A good headmaster (head teacher) gets the disruptive kids out of the classroom.
Academics at the Centre for High Performance, a research group, looked at changes made by 411 heads over a seven-year period.
Super heads | The Economist
Typical measures that heads employ to boost exam results include excluding unruly pupils.
However, excluding disruptive pupils can mean less cash from the government.
'The best heads tackle misbehaviour by moving the most disruptive children to separate classes.
'The best heads link up with nearby primary schools so they can shape pupils from an early age.'
BELOW, is what we wrote earlier:

One parent told Dr Rory Fox, the Head of a school in the UK:
"My daughter doesn't do detention."
Another parent told Dr Fox: "My child likes to swear at people, that's just how she is.
"It's none of your business to try to change her.
"We like her how she is."
Some parents threatened Dr Fox, saying: "We know where you live and if you don't let our children wear trainers, you'll be sorry."
There was abuse from parents on Facebook, Twitter and in the local newspaper.
Ryde Academy head sent 40 girls home in a day as their skirts were too short

A UK school in 1853.
There was abuse from parents on Facebook, Twitter and in the local newspaper.
Ryde Academy head sent 40 girls home in a day as their skirts were too short

A UK school in 1853.
Dr Fox became the 'principal' of Ryde Academy, on the Isle of Wight, in January 2014.
Dr Fox is a 'troubleshooter' who gets sent into troubled schools, for limited periods of time, to make improvements.
Back in April 2013, an inspectors' report had declared Ryde Academy 'Inadequate' and having problems with bullying.
Dr Fox believes in rules, detentions and exclusions.
Dr Fox believes in rules, detentions and exclusions.
When he first arrived Ryde Academy he believed that "50% of the teaching at Ryde was not good enough."
One senior teacher "had refused to set homework because his working day finished at 2.40pm and he wouldn't be able to mark it - as he was going sailing."
"He is no longer with us," says Dr Fox.

Riverside School, Thamesmead.
As a result of Dr Fox's new regime, the inspectors say that bullying is now 'very rare'.
And, exclusions from school are half the national average.
Rosie, aged 15, says of the changes: "It was a bit of a shock when he started enforcing all the rules, but in the long run, people learn better. Classes start on time.
"Now, because we know we'll get detention, no one forgets their books. I think he's done it for the right reason.
"The odd thing is, he's not particularly strict in lessons. I've never even heard him shout."

Riverside School, Thamesmead.
Dr Fox's previous school was Basildon Academy in Essex.
And, exclusions from school are half the national average.
Rosie, aged 15, says of the changes: "It was a bit of a shock when he started enforcing all the rules, but in the long run, people learn better. Classes start on time.
"Now, because we know we'll get detention, no one forgets their books. I think he's done it for the right reason.
"The odd thing is, he's not particularly strict in lessons. I've never even heard him shout."

Riverside School, Thamesmead.
Dr Fox's previous school was Basildon Academy in Essex.
When Dr Fox arrived at Basildon Academy, "graffiti covered the walls and truancy, bullying, fighting and staff absenteeism were high.
"Little homework was set, none was marked and pupils routinely walked out in the middle of lessons to smoke cigarettes."
Within a year, Dr Fox had improved the results in external exams.
"Little homework was set, none was marked and pupils routinely walked out in the middle of lessons to smoke cigarettes."
Within a year, Dr Fox had improved the results in external exams.
After Dr Fox left Basildon Academy, the governors "immediately and systematically unravelled Dr Fox's changes."
In one school, Dr Fox "discovered a group of special needs children had been left to colour in pictures."
Dr Fox started teaching them to read and write.
In one school, Dr Fox "discovered a group of special needs children had been left to colour in pictures."
Dr Fox started teaching them to read and write.
Parents threatened to sue him "because he was making their children unhappy by teaching them to read and write."
The super headteacher Rory Fox was sacked for being too good.dailymail.

How are school kids treated today? MICHAEL, JIMMY
1. It sometimes seems that the elite are responsible for the sad state of some of our schools.
"Justice David Collins ruled that the Hastings school was wrong to suspend Lucan Battison, saying his disobedience wasn't serious enough to warrant a suspension."
NZ school disappointed at hair ruling.

