The American Empire wants to control everything, including Britain and the EU.
In 1961, France's General de Gaulle warned that if the UK was allowed into the European Community, Europe would soon be under American control, because America "would soon swallow up the European community."
Since then Britain has used its influence in Europe to support the American Empire.
Britain helped to persuade the EU to (1) adopt sanctions against Russia and Iran (2) lift the embargo on arms to the Syrian 'rebels' (Al Qaeda and ISIS)
There is a belief that the current leaders of Poland, France and Germany are among those also working for the American Empire.
Britain helped to persuade the EU to (1) adopt sanctions against Russia and Iran (2) lift the embargo on arms to the Syrian 'rebels' (Al Qaeda and ISIS)
There is a belief that the current leaders of Poland, France and Germany are among those also working for the American Empire.

The USA has plotted to control Britain's government, corporations, media, military, security services and empire.
At the same time, it can be argued that the Zionists have plotted to take over and control the US and other governments.

Suez crisis.
The 1956 Suez crisis involved a plot by Israel, France and the UK to take control of the Suez canal.
The USA, perhaps hoping to keep Nasser as a CIA asset, opposed the Israeli plot.
Suez crisis.
The 1956 Suez crisis involved a plot by Israel, France and the UK to take control of the Suez canal.
The USA, perhaps hoping to keep Nasser as a CIA asset, opposed the Israeli plot.

UK Prime Minister Eden got no support from Eisenhower and Dulles.
The USA is the enemy.
1. The USA discussed 'blasting the hell' out of UK forces during the Suez Crisis.
(The UK was in the wrong over Suez)
During the 1956 Suez crisis, Admiral Arleigh Burke, America's Chief of Naval Operations, got the Sixth Fleet to harass the British and French fleets.
The UK's General Sir Charles Keightley, commander of Middle East land forces, wrote: 'It was the action of the US which really defeated us in attaining our object.'
The USA also threatened a run on the Pound.

J F Kennedy was a fan of fascism and wrote: “Hitler will emerge from the hatred currently surrounding him to emerge in a few years as one of the most important personalities that ever lived.”BOOK: JFK 'Admired' Hitler
2. John F Kennedy and Gerald Ford were against the US entering WWII
The UK had to transfer a lot of gold to the USA to pay for war supplies.
"The British Empire's entire life savings" were transferred to the USA by secret convoys of ships.

British businesses in the USA were sold off at knock-down prices.
Lord Beaverbrook, one of Churchill's ministers, wrote of the Americans: "They have exacted payment to the uttermost for all they have done for us.
"They have taken our bases without valuable consideration.
"They have been given our secrets and offered us a thoroughly inadequate service in return."
In the end, Hitler declared war on the USA, not the other way round.

3. The US offered Polaris missiles to France before it forced Britain to take them.
(The Polaris/Trident missiles are in the UK to promote the interests of the USA; they are controlled by the USA)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.
4. The Lockerbie incident demonstrates the USA's power over the UK.
The CIA, reportedly, brought down PanAm 103 over Lockerbie.
The CIA then, reportedly, rigged the trial of Megrahi.

UN observer slams Megrahi appeal process
One can assume that many top Scots work for the CIA and its friends.




"The CIA used B.C.C.I. to facilitate funding of the Contras, illegal arms sales to Iran and Iraq as well as the arms supply to the Afghan resistance...
What is the evidence of US influence in the UK?
A. The Americans seem to have very strong links to certain UK politicians and people in the military.
D. Britain's military now appears to be run by the Pentagon and Britain's nuclear missiles are American-controlled. - Anger as Britain secretly sells off its stake in Aldermaston ...
F. In 1965 Angleton, and President Johnson, decided to commission a report on Britain's secret services.
The use, against Britain, of massive bombing raids and chemical weapons was agreed to by the USA's General Douglas MacArthur.
The top-secret papers, "once regarded as the most sensitive on Earth", were found within the American National Archives in Washington.
'You have to remember the U.S. was born out of a revolutionary struggle against Britain in 1776,' says Dr. John H. Maurer, of the U.S. Naval War College.
War Plan Red - from Wikipedia
The secret report that shows how the Nazis planned a Fourth Reich

During World War II, one of the chief friends of the Nazis was an American called Thomas McKittrick.
McKittrick was a close friend of the Rockefellers.
During World War II, McKittrick was President of the The Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), set up in Switzerland in 1930, organises transactions between central banks.
Book Review: Tower of Basel - WSJ.com

Before, during and after World War II, many of the top Americans were Nazis.
The US subsidiaries of German companies supplied Hitler with vital materials.
Standard Oil
, founded by the Rockefellers, was close friends with the Nazi IG Farben (Bayer, BASF, Hoechst and Agfa).

