"Scotland Yard (the London police force) is to be investigated over claims it covered up child sex offences due to the involvement of both Members of Parliament and police officers."
But, what about the cover up of child sex offences worldwide - due to the involvement of the military, the security services and the elite in general?

Belgian Member of Parliament Laurent Louis publicised a list was of the people ALLEGEDLY involved in the Dutroux affair. Among the names listed: US General Michael Aquino ( military psychological warfare; involved in "Monarch" brainwashing; Councillor for Western Europe Chiefs of Staff) Paul Bonacci, victim of Monarch brainwashing, Willy Claes Secretary General of NATO in 1994 and 95, Elio di Rupo former Belgian Prime Minister, André Cools , assassinated Belgian government minister... http://jeugdzorg-darkhorse. blogspot.nl/2013/03/no-faith-in-dutch-family-law.html
"The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is investigating allegations of 'historic, high level corruption of the most serious nature' within the (London) Metropolitan Police force.
"The Met is being probed over 14 referrals made to the IPCC detailing alleged corruption in the force relating to child sexual offences from the 1970s to the 2005."
Metropolitan police investigated over child sex abuse 'cover-up' claims involving MPs and officers.
What about the cover up by GOOGLE?
If you google: "aangirfan child abuse", Google hides all the most important posts we have written on this.
Try searching for this on Google:
Lots of important people are listed in EPSTEIN'S BLACK BOOK
But it looks as if there is a cover up on this as well.

Michael Egan, who says he was sexually abused by Bryan Singer and others in Hollywood.
Michael Egan's mother has said, "I wrote every news channel, every magazine, every talk-show host, everybody, from Oprah to '20/20' to '60 Minutes'....
"Nobody wanted to do anything because of the high-profile people involved."
Media Accused of Hollywood Sex Ring Cover-up - April 25, 2014

There are pedophile rings which include government officials, politicians, TV executives, TV presenters and the police.
This is how it works worldwide.

The UK police have contacted a man living in the USA who, as an eight year-old child, was sexually abused at a boy brothel by a very top UK politician.
According to the Daily Telegraph:
Westminster paedophile ring
1. "For years, MI5 had been aware of a child sex ring operating within the Kincora Boys Home in East Belfast, which was run by William McGrath, a notorious homosexual....
"McGrath... was employed by MI5 since the mid 1960s.
"Amongst various other Loyalist members of the homosexual ring were John McKeague, who ran the Loyalist paramilitary organisation, the Red Hand Commandos, which was involved in many sectarian killings...
"So, MI5 allowed the ill-treatment and sexual abuse of residents at the Kincora Boys Home to continue..."

4. In a number of Leicester children's homes, between 1973 and 1986, various adults were involved in sexual abuse of children. (Uncovering The Past Abuse of Children in Care ).
These were homes run by Frank Beck. At his trial in 1991, Beck was found guilty of 17 counts of physical and sexual abuse.
There was a Police Complaints Authority investigation into why so many of the complaints made to police by children had been ignored.

5. "I believe that Hamilton was a major provider of pornographic photographs and videos to a ring of men prominent in Central Scotland, including police officers who protected him from numerous allegations of physical abuse at boys' camps and clubs he ran."
11. In October 2009, we learnt that the UK Government’s childcare watchdog (Ofsted) had appointed John Goldup as its social care director in charge of protecting children in care homes across the UK. (Top Ofsted job for official embroiled in council child sex scandal.)
During the Eighties and early Nineties, Goldup was the second top person in the children’s department at Islington Council in London.
A major child sex ring operated throughout Islington borough’s care homes in the 1980s and 1990s.
12. In Thailand, and elsewhere, it is the top police and military who protect the child brothels, reportedly.
In Belgium, it was top policemen and judges who reportedly protected Dutroux's child abuse network.
In the USA, the military have been linked to organised child sex abuse networks.
13. On 6 May 3009, The Guardian (UK) revealed that children from a UK children's home have ended up in UK brothels.
(Trafficked children lost by care home)
A 59-bed local authority home "has been used as a clearing house for a trade in children that stretches across four continents."
Since March 2006, at least 77 children have gone missing from the home, which is operated by the London borough of Hillingdon.
Some of the children "simply walk out of the front door into waiting cars."
Where are the police?
17. In 1985, 14-year-old Jason Swift was killed by a child-abuse gang.
Jason is believed to have lived in Islington council's Conewood Street children's home. (Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London)
Sidney Cooke, Leslie Bailey, Robert Oliver, and Lennie Smith, were imprisoned in 1989 for the manslaughter of Jason Swift.
Cooke and his gang had sexually tortured and prostituted a number of boys.
The gang is believed to have killed at least nine children.[2]
Cooke was sentenced to 19 years in prison.
In 1998, Cooke was let out of prison eight years early.
There have been allegations that very powerful people have been involved in a child-abuse ring connected to Islington children's homes. ( Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London)
In 1982 Margaret Hodge (nee Oppenheimer) became Islington council leader.
She became a close friend of Tony Blair, who lived in Islington, a few doors away from Hodge.
In February 1990 Liz Davies and David Cofie, senior social workers, discovered evidence of sex abuse of children and reported it to a residents' meeting attended by Mrs Hodge.
In May 1990 Mr Cofie and Ms Davies were told by Lyn Cusack, assistant director of social services, to stop interviewing children about the abuse claims.
On 1 May 1997 Tony Blair moved from Islington to Downing Street.
In June 2003 Mrs Hodge was made minister for Children. (Another minister under fire: call for Hodge to quit over child ...)

18. The Independent, 9 March 2008, has an article on missing children (Our children are missing: Most vulnerable youngsters are targeted) which tells us the following:
Sarah Benford, 14, disappeared from Welford House children's home in Northampton in April 2000.
She is still missing.
The UK's Police National Missing Persons Bureau has 1,418 "open cases" of missing children.
According to Police figures more than 100 children who should be in care have been missing for at least four years.
Many children who go missing are not reported to the police.
Member of parliament Helen Southworth says: "All figures on children missing from anywhere are estimates because, astonishingly, there is no requirement for data to be recorded or collected nationally."
Almost 1,000 children went missing from UK residential and foster care in 2007.
The number that went missing from care increased from 570 in 1997 to 950 in 2007.

19. Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes in Portsmouth, across the water from Jersey, is at the centre of a child abuse scandal.
Two former child residents of Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes claim children were taken from their dormitories during the night and disappeared.
Reg Tugatt, 59, a former resident of Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes says he saw 'suspicious holes dug'.
Reg has given police a map showing holes dug in the vicinity of Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes - in a wood and near an orchard. (Police handed map of holes at child abuse scandal home / Second 'abuse' victim speaks out)
Reg said he was taken into care at the home in 1956, aged eight, and stayed there for three years.
A spokeswoman for Hampshire Police said: 'We have no plans to dig up any sites in Portsmouth and continue to hold the position that there are no links between allegations made in reference to the Children's Cottage Homes in Cosham and the ongoing investigation in Jersey.'
Les Cummings, 63, is campaigning for an apology from Portsmouth City Council for the abuse he claims to have at the hands of his foster father and at the Children's Cottage Homes.
A total of 21 men and women told detectives they suffered physical and sexual abuse as children at Children's Cottage Homes.
A 78-year-old woman from Devon was arrested on suspicion of indecent assault but when police passed the file to Crown Prosecution Service lawyers they decided there was not enough evidence to charge her.
Les Cummings went to police to ask them to look again at their earlier investigation into the claims of 21 men and women.
The Crown Prosecution Service examined allegations against the centre but decided not to prosecute.
Both Reg and Les claim that a number of children were taken from their dormitories during the night and disappeared.
In 2001, former Mayor of Portsmouth Freddie Emery-Wallis, 'was jailed for nine months after he was found guilty on five counts of indecent assault against two teenage boys.' (Polar)
There have been allegations of a large child abuse ring, involving top people, in the Portsmouth area - Cached
Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jersey case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth. - Policed reopen Hampshire child home investigation
Fort Monckton, near Portsmouth is reportedly used for the training of MI6 recruits - (Sacked spy's blog takes on MI6).

