A stage play showing in London, backed by James Hewitt, is stirring up theories about Princess Diana's 1997 death.
The play is called Truth, Lies, Diana.
The play is called Truth, Lies, Diana.
The play is based on research by John Morgan, who reckons that there was a plot to kill Diana.

Reportedly, the UK's Special Air Services (SAS) were used to kill Diana.
In 2013, it was reported that 'Soldier N', an officer in the UK's notorious SAS regiment, had boasted to his family that the SAS murdered Princess Diana.
The former wife of 'Soldier N' claims that she was paid cash to buy her silence about the accusation.
She says she was given a brown envelope filled with bank notes by an SAS officer who told her to 'keep quiet about Diana’.
The SAS officer "warned her that she would end up dead like Lee Rigby" if she did not keep quiet.
"The officer said that if I spoke out ... I might have cause to worry about my safety and my children’s safety."
SAS wife's bombshell: Regiment bribed me to keep silent about Diana murder claims.

Reportedly, the UK's Special Air Services (SAS) were used to kill Diana.
In 2013, it was reported that 'Soldier N', an officer in the UK's notorious SAS regiment, had boasted to his family that the SAS murdered Princess Diana.
The former wife of 'Soldier N' claims that she was paid cash to buy her silence about the accusation.
She says she was given a brown envelope filled with bank notes by an SAS officer who told her to 'keep quiet about Diana’.
The SAS officer "warned her that she would end up dead like Lee Rigby" if she did not keep quiet.
"The officer said that if I spoke out ... I might have cause to worry about my safety and my children’s safety."
SAS wife's bombshell: Regiment bribed me to keep silent about Diana murder claims.

One theory is that Diana was assassinated because she knew too much about a top pedophile ring that involved the royal family, top politicians and top intelligence officers.

James Hewitt
One theory is that Diana was killed because she planned to marry 'a Moslem', Dodi Al-Fayed
In the play, Harrods owner Mohamed Al-Fayed says: "They were getting engaged to be married. She was pregnant. They don't want an Arab stepfather to the King of England. They killed them both."
The Al-Fayeds may be cryto-Jews.

Jews of Alexandria.
Dodi was born in Alexandria in Egypt which was once home to a sizeable population of Jews and crypto-Jews.
Dodi's mother is the brother of arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi.
Khashoggi is suspected by some of being a cryto-Jew, or of being closely allied to sections of the Jewish elite.

Jews of Alexandria.
Dodi was born in Alexandria in Egypt which was once home to a sizeable population of Jews and crypto-Jews.
Dodi's mother is the brother of arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi.
Khashoggi is suspected by some of being a cryto-Jew, or of being closely allied to sections of the Jewish elite.

Reportedly, Diana was not too badly injured in the car crash.
Reportedly she was murdered while travelling to the hospital in the ambulance.
"They killed her in the ambulance," says author John Morgan in the play.
The ambulance did not leave the tunnel until one hour and 18 minutes after the accident.
The ambulance moved at what witnesses say was a fast walking pace for the three-and-a-half miles to the hospital.
Eyewitnesses say the ambulance stopped for five minutes outside the gates of the hospital.
Eyewitnesses say the ambulance stopped for five minutes outside the gates of the hospital.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.

Adnan Khashoggi, whose sister is Dodi's mother.
According to Alex Constantine:
Deaths of Princess Diana Spencer and Dodi Al-Fayed.
Adnan Khashoggi, whose sister is Dodi's mother.
According to Alex Constantine:
Deaths of Princess Diana Spencer and Dodi Al-Fayed.
Mohamed Al-Fayed and Adnan Khashoggi were both members of the extreme right-wing Pinay Circle, whose members include top officers of the CIA and its sister organisations.

The CIA and its sister organisation promote the Islamists.
The purpose of the Islamists is to allow Moslem countries to be controlled by the CIA and its sister organisations.

Zia ul-Haq (above) was president of Pakistan from 1977–1988 and with the help of the CIA he tried to make Pakistan more Islamic. Zia-ul-Haq and his CIA pals made 'untold millions' from heroin.
Zia-ul-Haq made `untold millions' as a druglord: Book/ The overthrow of Pakistan presidents by the CIA / BRUCE REIDEL / INDIA TO HELP IN ATTACK ON PAKISTAN? / US and UK links to the terrorists in India and Pakistan /Anglo-American-Israeli plans for Pakistan and beyond
Adnan Khassoghi's former business partner was the father of Mohamed Atta.
The CIA has promoted Wahabism, the extremist form of Islam (invented by a Jew)
Allegedly, Al-Fayed helped to fund (the CIA's) Al Qaeda.

Zac Goldsmith, a UK Member of Parliament, has called for an inquiry into child abuse "cover-ups".
Zac and Diana are said to share the same father.
Those alleged to have abused the young boys include spies, celebrities, government ministers, senior Members of Parliament, top police officers, top judges, and people with links to the royal family.

The CIA and its sister organisation promote the Islamists.
The purpose of the Islamists is to allow Moslem countries to be controlled by the CIA and its sister organisations.

Zia ul-Haq (above) was president of Pakistan from 1977–1988 and with the help of the CIA he tried to make Pakistan more Islamic. Zia-ul-Haq and his CIA pals made 'untold millions' from heroin.
Zia-ul-Haq made `untold millions' as a druglord: Book/ The overthrow of Pakistan presidents by the CIA / BRUCE REIDEL / INDIA TO HELP IN ATTACK ON PAKISTAN? / US and UK links to the terrorists in India and Pakistan /Anglo-American-Israeli plans for Pakistan and beyond
Adnan Khassoghi's former business partner was the father of Mohamed Atta.
The CIA has promoted Wahabism, the extremist form of Islam (invented by a Jew)
Allegedly, Al-Fayed helped to fund (the CIA's) Al Qaeda.

Zac Goldsmith, a UK Member of Parliament, has called for an inquiry into child abuse "cover-ups".
Zac and Diana are said to share the same father.
Those alleged to have abused the young boys include spies, celebrities, government ministers, senior Members of Parliament, top police officers, top judges, and people with links to the royal family.
Reportedly, Princess Diana was opposed to the pedophile rings operating within the elite.

Al-Fayed had served the CIA well.
Diana was the problem.
She might have blown the whistle on how the CIA and its friends use child abuse rings and mind control to run much of the world.
Elm guest house victim met Princess Diana .

Al-Fayed had served the CIA well.
Diana was the problem.
She might have blown the whistle on how the CIA and its friends use child abuse rings and mind control to run much of the world.
Elm guest house victim met Princess Diana .
Labels: 9 11, ambulance, CIA, Diana, Khashoggi, Lee Rigby, Moslem, Pinay Circle, royal sex, SAS, Zac Goldsmith
'The average person would never suspect a rich Saudi of being involved with Israeli intelligence, let alone being a paid agent of Israel’s sophisticated (spy) terror organization, Mossad. But that’s exactly what Khashoggi is, according to at least one former Mossad case officer, Victor Ostrovsky, and two Jewish journalists, Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman.'
'Adnan Khashoggi, GCN, the Protocols, Alex Jones, and the 9/11 Truth Movement'
Alex Jones, opposition, conspiracy
We must always work on three basic principles in these extraordinary times. First, anything is possible with regard to major events where acts of terror are committed - exclude no possibility; second, the US aided by their poodle allies EU & UK are complicit in dirty politics aimed at self-aggrandisement and third, the Rothschilds are never very far away from such events with their masonic friends and cronies.
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