Winston Churchill got Donald MacLaren to set up a network of 150 agents to take on the American Nazis.
Strangely enough, the British intelligence HQ was at the Rockefeller Centre.

In November 1942, the top Nazis decided it was unlikely that Germany would win the war.

On 1st May 1st 1945, Martin Bormann left Germany.
Reportedly, Lt. Commander John Ainsworth-Davis and Ian Fleming "led a 150-man team that rescued Martin Bormann from war-torn Berlin on May 1, 1945 using river kayaks."
Reportedly, "Bormann lived under an assumed identity in England until 1956 before dying in Paraguay in 1959."
Martin Bormann
Martin Bormann's son was in Israel in April 1993.
A Quiet Visitor to Israel: Martin Bormann's Son - New York Times
1. The USA discussed 'blasting the hell' out of UK forces during the Suez Crisis.
(The UK was in the wrong over Suez)
During the 1956 Suez crisis, Admiral Arleigh Burke, America's Chief of Naval Operations, got the Sixth Fleet to harass the British and French fleets.
The UK's General Sir Charles Keightley, commander of Middle East land forces, wrote: 'It was the action of the US which really defeated us in attaining our object.'
The USA also threatened a run on the Pound.

J F Kennedy was a fan of fascism and wrote: “Hitler will emerge from the hatred currently surrounding him to emerge in a few years as one of the most important personalities that ever lived.”BOOK: JFK 'Admired' Hitler
2. John F Kennedy and Gerald Ford were against the US entering WWII
The UK had to transfer a lot of gold to the USA to pay for war supplies.
"The British Empire's entire life savings" were transferred to the USA by secret convoys of ships.

British businesses in the USA were sold off at knock-down prices.
Lord Beaverbrook, one of Churchill's ministers, wrote of the Americans: "They have exacted payment to the uttermost for all they have done for us.
"They have taken our bases without valuable consideration.
"They have been given our secrets and offered us a thoroughly inadequate service in return."
In the end, Hitler declared war on the USA, not the other way round.

3. The US offered Polaris missiles to France before it forced Britain to take them.
(The Polaris/Trident missiles are in the UK to promote the interests of the USA; they are controlled by the USA)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.
4. The Lockerbie incident demonstrates the USA's power over the UK.
The CIA, reportedly, brought down PanAm 103 over Lockerbie.
The CIA then, reportedly, rigged the trial of Megrahi.

Dr Hans Köchler, the UN special observer to the Lockerbie trial, has stated that the appeal by Megrahi had more in common with an "intelligence operation" than a judicial process.
Köchler criticised Scottish parliamentarians, civic society and the Scottish media for failing to challenge the verdict of the court.
UN observer slams Megrahi appeal process
One can assume that many top Scots work for the CIA and its friends.

5. Do the security services control Scotland and similar countries?
Former CIA agent Philip Agee wrote 'Inside the Company: CIA Diary' (New York, 1975).
Agee wrote that, in Ecuador, almost all political organizations were infiltrated by the CIA, often at the highest levels.
Agee explained that in Ecuador Various CIA front organisations were set up.
These spewed out propaganda.
A well-known personality would deliver a speech prepared by the CIA, and then a newspaper editor, or a well-known columnist, would praise it, both gentlemen being on the CIA payroll.
These spewed out propaganda.
A well-known personality would deliver a speech prepared by the CIA, and then a newspaper editor, or a well-known columnist, would praise it, both gentlemen being on the CIA payroll.
Which of these is not secretly working for the CIA?
Union leaders were taken over by the CIA.
In virtually every department of the Ecuadorean government there were people working for the CIA.
At one point, the Agency could count amongst this number the men who were second and third in power in the country.
CIA agents would bomb churches or right-wing organizations and make it appear to be the work of leftists.
They would march in left-wing parades displaying signs and shouting slogans of a very provocative anti-military nature.