Child abuse in the UK: Jersey, Kincora, North Wales...
20. Edward Paisnel, the Beast of Jersey, was the son of wealthy Jersey landowners.
During the period 1958 - 1971, Paisnel abducted and abused a number of children.
Paisnel was a fan of the 15th-century Breton, Gilles de Rais, who murdered around 200 children.
The authorities discovered that Paisnel had a secret satanic chamber. (Sir Peter Crill obituary - Times Online)
Paisnel claimed he was a member of a satanic group. File: /files/Religion/Wicca/witchcraftDeviltry.txt
According to the Daily Telegraph:
Westminster paedophile ring
"Scotland Yard has tracked down a child at the centre of a ... 1980s Westminster paedophile ring who has implicated a senior political figure...
"The man - now in his 40s - is a successful entrepreneur based in the United States and has given a detailed account of how he was assaulted by the politician...
"Police have traced a copy of a statement he gave more than 30 years ago as a child when he was rescued from horrific sexual assault.
"The man - now in his 40s - is a successful entrepreneur based in the United States and has given a detailed account of how he was assaulted by the politician...
"Police have traced a copy of a statement he gave more than 30 years ago as a child when he was rescued from horrific sexual assault.
"His version of events is understood to be corroborated by a detective who conducted the official interview with the child at the time."
However, the victim - "who was initially willing to co-operate - has so far refused to make a formal statement to British detectives."
The problem is that:
However, the victim - "who was initially willing to co-operate - has so far refused to make a formal statement to British detectives."

1. These child brothels and pedophile rings are reportedly run by the CIA, MI5 and their friends.
These child brothels and pedophile rings have been used by large numbers of the key people who run the country.
2. The whistleblowers tend to die in mysterious circumstances.

According to The Telegraph:

According to The Telegraph:
UK police have examined the case of the eight-year-old victim.
The victim was abused at the Elm Guest House boy brothel in London.
The UK police reportedly got a US law enforcement officer (CIA?) to interview the victim.
The victim was abused at the Elm Guest House boy brothel in London.
The UK police reportedly got a US law enforcement officer (CIA?) to interview the victim.
The US officer reported back to the UK police that the victim was "ready to spill the beans".
The man then "changed his mind for unknown reasons and refused to co-operate."
The retired police officer who interviewed the victim at the time "is reluctant to go into detail about why information about the politician was not included into witness statements at the time or submitted into evidence as part of a potential prosecution."
According to the Daily Telegraph:
"One Labour politician, who went on to become a minister under Tony Blair, has reportedly been accused of child abuse and of trying to help convicted paedophile Michael John Carroll foster two young brothers."
Westminster paedophile ring
Now, here is a blog post that GOOGLE appears to be making it hard to find.

According to the Daily Telegraph:
"One Labour politician, who went on to become a minister under Tony Blair, has reportedly been accused of child abuse and of trying to help convicted paedophile Michael John Carroll foster two young brothers."
Westminster paedophile ring
Now, here is a blog post that GOOGLE appears to be making it hard to find.

Kincora children's care home - reportedly used by MI5 as a boy brothel.
1. "For years, MI5 had been aware of a child sex ring operating within the Kincora Boys Home in East Belfast, which was run by William McGrath, a notorious homosexual....
"McGrath... was employed by MI5 since the mid 1960s.
"Amongst various other Loyalist members of the homosexual ring were John McKeague, who ran the Loyalist paramilitary organisation, the Red Hand Commandos, which was involved in many sectarian killings...
"So, MI5 allowed the ill-treatment and sexual abuse of residents at the Kincora Boys Home to continue..."
Kincora Boys
2. "The role of MI5 sponsored boys homes/abuse circles in Kincora, Northern Ireland, Dunblane, Scotland and probably Cardiff mirrors on a smaller scale the systematic role that State- sponsored child abuse has played in the centres of power in the US and Brussels."
2. "The role of MI5 sponsored boys homes/abuse circles in Kincora, Northern Ireland, Dunblane, Scotland and probably Cardiff mirrors on a smaller scale the systematic role that State- sponsored child abuse has played in the centres of power in the US and Brussels."

North Wales paedophile ring.
3. "Scallywag Magazine alleged that MI5 used to take foreign diplomats to the North Wales homes, give them boys to 'play' with, secretly filmed them as they buggered, abused and tortured boys then kept the tapes as evidence.
Over a dozen victims who complained of abuse by the paedophile ring 'have met suspicious deaths'."
3. "Scallywag Magazine alleged that MI5 used to take foreign diplomats to the North Wales homes, give them boys to 'play' with, secretly filmed them as they buggered, abused and tortured boys then kept the tapes as evidence.
Over a dozen victims who complained of abuse by the paedophile ring 'have met suspicious deaths'."
North Wales paedophile ring, top people, the police and the security services / Now defunct magazine Scallywag covered events at Bryn Alyn in detail

North Wales paedophile ring.
According to 'PUBLIC FIGURES NAMED IN PAEDOPHILE RING' By Nick Davies 1997 :
The people involved in child sexual abuse in children's care homes in Wales included:

North Wales paedophile ring.
According to 'PUBLIC FIGURES NAMED IN PAEDOPHILE RING' By Nick Davies 1997 :
The people involved in child sexual abuse in children's care homes in Wales included:
"A man who bears the same surname as a prominent Conservative supporter.
"Two witnesses have told the tribunal of a rich and powerful man who belonged to the alleged ring.
"The son of an influential peer who admitted to police that he had been having sex with an under-age boy from one of the homes.
"The son of an influential peer who admitted to police that he had been having sex with an under-age boy from one of the homes.
"Despite his admission, he was never prosecuted.
"A powerful public official who has previously been cleared of abuse.
"A powerful public official who has previously been cleared of abuse.
"Policemen, social workers and prominent public figures..."

These were homes run by Frank Beck. At his trial in 1991, Beck was found guilty of 17 counts of physical and sexual abuse.
There was a Police Complaints Authority investigation into why so many of the complaints made to police by children had been ignored.

5. "I believe that Hamilton was a major provider of pornographic photographs and videos to a ring of men prominent in Central Scotland, including police officers who protected him from numerous allegations of physical abuse at boys' camps and clubs he ran."
Lianne Smith and her daughter.
6. Lianne Smith was head of the Cumbria County Council department set up to protect children.
It 2007 Lianne Smith went missing from the UK.
6. Lianne Smith was head of the Cumbria County Council department set up to protect children.
It 2007 Lianne Smith went missing from the UK.
Dylan, who was found hanged at a UK children's home
7. In 2009, 11 year old Dylan McDonald was found hanged at a children's home, in Cumbria in the UK.
Uncle Shaun McDonald told how Dylan had been excitedly looking forward to trips back home to see his dad Peter and mum Sharon.
7. In 2009, 11 year old Dylan McDonald was found hanged at a children's home, in Cumbria in the UK.
Uncle Shaun McDonald told how Dylan had been excitedly looking forward to trips back home to see his dad Peter and mum Sharon.
Jersey in the UK has links to child abuse.
8. A sex abuse victim at Jersey's Haut de la Garenne children's home told how two of his friends were found hanged after they had been raped.
"Carl Denning also chillingly recalled how a boy died mysteriously in a sick bay used by staff and their paedophile pals." (Jersey kids' home Haute de la Garenne Sex abuse victim Carl.)
'MI5 agent' David Rose has tried to make out that the problems at Haut de la Garenne were exaggerated. (Bungled Jersey child abuse probe branded a '£20million shambles.)
This is the same David Rose who told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. (David Rose - disinformation agent?)

