss of Agharta, who controls politicians, demons Archons etc :
this is the world we live in...
But God is always powerful than this miserable theater.
Ommm for Peace.
I cannot believe that this happened in Catalonia.
It will be f***ked economically by this, for long time, what was most likely planned...
It will be deeply divided, whole country will be.
But somehow this systems must fall, isn't it ?
Will pray for sunny Spain tonight, anyway.
without hashtags, Twitter etc.
„Terrorism“ also in Turku, Finland,
for me a rather strange story to say the least
nearly as dubious as the recent „chainsaw attack“ in Switzerland, which was officially declared „a non-terrorist attack“ (the chainsaw operator did not yell “Allahu Akbar”)
Gotta love these terrorists who kindly leave their passports behind them at every event. And these stalwart brave souls who continue to travel in spite of being present at multiple terror events around Europe.
That story is f*ing hilarious, I'm amazed anybody still buys this terrorist bullshit.
"Hero Cop" Character Kills 4 "Terrorists". The Absurdity Continues........
The Live Reporting Of The Barcelona Attack Was Very Strange, Even Bizarre."
The Richie Allen Show
Paris, NIzza, Barcelona
Crisis Cloud simulation experts
Ole Dammegard exposes international False Flag psyop corporate hub:!
Ole Dammegard exposes international False Flag psyop corporate hub responsible for 3/22 Westminster & 5/22 Manchester False Flag attacks:!
Crisis actors have appeared in «RT» television, such as Chris Pawley (who witnessed the Manchester bombing), Julia Monaco (who was at the london bridge attacks) and Scott Atran, who says that his niece survived the Bataclan Paris atrocity. The actor Scott Atran smiles at cameras and even says things such as «This is the life I live».
Check this out, pure gold:
Google begins deleting blogs on Blogger - Blogspot for 'excessive negative remarks about Jews'
This is not a drill, this is real, and has begun. Aangirfan's blog may not be with us much longer. This is what Aangirfan's site may look like one morning when we click upon it:
Dozens of sites are being 'de-platformed', not just the racist-humour-mongering Daily Stormer - partial list at links below
'First they came for the Daily Stormers, but I was not a Daily Stormer, so I said nothing ...'
It is primarily at first the 'Alt-Right' that is being hit, but the criteria being used for cyber-purge also apply directly to many other sites such as that of our dear lady host, Aangirfan
Once the 'Alt-Right' is scrubbed they will then move on to the wider targets, anything not 'kosher' per Silicon Valley
Because of the comprehensive de-platforming, it may be difficult to re-host the material such as we find on Aangirfan's many years of posts ... until an 'alternate web' begins to flow
Dissident critical views such as are on Aangirfan, may need in the future to be on the 'Dark Web', not the normal internet, that one accesses with a Tor-type browser ... amidst the 'Dark Web' offerings of child pornography & trafficking, heroin & other dangerous narcotics, crime-for-hire services, weapons & explosives etc ... Daily Stormer is only on the 'Dark Web' at the moment
And one must be suspicious of Tor, it was developed by spooks, employees of the CIA-tied United States Naval Research Laboratory ... Tor is suspected of having back doors to help US gov identify any users ... People who 'trusted' Tor are in some cases serving life sentences in prison now ... The original notion of Tor was for the US-Nato to 'help dissidents in China' etc
Hopefully Aangirfan has archived all her labour of the dozen-plus years
If Aangirfan on the web suddenly disappears, my heartfelt good wishes to her & to all the compassionate & thoughtful readers and commenters who have shared this 'hang-out' ... will look forward to perhaps meeting you in worlds beyond this one
Hopefully the shut-down will not happen soon, or at all ... but it could happen at any moment upon a 'complaint' by an anti-Aangirfan AntiFa
Some links of information, all on alt-right venues but highly relevant for all of us
Overview of the purges underway, with a mention of shut-downs by Google Blogger Blogspot
Article with long list of recently shut down web venues - scroll down for the list
Russian writer Anatoly Karlin on the 'Cville Cyber-purge' after Charlottesville
Bingo Gringo
yep, shes in so much grief. BtW, no mourning color on her, as usual when such hoaxes happen
Incredible. It is even sponsored by Hollywood.
My question is how can they get away with this?
Innocent people are being killed by police, as they shoot to kill, whenever one of these operations is happening. Then, you have the journalists who no longer investigate these actions and just move on with little stories, like the «portuguese woman who saved 30 people in Barcelona».
Tomorrow, most will forget what happened. Other news and other events will occupy their heads, like what they have to buy and bring from malls and super markets. Meanwhile, another false flag operations is on its way.
False flag in Barcelona (in context of planned independence of Catalunia)
(in spanish)
Barcelona del 17.8.17 en el contexto del proceso soberanista catalán y otros eventos de bandera falsa.
A "big celebrity" always dies at the same time as these attacks. Roger Moore at the same time as the Manchester arena attack and now Bruce Forsythe at the same time as this one. No point just a quirky observation.
Ich finde es suspekt und ungeheuerlich und in welcher Matrix leben wir hier gerade.
Jerry Lewis/Dick Gregory in America after Charlottesville and Boston 'lightning rods'?
Well... didn't you know that that's the first lesson when entering the 'terrorist training school': don't forget to take your passports... incredible!!