6. What happens in Ecuador seemingly happens in Scotland and England.
An internal investigation by Pan Am is believed to have found that the bomb planted on Flight 103 was NOT put on the plane in Malta.
The Pan Am report is believed to have concluded that the bomb was not aimed at the killing of Americans in general, but was targeted specifically to kill a small band of DIA operatives that had uncovered a drugs ring run by a CIA unit in Lebanon.
The drugs-ring is said to have been set up by Israeli Mossad agents.

Lockerbie 'hit by the CIA'
There were many advance warnings that a bomb was going to be placed on a US aircraft at Frankfurt airport.
For example, on 5 December 1988, the US Embassy in Helsinki had a telephone warning that "within the next two weeks" an attempt would be made to place a bomb aboard a Pan Am flight from Frankfurt to New York. On 18 december 1988 the German BKA was tipped off about a bomb plot against Pan Am 103 in the next two or three days.
Pan Am Flight 103 hit Lockerbie on 21 December 1988.
On that flight "were at least 2 US Intelligence agents and a Mr Khalid Nazir Jafaar."
The Dumfries and Galloway police began to investigate.
But for two days it was "difficult" for them to collect evidence as "CIA agents combed the countryside for the luggage of the dead American intelligence agents and a suitcase full of heroin....
"59 bodies were left lying around Lockerbie until 24 December... but by then there were only 58 bodies..." according to former DIA agent Lester Coleman
"59 bodies were left lying around Lockerbie until 24 December... but by then there were only 58 bodies..." according to former DIA agent Lester Coleman

The Lockerbie judges considered the evidence of Maltese shopkeeper Tony Gauci, who provided the only visual identification of al-Megrahi as having been the person who allegedly bought clothes that were found, or planted , at the crash site, and were thought to be in the same suitcase as the bomb.
Gauci’s evidence was upheld despite numerous discrepancies over the date, time, weather, which football matches were on the television and even whether or not Christmas decorations were up.
Gauci had previously identified a member of a Palestinian group, Abu Talb, as being the person who 'bought the clothes'.
Abu Talb does not look like al-Megrahi.
Gauci had previously identified a member of a Palestinian group, Abu Talb, as being the person who 'bought the clothes'.
Abu Talb does not look like al-Megrahi.

Megrahi, 'framed by the CIA'.
The Lockerbie Bomb trial suggested that something is going badly wrong in Scotland.
The Sunday Herald 08/04/2001 : "THE United Nations has savaged the Crown Office's handling of the Lockerbie trial claiming the outcome was rigged through the unfair suppression of evidence; it was politically influenced by the USA; and the court had no grounds to return a guilty verdict."
23 May, 2000: It was revealed by sections of the Scottish press that the deputy director of the Lockerbie trial briefing unit at Glasgow University, Professor Andrew Fulton, was an MI6 intelligence officer
Oops! Google (CIA) could not connect to www.humanrightsecuador.org.
Oops! Google (CIA) could not connect to www.humanrightsecuador.org.

7. In 1965 CIA boss Angleton, and President Johnson, decided to commission a report on Britain's secret services.
This report recommended sending more spies to Britain.
It seemed that the CIA was going to treat Britain like Indonesia or Pakistan.
In order to ensure that there was an elite which would support US interests, the CIA would try to gain control of MI5 and MI6, use dirty tricks to get rid of anti-American politicians, and place pro-American puppets into positions of power.
In 1996, in the Guardian, Martin Kettle suggested that New Labour was all about Britain being in with the Americans.
In a talk to Labour Party branches in 1996, Robin Ramsay (Lobster Magazine) pointed out some interesting links between New labour and the USA- Jonathan Powell, Blair's top man in Downing Street, used to work in Britain's Washington embassy and is suspected by some of having been our spook liaising with the CIA.
The US encouraged large numbers of Labour MPs to take free trips to America (Israel also invited a large number of Labour MPs to Israel).
In 1986 Tony Blair went on a US-sponsored trip to America and came back a supporter of the nuclear deterrent.
In 1993 Blair attended a Bilderberg Group meeting (secretive right wing organisation) and not long afterwards became Labour leader.
Four of the Blair cabinet have been members of the Anglo-American elite group the British American Project.
Three of the Blair cabinet have attended Bilderberg meetings.
Three of the Blair cabinet have attended Bilderberg meetings.