8. A sex abuse victim at Jersey's Haut de la Garenne children's home told how two of his friends were found hanged after they had been raped.
"Carl Denning also chillingly recalled how a boy died mysteriously in a sick bay used by staff and their paedophile pals." (Jersey kids' home Haute de la Garenne Sex abuse victim Carl.)
'MI5 agent' David Rose has tried to make out that the problems at Haut de la Garenne were exaggerated. (Bungled Jersey child abuse probe branded a '£20million shambles.)
This is the same David Rose who told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. (David Rose - disinformation agent?)

Neve Lafferty and Georgia Rowe, who were staying at a care home, fell to their deaths from the Erskine Bridge.
9. Neve Lafferty, 15, from Helensburgh in Scotland, and Georgia Rowe, 14, from Hull in England, were staying at the Catholic Church's Good Shepherd care home in Renfrewshire, in Scotland.
On 4 October 2009, the two girls fell to their deaths from the Erskine Bridge over the River Clyde. ('Suicide' girls' care home reveals runaway figures.)
10. On 6 October 2009, we read about a damning report into Birmingham's children's services following a series of child deaths. (Social services deemed 'unfit' to protect city's needy children)

9. Neve Lafferty, 15, from Helensburgh in Scotland, and Georgia Rowe, 14, from Hull in England, were staying at the Catholic Church's Good Shepherd care home in Renfrewshire, in Scotland.
On 4 October 2009, the two girls fell to their deaths from the Erskine Bridge over the River Clyde. ('Suicide' girls' care home reveals runaway figures.)
10. On 6 October 2009, we read about a damning report into Birmingham's children's services following a series of child deaths. (Social services deemed 'unfit' to protect city's needy children)

11. In October 2009, we learnt that the UK Government’s childcare watchdog (Ofsted) had appointed John Goldup as its social care director in charge of protecting children in care homes across the UK. (Top Ofsted job for official embroiled in council child sex scandal.)
During the Eighties and early Nineties, Goldup was the second top person in the children’s department at Islington Council in London.
A major child sex ring operated throughout Islington borough’s care homes in the 1980s and 1990s.

Paul A. Bonacci said that, as a child, he was kidnapped by the US ,military, tortured and subjected to sex abuse and mind control. In 1999, in a court in Omaha, he won $1,000,000 in damages.
12. In Thailand, and elsewhere, it is the top police and military who protect the child brothels, reportedly.
In Belgium, it was top policemen and judges who reportedly protected Dutroux's child abuse network.
In the USA, the military have been linked to organised child sex abuse networks.
13. On 6 May 3009, The Guardian (UK) revealed that children from a UK children's home have ended up in UK brothels.
(Trafficked children lost by care home)
A 59-bed local authority home "has been used as a clearing house for a trade in children that stretches across four continents."
Since March 2006, at least 77 children have gone missing from the home, which is operated by the London borough of Hillingdon.
Some of the children "simply walk out of the front door into waiting cars."
Where are the police?

Wathelet - allegations of child abuse
14. In 1992, Belgian Justice Minister Melchior Wathelet released Marc Dutroux on parole.
Dutroux had served slightly more than three years of a 13 year sentence for raping young girls.
Dutroux was later convicted of having kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused six girls during 1995 and 1996, ranging in age from 8 to 19, two of whom he murdered. - Melchior Wathelet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The following comes from Werkgroep Morkhoven :
"According to a police document from the Dutroux enquiry, obtained by The Sprout, serious allegations about Wathelet’s involvement in paedophilia came to light.
"In these documents, a police source and senior psychotherapist informed a colleague of a session he had been having with a client.
14. In 1992, Belgian Justice Minister Melchior Wathelet released Marc Dutroux on parole.
Dutroux had served slightly more than three years of a 13 year sentence for raping young girls.
Dutroux was later convicted of having kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused six girls during 1995 and 1996, ranging in age from 8 to 19, two of whom he murdered. - Melchior Wathelet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The following comes from Werkgroep Morkhoven :
"According to a police document from the Dutroux enquiry, obtained by The Sprout, serious allegations about Wathelet’s involvement in paedophilia came to light.
"In these documents, a police source and senior psychotherapist informed a colleague of a session he had been having with a client.
"The client disclosed the details of events in Verviers (where Wathelet was Mayor) during 1992.
"He spoke of orgies that had been taking place in a country house where two children had been involved.
"These children, between 8 and 10 years old, had come from a children’s home, with the complicity of the director of the home.
"These children, between 8 and 10 years old, had come from a children’s home, with the complicity of the director of the home.

"The 'party', it is alleged in the police documents, was organised partly by Wathelet.
"The client reported his involvement in the parties to the children’s welfare office in Verviers and to the local police. In return he received threats from both organisations and from other parties...
"This case was never investigated; as the police report confirms: 'the 2 dossiers on the child welfare services have disappeared'.
"Three years after this report, Wathelet became Belgium’s Minister for Defence in June 1995 but was rapidly nominated to the post ofBelgium’s representative at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, where he arrived on the 2nd September."

"This case was never investigated; as the police report confirms: 'the 2 dossiers on the child welfare services have disappeared'.
"Three years after this report, Wathelet became Belgium’s Minister for Defence in June 1995 but was rapidly nominated to the post ofBelgium’s representative at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, where he arrived on the 2nd September."