Children copy their parents.
2. "One of the main reasons so many teachers leave after three to four years in the profession - is noisy and disruptive classrooms.
"Australian classrooms were ranked 34th out of 65 countries in a recent OECD survey that asked 15-year-old students to describe the levels of noise and disorder, the time it takes them to start working, whether they are able to work uninterrupted and whether they listen to the teacher.
"It found Australian classrooms, compared with those in places that achieve the best results in international tests, such as South Korea, Singapore, Japan and Shanghai, are noisier and more disruptive and more time is wasted as teachers try to establish control."
The lost art of discipline | The Australian
3. A study, by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, questioned more than 100,000 teachers across 34 countries.
The study found that in secondary schools in England unruly pupils are 'ruining four in every ten lessons'.
Teachers in England spend an average of seven minutes in every lesson dealing with incidents of disorder.
Teachers in England are verbally abused and intimidated more often than in nearly all other countries.
In England, the level of disruption was the fifth highest among the countries studied.
Teachers in England taught the most children described as having special educational needs
Read more: http://www.dailymail. / OECD: chattering, badly behaved students
5. The best behaved school pupils are in Asian countries, such as Thailand, Singapore, China and Korea.
OECD educationtoday.
However, a headmaster once told us that if you take a child from one of these Asian countries and put them into a bad school in England or Australia, it may not be too long before that child starts to behave badly.
1. It sometimes seems that the elite are responsible for the sad state of some of our schools.
"Justice David Collins ruled that the Hastings school was wrong to suspend Lucan Battison, saying his disobedience wasn't serious enough to warrant a suspension."
NZ school disappointed at hair ruling.

Children copy their parents.
2. "One of the main reasons so many teachers leave after three to four years in the profession - is noisy and disruptive classrooms.
"Australian classrooms were ranked 34th out of 65 countries in a recent OECD survey that asked 15-year-old students to describe the levels of noise and disorder, the time it takes them to start working, whether they are able to work uninterrupted and whether they listen to the teacher.
"It found Australian classrooms, compared with those in places that achieve the best results in international tests, such as South Korea, Singapore, Japan and Shanghai, are noisier and more disruptive and more time is wasted as teachers try to establish control."
The lost art of discipline | The Australian

3. A study, by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, questioned more than 100,000 teachers across 34 countries.
The study found that in secondary schools in England unruly pupils are 'ruining four in every ten lessons'.
Teachers in England spend an average of seven minutes in every lesson dealing with incidents of disorder.
Teachers in England are verbally abused and intimidated more often than in nearly all other countries.
In England, the level of disruption was the fifth highest among the countries studied.
Teachers in England taught the most children described as having special educational needs
Read more: http://www.dailymail. / OECD: chattering, badly behaved students

Some children want to learn. populyst
4. Black pupils have achieved the biggest rise in test and exam results of any ethnic group including whites.
A report has found that social deprivation and the low aspirations of parents have caused low achievement among white, working-class pupils in England.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.

Eton.4. Black pupils have achieved the biggest rise in test and exam results of any ethnic group including whites.
A report has found that social deprivation and the low aspirations of parents have caused low achievement among white, working-class pupils in England.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.

5. The best behaved school pupils are in Asian countries, such as Thailand, Singapore, China and Korea.
OECD educationtoday.
However, a headmaster once told us that if you take a child from one of these Asian countries and put them into a bad school in England or Australia, it may not be too long before that child starts to behave badly.
And, we know that some parents in China are TOO strict.

According to The Economist: "People who don't get on ... have the option of avoiding each other."
Behaviour | The Economist
This is not true for most children when they are at school.

The typical school is like a weird sort of zoo - where all the animals are placed together in the one large cage.
According to The Economist: "It is probably not a good idea to put two animals with high dominance scores in the same enclosure."
Behaviour | The Economist

Prince Charles at Gordonstoun
Similarly, it is not a good idea put someone like Prince Charles into a school like Gordonstoun.
"A prison sentence," was how Charles described Gordonstoun. "Colditz with kilts."
"Like penal servitude," agreed William Boyd, a Gordonstoun contemporary of Charles. "I happen to know, from his own lips, that Prince Charles utterly detested it."

Ideally, children have a choice of schools and education styles.
My town used to have several small schools.
Now, sadly, there is only one giant school.
Governments should not dictate how schools are to be run.

New curriculum swings back to an out of date teaching style - FT
It is surely silly to have kids memorising huge quantities of dates and facts and figures, when such information is now available online.
Neil Carberry, director of employment and skills at the Confederation of British Industry, says that the UK government's emphasis on rote learning might not be the best way to prepare pupils for employment.
According to Stephen Heppell, an education adviser to governments around the world:
"Schools should prepare pupils to interpret data and understand uncertainties.
"We need kids that can make things and do things, and that won't happen by giving them a heap of facts."
New curriculum swings back to an out of date teaching style - FT

Similarly, it is not a good idea put someone like Prince Charles into a school like Gordonstoun.
"A prison sentence," was how Charles described Gordonstoun. "Colditz with kilts."
"Like penal servitude," agreed William Boyd, a Gordonstoun contemporary of Charles. "I happen to know, from his own lips, that Prince Charles utterly detested it."