The CIA and its friends 'use pedophile rings to control top people', reportedly
Peter Mandelson become Chair of British Youth Council which began as the British section of the World Assembly of Youth, which was set up and financed by MI6 and then taken over by the CIA in the 1950s.
And the unions?
According to Ramsay: "The CIA also ran the anti-communist international trade union movement, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the ICFTU..
"By the mid 1950s nearly a quarter of the TUC's annual budget was going to the ICFTU, a CIA operation."
According to Ramsay: "The CIA also ran the anti-communist international trade union movement, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the ICFTU..
"By the mid 1950s nearly a quarter of the TUC's annual budget was going to the ICFTU, a CIA operation."
Yuri Geller, who worked for the CIA, with UK prime minister Edward Heath. The CIA uses mind-control.
And the press?
Ramsay writes: "does Gaddafi have Taiwanese Scuds (MI5 story planted in the Sunday Times) or North Korean missiles (MI6 story planted in the Sunday Telegraph)...."

8. The July 29, 1991 issue of TIME MAGAZINE stated :"B.C.C.I. is the largest corporate criminal enterprise ever... the most pervasive money-laundering operation ...ever created for the likes of Manuel Noriega, Ferdinand Marcos, Saddam Hussein and the Columbian drugs lords."
B.C.C.I. got into the U.S. banking industry by secretly buying the shares of First American Bank, whose chairman is Clark Clifford- a founder of the CIA.
According to sources, "B.C.C.I. was engaged in international bribery, blackmail, and assassination of government officials at the highest levels.
"B.C.C.I. maintained accounts for Contra leader Adolfo Calero and Sandanista leader, Daniel Ortega, as well as such disparate figures as Noriega, Saddam, Marcos, Adnan Khashoggi, the PLO, the Mossad and the governments of China, Argentina, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Peru."
The bank was seemingly financing both sides in a number of conflicts.
And here are some strange 'facts' picked up from various sources:
The U.S. sold $50 billion dollars worth of weapons to Iraq before the first gulf war.
Libya was supplied with hundreds of Green Beret trainers and 42,000 lbs of C-4 plastic explosives prior to U.S. attacks on Libya.
The U.S financed the Kama River truck plant which produced the trucks for Russia's Afghanistan invasion and built the highways used by the Russian tanks.
The day General McArthur signed the peace treaty with Japan half the weapons stored on Okinawa were shipped to Ho Chi Minh and General Giap who met these shipments at the docks of Hai Phong harbor with Lucien Conein, the CIA case officer for Diem.
Jonathan Kwitny's book, The Crimes of Patriots, a True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money and the CIA, (Simon & Shuster 1987) is an expose of the alleged role of the CIA in the drugs business.
Kwitny refers to the Nugan-Hand Bank- an Australian money laundering operation set up to facilitate Golden Triangle heroin trafficking.
Major officers of the bank "included Admiral Buddy Yates (President), General Erle thingye, General Edwin Black, General LeRoy Manor, and ex-CIA Director, William Colby with other CIA affiliated persons too numerous to mention."
Kwitny refers to the Nugan-Hand Bank- an Australian money laundering operation set up to facilitate Golden Triangle heroin trafficking.
Major officers of the bank "included Admiral Buddy Yates (President), General Erle thingye, General Edwin Black, General LeRoy Manor, and ex-CIA Director, William Colby with other CIA affiliated persons too numerous to mention."