Sir Philip Bailhache, Bailiff of Jersey
15. According to The Times, 14 August 2008, the Jersey child abuse case appears to be being hampered by certain important people.
Jersey detective’s fury as release of abuse suspects 'scares off 'witnesses.
Former policeman Lenny Harper claims that the island’s Attorney-General, William Bailhache, and his office are held in 'total contempt' by victims of child abuse after repeatedly failing to bring offenders to justice.
Mr Harper’s memo claims suspects are being freed without charge on apparently spurious grounds.
15. According to The Times, 14 August 2008, the Jersey child abuse case appears to be being hampered by certain important people.
Jersey detective’s fury as release of abuse suspects 'scares off 'witnesses.
Former policeman Lenny Harper claims that the island’s Attorney-General, William Bailhache, and his office are held in 'total contempt' by victims of child abuse after repeatedly failing to bring offenders to justice.
Mr Harper’s memo claims suspects are being freed without charge on apparently spurious grounds.
Birmingham, UK.
16. In the UK, it has been alleged that dangerous child abusers held key positions in certain local government authorities, such as Islington in London.
It has been alleged that these dangerous child abusers had links to child abuse on the island of Jersey and beyond.
(aangirfan: Jason Swift; Islington children's home; hundreds of ... /aangirfan: THE ZANDVOORT NETWORK, JERSEY, DUTROUX, PORTUGAL...)
In The Mail on Sunday, 3 August 2008, Eileen Fairweather, wrote that Birmingham council illegally sent children into care on Jersey, according to a report by John Hemming, Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for Birmingham Yardley.
According to The Mail on Sunday:
A. Member of Parliament John Hemming discovered that Children were illegally placed in care on Jersey by Birmingham social services.
The whereabouts of at least one of these children remains unknown.
B. John Hemming, believes children from other parts of the UK were taken to Jersey.
C. Hemming says: 'The Government has refused to order councils to check properly because it does not want to open a can of worms, on the links between abusers in England and Jersey.'
D. UK Schools Minister Kevin Brennan has told Parliament that children from the UK cannot be placed in care in Jersey without a court order.
Yet Birmingham children were sent to Jersey without such orders.
E. Hemming has asked English councils (local governments) to check their records but 'Most seem only to have done cursory checks, just checking recent electronic files, or asking around the office.'
Some councils, including Islington, have refused to check their records.
F. In Islington in North London a child sex network infiltrated 12 children's homes, while Margaret Hodge (friend of Tony Blair) was council leader.
Key staff, The Mail on Sunday revealed, were from Jersey or had strong Channel Islands connections.
Liz Davies, a former Islington senior social worker, said:
'It is becoming clear that children at Haut de la Garenne (on Jersey) were sent on holiday to children's homes in England which were also notorious for abuse, while the children in the English homes they went to were sent to Haut de la Garenne.
16. In the UK, it has been alleged that dangerous child abusers held key positions in certain local government authorities, such as Islington in London.
It has been alleged that these dangerous child abusers had links to child abuse on the island of Jersey and beyond.
(aangirfan: Jason Swift; Islington children's home; hundreds of ... /aangirfan: THE ZANDVOORT NETWORK, JERSEY, DUTROUX, PORTUGAL...)
In The Mail on Sunday, 3 August 2008, Eileen Fairweather, wrote that Birmingham council illegally sent children into care on Jersey, according to a report by John Hemming, Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for Birmingham Yardley.
According to The Mail on Sunday:
A. Member of Parliament John Hemming discovered that Children were illegally placed in care on Jersey by Birmingham social services.
The whereabouts of at least one of these children remains unknown.
B. John Hemming, believes children from other parts of the UK were taken to Jersey.
C. Hemming says: 'The Government has refused to order councils to check properly because it does not want to open a can of worms, on the links between abusers in England and Jersey.'
D. UK Schools Minister Kevin Brennan has told Parliament that children from the UK cannot be placed in care in Jersey without a court order.
Yet Birmingham children were sent to Jersey without such orders.
E. Hemming has asked English councils (local governments) to check their records but 'Most seem only to have done cursory checks, just checking recent electronic files, or asking around the office.'
Some councils, including Islington, have refused to check their records.
F. In Islington in North London a child sex network infiltrated 12 children's homes, while Margaret Hodge (friend of Tony Blair) was council leader.
Key staff, The Mail on Sunday revealed, were from Jersey or had strong Channel Islands connections.
Liz Davies, a former Islington senior social worker, said:
'It is becoming clear that children at Haut de la Garenne (on Jersey) were sent on holiday to children's homes in England which were also notorious for abuse, while the children in the English homes they went to were sent to Haut de la Garenne.
'They literally swapped beds...
'I am perturbed that police in Britain have not written to all local authorities on the mainland to demand they check which children they sent to Jersey.'

'I am perturbed that police in Britain have not written to all local authorities on the mainland to demand they check which children they sent to Jersey.'

Jason Swift
17. In 1985, 14-year-old Jason Swift was killed by a child-abuse gang.
Jason is believed to have lived in Islington council's Conewood Street children's home. (Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London)
Sidney Cooke, Leslie Bailey, Robert Oliver, and Lennie Smith, were imprisoned in 1989 for the manslaughter of Jason Swift.
Cooke and his gang had sexually tortured and prostituted a number of boys.
The gang is believed to have killed at least nine children.[2]
Cooke was sentenced to 19 years in prison.
In 1998, Cooke was let out of prison eight years early.
There have been allegations that very powerful people have been involved in a child-abuse ring connected to Islington children's homes. ( Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London)
In 1982 Margaret Hodge (nee Oppenheimer) became Islington council leader.
She became a close friend of Tony Blair, who lived in Islington, a few doors away from Hodge.
In February 1990 Liz Davies and David Cofie, senior social workers, discovered evidence of sex abuse of children and reported it to a residents' meeting attended by Mrs Hodge.
In May 1990 Mr Cofie and Ms Davies were told by Lyn Cusack, assistant director of social services, to stop interviewing children about the abuse claims.
On 1 May 1997 Tony Blair moved from Islington to Downing Street.
In June 2003 Mrs Hodge was made minister for Children. (Another minister under fire: call for Hodge to quit over child ...)

18. The Independent, 9 March 2008, has an article on missing children (Our children are missing: Most vulnerable youngsters are targeted) which tells us the following:
Sarah Benford, 14, disappeared from Welford House children's home in Northampton in April 2000.
She is still missing.
The UK's Police National Missing Persons Bureau has 1,418 "open cases" of missing children.
According to Police figures more than 100 children who should be in care have been missing for at least four years.
Many children who go missing are not reported to the police.
Member of parliament Helen Southworth says: "All figures on children missing from anywhere are estimates because, astonishingly, there is no requirement for data to be recorded or collected nationally."
Almost 1,000 children went missing from UK residential and foster care in 2007.
The number that went missing from care increased from 570 in 1997 to 950 in 2007.
19. Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes in Portsmouth, across the water from Jersey, is at the centre of a child abuse scandal.
Two former child residents of Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes claim children were taken from their dormitories during the night and disappeared.
Reg Tugatt, 59, a former resident of Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes says he saw 'suspicious holes dug'.
Reg has given police a map showing holes dug in the vicinity of Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes - in a wood and near an orchard. (Police handed map of holes at child abuse scandal home / Second 'abuse' victim speaks out)
Reg said he was taken into care at the home in 1956, aged eight, and stayed there for three years.
A spokeswoman for Hampshire Police said: 'We have no plans to dig up any sites in Portsmouth and continue to hold the position that there are no links between allegations made in reference to the Children's Cottage Homes in Cosham and the ongoing investigation in Jersey.'
Les Cummings, 63, is campaigning for an apology from Portsmouth City Council for the abuse he claims to have at the hands of his foster father and at the Children's Cottage Homes.
A total of 21 men and women told detectives they suffered physical and sexual abuse as children at Children's Cottage Homes.
A 78-year-old woman from Devon was arrested on suspicion of indecent assault but when police passed the file to Crown Prosecution Service lawyers they decided there was not enough evidence to charge her.
Les Cummings went to police to ask them to look again at their earlier investigation into the claims of 21 men and women.
The Crown Prosecution Service examined allegations against the centre but decided not to prosecute.
Both Reg and Les claim that a number of children were taken from their dormitories during the night and disappeared.
In 2001, former Mayor of Portsmouth Freddie Emery-Wallis, 'was jailed for nine months after he was found guilty on five counts of indecent assault against two teenage boys.' (Polar)
There have been allegations of a large child abuse ring, involving top people, in the Portsmouth area - Cached
Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jersey case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth. - Policed reopen Hampshire child home investigation
Fort Monckton, near Portsmouth is reportedly used for the training of MI6 recruits - (Sacked spy's blog takes on MI6).