Longer list of Passport / ID documents found at terrorism attack scenes - at least 8
(had previously omitted that an 'ID' was suspiciously found amidst the London bombings of 2005, much to the lack of credulity of the alleged perpetrator's wife)
(1) - 11 Sep 2001 passport found in NYC towers rubble tho aeroplane had 'turned to vapour'
(2) - 7 Jul 2005 London bomboings - ID of '4th bomber' allegedly 'found by UK police'
(3) - 7 Jan 2015 Charlie Hebdo, passport in car in front of Paris Jewish deli where Mossad meets
(4) - 13 Nov 2015 Bataclan Paris passport flew from body 'after killer exploded his suicide vest'
(5) - 14 Jul 2016 Nice France lorry attack 'passport found'
(6) - 19 Dec 2016 Berlin Christmas market lorry attack 'ID found', after 24 hours of searching lorry cab
(7) - 22 May 2017 Manchester UK 'suicide bomber leaves ID' at scene amidst another 'terror on 22nd'
(8) - 17 Aug 2017 Barcelona deadly terror attack by white van, 'Spanish passport found in van'
A little help please....why are there 2 different vehicles for Charlottesville event ?
1 -
2 -
Look forward to the next exciting episode of this soap opera, where the suspect gets killed in a dramatic shoot-out.
Double Younes anyone?
Me too. Lets just sit back and enjoy the show!
Got it ! If you look at ALL the available video's you will see that the silver Dodge Charger drives forward hard, hitting the back of the white car with some force which in turn shunts the Burgundy SUV forward into the crowd. The Dodge then very expertly and at high speed reverses right back up the same road until it is out of sight. The drone footage has been very cleverly cut so that at no point is the silver Dodge in shot, and it appears that the Burgundy SUV is the car which runs over people ! Google the 2 different 'James Fields' ... very eye opening !
I think he already has been !
Well ,this is the result of european and America if they dont stop war at muslim countrey's terrorism wil never stop they created this mess i cant believe people dont do anything to stop these criminals and the media dat protects them , and tell Pissrael to give back the stolen lands to the Palestians or were are going to get it all back
Peace and Love
Someone who care's about the world
U got it wrong, mate!
Much more important - Reporter Who Exposed BBC Pedophilia Cover Up Found Dead
The shut down of 'free speech' who's next?
The 'far right' are being attacked at the moment also. People don't say a thing because they have been taught to think that this is acceptable because we are taught the 'far right' are bad. But soon enough it will be everything and anything that doesn't agree with what they want. I think the shut down of the so called 'far right' and sites like wings over Scotland are just the beginning.
Good point. She was only 50. This story seems to have been ignored somewhat. Very suspicious.
Yes, in your face, exactly, in our faces...
what a sick world.
Oh not, world is ok, just ppl are crazy.
Elites and their servants.
That's not true. All south americans in Catalonia together are more people than all muslims. Catalonia needed workers for industry and agriculture, no matter from where they come and no matther the language.
Thank you for update, Aanir.
This trace of real killers hiding into Turk resto makes sense, and then patsies were mercilessly eliminated.
BUT if the whole thing was faked( Ramblas massacre??? ) can anybody pls explain this to me HOW on Earth...this could be faked ???
Using photoshopped images ? Crowds on demand mixed with REAL passers by and real tourists ?
As things get 'hot' in Catalonia with its Israeli-Mossad ties & Spain about to break up, wanted to gather up Aangirfan's material on 'Very Jewish Catalonia' in particular, & add a few notes from Aang's links ... Good time for separate post on this?
The photo with Catalan President Carles Puigdemont & Jewish Russian Billionaire Shimon Aminov, also includes 'Putin's rabbi' from Chabad, Berel Lazar, in the group
Catalonia's government website says, "From the Catalan Government Trade & Investment office in Tel-Aviv, you get tailor–made information & full support for a smooth, fast and successful set-up of operations in Catalonia from start to finish."
Henry Makow tells us that there is a war within the kosher nostra, between the 'pure globalists' like George Soros, & the 'nationalists with Zionists' tied to Netanyahu
Netanyahu is playing very cleverly on the populist emotions in support of nationalist self-determination ... with Viktor Orbán in Hungary, with the Kurds in Iraq-Syria-Iran-Turkey, with Catalonia in Spain
This is a very clever card to play, much more clever than the tiresome Soros themes
And Netanyahu has inspired some good humour with his 'penguin' remarks at the UN
"I haven’t yet visited Antarctica, but one day I want to go there too because I’ve heard that penguins are also enthusiastic supporters of Israel. You laugh, but penguins have no difficulty recognising that some things are black & white, are right & wrong."
- Israel Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu speaking at the United Nations, 19 September 2017
Photo of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu holding up photo of penguins at United Nations
Gee, I wonder who is making physicians give a majority of their patients prescriptions for Hydrocodone an other narcotics?
Catalonia Connects
September 5th-7th, 2017
Tel Aviv,
A History of Jewish Catalonia: The Life and Death of Jewish Communities in Medieval Catalonia
The Jews of Catalonia by Sarina Roffé
"Sarina Roffé is a career journalist and holds a masters in Jewish Studies. She has researched numerous genealogies including the Kassin and Labaton rabbinic dynasties ans is considered an expert in Aleppan Jewry. She is a member of Brooklyn's Syrian Jewish community and the Jewish Genealogical Society, Inc. of New York."
I still remember your post that they are having a large scale anti terror drill in Scotland in October. With all the recent 'attacks' there have been drills before hand as you have pointed out. And whoever knew a bomb could explode and send a fireball down a train and not even melt the plastic Lidl bag it was in, not burn any of the stuff on the train, magic fire, comes from the same place as magic passports I suspect.
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