David Lange
9. Ecuador, New Zealand, Australia.....
"Lange says US threatened to kill him."
That was the story from New Zealand's Independent newspapers Ltd on 27 March 2002.
Former US vice-president Dan Quayle reportedly told the Australian Cabinet that David Lange, New Zealand Prime Minister from 1984-89, "would have to be liquidated."
Mr Lange made the claim in a television interview about the pressure put on him over New Zealand's anti-nuclear stance during his time as prime minister.
"There were personal pressures," he said. "There were veiled threats. There were specific threats. There were threats made to other countries. (It) was announced to the Australian Cabinet at one stage that I would have to be liquidated."
He said the announcement had been made by Mr Quayle during a visit to Australia in 1989.
Asked to repeat what Mr Quayle said, Mr Lange said: "I'd have to be liquidated."
Former New Zealand Labour Party president Bob Harvey suggested in 1999 that prime minister Norman Kirk had been poisoned by the CIA in 1974.
Mountbatten was killed by a bomb in 1979.
In an interview with The Guardian on 9 January 1984, former UK government minister Enoch Powell claimed that the Americans murdered Lord Mountbatten and Margaret Thatcher's friend Airey Neave.
"The Mountbatten murder was a high-level 'job' not unconnected with the nuclear strategy of the United States" (Guardian 9th January 1984).
Mountbatten was said to be in favour of nuclear disarmament.
Powell claimed the evidence came from a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary with whom he had a conversation. (Simon Heffer, Like the Roman: The Life of Enoch Powell, 1999, p. 881.)
12 October 1984 bomb - Grand Hotel Brighton
In the USA, in November 1982, five men were acquitted of smuggling arms to the IRA after they revealed that the CIA had approved the shipment.[98]
On 12 October 1984, a bomb went off at the Grand Hotel in Brighton, England.
The bomb, planted by Patrick Magee, a member of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA), was intended to kill Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her cabinet, who were staying at the hotel for the Conservative Party conference.
The Irish National Liberation Army was a rival to the Official IRA, and may have been set up in order to weaken the Nationalist cause.
There is a theory that many of the Irish terror groups were Mafias run by elements of the CIA and MI6. It was all about making money from drugs and guns.
Kevin Fulton, a former British soldier claimed that he had flown to New York, met FBI and MI5 agents and was given money to buy an infra-red device to be used to set off IRA bombs. (Congress probes 'IoS' revelations on IRA link.)
The INLA murdered 113 people in the 80s and 90s.
Neave was murdered in 1979.
When Margaret Thatcher's close friend Airey Neave was assassinated in 1979, in a car-bomb attack at a House of Commons carpark, the Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) was among the groups that claimed responsibility for the assassination.
Journalist Paul Routledge, in his book Public Servant Secret Agent, floated the idea that Neave was killed by people within MI6 and the CIA.
According to Donovan:
1. Neave sought to clean up the corruption within the security services.
2. Neave was killed by a bomb. Gerald James, former chief of the armaments firm Astra Holdings, wrote that the mercury switch on the bomb was only available to the CIA at the time.
3. Enoch Powell claimed that the CIA wanted a united Ireland within NATO.
What is the evidence of US influence in the UK?
A. The Americans seem to have very strong links to certain UK politicians and people in the military.
The Sunday Herald has discovered that about half the parliamentary questions tabled by Lord Moonie, the former UK defence minister, 'relate to areas of commercial interest to US-based Northrop Grumman Corporation.'
Moonie is a consultant to Northrop Grumman IT.
Moonie has been accused of being one of four Labour lords ready to accept money in return for helping amend legislation. Moonie, 61, said he would make introductions in return for £30,000 a year. - Cash for questions: new row over Scottish lord’s £30k deal
B. According to Private Eye (UK), August 2005:
Sir Robert Walmsley, former head of UK defence procurement, procured himself a job as director of US arms firm the EDO Corporation.
Admiral lord Boyce, the chief of the UK defence staff who retired in 2003, became an adviser to the American Computer Sciences Corporation in 2004. Boyce told Private Eye that he advised CSC on its bid for a £6 billion defence contract.
"Sir Clive Whitmore, the Ministry of Defence's top civil servant at the time of the monster and totally corrupt al-Yamamah arms deal with Saudi Arabia, shares his Directorship of NM Rothschild with the Old Harrovian Charles Guthrie." - Lord Guthrie supporting the Military Industrial complex ... and Israel
C. Britain's leaders all seem to work for the CIA.
"When Gordon Brown was a student at the University of Edinburgh… the young Labour and anti-apartheid activist was handed a list by an individual known to be a top CIA agent based in Britain.
"On the list were the names of a number of British socialists and anti-apartheid activists. Although Brown was said not to have known of his American contact's intelligence ties at the time, the British intelligence sources revealed that Brown has been on the CIA's payroll ever since he took possession of the list." - Columns: 'Washington watch' by Tumbler Prospect Magazine July ...