Child abuse in the UK: Jersey, Kincora, North Wales...
20. Edward Paisnel, the Beast of Jersey, was the son of wealthy Jersey landowners.
During the period 1958 - 1971, Paisnel abducted and abused a number of children.
Paisnel was a fan of the 15th-century Breton, Gilles de Rais, who murdered around 200 children.
The authorities discovered that Paisnel had a secret satanic chamber. (Sir Peter Crill obituary - Times Online)
Paisnel claimed he was a member of a satanic group. File: /files/Religion/Wicca/witchcraftDeviltry.txt
No other members of the 'black magic group' were ever arrested.
In 1971, Paisnel was convicted of thirteen sex offences against young children, ( The Human Beast ) and sent to jail.
Paisnel, the Beast of Jersey, visited Jersey's Haut de la Garenne orphanage dressed as Father Christmas during his reign of terror in the 1960s (Notorious paedophile dubbed the 'Beast of Jersey' linked to ...)
21. Quarriers Homes, Nazareth House and St Ninians in Scotland - An independent report for the Scottish government found that there has been massive child abuse in Scottish care homes. (Scotland’s shame )
The Herald, 23 November 2007, provides the details (‘These are the voices that need to be heard’) :
"When she was nine - or thereabouts - she (Elizabeth McWilliams) was raped by the man Quarriers called her house father. 'He took his chance,' she said matter-of-factly.
"Some children complained of abuse. That had consequences. 'Boys,' she said. 'Well, they were hung up on door hangers and their penises tied to doorhandles.'"
Quarriers Homes is a Christian community.
Helen Holland was sent to Nazareth House in Kilmarnock, a children's home run by nuns.
At Nazareth House Helen was raped by a priest.
"When she was eight, a nun pulled a hood over her head to help a priest rape her. The sexual abuse went on for three years until, aged 11, she fell pregnant. The same nun kicked her in the stomach until she miscarried."
She was 'beaten to a pulp' by a nun.
There was abuse at many other homes (The landmark cases: abuse in children's homes )
At St Ninians: "In 2003 Michael Murphy, 69, formerly known as Brother Benedict, a monk with the de la Salle order, was jailed for two years on ten charges of physical abuse during the 1960s, including torturing pupils with an electric shock device, force-feeding them vomit and whipping them with knotted boot laces."
In 1971, Paisnel was convicted of thirteen sex offences against young children, ( The Human Beast ) and sent to jail.
Paisnel, the Beast of Jersey, visited Jersey's Haut de la Garenne orphanage dressed as Father Christmas during his reign of terror in the 1960s (Notorious paedophile dubbed the 'Beast of Jersey' linked to ...)
21. Quarriers Homes, Nazareth House and St Ninians in Scotland - An independent report for the Scottish government found that there has been massive child abuse in Scottish care homes. (Scotland’s shame )
The Herald, 23 November 2007, provides the details (‘These are the voices that need to be heard’) :
"When she was nine - or thereabouts - she (Elizabeth McWilliams) was raped by the man Quarriers called her house father. 'He took his chance,' she said matter-of-factly.
"Some children complained of abuse. That had consequences. 'Boys,' she said. 'Well, they were hung up on door hangers and their penises tied to doorhandles.'"
Quarriers Homes is a Christian community.
Helen Holland was sent to Nazareth House in Kilmarnock, a children's home run by nuns.
At Nazareth House Helen was raped by a priest.
"When she was eight, a nun pulled a hood over her head to help a priest rape her. The sexual abuse went on for three years until, aged 11, she fell pregnant. The same nun kicked her in the stomach until she miscarried."
She was 'beaten to a pulp' by a nun.
There was abuse at many other homes (The landmark cases: abuse in children's homes )
At St Ninians: "In 2003 Michael Murphy, 69, formerly known as Brother Benedict, a monk with the de la Salle order, was jailed for two years on ten charges of physical abuse during the 1960s, including torturing pupils with an electric shock device, force-feeding them vomit and whipping them with knotted boot laces."
22. Moira Anderson
11-year-old Moira Anderson was last seen boarding a bus in Coatbridge, near Glasgow, Scotland, in 1957.
She was on her way to the shops to buy a box of chocolates for her mum’s birthday.
According to The Sunday Times (Pressure on police to release paedophile dossier), 23 April 2006, Strathclyde Police have a dossier listing members of a child-abuse ring.
This dossier may identify the people who kidnapped Moira.
The dossier is said to implicate senior public figures, including senior police officers and members of the Crown Office and former Scottish Office.
These public figures are said to have abused children in Strathclyde (the Glasgow area) during the 1950s and 1960s.
The dossier is said to list vehicles and safe houses used in Glasgow, Monklands and Paisley where children were hidden before being taken to sex parties.
Strathclyde police have decided not to release the dossier.
The dossier was written by James Gallogley, a convicted child-abuser who died in Peterhead prison in 1999.

Bodybuilders Word por Kurt Stallaert.
Certain documents explain how child abuse networks are protected.
The Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh cult (later called Osho) practiced free sexual relations.
The CIA and its friends are believed to be heavily involved with sex cults, new age groups, child abuse, satanic ritual abuse and mind control.
In April 1994, the address of this Bhagwan sect was changed to the Kammenstraat 29, 2000 Antwerp.
On November 27, 1995, police conducted a search at this very same address.
They were looking for Eric Mattheeussen, who had been accused of taking illegal photographs at a morgue in the aftermath of a tragic traffic accident.
Mattheussen used this building as a storage or working place.
In this building, the police found many boxes.

"In these boxes we find amongst other things thousands of photos of children...
"We find hundreds of pictures of corpses of children, often in the most hideous poses.
"Many of the pictures have been made by himself; other pictures were made on order by other photographers. ...
"In several boxes we find child pornography... penetrations of often very young children by grown ups, and also some very unusual pedophile fantasies. ... Pictures of deceased children in concentration camps... newspaper clippings of prominent disappearances."
(Gendarmerie, Antwerp Brigade, PV 113181/95 - November 27, 1995)
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics
Boy from Charleroi in Belgium, near the home of Marc Dutroux, who allegedly worked for the security services. ( the world's worst ...)
Former Charleroi mayor and Walloon prime minister Jean-Claude van Cauwenbergh (who followed Elio di Rupo in this last position) reportedly has ties to child abuse networks.
The following is a 2004 letter written by Hans Laroes, editor in chief of the NOS News (one of the most respected news programs in the Netherlands), to the Council for Journalism:
"Already in 2000 top public official Joris Demmink attracted the attention of the research office of the [NOS] News.
"In march that year we did an investigation with the question if the Belgian Marc Dutroux Affair had tentacles in the Netherlands.
"It was the time that the Zandvoort child porn case had relit and the media was laying in front of the door of the Belgian Morkhoven workgroup.

"The name Joris Demmink had been given to me in conversations with detectives.
"These spoke about a 1998 investigation, ran from a very secret location in Utrecht: an investigation into a network of top public officials, two district attorneys (19 in total at the time in the Netherlands), a former minister, a former attorney of the Queen and a single professor who would have sex with underaged boys.
"The investigation had begun at the direction of the College of Prosecuter-Generals - instigated by the district attorney of Amsterdam, Vrakking.
"Demmink played an important role in that investigation. Detectives had suspected that this top public official had given information to one of the main suspects, the Amsterdam professor Van R., with whom he was friends. Because of that, the professor avoided prosecution, the detectives stated."
(January 1, 2004, Hans Laroes, editor in chief of the NOS News, to the Council for Journalism.)
The letter recalled how in October 2003 both the Gay Krant andPanorama magazines had published an article about Demmink (not giving his name), who was Holland's secretary-general of justice, and his apparent involvement in child abuse...
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics
The following is from: The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics
(Schaarbeek Police, Jacqueline Smolders interview, March 18, 1997)

The first document was a death bed testimony from an old woman named Jacqueline Smolders.
Smolders started out by saying:
"I want to testify in relation to the murdered and missing children, the investigation of which is ongoing at the District Attorney's Office and the examining magistrate in Neufchateau."
(NeufchĂ¢teau, Belgium )

Smolders spoke about Le Stanley, a club in Brussels that organized sex orgies.
"I want to testify in relation to the murdered and missing children, the investigation of which is ongoing at the District Attorney's Office and the examining magistrate in Neufchateau."
(NeufchĂ¢teau, Belgium )

Smolders spoke about Le Stanley, a club in Brussels that organized sex orgies.
It existed from the 1960s until 1972.
Smolders was a member at the time and knew the owner, Marcel Hofmans.
Members of the club included Belgian executives of U.S. corporations including IBM and Union Carbide.
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics

Michel Nihoul (left)
At the club was a young black girl that Smolders thought could well have been Virginie Baranyanka, the lawyer of Michel Nihoul who was part of the Dutroux child kidnap and murder scandal in Belgium.
Smolders suspected that at least several members of club Le Stanley must have known Nihoul.