Ideally, children have a choice of schools and education styles.
My town used to have several small schools.
Now, sadly, there is only one giant school.
Governments should not dictate how schools are to be run.

New curriculum swings back to an out of date teaching style - FT
It is surely silly to have kids memorising huge quantities of dates and facts and figures, when such information is now available online.
Neil Carberry, director of employment and skills at the Confederation of British Industry, says that the UK government's emphasis on rote learning might not be the best way to prepare pupils for employment.
According to Stephen Heppell, an education adviser to governments around the world:
"We need kids that can make things and do things, and that won't happen by giving them a heap of facts."
New curriculum swings back to an out of date teaching style - FT

The school system needs to become more flexible.
"There is no systematic use of the internet...
"Teachers still stand up in front of pupils and read out from their own lesson plans; kids still turn up to classrooms, sit behind desks and listen, taking notes.."
Schools are failing our children
"There is no systematic use of the internet...
"Teachers still stand up in front of pupils and read out from their own lesson plans; kids still turn up to classrooms, sit behind desks and listen, taking notes.."
Schools are failing our children
In the UK, 19.8% of school pupils have special educational needs
(eg learning and behavioural difficulties)
The EU average is 4%

Photo by Bert Hardy
Why does one child succeed in life, and another one 'fail'?
In How Children Succeed, Paul Tough writes that what matters most is character skills.
These are skills such as self confidence, optimism, perseverance, curiosity, conscientiousness, and self-control.
In other words, emotional intelligence, as taught by good parents, good mentors and good private schools, is what matters.

Both rich children and poor children can lack emotional intelligence.
"Suniya Luthar, a psychologist at Columbia University found significant psychological problems at the high end of the income spectrum... These problems arise most often in those high-income homes where children feel simultaneously a great pressure to achieve and an emotional distance from their parents..."
'How Children Succeed' — Q&A with Paul Tough

Bill Brandt
"When this region is damaged - a common condition for children living amid the pressures of poverty - it is tougher to suppress unproductive instincts."
School reform: Stay focused | The Economist

But not always.
The silver-haired safety net
The EU average is 4%

Photo by Bert Hardy
Why does one child succeed in life, and another one 'fail'?
In How Children Succeed, Paul Tough writes that what matters most is character skills.
These are skills such as self confidence, optimism, perseverance, curiosity, conscientiousness, and self-control.
In other words, emotional intelligence, as taught by good parents, good mentors and good private schools, is what matters.

Both rich children and poor children can lack emotional intelligence.
"Suniya Luthar, a psychologist at Columbia University found significant psychological problems at the high end of the income spectrum... These problems arise most often in those high-income homes where children feel simultaneously a great pressure to achieve and an emotional distance from their parents..."
'How Children Succeed' — Q&A with Paul Tough

Bill Brandt
"Apparently medical reasons explain why children who grow up in abusive or dysfunctional environments generally find it harder to concentrate, sit still and rebound from disappointments.
"The part of the brain most affected by early stress is the prefrontal cortex, which is critical for regulating thoughts and mediating behaviour.
School reform: Stay focused | The Economist

Website for this image...
Children who do not have good parents need good mentors and tutors, according to Paul Tough.
"Studies show that early nurturing from parents or caregivers helps combat the biochemical effects of stress.
"Studies show that early nurturing from parents or caregivers helps combat the biochemical effects of stress.
"And educators can push better habits and self control.
"The 'prefrontal cortex is more responsive to intervention than other parts of the brain,' writes Mr Tough.
"It stays malleable well into early adulthood.
"Character can be taught."
School reform: Stay focused | The Economist

The problem is - how does a child from a problem family find a good mentor?
The best mentors are often grandparents.
School reform: Stay focused | The Economist

The problem is - how does a child from a problem family find a good mentor?
The best mentors are often grandparents.
The silver-haired safety net
Super heads | The Economist
Labels: behaviour, discipline, disruption, education, exclude, families, headmaster, schools
Hi there the illustrious company of convent schoolgirls!
I found a GREAT opportunity to use your Ghislaine Maxwell spot.
Why Hillary Or Trump Will Never Mention The Name Virginia Roberts
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