Brown, agent of the CIA?
D. Britain's military now appears to be run by the Pentagon and Britain's nuclear missiles are American-controlled. - Anger as Britain secretly sells off its stake in Aldermaston ...
E. The CIA seems to be able to control Britain's police and courts, when it suits them. - LOCKERBIE BOMBING EVIDENCE 'PLANTED' - Mail on Sunday 21 December 2008
Victor Rothschild worked for the British security services. Was he also working for Mossad?
F. In 1965 Angleton, and President Johnson, decided to commission a report on Britain's secret services.
This report recommended sending more spies to Britain It seemed that the CIA was going to treat Britain like Indonesia or Pakistan.
In order to ensure that there was an elite which would support US interests, the CIA would try to gain control of MI5 and MI6, use dirty tricks to get rid of anti-American politicians, and place pro-American puppets into positions of power.
In 1996, in the Guardian, Martin Kettle suggested that New Labour was all about Britain being in with the Americans.
G. In a talk to Labour Party branches in 1996, Robin Ramsay (Lobster Magazine) pointed out some interesting links between New labour and the USA.
Jonathan Powell, Blair's top man in Downing Street, used to work in Britain's Washington embassy and is suspected by some of having been our spook liaising with the CIA.
Brown's top aid Edward Balls went to Harvard.
Gordon Brown spent his holidays in the library at Harvard.
The US encouraged large numbers of Labour MPs to take free trips to America (Israel also invited a large number of Labour MPs to Israel).
In 1986 Tony Blair went on a US-sponsored trip to America and came back a supporter of the nuclear deterrent.
In 1993 Blair attended a Bilderberg Group meeting (secretive right wing organisation) and not long afterwards became Labour leader.
Four of the Blair cabinet have been members of the Anglo-American elite group the British American Project; three of the Blair cabinet have attended Bilderberg meetings.
Peter Mandelson become Chair of British Youth Council which began as the British section of the World Assembly of Youth, which was set up and financed by MI6 and then taken over by the CIA in the 1950s.
And the unions?
According to Ramsay: "The CIA also ran the anti-communist international trade union movement, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the ICFTU..By the mid 1950s nearly a quarter of the TUC's annual budget was going to the ICFTU, a CIA operation.
US plan to attack Britain and its empire.Documents found in the US National Archives reveal that:
The USA devised plans to attack Britain, and, other rivals.
Among the plans developed were:
Plan Red: War against Britain
Orange: War against Japan
Green: Against Mexico
Purple: South America
White: Domestic uprising
Black: Germany
Grey: Caribbean republics
Yellow: China
Brown: Philippines
Nazi America
From this we learn:
In 1930, the US military approved a plan for an attack on BRITAIN and its EMPIRE with bombing raids and chemical weapons.
Plan Red was the code for this massive US war against Britain.
The USA's 1930 plan aimed to destroy Britain's trading ability and bring Britain to its knees.
'Nazi' MacArthur signed the plan to bomb Britain.
The use, against Britain, of massive bombing raids and chemical weapons was agreed to by the USA's General Douglas MacArthur.
The top-secret papers, "once regarded as the most sensitive on Earth", were found within the American National Archives in Washington.
In 1931, the U.S. government got Nazi sympathiser Charles A. Lindbergh to spy on Canada.
Four years later, the U.S. Congress agreed to the building of three secret airfields on the U.S. side of the Canadian border.
In 1935, America staged its largest-ever military manoeuvres near the Canadian border.
The first attack on British citizens was to be in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in Canada.
According to Professor Mike Vlahos, of the U.S. Naval War College,'The U.S. was forced to contemplate any measure to keep Britain at bay.'
'You have to remember the U.S. was born out of a revolutionary struggle against Britain in 1776,' says Dr. John H. Maurer, of the U.S. Naval War College.
On 15 June 1939, an internal US memo states these plans for an invasion 'should be retained' for the future.
The top-secret papers seen here in a UK Channel 5 documentary.
War Plan Red - from Wikipedia
War Plan Red, also known as the Atlantic Strategic War Plan, was a plan for the United States to make war with Great Britain (the "Red" forces).
It was developed by the United States Army during the mid 1920s, approved in May 1930 by the Secretary of War and the Secretary of Navy, updated in 1934–35, and officially withdrawn in 1939, following the outbreak of the Second World War, when it and others like it were replaced by the five "Rainbow" plans created to deal with the Axis threat.
However, it was not declassified until 1974.
The war was intended to be a continental war, waged primarily on North American territory between the United States and the British Empire.
The assumption was that Canada would represent the primary theater of operations.
War Plan Red was created because some American planners thought that Britain’s imperial reach would bring it into conflict with the U.S.
In 1935 War Plan Red was updated and specified which roads to use in the invasion...
War Plan Red was declassified in 1974, and caused a stir in American-Canadian relations...