Loubna Benaissa
Smolders was virtually certain that the father of the murderer of Loubna Benaissa (Dutroux Affair) had been a member of Le Stanley.

Smolders testified: "In the club was a member whom I didn't know by name but who was in the possession of a private airplane.
"He flew to Switzerland to get these films for Le Stanley.
"I know these films were flown from Sweden to Switzerland where the member in question went to pick them up."

Smolders suspected that at least several members of club Le Stanley must have known Nihoul.

Loubna Benaissa
Smolders was virtually certain that the father of the murderer of Loubna Benaissa (Dutroux Affair) had been a member of Le Stanley.

Smolders testified: "In the club was a member whom I didn't know by name but who was in the possession of a private airplane.
"He flew to Switzerland to get these films for Le Stanley.
"I know these films were flown from Sweden to Switzerland where the member in question went to pick them up."

Belgian parents.
"One day, in 1969, this plane crashed over the province of Namur with all the pornographic material onboard.
"The police intervened and all the pornographic material was confiscated.

"That evening, however, Marcel Hofmans had all the the movies in his possession, because of the intervention of apparently influential persons in the judicial sphere of Namur...
"I don't know the names of the persons who constantly protected him.
"I do know that it always involved very important persons, by their background, their wealth or social position.
"I'm talking about politicians, top-level army and police officers, judges and district attorneys."
(Schaarbeek Police, Jacqueline Smolders interview - March 18, 1997)

Mary Porsont, who used to work at La Piscine, one of the clubs owned by Marcel Hofmans in the early 1990s, has also given a testimony that appears in the Dutroux files.
In the 1993-1994 period she worked for the labour union SETca(Syndicat des employés, techniciens et cadres) and the Socialist Party.
Among the people she got to know was a certain Richard de Groot.
De Groot soon introduced her to Roger Labarbe, the national chairman of the SETCa.
They offered her to come with them to sexual orgies, for which she would get a considerable compensation (she needed money).
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics

Guy Coëme. Le Parti Sataniste (PS)
The three of them subsequently went to the swing club Hoeve Bornedries, which, according to de Groot and Labarbe, belonged to former defense minister Guy Coeme, who got burnt in the Agusta scandal (ELIO DI RUPO).

More frequently they would go to the private club La Lune des Pirates, which was later renamed La Piscine.
Porsont eventually ended up working at La Piscine.
About La Piscine Porsont testified:
"In the club I met magistrates, lawyers from the Court of Assisen,gendarmes, police officers, officers from the District Attorney's police, but also surgeons and other people with money...
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics

In Belgium, Member of Parliament Laurent Louis publicised a list of names that an 'anonymous' group sent to all parliamentarians in Belgium. The list was of all the people ALLEGEDLY involved in the Dutroux affair. Among the names listed: US General Michael Aquino (who has had an important role in military psychological warfare; involved in "Monarch" brainwashing; Councillor for Western Europe Chiefs of Staff) Paul Bonacci, victim of Monarch brainwashing, Willy Claes Secretary General of NATO in 1994 and 95, Elio di Rupo currently Belgian Prime Minister, André Cools , assassinated Belgian government minister... http://jeugdzorg-darkhorse. blogspot.nl/2013/03/no-faith-in-dutch-family-law.html
About La Piscine Porsont testified:
"In the half year I worked at La Piscine I did not see any pedophile activity.
"But I did hear enough about the bizarre sexual preferences of so called higher ups and that there were possibilities to organize orgies with children.
"A certain Eric and Nina asked me to approach those higher ups who came to us at La Piscine and left their phone number with offers of special evenings.
"Especially Nottebaert ('a socialist politician who liked Sadism and Masochism') but also quite a few ministers turned out to be very interested in those kind of evenings.
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics

About La Piscine Porsont testified:
"At the union and the Socialist Party I learned a lot about their sexual preferences.

Elio di Rupo
Porsont testified:
"Elio di Rupo (currently prime minister of Belgium), for example, who had a relationship with Spitaels's son."
(Guy Spitaels was a top politician in Belgium.
According to the declaration of Dany Lefrant to the Belgian Judiciary: "Pink Ballets (orgies with underaged children) took placee with ... SPITAELS Guy, at bar Le Cancan".
Le Cancan was the bar where Elio Di Rupo, according to Cancan's owners, went to pick up boys).
(ISGP - Belgian X-Dossiers)

"One day, in 1969, this plane crashed over the province of Namur with all the pornographic material onboard.
"The police intervened and all the pornographic material was confiscated.

"I don't know the names of the persons who constantly protected him.
"I do know that it always involved very important persons, by their background, their wealth or social position.
"I'm talking about politicians, top-level army and police officers, judges and district attorneys."
(Schaarbeek Police, Jacqueline Smolders interview - March 18, 1997)

Mary Porsont, who used to work at La Piscine, one of the clubs owned by Marcel Hofmans in the early 1990s, has also given a testimony that appears in the Dutroux files.
In the 1993-1994 period she worked for the labour union SETca(Syndicat des employés, techniciens et cadres) and the Socialist Party.
Among the people she got to know was a certain Richard de Groot.
De Groot soon introduced her to Roger Labarbe, the national chairman of the SETCa.
They offered her to come with them to sexual orgies, for which she would get a considerable compensation (she needed money).
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics
Guy Coëme. Le Parti Sataniste (PS)
The three of them subsequently went to the swing club Hoeve Bornedries, which, according to de Groot and Labarbe, belonged to former defense minister Guy Coeme, who got burnt in the Agusta scandal (ELIO DI RUPO).

More frequently they would go to the private club La Lune des Pirates, which was later renamed La Piscine.
Porsont eventually ended up working at La Piscine.
About La Piscine Porsont testified:
"In the club I met magistrates, lawyers from the Court of Assisen,gendarmes, police officers, officers from the District Attorney's police, but also surgeons and other people with money...
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics

In Belgium, Member of Parliament Laurent Louis publicised a list of names that an 'anonymous' group sent to all parliamentarians in Belgium. The list was of all the people ALLEGEDLY involved in the Dutroux affair. Among the names listed: US General Michael Aquino (who has had an important role in military psychological warfare; involved in "Monarch" brainwashing; Councillor for Western Europe Chiefs of Staff) Paul Bonacci, victim of Monarch brainwashing, Willy Claes Secretary General of NATO in 1994 and 95, Elio di Rupo currently Belgian Prime Minister, André Cools , assassinated Belgian government minister... http://jeugdzorg-darkhorse. blogspot.nl/2013/03/no-faith-in-dutch-family-law.html
About La Piscine Porsont testified:
"In the half year I worked at La Piscine I did not see any pedophile activity.
"But I did hear enough about the bizarre sexual preferences of so called higher ups and that there were possibilities to organize orgies with children.
"A certain Eric and Nina asked me to approach those higher ups who came to us at La Piscine and left their phone number with offers of special evenings.
"Especially Nottebaert ('a socialist politician who liked Sadism and Masochism') but also quite a few ministers turned out to be very interested in those kind of evenings.
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics

About La Piscine Porsont testified:
"At the union and the Socialist Party I learned a lot about their sexual preferences.

Elio di Rupo
Porsont testified:
"Elio di Rupo (currently prime minister of Belgium), for example, who had a relationship with Spitaels's son."
(Guy Spitaels was a top politician in Belgium.
According to the declaration of Dany Lefrant to the Belgian Judiciary: "Pink Ballets (orgies with underaged children) took placee with ... SPITAELS Guy, at bar Le Cancan".
Le Cancan was the bar where Elio Di Rupo, according to Cancan's owners, went to pick up boys).
(ISGP - Belgian X-Dossiers)

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in Charlotte, North Carolina
Marcel Hofmans reportely set up a Belgian branch of the (reportedly CIA-linked) Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Cult which shared headquarters with La Piscine.
(HEADLEY AND CIA LINKED TO RAJNEESH CULT) (Parquet du Procureur du Roi, Brussels, PJ 301, No. 37117 - September 2, 1996)
Marcel Hofmans reportely set up a Belgian branch of the (reportedly CIA-linked) Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Cult which shared headquarters with La Piscine.
(HEADLEY AND CIA LINKED TO RAJNEESH CULT) (Parquet du Procureur du Roi, Brussels, PJ 301, No. 37117 - September 2, 1996)
The Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh cult (later called Osho) practiced free sexual relations.
The CIA and its friends are believed to be heavily involved with sex cults, new age groups, child abuse, satanic ritual abuse and mind control.
In April 1994, the address of this Bhagwan sect was changed to the Kammenstraat 29, 2000 Antwerp.
On November 27, 1995, police conducted a search at this very same address.
They were looking for Eric Mattheeussen, who had been accused of taking illegal photographs at a morgue in the aftermath of a tragic traffic accident.
Mattheussen used this building as a storage or working place.
In this building, the police found many boxes.

"In these boxes we find amongst other things thousands of photos of children...
"We find hundreds of pictures of corpses of children, often in the most hideous poses.
"Many of the pictures have been made by himself; other pictures were made on order by other photographers. ...
"In several boxes we find child pornography... penetrations of often very young children by grown ups, and also some very unusual pedophile fantasies. ... Pictures of deceased children in concentration camps... newspaper clippings of prominent disappearances."
(Gendarmerie, Antwerp Brigade, PV 113181/95 - November 27, 1995)
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics
Boy from Charleroi in Belgium, near the home of Marc Dutroux, who allegedly worked for the security services. ( the world's worst ...)
Former Charleroi mayor and Walloon prime minister Jean-Claude van Cauwenbergh (who followed Elio di Rupo in this last position) reportedly has ties to child abuse networks.
The following is a 2004 letter written by Hans Laroes, editor in chief of the NOS News (one of the most respected news programs in the Netherlands), to the Council for Journalism:
"Already in 2000 top public official Joris Demmink attracted the attention of the research office of the [NOS] News.
"In march that year we did an investigation with the question if the Belgian Marc Dutroux Affair had tentacles in the Netherlands.
"It was the time that the Zandvoort child porn case had relit and the media was laying in front of the door of the Belgian Morkhoven workgroup.

"The name Joris Demmink had been given to me in conversations with detectives.
"These spoke about a 1998 investigation, ran from a very secret location in Utrecht: an investigation into a network of top public officials, two district attorneys (19 in total at the time in the Netherlands), a former minister, a former attorney of the Queen and a single professor who would have sex with underaged boys.
"The investigation had begun at the direction of the College of Prosecuter-Generals - instigated by the district attorney of Amsterdam, Vrakking.
"Demmink played an important role in that investigation. Detectives had suspected that this top public official had given information to one of the main suspects, the Amsterdam professor Van R., with whom he was friends. Because of that, the professor avoided prosecution, the detectives stated."
(January 1, 2004, Hans Laroes, editor in chief of the NOS News, to the Council for Journalism.)
The letter recalled how in October 2003 both the Gay Krant andPanorama magazines had published an article about Demmink (not giving his name), who was Holland's secretary-general of justice, and his apparent involvement in child abuse...
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics

Frits Salomonson (left) and Prince Claus
In 1998, in Holland, the authorities were investigating the Rolodex case which involved top people and pedophile rings.
The following is from: The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics
The suspects in Holland's Rolodex child sex abuse investigation included:
1. Frits Salomonson
He was a judge in Amsterdam.
He was the legal advisor to Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus.
He was a long time associate of lawyer Oscar Hammerstein, 'who has numerous ties to Dutch organized crime'.
In 1996, Salomonson's neighbors reported to the Amsterdam mayor that Salomonson was seeing underaged boy prostitutes (mainly Moroccan), that he had a Sado Masochism room in his home and they had once heard a gunshot.
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics

Prince Claus (second from left)
2. Prince Claus
He was the husband of Queen Beatrix.
In 1982 there were reports that Claus and Salomonson had been visiting gay bars in New York and that the CIA had taken pictures of their escapades.
During Salomonson's trial there was sworn testimony that Claus was seen in a brothel in a compromising position with a 12 or 13 year old boy.
Ton Biesemaat article.

3. Joris Demmink
Demmink is a former Secretary-General of the Dutch Ministry of Justice.
Manuel Schadwald who went missing in 1993.
Reportedly, a top politician from Holland was present when a young boy was murdered. Reportedly there are photos of the top politician, in the nude, with the boy.
Censored31 threatens to spread picture of naked SG of Justice
"Marcel Vervloesem confirmed what earlier sources already reported:Joris Demmink attended the satanic lust murder of the German boy Manuel Schadwald."
4. Henry Hans Holthuis
District attorney.
Registrar of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

5. Job de Ruiter
Former Secretary of Defence.
Former Prosecuter-General in Amsterdam.

6. Ger van Roon
Professor of political history.
Children from eastern Europe who came in from Amsterdam's central train station often went directly to the apartment of van Roon, where "sinister sex parties" were held, according to police files.
Van Roon was in contact with such members of the pedophile underground as Karel Maasdam, "German Willy" (who trafficked children) and Lothar Glandorf.
Glandorf ran a child brothel in Rotterdam and trafficked children from England and eastern Europe.
(Demmink 'was a client of his brothel').

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the first president of the Bilderberg Group. Reportedly, as a child, Regina Louf visited Prince Bernhard's yacht Jumbo VI. Regina Louf was one of the child victims of the murderous Dutroux pedophile gang.
A summary of testimony that appeared in the Dutroux affair reads:
"This person wrote about the existence of a sect in the Netherlands consisting of about 300 members, many with backgrounds as lawyers, jurists, judges and police officers.
"Members held meetings at rural estates where (ritual) child abuse took place.
"There was a specific focus on maintaining Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personality disorder) in the children.
"Apparently, a whistleblower who tried to inform the police was disbelieved and soon thereafter disappeared.

"The letter specifically mentioned Villa Westflier in Markelo (in Holland) as a place where abuse had taken place."
The Westerflier estate in Markelo had previous inhabitants with very close ties to I.G. Farben, that after WWII the estate became a boarding school for young girls with emotional or behavioral problems, and... that this estate has been in the Schimmelpenninck family for centuries.
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics
A second summary of testimony that appeared in the Dutroux affair reads:
Catharina (PV 150.006, February 20, 1997) stated she was the daughter of a wealthy businessman who was involved in a sadistic and violent child abuse network spanning from Italy and Switzerland to Belgium and the Netherlands.
In 1998, in Holland, the authorities were investigating the Rolodex case which involved top people and pedophile rings.
The following is from: The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics
The suspects in Holland's Rolodex child sex abuse investigation included:
1. Frits Salomonson
He was a judge in Amsterdam.
He was the legal advisor to Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus.
He was a long time associate of lawyer Oscar Hammerstein, 'who has numerous ties to Dutch organized crime'.
In 1996, Salomonson's neighbors reported to the Amsterdam mayor that Salomonson was seeing underaged boy prostitutes (mainly Moroccan), that he had a Sado Masochism room in his home and they had once heard a gunshot.
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics

Prince Claus (second from left)
2. Prince Claus
He was the husband of Queen Beatrix.
In 1982 there were reports that Claus and Salomonson had been visiting gay bars in New York and that the CIA had taken pictures of their escapades.
During Salomonson's trial there was sworn testimony that Claus was seen in a brothel in a compromising position with a 12 or 13 year old boy.
Ton Biesemaat article.