Donald MacLaren
During World War II, Donald MacLaren, a Scottish clan chief, was given the task of fighting the Nazis in America.
He was up against people such as Bush, Rockefeller, the Dulles brothers and various bankers.

Maison Rouge
According to a US intelligence document, in 1944, a group of top Nazi industrialists met at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg.
They met to plan 'The Fourth Reich', which would be set up after World War II.
They met to plan 'The Fourth Reich', which would be set up after World War II.
In 'The Fourth Reich', Nazi bankers and industrialists would run Europe.

Thomas McKittrick
During World War II, McKittrick was President of the The Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), set up in Switzerland in 1930, organises transactions between central banks.
Book Review: Tower of Basel - WSJ.com

Hermann Schmitz
The people who ran the BIS were kind to the Nazis.
They allowed Hitler to take over Czechoslovakia's gold and they were good friends of Nazi companies such as IG Farben.
Hermann Schmitz, the Nazi boss of IG Farben, was a director of the BIS.
After World War II, the BIS helped the top Nazi bankers and industrialists to take key jobs in the running of Europe.
Tower Of Basel: The Shadowy History Of The Secret Bank That Rules The World
Adam Lebor, author of Tower of Basel, believes that the Nazi-loving BIS is currently part of the plan for a fascist united Europe.

Before, during and after World War II, many of the top Americans were Nazis.
The US subsidiaries of German companies supplied Hitler with vital materials.
German companies placed Nazi agents throughout the American business world.
Sullivan and Cromwell, a New York law firm, arranged the deals between American business and the German companies that helped bring Hitler to power.
The partners in Sullivan and Cromwell included John Foster Dulles, who later became US Secretary of State, and his brother, Allen Dulles, America's wartime intelligence chief, who became the first boss of the CIA.
Sullivan and Cromwell, a New York law firm, arranged the deals between American business and the German companies that helped bring Hitler to power.
The partners in Sullivan and Cromwell included John Foster Dulles, who later became US Secretary of State, and his brother, Allen Dulles, America's wartime intelligence chief, who became the first boss of the CIA.

A 1942 pamphlet put out by Donald MacLaren
Brown Brothers Harriman was close friends with Fritz Thyssen, the German steel magnate who financed Hitler.
Thyssen ran his American business through the Union Banking
Corporation, whose directors included Prescott Bush.
Henry Ford was a fan of the Nazis.
Thyssen ran his American business through the Union Banking
Henry Ford was a fan of the Nazis.
The US State Department instructed the Nazi-loving J. Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI, not to help the British.

Donald MacLaren
Strangely enough, the British intelligence HQ was at the Rockefeller Centre.
Interestingly, Churchill did not trust some of his own spies because they had Nazi sympathies.
MacLaren's target was IG Farben, the biggest chemical company in the world.
MacLaren's target was IG Farben, the biggest chemical company in the world.
In the USA, IG Farben used the name General Aniline and Film, or GAF, which was friends with Rockefeller's Standard Oil.
IG Farben designed and ran Auschwitz III, which employed tens of thousands of slave labourers.

US marines and a German Nazi SS flag.
MacLaren, posing as a businessman, began a relationship with GAF.
The GAF directors were split into two factions.
The GAF directors were split into two factions.
MacLaren leaked information to set one faction against another.
The spying Scotsman who hunted the Nazis of New York ... - Daily Mail

In 1942, MacLaren produced a pamphlet which revealed IG Farben's role in promoting the war and making money from the war.
The spying Scotsman who hunted the Nazis of New York ... - Daily Mail

In 1942, MacLaren produced a pamphlet which revealed IG Farben's role in promoting the war and making money from the war.
The pamphlet pointed out that IG Farben's American business partners, such as Standard Oil, were working for the Nazis.
By this time, the USA was at war with Germany.
The US government immediately closed down IG Farben's business in America.