3. Joris Demmink
Demmink is a former Secretary-General of the Dutch Ministry of Justice.

Reportedly, a top politician from Holland was present when a young boy was murdered. Reportedly there are photos of the top politician, in the nude, with the boy.
Censored31 threatens to spread picture of naked SG of Justice
"Marcel Vervloesem confirmed what earlier sources already reported:Joris Demmink attended the satanic lust murder of the German boy Manuel Schadwald."
4. Henry Hans Holthuis
District attorney.
Registrar of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

5. Job de Ruiter
Former Secretary of Defence.
Former Prosecuter-General in Amsterdam.

Professor of political history.
Children from eastern Europe who came in from Amsterdam's central train station often went directly to the apartment of van Roon, where "sinister sex parties" were held, according to police files.
Van Roon was in contact with such members of the pedophile underground as Karel Maasdam, "German Willy" (who trafficked children) and Lothar Glandorf.
Glandorf ran a child brothel in Rotterdam and trafficked children from England and eastern Europe.
(Demmink 'was a client of his brothel').

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the first president of the Bilderberg Group. Reportedly, as a child, Regina Louf visited Prince Bernhard's yacht Jumbo VI. Regina Louf was one of the child victims of the murderous Dutroux pedophile gang.
A summary of testimony that appeared in the Dutroux affair reads:
"This person wrote about the existence of a sect in the Netherlands consisting of about 300 members, many with backgrounds as lawyers, jurists, judges and police officers.
"Members held meetings at rural estates where (ritual) child abuse took place.
"There was a specific focus on maintaining Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personality disorder) in the children.
"Apparently, a whistleblower who tried to inform the police was disbelieved and soon thereafter disappeared.

"The letter specifically mentioned Villa Westflier in Markelo (in Holland) as a place where abuse had taken place."
The Westerflier estate in Markelo had previous inhabitants with very close ties to I.G. Farben, that after WWII the estate became a boarding school for young girls with emotional or behavioral problems, and... that this estate has been in the Schimmelpenninck family for centuries.
The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics

A second summary of testimony that appeared in the Dutroux affair reads:
Catharina (PV 150.006, February 20, 1997) stated she was the daughter of a wealthy businessman who was involved in a sadistic and violent child abuse network spanning from Italy and Switzerland to Belgium and the Netherlands.
The headquarters of the sect would be in Zurich.
Among the child abuse locations in the Netherlands she mentioned "In Dordrecht in the house in de Spijkermandt" and that the "attic is organized for a Nazi sect".
Some of the children's bodies would disappear "via a butcher shop in Rotterdam in the Van Hellemondstraat".
Among the members would be lawyers and army officers.

Victim of CIA mind control
Above we read: "There was a specific focus on maintaining Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personality disorder) in the children."
The torture of American children, by the US military /JOHNNY GOSCH; BUSH AND BLAIR
The CIA and its friends torture children in order to produce multiple personality disorder.
The Dissociative Identity Disorder / Mind Control
Satanic child abuse and the police
The British security services, fascism and child abuse.
Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London
Jason Swift; Islington children's home; hundreds of missing children
Torture and death of British children; the death of Gareth.
The 1999 child abuse scandal in Latvia
The Police Chief, the Judge and Child Abuse
Child abuse
Bryn Estyn Boys' Home in North Wales
Child abuse at the Kincora boys' home
Jersey, Dutroux and cover-ups
Dukes, Freemasons, Jersey...
Jersey victims
Child abuse in the UK: Jersey, Kincora, North Wales, Dunblane, Islington, Leicester, Quarriers Homes, Nazareth House, St Ninians, Coatbridge
Satanic child abuse and the police
Rapes and murders in Canadian boarding schools; thousands died.
Child abuse and murder in Canada
Jersey and famous people
The bin Laden links to the Channel Islands (Jersey and Guernsey)
Child abuse; Jersey; Kincora; North Wales; Dunblane
Satanic child abuse on Jersey.
The article is far too long (too much cut and paste I think) but I have read most of it before.
ReplyDeleteOne comment above however is very telling:
"Nobody wanted to do anything because of the high-profile people involved."
I have found over the last 30 plus years, having issues which required action by complaint in government, local government, various tribunal services, courts of all types and other quangos at various levels etc. I can say that in every single instance, bar I believe one, where the law society awarded compensation, (nothing compared to the losses) every valid issue was blatantly covered up.
I would suggest this was probably in the region of about 50-60 (but may be as much as 100 public office holders when I think about it including MP's, MSP's, County councillors etc.
The most shocking I observed were the words of an officer, in uniform, who provided testimony on behalf of the British Army (I recall he was a Major) when addressing a hearing (which had the standing of a court ) and was dealing with issues involving the provision of care by the medical profession.
He stated to a large audience (at a public court hearing) that:
"In my opinion drug addicts and alcoholics should be lined up against a wall and shot."
I leave it to you to get the measure of the mentality of those who serve us.
Oops! I should say whom we are now supposed to serve!
...but not on g00gle... Y0ur Friend, s0me0ne said...
Coen, Coeme, Kuhn, Kahn, Kerry... Lovely ways to change one single tribal surname - COHEN - to the language of the country they transfer to.
ReplyDeleteOT-1: Aang. & Friends, you probably know that:
ReplyDeleteThe David Icke Forum is currently off-line for maintenance
And I must add that:
British conspiracy writer David Icke and co-defendants have paid Canadian human rights lawyer Richard Warman $210,000 CDN (117,000 GBP) in damages and legal costs to settle a libel action against them.
Spring Clean-up? Removing everything libelous?
OT-2: Canadian Intelligence Agent Got Arrested in Turkey for helping 3 British girls cross into Syria to join ISIS
Iraq Arrests ISIS Advisors, US And Israelis Held
Hi Aang,
ReplyDeletesterling work as usual. I just checked and, rather disappointingly, you are also being censored on StartPage too. They claim that most of their results come from Google so that may be the cause.
I hope you are saving your links these days because much from the past has been "memory holed".
Keep up the good work fighting the good fight.
Catharina (PV 150.006, February 20, 1997) stated she was the daughter of a wealthy businessman who was involved in a sadistic and violent child abuse network spanning from Italy and Switzerland to Belgium and the Netherlands.The headquarters of the sect would be in Zurich. Among the child abuse locations in the Netherlands she mentioned "In Dordrecht in the house in de Spijkermandt" and that the "attic is organized for a Nazi sect".Some of the children's bodies would disappear "via a butcher shop in Rotterdam in the Van Hellemondstraat".
ReplyDeleteAnd that was just one location in a network, with many such networks around the world- makes the allegations of human remains in McDonalds burgers far less implausible- perhaps the current implosion of this "food" chain is more than "health" oriented- designed to tie up a loose end in a bankruptcy with a reasonable cover- this excellent article paints an overiew of these repeated historical coverups which leads the mind to many more questions- such as-what controls the secret services who run the pedophile rings to control the politicians so they do what they are told-as some allege-why haven't they gotten what they want, given these rings/control systems have been in full force for so many decades? Current events don't seem to represent any coherent "goal"- and if this control system is willing to foster the rape, torture and murder of children, what is their goal? And further, Aangirfan, given the infiltration of Freemasonry by the hapiru/khazars, is the Pike letter a purely Masonic missive, or is it a hapiru/khazar misdirection to cover for THEIR true agenda?