BASF (formerly IG Farben) is now the world's largest chemicals company.
Bayer (formerly IG Farben) is now one of the world's biggest pharmaceutical companies.
Nazis, allied to certain Zionists, are still in charge in Europe and in America.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/

In November 1942, the top Nazis decided it was unlikely that Germany would win the war.
In May 1943, the Nazi leaders adopted a plan to 'go underground'.
Paul Manning's Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile | Lys-d'Or
By August 1944, Martin Bormann was ready to transfer the Nazi's stolen wealth (gold, money, stocks, paintings, bearer bonds, blue chips...) into 750 new corporations in countries such as Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Argentina.
Martin Bormann also made use of I.G. Farben to hide the Nazi loot.
Paul Manning's Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile | Lys-d'Or
By August 1944, Martin Bormann was ready to transfer the Nazi's stolen wealth (gold, money, stocks, paintings, bearer bonds, blue chips...) into 750 new corporations in countries such as Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Argentina.
Martin Bormann also made use of I.G. Farben to hide the Nazi loot.
Paul Manning's Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile | Lys-d'Or

Bormann (right)
On 1st May 1st 1945, Martin Bormann left Germany.
Reportedly, "Bormann lived under an assumed identity in England until 1956 before dying in Paraguay in 1959."
Martin Bormann
A Quiet Visitor to Israel: Martin Bormann's Son - New York Times
"After World war II, Martin Bormann set up 750 corporations in neutral countries, primed as vehicles to receive the liquid wealth of Germany in addition to patents and other proprietary industrial information.
"The real power behind Hitler, Bormann, known as the 'Brown Eminence', successfully fled Europe for South America and administered a 'Reich in Exile' in the years following the war...
"Controlling Germany's major corporations, the Federal Republic itself and much of Latin America, the Bormann Organization also maintained a formidable circle of influence in the United States.

"Paul Manning has written the definitive text on the Bormann Organization.
"Heavily invested in major corporations (especially American "blue chip" corporations) the group can exert great pressure...
"The European Monetary Union is, as we have seen in many programs and articles, the realization of the stratagem of Pan-German theoretician Friedrich List..."
"Heavily invested in major corporations (especially American "blue chip" corporations) the group can exert great pressure...
"The European Monetary Union is, as we have seen in many programs and articles, the realization of the stratagem of Pan-German theoretician Friedrich List..."
Reminds me of Bill Hicks and pick up the gun....
The United Nations should be relocated
ReplyDeleteto a neutral non-hegemonic-warmongering country
that doesn't seek to interfere
in other countries' internal affairs
around the globe
under the spurious and apparently catchall pretext
of 'national interest'.
This is a work of much great truth from brave Aangirfan
ReplyDeleteIsraHELL, such a simple answer
ReplyDeleteAlan Hart is an important British (BBC etc) journalist & Israel-Palestine expert, once famous, but now marginalised & ignored due to his book, 'Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews'
ReplyDeleteOver many years, Alan Hart personally knew very well, many top Israeli leaders, Yasser Arafat etc
Hart recently gave a talk in Italy, superbly summarising key points of the illegalities of Israel & its occupation of Palestine, including the following:
- Very few Jews are biologically connected to ancient Hebrews, Palestinians are likely more connected
- Many top Israeli leaders admit Israel has never been in danger of being annihilated
- The late 1940s UN Partition Plan that led to the creation of Israel, is illegal, null & void because
-- (a) The UN had no right to assign territory to future incoming immigrants (Jews) against local wishes
-- (b) UN Plan 'approval' was obtained by bribery & intimidation, as recorded by US President Truman
-- (c) The UN Plan is invalid because no one (USA etc) enforced keeping Israelis inside their borders
- Most Arab regime leaders, especially the monarchies, wish Palestinians would disappear or die
- Israeli leaders admit the 1967 war was incited by Israel as a war of aggressive conquest; a trap was set for Egypt's Nasser, but if that failed, another pretext would have been found
- In 1972 Alan Hart interviewed Israeli PM Golda Meir on BBC Panorama, when Meir said that Israel was willing to destroy much of the world with nuclear weapons in revenge, if Israel starts to collapse
- The 1973 war was incited by Henry Kissinger (Jewish) & Anwar Sadat as a negotiating ploy
- In 1973 Moshe Dayan armed what were claimed as Israeli nuclear missiles aimed at Cairo & Damascus; Kissinger flew to Moscow & claimed a US-Russia nuclear war could result if Israel did not halt
- Israel has continually deceived about Arafat & Palestinian willingness for peace, & invaded Lebanon in 1982 to try to destroy the 'danger' of peace
- Israel's Ariel Sharon planned to overthrow the monarchy of Jordan, & ethnic-cleanse Palestinians into making Jordan their home
- Alan Hart is pessimistic, & expects Israel to pursue ethnic cleansing of 'Greater Israel' & kill Arabs who remain